U.S. Masters Track & F

U.S. Masters Track & F

A SHOE SPECIALS The following discontinued CURRENT N MODEM xnodels are offered at he= High J~nlp-n~lon& synthetic SW~~,EVA pdces. The shes and the forefoot pduith full-leng& nylon, lo-* U.S. MASTERS plate 64 rubber outsole wrap yal numbers which we have are blue-black sizes 6- 13.. ....... $54.00 listd below. Long Jump -nylon & weticsucde,EVA 1 midsole with negative taper, solid rubba outsole TRACK & F CONVERSE and forefoot, nylon, 7-spike plate. whitdnavy Distance Spike--sizes-4,4.5,2/5,5.5, bluc-red sizes 6- 13............ $,%.m 2/6.216.5,7,7.5,2/8,2/9,9.5..... .$29.9.00 Javelin-athlcric mesh & synthetic leather, full-length nylon sole, 10-splke plate & solid Moor Spiloe--sizes-6,8,9.. .......$29.00 mbba mini-waffle outsole. whitdred-black Steeplechase Spike--ske 1 1 ......$29.00 sizes 6- 15.. .................... $%.m NEW MODELS Zoom Rotational-(replaces shot & discus) FOR 1991 athletic mesh & synthetic leatha upper, fm sbd, discus, & a. whitels sizes 3- 16....................... N &om S-(replaces Zoom Spt)pdylia & hlematioamlirsl (entry kvel isynke for syahehc uppa, pbylon vtwedge, Wsb ers. hurdlers Br va~tlteas size3 8, outsole vovbdes excdlent mc~oa& tmsond Shot &Dim18 sizes8,3/9 ,519.5. .$39.9.00 lightweight nylon a s~ntbticsub UPFJ full-lcqth phylan coetoured rnidsole mirrors the Zooill Spirit skes 2/,8,8.5,9, fd for & 9.5,10,10.%.11.5,12............... $49.00 full-length ou! sole 6-spbke plate provides traction 218. ;7x>om Li&t- (sprht.. spike) sbzes & SUPOM.- ., neon .vdbwlblack-red olunn. 1 2/9,2/9.5,a/10,12,12.5........... $39.00 sizes 4- 13...................... $75.00 w strike. whadAte-black sizes 3-16.. ..................... EAoster Cad dE VISA are accepted. COD'Sare $4.4.08 mra and arc cash only. Shpping is 94. @for 1 poir of shoes culd 91. OO fm each nddin'onsl pair {Conrincnlal US). Foreign ordcrs ore 30 9jar airmail shipping and 20% @r su*ce mil. ANm three weeks forpcrsoml checks to clear. ELITE SALES he.,Box 345, Accord Ma OM18 1-617-74943 89 -- COllllliCI'IONS TO 'i'ilii 1990 U.S. MAS'I'DIIS 51- 60 GLENWOOD DOYLE TRACK AND FICI.II KANKINGS BOOK: RON COTTON LEWIS AHIN LEROY JOHNSON RICKY HUSH l00lli HENRY LANDRY SCOTT THI:IRNSLEY ANTOINE PARhER ADRIAN ROGERS W60 Sulniye 1.eonard 16.52 5th of 41 CARLUS RUDRIGUEZ ALFRED WRIGHT PETER GREEN 200m 21- 30 ELLIS LIDDELL ROBERT E BIIWEN W60 Sumlye Lco~iard 40.00 10th of 25 February 25, 1992 SCOTT FERDA RANDY KRUSE 400m JAMES BUNILLA LEROY GALLOWAY JIM TAYLOR JOE KEIL W60 Suin~yeLeonard 1:28.66 5th of 19 61- IDI This is the fourth edition of the outdoor track and field ra -- ~ THOMAS REWULINSUI 800ni MARK LEEPER MILTONPUSSELL WALLS ACEA DEAN JAEGERMAN M45 Salih Talib 2:01.7 6th of 110 The rankings were compiled by volunteers, who gat MIKE CllRRlN DAVID E ORTMAN jnstead of 8th WILLIE TAYU3R DAVID PETERSON results published in the National Masters News. Compilers for the W60 Sumiye Leonard 3:35.57 5th of 21 CARLTON WARD TED MARTIN MIKE JACllBS 31- 40 1x0~ BRUCE ALLMAN HENRY DUTRO tion were Larry Patz and A1 Neville of New Hampshire; Charles Mercu M50 George ].arson 4:30.0 3rd of 60 GUDFREY UNYE ROBERT ZAHN M70 Dan gee^ 6:25.8 9th of 21 BRIAN PI:ICIE CHRIS BEST California; William Renscn and Tom Rauscher of Ne W60 Sui~~lyeLeonard 7:20 4th of 6 JAY MATHIS RICHARD THOPIAS 71- 80 MICHAEL BLACK rado; John Dickey of Missouri; and Glen Peterson of South Dakota. For Mile JAMIE MITCHELL 1. J. LESTER M'lJ Sonny Monioz 5:03 1st of 24 PETER SKIRBST LARRYMICHAEL LEWIS FERRlGNO A. REYNOLDS ting their time and expenses, they deserve special recognition. 5000n MARIONFRANK MAKOIY BROWN ADRIAN STERRETT M5U Tim Jordan TOM BLOXOM 'Thanks are also due to Barbara Kousky, The At J-mes Turner TERRY 0' CUNNELL 41- 50 RICHARD ZENl-LEY BARRY CALDWELL CREIGHTON ERATA JAMES EASTER Track and Field Committee Chairperson, and the Committee for allocatin Sum Vanderburg KENT PLUNKETT MORRIS BLUEFORD Chuck l'lto~npson LAMONT WILSON CHRIS RANDOLPH funds for the publication of this book and the pu M55 George Herd 81- 90 STEVE KDENIG .lohn Uraii~f.iLL ERIC JUYNER RAMON VASOUEZ rankings in the National Masters News, and to A1 Jalm Baurngartrier MARIO DUBUQUE KEN WUN M60 Ira Karp F. PULPHUS RODNEY ATHERTON the National Masters News, who facilitated the pr NICKED FYE HOOKER VERN CONAWAY Don Anirorn FREDERIC D. MURRELL instead of 42nd R. SMITH Pete Mundle, Masters Records Chairperson, who provided input throughou M65 George Olrisen 26:18 20th of 27 BRAD DAVIES 51- 60 Terry McGovein 26:30 21st of 27 ANTHONY HOLMES PHIL CIINZENTINlj year. M70 llon Mullenien 28:01 21st of 29 JEFF EROWER IKEN CASTRCI ROEERT TORIN MIKE MARYOTT Saul Lissaver 28:13 22nd of 29 91-100 Because most of the marks for rankings are taken from results app W45 Kaye Donnely 22:43 6th of 11 THOMAS BOATWRIGHT ALEX JIIHNSTCIN MIKE SMITH id55 IluL11 liortz 25:02 10th of 22 KEVIN MrCARRAGHER PETER TATEMATSU in the National Masters News, readers and athletes should assume some W60 Kee Kee Koh 29:48 5th of 11 KEN PATTERSON TONY BROOtKS VONNELL HOOhER JOHN ADAMS ponsibility for accuracy by forwarding correction GARY MARTIN A. COLDWELL ALAN FILASETTA TERRY LEANESS are published. JIM FOX 61- 70 W55 Lee Glassco 22.12 4th of 24 MIKE LABRIE MARK SALZUAN 12. lbd RODNEY WILSON RICt< MELLOR Corrections of the 1991 rankings will appear Shot Put RODNEY ATHERTON IKARL CASTOR W55 Judy Fetherston 7.72 8th of 20 101-110 CALVIN SAULSBERRY For the 1992 rankings, marks not published in instead oi 18th BILL LAWSON SPENCER ROBINSON MIIKE STEWART DARRYLI\ENNETH DIAMOND CCIIIIi should be sent with verification to the appropriate compilers, whose add 1500rn RW DAVIU tiNAUS M65 Jacli Doorlay 9:53 81.11 of 30 OSCARBRUCE GARZALONG ELLIS MAYFIELD PETER MOGG ses will be given in the National Masters News several times throughout JAMES Cout(SEY DWAYNE EARUSO B. STEEL 71- 80 JAMES FAZIU year. 100 Meters PHILLIP TERRY DOUG MASON MIKE CASSAMASSE Compiled by KELVIN MURR~Y 11.20 JERRY DOWDY JAMES DEAN Larry Pah LEONARD STRONG 11.2m 111-120 IKIRBYMICHAEL SCliTT hITCHEN Jerry Wojcik FRED FEASTER 11.20 JIM ESCHRlCH NAME TIME MICHAEL. McDOWELL 11.21 G. WRIGHT MARIK COLELLO TAC Masters T&F Rankings Coordinator MEN'S 30-3'+ DENNY SCOTT 11.28 STEVE RAINEOLi KENT FUGATE 1- 18 HARI:IL.D PIERCE 11.29 LAWRENCE FIMLEY STEVEN ERUWN YEN JAMES 10.60 CRICKET MARSHAL 11.30 JAMES TREBOR RnPBIE SHORT JlhFlES PERRY 10.70 FRANKIE SMITH ' 11.30 JCISEPH MEE JEFF HINES81- 90 (d=decathlon; p=pentathlon; h=heptathlon; w=weight pentathlon; r=r MIKE HI.IUSTI:IN 10.70 31- 90 LARRY ANDERSON LINUAL HIIDGE 10.77 CHARLES JOHNSON 11.30 ED LAMEERT FRANh DEMBY JESSE THOMAS 10.80 TERRY NEELY 11.3 STEVE EOLLES 5. ANDERSON 11.36 MAR*< FOSTER 10.60 TIM STREET VINCE MARTIN STEVE SIGNOR ALBERT0 RCISS, JR 10.88 ANGEL0 BCI6;IKER 11.40 WARREN FISHER E. WILLIAMS 10.93 MARK COUNCIL 11.40 MEN'S 35-39 DAVE RICKS JAMES LI3FTI:IN 10.93 RICIK JEFFERS 11.40 1 10 RlCHARD ULRICH CHRISTIAN GIBSON 11.03 KENNErH FEWS 11.40 TOM THCIMPSCIN JACIKIE CHAMBERS 11- 20 ED HARRIS 11.40 NATE ROBINSON CHARLES MISSOURI A. MARKS On the cover: Tom Thompson (11.32) edges James Bonilla (11.33), TAC Nationa 11.04 GREGURY GRAHAM 11.41 JOHN BRcjuKS TIM WILLIS VAL EARNWELL 11.08 MARK CASEY 11.41 AltIN LEWIS MARK GERSHllN Masters T&F Championships, Naperville, Ill., July 4,7. Alfred Wright, lane W. JCINES 11.10 41- 50 BILL BURTON 91-100 BEN ROS4LES 11.10 RICHARD D@RSETT 11.43 JAMES EONILLA RICK THOMAN took 3rd (11.57) Haywood Robinson, lane 3, 4th (11.65); Randy Kruse, lane REMO BIAGIilNI 11.10 J. I<NOWLTUN 11.44 BILLY Mcl<INNEY WILLIAM CHEADLE 5th (11.75); Robert Bowen, lane 7, 6th (11.84); T.J. Lester, lane 8, 7th JOSEPH SMITH 11.12 DAVID SMITH 11.50 MICHAEL ANDREWS JEFF WATRY DAVID JONES 11.15 HCIWARD WHITE 11.50 R. BR<IUI<S ALEXANDER HATCHWELL (11.85). ARTEGO JAUNES 11.19 RANDY YOUNG 11.50 WILLIAM EDWARDS ROCKDALE HUDSON Photo by JerryWojc'i CHRIS EASTIEN 11.20 BRIAN MARSHALL 11.50 11- 20 JIM KNIEP DENVER WORD TED JEUNG 11.20 11.50 BOB PHILLIPS DONALD MUORE A. TUChER 21- 30 11,5411.53 HAYWI:)OD ROBINSON GARY WITTMAN L. COMBS R. SPARtcS 11.20 GENE MAXWELL SCOTT ARNOLD J. JOHNSilN 11.20 DON McNEIL 11.55 HARVEY JACltSON DAN CONNORS 31- 40 11- 20 EUGENE HESS NAME TIME NAME TIME bl- 70 J. C. HOFFMAN 13.06 CHARLES SOCHOR 12.95 J. MURRAY 101-110 KENT DICKINSON JOHN HARTFIELD 51- 60 RICHARD MARTIN 13.10 ANDY ANDERSON 12.99 WILLIAMJIM YORGASON HILL ANDREW HEChER 12.80 ARMAND LaFRAMBOISE ROGER PIERCE DENNIS TANCREDI THOMAS PHILLIPS 13.20 THEODORE SWANSON 12.99 ROBERT DOUGLASS DOUG PURINTON JERRY JOHNSON RICHARD GARVlN JOHN MacDONALD 13.20 JACK COY 13.00 GUY GADOMSKI MICHAEL AUGER1 JERRY KRUMEICH MARTIN HEE HAROLD HITT 13.2'2 RICHARD MARLIN 13.08 PETER MAASSEN GREG MARSHALL ROGER ASSINK - -- W. WALKER HARRY CARPENTER 13.30 BILL PARDUE 13.10. JESSE MAY ROBERT ZIMMERMAN CAE HAROLD MORIOKA CAN JOHN WHELAN VERNE SCHEWE 13.30 ED REDDlTT 13.10 HARVHARRY LEWELLEN MOTT MARVIN BriYD LYLE BRYANT TOM BASSETT JACKSON STEFFES TONY NASRALLA 13.30 BURT SAlDEL 13.10 BILL MUNRO MIKE GRANUM EDWARD JONES WALTER THORNE PHILLIP PLANT 13.30 EDWARD COX 13.10 TllM BARTENFELU TONY HERRELL SHAUNTE STILLS CEASAR AUSTIN BlLL WALKER LEON TROUT 13.30 WILL ROBINSON 13.58- -- JAMES UVECHI JAMES VICKS THOMAS MORRIS DAVID LEE DALE LANCE 21- 30 STEVE FITCH 21- 30 WILLIAMBILL GENTRY BERGEN 71- 80 BRUCE SELBY CAN 13.38 WILLIAM WAREHAM 13.30 111-120 HANS GORDON JERRY BALADAD 61- 70 13.39 PERT LANCASTER 13.30 RONALD FISHER TYRONE CARLIS ROPERT ABRAMS DENNIS NEWTON DAVE WADDELL 13.39 JACM PRlTCHARD 13.34 ALBERT HORACE HUDS<>N TERRY GIBBONS EHASHWAR HART FRANK GALBRAITH 13.40--~- ROSS MITCHELL CAN 13.34 PUWERS111-120 JOHN STEVENS TONY GOMEZ DON PARKER DAVE DRIEFUERST 13.48 HARRY BROWN 13.34 EUGENt NOWEt.1.

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