BLACK STUDENT UNION'S The Demands of the Black Students of JHU Preface culmination of a upon virtually deaf ears. for those who shall follow two full Black profes­ sors at Homewood cam­ long struggle for With the state of society us To create a better equality and justice today this can no longer pus. At an institution and more equitable on this campus. be tolerated. Johns where the credentials Black students on of Black students are environment in Hopkins is considered as Henry A. Boateng this campus are a premier institution, questioned and the per­ which all students President, BSU 1992 may live and study. forced to legitimize yet in comparison to ceptions of Black themselves at every universities of compa­ people are based on To combat the To all administra­ curse of racism and turn. rable standing, it is negative images, Black tors, faculty, em­ bigotry. First as human lagging far behind in faculty are an essen­ ployees, and stu­ To educate all facets beings with civil the areas addressed in tial step forward in dents of The Johns of the university rights. Second as this list. combatting the igno­ Hopkins Univer­ about Black culture, students with ad­ All of this promotes a rance and negative ste­ sity. and subsequently all equate credentials. difficult, hostile, and reotypes that run ram­ cultures. Black people are racist environment for pant on this campus. The following are To effect under­ systematically Black students and the demands of the standing and respect excluded from this further divides the 2) The creation of a Black students of campus and no future leaders of society. Black studies de­ for Black peoples, the Homewood Black cultures, and attempts to redress With such division at partment in the Campus of The their grievances are the head, the general school of Arts & Sci­ the Black struggle Johns Hopkins worldwide. effectively made by state of society is sure to ences. University: To stimulate active the administration. worsen. Clearly we as While this school change and bring the Since the incep­ students and members of has; Latin American necessary improve­ tion of the Black society cannot tolerate 1)A substantial in­ studies, Women Studies, ments to this institu­ Student Union and inaction on the part of crease in the Near Eastern Studies, tion and society at other Black organi­ this school. amount of Black Hispanic & Italian large. zations these con­ The demands of the faculty at Studies,Russian, For these reasons cerns have been Black students are to Homewood campus. French, and various and those listed below raised and system­ bring justice, equality, Faculty at any uni­ other culturally based this list of demands is atically ignored. and enlightenment, and versity should ad­ departments, these are presented by the These same de­ to begin to redress past equately reflect and programs and studies Black Students of The mands with sugges­ and present social represent the student that begin to educate Johns Hopkins Uni­ tions have been wrongs. population, this is most students about differ­ versity with the presented to the In the memory of important at the un­ ent facets of hu manity, support of the Black administration since those who have come dergraduate level Fac­ yet the Black experi­ organizations of the the inauguration of before us we shall strive ulty not only reflect ence is virtually ig­ aforementioned insti­ President William C to bring change to this the student population nored. The paltry rep­ tution. Richardson. university and all of but they should also resentation of African The demands pre­ All of our society, in order to support and provide culture is not nearly sented here are the attempts have fallen make this a better world role models for stu­ comprehensive or con­ dents. These are essen­ sistent enough to pro­ Minority Student Affairs Committee's tials for undergradu­ vide a full education to ates as they need the the students. The total First Meeting of the Year a Success most guidance. Black lack of any course that faculty is noticeably deals with African By Craig F. Warren wants to provide, to see more coordina­ absent at this univer­ Continued on p.2 “education for stu­ tion between the dif­ sity. There are only On October 16 the dent groups on ferent ethnic and Minority Student people and cultures, cultural groups on Affairs committee of which is not limited campus. the Student Council to race, but which During the course of SWIM held it’s first meeting alsi includes religion the meeting represen­ of the year in the and sexual orienta­ tatives told the group Homewood Student tion.” about various activities Services conference She is presently which their organiza­ THE 14 OTHER DEMANDS AND room. working on a shuttle tions had planned. The WHICH ONES COUNCIL SUPPORTS In attendance were to Morgan State following are some of Pages 2-3 representatives from University, soliciting the events which are coming up soon. Baishak, Ole, JSI, questions for Dean of WHAT REALLY HAPPENED AT THE SASH, HOMES, CSA, Homewood Student On Mondays and KSA, BSU, FSA, the Services Larry Tuesdays the JSI holds SEPTEMBER 27 BSU MEETING Office of Multicultural Benedict’s Quality of language education Page 5 Student Affairs, Qan Life Survey, imple­ classes. The Monday D’Aire, and other menting diversity class is held in Gilman "AFRICAN,” "WHAT IT IS LIKE," concerned students. 22 and the Tuesday training for all AND "INJUSTICE" “I want to promote faculty, administra­ class in Gilman 12. the interaction of tors, and employees, On Sundays HOMES Page 7 students from differ­ and a lecture series. sponsors a studyathon ent backgrounds,"said Dr. Janet Moore, from 9am-5pm in MUCH 2 SHORT'S HIP HOP REVIEW committee chair Director of Schaffer 300. HOMES Page 6 Maaza Abdi, “Not only Multicultural Student also sponsors “HOMES with each other, but Affairs, stated that at the HUT” on Wednes­ with the Hopkins she had called the days from 8-12 pm in WHAT’S UP WITH THE NAACP community, which meeting because she the HUT. On October 31 Page 8 includes faculty and wanted student input the BSU is holding a administrators. into her office, and Family Weekend Event PLUS MUCH, MUCH, MORE! Abdi added that she because she wanted Continued on p. 3 Page 2 Perspective OCTOBER, 1992 The Sixteen Demands Continued from p. 1 taken into consider­ be addressed. Recruit­ munity. In the past, with African-Ameri­ American culture and ation for these deci­ ment can be aided Black students have cans. Although the contributions to society sions always seem to through the imple­ been the victims of university is part of a heightens ignorance slip through the mentation of such pro­ police harassment and consortium with other and entrenches r acis m cracks. grams as a minority unlawful arrests. In universities, none of in society. Black representa­ engineering program the midst of all of these schools have a A comprehensive tion on committees and department related these reported trans­ separate African- Black Studies depart­ will ensure that deci­ summer programs. gressions by Balti­ American or Black ment would include all sions of significance This will begin to at­ more police the Uni­ Studies department. facets of African cul­ are made with fair tract Black under­ versity has remained The nearest Afri­ tures and experiences consideration for all graduates who will silent. This will no can-American Studies in the world, from Af­ who will be affected. eventually come to longer be tolerated. program is at UMBC, and rican History( not the Hopkins as graduate The University also there is no transporta­ history of European 5) The employment students. needs to be consider­ tion and tuition is not colonization of Africa) of a Counselor, Ad­ ate of Black students free. Therefore there and culture, languages visor, and a Pro­ 7) The requirement in the promotion of is no access to any Afri­ and art, to African grammer for Black of one African Baltimore communi­ can-American courses American Literature Student Activities. American Studies ties. Hamden is a since there is no trans­ and history. course for all un­ direct example of this. portation to Morgan ei­ The entire Black ex­ These are three dergraduate stu­ While the univer­ ther which is included perience must be cov­ separate positions each dents. sity stresses that its in the consortium. ered by this department geared to facilitate students and faculty to Until such time as in order to educate the Black student life at this The requirement for avoid Green mount the university has its leaders of tomorrow institution. this type of course because of “violence own African American and give them an op­ A counselor will fill should be incorporated and crime” it does not department it needs to portunity to appreciate a role as a personal into departmental re­ give the same warn­ provide access to avail­ and understand Black guide to each Black stu­ quirements for gradu­ ing for Hamden, able departments in the peoples worldwide. dent. An advisor is dif­ ation, in the manner haven of discrimina­ area. Without this depart­ ferent from #3 in that that languages and En­ tion and racial vio­ ment this opportunity this role will advise glish courses are now lence. 12) An increase in does not exist. each student group and required. Qearly equally as funding for Black allow them to be most Such a requirement “dangerous” as Student groups. 3) The employment effective. This position would provide all un­ Green mount avenue of a Black academic will also serve as an ad­ dergraduates with an yet this is not said At the present time advisor in both the ministrative voice for understanding of Afri­ because the danger is the sole responsibility G.W.C Whiting Black student concerns.
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