-- :N ttONOlty i i -. :;: n-.- - ; f w;iacf. HHtniU'iliiinnnnniit r . f YOU ; . ; 1 SUBSCRIPTION 4fS0C'ATi&S- - v5SOAT10 I RATES: CAN'T I I START THE I NEW YEAR ; ; Per Month S .51 i BETTER THAN; - Oae Tear 5. ? 5 BY ORDERING I Six Months.... 3. -- I THE REPUBLICAN Z ; Three Months . U&6 Z T Phone Main 21S. THE HONOLULU REPUBLICAN 'mini ! iimi: VOLUME IV. NO. 503. HONOITJIiTJ, H. T., WEDNESDAY, JNTJ.T 22, 1902. PSICE PIVE CENTS I tawing: Mrs. E. W. Mrs. H. To-k- rice mines of cop- Jordan. litem. la has i per. tla. zinc, sliver and lead. score .'AMERICAN BOAT C. Brown. Mrs. Etnorr. Mrs. A. F. UNKNOWN BODY POSSESSIONS ht. elks of Marx. Miss Hardiaee. Miss Tisdate, i as well as sorae of the richest coal mini s Son-he- : Miss Sandos. Miss Edwards, Miss j deposits of rn Asia. It ships ' bigot-es- BROWS ' Zahn Miss Hudson aad others. 1 ' r ccal MAM something like leu.o. tons of HELD UP BY OF FRANCE III annually to Hongkong aad Is now; is SUGGESTS IV planning the development ot copper wicnnuipnnrvmnvnrirMTTFRV SGOTTISH THISTLE deposits. The Tonkin people arejUKrJitUfl 0 GOSTINUOUS SHOW stroager and raore Intelligent then j hK CLUB HONORS BURNS! BE SOME CRW IF EASTERN the Cochin Chinese. M r DE- - m FR0GRAM OF UNUSUAL MERIT nxt NUMEROUS FRIENDS OF THE small Euro-- "Notwithstanding its ' CEASED ASSEMBLE TO peaa popolatioa Tonkin is a lively! GIVEN BY GALAXY OF - ATTEND SERVICES . GRAND CELEBRATION ARRANGED , town. It ha sereral French aews- ARTISTS. ' CLEVER United States Craft Disabled Unidentified Remains of Han The Comte de la Taille and papers, a race coarse, a band and a ( Many aew streets have been , tlub. Rev. Alex. Mackintosh Officiates.! Anniversary of Poet's Birth to be . to Lea?e On Way laid oat and planted with trees; they A. E. Murphy Extends Thanks ta Yhile About Supposed to be Sailor His Wife Are Their ofl Occasion of Eloquence and Mel- -' are lighted -- by' electricity and most Several Hymns Sung by Choir Performers and Spectators, and . I of the streets are drained. This Harbor. Second Congregation Large ody Those Who Will Respond j at Moanalna, to French Capital. General. Also Tells of the Growth of Elk-- 1 Present Governor Number of Kamaainas Present. to Various Toasts. "The Governor General at present! dom in This City First Benefit a ' Big ', ' Procession and Flowers. a his cabinet, .,,,., r-- pirnni it Paul Doumer. He has Credit to Enterprising Committee DEFERRED TO DISTRICT ATIORIEy; MONEY ON PERSON UNT0UGHED COLONIAL & Hlimber of subordinate officials. ad i The anniversary of the birth of sad has more power than the Cover tv, jmmo,. -- r,f ., Tor ; Robert Burns, which occurs on Sat- - .. TY.14I..1. I TM1. ' y. r..o -- Tn.lt. Ua o p E-N- C1G f - iwr ui ariusa iui.ui. hc Konolulu Lodge B' o" But stin the and theLion cou7d - Grda next-- wl be celebrated in ap- ( Will Yisit Washington on Purpose i EaSle Frank Brown best be ,Cen ves Rerolrer Partialir Loaded is Foaad er of the local forces and '?.? Y"ir scorei a triumphal success in the: . ,, "v, ,. propriate and enthusiastic fashion by He is above! . Warm San-- lterdar b" e st number vessels stationed there. - Bask ID tlie J Club Far From thft - .T 1 k r- ut-- the Scottish Thistle in the Elks' ,. 1WI1M I1MI II III JlIIL: - CSLCi Utl i i a -- t. M to See President - ; ' - - - ts the local courts and has absolute an auenuea nis iunera., wnicn iook h ,, , .... and! ...' ,a" th of Beretania i i.-- it- urpneum shine of Peace. ' ii- 1 Roosevelt. ,.r i Minnv aiteraoon at tne ineaier. j place at 3:30 p. m. from his late resl- Miller streets on Friday night, com- - Corpse. ! "Just below Tonkin is the kingdom ! at which every available seat was dence on King street, near Piikol. mencing at S o'clock. or Annam. which is also under the taken by those who eagerly availed, p er of Dr. Ran The body lay in state In a beautiful Arrangements for the grand affair . , . J I I . Gofer's Launch . i l t a n nra . ! s and Jury China, Granary of Asia proteciion oi ine f o-r- utucia..f themselves opportunity to marble gray casket in the front room. have been about completed and thew '"w, "4" " Chn the of the Afoul of Submerged Line Con coumrj i& uy , 'event promises to be a delightful Returns Verdict cf Suicide of Pushing Their Colonies line .. wltneSs one of tne cieTerest The casket was covered with floral French . Bou ' present 2o years old, under the! necting English Vessel With the oft-erin- success. Talent has been rounded upj at and a .hole wealth of flow-- John Doe, "True Name to This Be Made the Bread protection of France. He governs ' a3 fel.u and nearly all of toasts have been , Tenkln To asj vBm iul Wharf-Do- ctor at First Vanted ers was piled up at the side a'n' the he s d rected. The capital Is just ' thespian boards In this city for manj auoiiea. Jury Being Unknown. But Iden- Big ' , Basket of China and Japan Saigon, through - British Commissioner Notified around It. People crowded this room about as large as but dav. r. Catlon w, respotld to ..The Im. tity An I having to Kncwn" Irish Opinion. , and tne larse lanai. some Empire to Develop and Civilize. tne Influence of the French it Is far, Long before the last echoes from mortal Memorv of Burns..; Unlted I j stand on steps and In "the yard advanced for an Asiatic town. The Berger's band, stationed in front of the states Judge M. M. Estee to "The! French have charge of the treasury. the Orpheum. had died away, the in A very interesting story has' just on account of the condition in the President of the United States Is another murder mystery to Im Man-lo- ur le Comte de la Taille. a i customs and public works, and house. British Commissioner W. the terior was filled from orchestra rail . leaked out on in regard t R. Hoare added to the already extended Itet prMf-- FranchmaB, j nt who for the under them the city has been drain I im- - to ',KJns and Queen Alexan-- J to gallery with a typical Honolulu to what, by a slight stretch of t5e Rev. Alexander Mackintosh 'offici- - j Elward Jn twIve months hag been connect-- 1 j and raade sanitary." ' dra of Great Dr Sinclair, Honolulu7 rat audience. While many were arrayed agination, might have resulted hi that ated. He read the funeral- - service! Brita!n": government of the . rv.,-.c-on . UO decompose, ed with the mi. r. uj ,io ln'.. - .v - i . i a !. .i ito "Thf Itnd nf Rnrns"r th Rev. tue almost me .w.utu wiMov c ,u muri.iuui-s- iiwm uu suiuuie uieoa m0st improbable........of things, a war oe- of Church of England. During T. in Asia, passed ' the A,exanderJ toe Frnek ios9tons Taille are on their way to Paris. sults tne matlnee was one character- - Mackintosh to "The Land mains of what was believed to fa on the united States of merica thrvToP Z Tp,, t ' throKh Honolulu yeterday visiting I - We Uve lD": PaSt Chief S' DaU They have spent two months Istlc of all Elkdom In that it abound- - ?f whlte sal,or' foUHd Kaba,W with bis wife. - Britai- - e story Is oc- 0f My Soul" and "Just As Am i Sierra Australia and expect to remain sev- ed ln that delightful freedom from and,75G,reat to "Our Past Chiefs"; Attorney Gen w, J" morning by v- H wa seen yesterday iSraiOS Sail-- ..v.. - .. wv. .... i mc -u cujuuuu I lie fml in ine UeiOre fnrmo r lhu enrit nf mnri ub tii r. uuie l .l ,i mysterious reporter, to whom , - - flict with an unknown and h RepMicaa he( jn f France. M. de la Taille Is a fellowsh'in nervaded evervwhre and the matter is laughingly discussed Congregation of St. Andrew's Cathed i and M. D. Macfarlane to "The Las- over ru- - exprwMta the i standpoints by frequent- - , sies." assailant, or was the grewsemt personal friend of juies Cambon, the An program. from all the ral. uo tore oUth French poision6 In far; Washington,! Excellent ' - yet French Ambassador at u ers of the places where the wlndjam- At Nuuanu Cemetery. It has not been decided who the direct result of a deSfKwdent 17 In-- ! tvi'l rocnnnrl r Brocs " .. and expects, through him. to be 1 mers and all manner of craft tie up. ..... .rw- - "Thn.. .... ... nnt.. unon .... f mind....sent , ThT cortege itestrucuoa? "OocWii. CMaa. I have re-- '"B arrangement of best talent After these services the ton will he mnster. will set whrc troduced to President Roosevelt for feTV ago, toast There - n seems a montns wended-it- s Tnefie Q"96"0118 Mdet." MM Mr. de hi Taille. "Is the drawn from two companions of vau ; .that way to the Xuuanu cem- confronted the hcm he ha & Warm atlmlraUon- - be instrumental music, singing and' coloaieg of devile artists now in Honolulu. The while a British vessel was anchored etery. took,' police deportment, aad six MaallMl of the French where the Interment recitation's galore The DHlinKhamv bis ' ' In- - - " fartiwr latfia. Still It Is the most " performance was continuous, only In the stream, near to the entrance place. A long- procession . af- - . of hacks ouartet will- sine.
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