E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 116 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 165 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 2019 No. 149 House of Representatives The House met at noon and was to write and ratify a document to unite is demonstrably a miracle is the man- called to order by the Speaker pro tem- them all. ner in which it came about. pore (Mr. PETERS). Our Constitution truly is a miracle. ‘‘During the course of the Conven- tion, every delegate had to give up on f Aside from its genius, its history helps us appreciate the blessing it is. Our some cherished principle. DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO colleague, Congressman CHRIS STEW- ‘‘James Madison, who had come to TEMPORE ART, and Judge Ted Stewart wrote a the Convention more prepared than The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- wonderful book, ‘‘Seven Miracles That anyone and was primarily responsible fore the House the following commu- Saved America.’’ In it, they offer three for the general outline of the govern- nication from the Speaker: reasons to believe God had a hand in ment established by the Constitution, the crafting of the Constitution. lost on many issues. Most dear to him WASHINGTON, DC, was his belief that the House and the September 17, 2019. For the remainder of my time today Senate should be based on proportional I hereby appoint the Honorable SCOTT H. on Constitution Day, I would like to PETERS to act as Speaker pro tempore on quote them. representation. this day. ‘‘One, Timing. The window of oppor- ‘‘Franklin wanted an executive coun- NANCY PELOSI, tunity for the writing and ratification cil voted for life, rather than a single House of Representatives. of the Constitution was very small. executive. He did not want the chief ex- ecutive to have the power of the veto. f Every effort to make the Articles of He did not want anyone in the execu- Confederation workable between 1776 MORNING-HOUR DEBATE tive position to receive a salary. He and 1787 had already failed. But then The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- lost on all counts. suddenly, in May of 1787, a group of 55 ‘‘But during the course of the 560 roll ant to the order of the House of Janu- patriots came together with both the ary 3, 2019, the Chair will now recog- calls, no man lost every time, and ev- wisdom of the ages and enough youth eryone was part of a winning vote on nize Members from lists submitted by to energetically fight for the ratifica- the majority and minority leaders for some occasion. These men of social tion of the Constitution. stature, political and business suc- morning-hour debate. ‘‘Any attempt to create a constitu- The Chair will alternate recognition cess—‘demigods’ all—swallowed their tion later than 1787 would have almost pride, accepted defeat of personal agen- between the parties. All time shall be certainly resulted in failure as well. equally allocated between the parties, das, and went forth and convinced a na- Just 2 years after the Convention fin- tion to accept the product of the Con- and in no event shall debate continue ished its work, France became em- beyond 1:50 p.m. Each Member, other vention. broiled in its own revolution, which ‘‘Three, 4,400 Miraculous Words. Per- than the majority and minority leaders lasted a full decade and degenerated haps the greatest miracle of the Con- and the minority whip, shall be limited into a bloody, violent affair. stitution is the document itself. In es- to 5 minutes. ‘‘Surely, this example of failure sence, the Constitution has had only 13 f would have frightened the Founding substantive amendments in over 200 Fathers, giving them reason to think years. COMMEMORATING CONSTITUTION very differently about the degree of DAY ‘‘History has proven that the Con- power to be retained by ‘the people.’ stitution creates a system that defies The SPEAKER pro tempore. The ‘‘Making matters worse was the fact despotism and tyranny. Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from that the Founders split into two dis- ‘‘How was it able to do this? Pri- North Carolina (Ms. FOXX) for 5 min- tinct political camps in the years that marily through the underlying utes. immediately followed the Convention. premise, part of Madison’s gift to the Ms. FOXX of North Carolina. Mr. Had the Constitutional Convention world, that the Constitution comes Speaker, when our country was found- been called just a few years later than from the people. Madison coined the ed, the idea of a democratic republic 1787, many of these men would have phrase ‘We the People.’ These words was not foreign; it was nonexistent. Be- been unwilling to stand together. And are far more than a clever phrase. They sides intermittent cooperation to win without their input, the Convention restate the principle, first asserted in independence, the Colonies had no would never have had a chance of suc- the Declaration of Independence, that sense of unity, and being American had cess. God gives man rights and the only le- little meaning. Few citizens could have ‘‘Two, Miraculous Compromise. The gitimate purpose of government is to realized the amount of sacrifice needed second way in which the Constitution protect those rights. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H7717 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:48 Sep 17, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17SE7.000 H17SEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE H7718 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 17, 2019 ‘‘In short, the Constitution not only months and ended up staying for al- The Hispanic population in the survived the evolution of this great Na- most 70 years. Bob started in the field United States contributes enormously tion but permitted the American peo- as a payroll clerk and worked his way to our country, both culturally and ple to exercise the greatest level of in- up in the company, eventually becom- economically. Most of the Hispanic in- dividual liberty in history. ing president, chairman, and chairman dividuals I have had the pleasure of ‘‘Further, it has been the ‘shining emeritus. The company’s name was knowing, many of them patients of light on the hill’ that has provided the changed when Bob became president mine, have been remarkably dedicated inspiration for peoples all over the and CEO to Baldwin & Shell Construc- to faith and family and preserving Earth to seek liberty and freedom for tion Company, the name it holds their own culture centered around themselves. today. faith and family. ‘‘Is that not a miracle?’’ Bob is one of the five charter mem- Many of my OB patients were His- bers of the Arkansas Construction Hall f panic women, often accompanied by of Fame. He was named Arkansas Busi- their loving mothers, grandmothers, STANDING IN SOLIDARITY WITH ness Executive of the Year in 1990 and sisters, and aunts concerned for the THE PEOPLE OF HONG KONG was featured by Arkansas Business as health of their family member and the The SPEAKER pro tempore. The one of 10 business icons for our State in baby. Every visit was a family event of Chair recognizes the gentleman from 2016. great importance to the family. During his time with the company, Arkansas (Mr. HILL) for 5 minutes. Now numbering over 55 million indi- he had been involved in more than 2,700 Mr. HILL of Arkansas. Mr. Speaker, I viduals, the Hispanic American popu- projects, including hospitals, offices, rise today in solidarity with the people lation is projected to combine for an schools, churches, and industrial of Hong Kong. estimated buying power of $1.7 trillion plants. Last month, I had the opportunity to in 2020. Hispanics are more likely than I admired this good and decent man. average Americans to open a business. hear directly from leaders in Hong He was a role model and a friend to Kong dedicated to both religious toler- Now with over 3.2 million Hispanic- many across our State of Arkansas, owned businesses in the United States, ance and to democracy, as promised in and I extend my respect, affection, and the ‘‘one country, two systems’’ agree- millions more American workers have prayers to his friends, family, and jobs, thanks to these industrious entre- ment. loved ones. The people of Hong Kong wave Amer- preneurs. HONORING NICHOLAS BURRELL ican flags during their protests as a I am grateful for this opportunity to Mr. HILL of Arkansas. Mr. Speaker, reflect on the unique contributions of symbol of the freedoms that they de- today, I rise to recognize an amazing sire. the Hispanic American community to young man from my district, Nicholas our great Nation and to Kansas. I look Now is the time for Congress to sup- Burrell from Benton, Arkansas. port the people of Hong Kong and pass forward to continuing working with Nicholas started as a Cub Scout in communities of all backgrounds in pur- Representative CHRIS SMITH’s bill, the third grade and, at age 14, became the suit of our shared goal of a free and Hong Kong Human Rights and Democ- youngest Eagle Scout in Troop 99 in equal America, an America where any- racy Act. This measure states without Benton. He is also a cancer survivor. question that the United States Gov- Nicholas was diagnosed with cancer one can live the American Dream if ernment supports the people of Hong of the brain and spine when he was 11.
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