,4470 THE LONDON GAZETTE, AUGUST 16, 1889i easterly- direction .along the- centre of Colne- i the footpath from Whittlefield to'Park-lane ' road to the point of commencement aforesaid. intersects the boundary of the borough near Healey Ward. Clifton, thence in a westerly direction along the And I do hereby determine that the said boundary of the borough to the centre of the \ Healey Ward shall comprise so much of the occupation road to Cornfield, where that road ' area of the extended borough of Burnley as is intersects the boundary of the borough, thence . contained within a line, commencing from a in a south-easterly direction along the centre point in the centre of the road at the junction of the said occupation road to a point in the 1 of Coal Clough-lane with Blind-lane and the centre of Padiham-road, where it is joined by ' extension of fet. Matthew's-street, thence in a such occupation road, and thence in a south- ' south-westerly direction along the centre- of easterly and easterly direction along the centre Goal Clough-lane to Four Lane-ends, thence in of Padiham-road to the point of commencement 1 a south-easterly direction along the centre of aforesaid. Cog-lane to the point at which Cog-lane Gannow Ward. intersects the boundary of the said .borough at And I do hereby determine that the said 'r Sep Clough-lane, thence in an easterly, northerly, Grannow Ward shall comprise so much of the and easterly direction along the boundary of the extended. borough of Burnley as is contained said borough to the point at which the Lan- within a line commencing from a point in the " cashire and Yorkshire Railway intersects the centre of Barrack-road where it crosses the boundary of the said borough at Hufling-lane, Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway, thence in-a near Towneley station, thence in a north- westerly direction along the centre of such rail- t westerly direction along the east side of the way -to the point at which the same intersects said railway to the centre of Hollingreave-road, the boundary of the borough at Rosegrove •where such road leaves the Lancashire and junction, thence in a southerly, north-easterly, . Yorkshire Railway, thence in a north-westerly south-easterly, and easterly direction along the direction along the centre of Hollingreave-road boundary of the borough to the centre of Cog- .- to the centre of Kinsley Gate bridge over the lane at the point where Cog-lane intersects the . Leeds and Liverpool Canal, thence in a north- boundary of the borough at Sep Clough-lane, , westerly direction to and along the centre of the thence in a northerly direction along the centre Leeds and Liverpool Canal to the point opposite of Cog-lane to Four Lane-ends, thence in a ; the centre of Albion-street, thence in a south- north-easterly direction along the centre of Coal - westerly direction in a straight line to and along Clough-lane to its junction with Sandygate, , the centre of Albion-street to a point opposite thence in a north-westerly direction along the the centre of St, Matthew's-street, and thence centre of Sandygate to its junction with Barrack- in a north-westerly direction along the centre road, and thence in a north-westerly direction of St. Matthew's-street to the point of com- along the centre of Barrack-road to the point of mencement aforesaid. commencement aforesaid. Trinity Ward. Lowerhouse Ward, And- I do hereby determine that the said And I do hereby determine that the said . Trinity Ward shall comprise so much of the area Lowerhouse Ward shall comprise so much of of the extended borough of Burnley as is con- the area of the extended borough of Burnley as . tained within a line commencing from a point in is contained within a line commencing from a .. the 'centre of the bridge over the Leeds and point in the centre of Barrack-road where it Liverpool Canal called the Mitre Bridge, thence crosses the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway, in a westerly direction along the centre of Padi- thence in a north-westerly direction along the ham-road to a point at the junction of Padiham- centre of Barrack-road to a point in the centre road and Gannow-lane opposite the centre of of such road where it joins Padiham-road, . Barrack-road, thence in a south-easterly thonce in a north-westerly direction along the direction along the centre of barrack- centre of Padiham-road to its junction with the road to a point opposite the centre of Sandy- occupation road to Cornfield, thence in a north- gate, thence in an easterly direction along the westerly direction along the centre of" such centre of Sandygate to a point opposite the occupation road to the point where the same centre of Coal dough-lane, thence in a intersects the boundary of the borough, thence southerly direction along the. centre o£ Coal in a westerly and southerly direction along the ' Clough-lane to the jane!ion of Coal Clough- boundary of the borongh to the centre of the lane with Blind-lane and the extension of St. Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway, where such " Matthew's-street, thence in a south-easterly Railway intersects the boundary of the borough direction along the centre of St. Matthew's- at Rosegrovo Junction, and thence in an street, to a point opposite the centre of Albion- easterly direction along the centre of the said , street, thence in a north-easterly direction Railway to the point of commencement afore* " along the centre of Albion-street, to the point said. at which it reaches Trafalgar-street thence in And I also declare that the undermentioned a continuing straight line to the Leeds and Aldermen of the borough, viz.:—George Sut- Liverpool Canal, and thence in a north-westerly cliffe, Ralph Holden, Henry Deighton Fielding, direction along the centre of the said Canal to James Greenwood, George Keighley, William the point of commencement aforesaid. Nowell, John»Howorth, and John Baron, shall Whittlefield Ward. act as Returning Officers respectively of the And I do hereby determine that the said following eight wards, viz.:—For Danehouse Whittlefield ward shall comprise so much of the Ward -—George Sutcliffe; St. Paul's Ward :— area of the extended borough of Burnley as is Ralph Holden; Burnley Wood Ward:—Henry contained within a line commencing from a point Deighton Fielding; St. Peter's Ward:—James in the centre of the bridge called the Mitre Greenwood ; Stoneyholme Ward :—George Bridge, by which the Padiham-road crosses the Keighley; Healey Ward:—William Nowell; Leeds and Liverpool Canal, thence in a north- Whittlefield Ward:—John Howorth; Gannow westerly direction along the centre of the said Ward:—John Baron.- : canal to a point opposite the centre of the north And I also declare that at the- elections oft end of Junction-street, thence in a straight the first day of November, 1889, the returning^ ' line in, a northerly direction to the point where officer for. each of the four remaining wards,.
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