NEWSLETTER Vol. 7 No.2 July 1987 Inside: Slides from Clyde's! Page 2 Howard County Striders July 1987 Howard County Striders Officers and Directors Phil Riehl, President Dick Woods/Junior Striders Bob Burns, Vice President Miles Weigold/Membership David Tripp, Treasurer Jim Carbary/Racing learn Kay Allmon, Secretary Paul Goldenberg/Newsletter Paul Sobus/Weekly Races Jane Hall/At-Large (Bulk Mailing) Tom Webb/Special Races Denise Underwood/At-Large Vacant/Nominations and Selections Ralph Olinger/At-Large Nadia WassermanlWomen Howard County Striders Newsletter Staff Paul Goldenberg, Editor; Jim Carbary,; Ben Mathews; Phil Riehl; Dave Tripp; Bob Cessar; Sandra Lee Schmitt; Marsha Hartz Statement of Strider Philosophy The Howard County Striders, Inc. is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting and educating people on the physical and mental health benefits of long distance running. Through its major focus on participation in a running program, the club supports a wide range of competitive, non-competitive and educational events and seminars. The club is an accredited chapter of the Road Runners Club of America (RRCA). Membership in the HCS is open to the public, and automatically includes membership in the RRCA. Membership in the HCS also entitles individuals to reduced fees in all weekly race programs, and eligibili- ty for a number of grants and programs. For further information on member- ship, contact Miles Weigold, 6327 Golden Hook, Columbia, MD 21044 (964-1998); or visit Feet First, the club's unofficial headquarters, in the Wilde Lake Village Green in Columbia. Feet First has membership forms as well as a selection of club T-shirts, tank tops and patches, all on sale at cost. Striders, let us know what you're up to! Help make your newsletter the best. We need writers, photographers, and your suggestions. If you would like to con- tribute or if you just want to let us know what you think of the newsletter, call Paul Goldenberg at 730-3566. The deadline for the next newsletter is September 1. July 1987 Howard County Striders Page 3 President's Column by Phil Riehl A short few paragraphs cannot WOMENS RUNNING begin to address all that has happen- Anyone who has been around the ed during the last few months. There Striders over the past few years has is much to report both within the heard of Nancy Quick. Nancy and her Striders and nationally within the husband have moved to Pennsylvania. RRCA. 'lb Nancy we owe our sincerest gratitude for a job well done. She leaves behind a foundation of stabili- ty for womens running in Howard RRCA National County. She will be hard to replace. Convention STRIDERS RUN-IN/PICNIC Marty and I thank you for sending us Details are being researched for a to the national convention, May 14 family style picnic at Centennial through May 17. Park. If you have experience in coor- The RRCA is setting up a national dinating this type of gathering we office in Washington, D.C. Henley need your help. Gibble, the RRCA President, asked all clubs to inform their members of the MONTGOMERY COUNTY National Contributors Club which ac- CHALLENGE cepts donations for the explicit use of Every year the Striders and the the RRCA in funding the new na- Montgomery County Road Runners tional office. toe the line at Brighton Dam for the Gatorade and Quaker Oats have renewal of the fastest club contest. signed three year contracts with the Since the race is scored using the RRCA to become national sponsors. cross country format, all runners Shortly, you should start seeing com- count. This is the first notice that the mercials advertising Gatorade as the race will be held on September 13, "Thirst Quencher of the RRCA" and 1987 starting at 8:15. Your participa- Quaker Oats using the RRCA logo in tion is needed. Keep the trophy in their campaigns. HOWARD COUNTY. Part of your membership dues go to the RRCA for costs associated CLYDE'S with running a national organiza- I want to thank John Mancuso of tion. The current fee is $.75 per year. Clyde's for his continued support of There are two ways to raise revenue the race. The partnership between for the RRCA. First, they can raise Clyde's and the HCS is beneficial to our dues structure. Second is to in- both. His confidence in us allows the crease membership in the RRCA by club to raise money, and put on a the local recruitment of members. We premier road race, similarly because are doing our share with new of our confidence in him we are able members. to market Clyde's as the race not to The National Convention for 1988 miss. Who can beat tahe prizes and was awarded to the Indianapolis refreshments Clyde's provides after Studiers. It will be held the week of the race? We are looking forward to May 2,1988. the tenth Clyde's next year. Continued on page 11 Page 4 Howard County Striders July 1987 Women's News by Nancy Quick Bonne Bell Fond Farewell Congratulations to all the women Almost seven years ago (has it been who competed in the Bonne Bell on that long?) I ran my first Strider's May 10. The Striders sent three race with Jackie and Phil Stevens- teams to Washington and, although former Striders, present day Indiana the Montgomery County Roadrun- residents, and close friends. What ners Club walked away with most of struck me immediately that day was the prizes, the Striders made a great the warmth and comraderie of the showing and ran well. Thanks to club members. It was very evident, those who participated: Marion and even to a back-of-the-packer like me, Catherine Brandenstein, Becky that the Howard County Striders was Allmon, Shelly Kvech, Karla Filipc- a uniquely supportive organization. zak, Carolyn Ulhrich, Valerie Guilfoil, That first impression has only been Jackie Cummins, Lisa Lowe, Vivi reaffirmed throughout the years, Provine, Kay Weeks, Nadia Wasser- which makes it even harder for me to man, and Helen Beyers. say goodbye this month when my family moves to Allentown, Penn- sylvania. I will certainly miss the Interval Training many people I have gotten to know Are you interested in getting (what a mottley crew!)-for their together once a week to run inter- friendliness, broad-mindedness, in- vals? Do you want to meet at a track dividuality, and seemingly uncondi- with other women and run at your tional acceptance of all those who own pace. Call Nadia Wasserman at run. What a great group! 381-6385 for information. Thanks-hopefully there's a runn- ing club where we will be living in Pennsylvania. But, I do not hold out Race Results much hope that it will match the There have been several Howard County Striders. misunderstandings regarding the FLIER'S publication of racing times. Individuals responsible for reporting times to the paper have unintentional- ly omitted some great times and made mistakes. Please call race times into the Striders Hotline, 964-1998, if no one from the club asks your time upon completion of a race. This should prevent any future misunderstandings. July 1987 Howard County Striders Page 5 Dateline: Sunday, March 29, 1987, 9:00 a.m. Event: The Eleventh Running of The Lady Equitable Weather: Outstanding. Sunny. Warm. Amazing Feat: I Showed Up! By Sandra Lee Schmitt It's Winter Recess and I am The track is a tenth of a mile. A discussing with myself (so who else quick computation gave me the data cares enough to listen?) the feasibili- I needed-I will have to make 62 cir- ty of my becoming a runner and cuits to equal a 10K distance. Good entering a race. The conversation Grief, Charlie Brown! I decided to set over, I conclude that yes, I am going some smaller goals to reach the to join the likes of Mercury and, with ultimate goal: race completion. I have winged feet, traverse a predetermin- seven weeks. ed course-The Lady Equitable. After Week 1. By the tenth lap on the all, I am a member of the Howard first day, I am breathing hard. Solu-: County Striders and should therefore tion: regulate breathing by inhaling learn to put one foot in front of the deeply for four counts and exhaling other with a little more bounce. completely for four counts in pace One month goes by and I have yet with my legs. Result: completed twen- to start a regimin which includes ty laps (two miles). running, jogging or rapid leg Week 2. Stitch in side after two movements of any kind. Excuses miles. Solution: elevate arms, abound. It's too cold out. I might massage area and check breathing. catch a cold which develops into Result: pain subsides and complete pneumonia and results in my untime- three miles. ly death. There's too much ice and Week 3. Sore legs. Solution: more snow on the ground. I might slip and stretching and warm-up with gradual break a leg and, immobilized, starve increase in speed. Result: less pain to death. I can't run that track at the but still three mile completion. Athletic Club; it takes 400 laps (a low Week 4. Where do these excuses estimate) to complete one mile. By come from? A voice says, "Your feet the time I reach 10K, I would be so are hot. Stop running. Your legs ache. dizzy and disoriented as to go com- Stop running. Youare tired. Stop run- pletely insane. But as the fates would ning!' I say, "No, you stop running. have it, I "discovered" the indoor Stop running your mouth and let me track at Catonsville Community Col- reach my goal!' Result: three miles lege (CCG).
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