
VOL. VIII. r_ __ .__ gg DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY. NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, MARCH 23, 1878. 15 TH E1R0NER liuslittss Cards. POETIC. Red to the woods foi mounted oil n horse which bad beei ninrlvrs of frredora wore gathered t< "Heal is L.r«-r«M In Dcoilt." ?VIlLlXUtt> 2.TKVJ BXTVBVAI11 VEGETINE! Tom Quick, concealment from their bloodja»«ilanU.: taken from a farmer of Winieiuk. Tin gel bur, nnd, with all tliu Ecr*AT v-'lii Then: i;, no t'ruj.tei- fnllacy tbun tlio It. A. BEMVE'i'T, M. D , £,Vu.J BKNJ. H.'VOGT. TUE wfiile the little girls stood by tho slaiu savage fell upon the neck of the horse, Bttzutla eloquence," BI:«3 tho jwmp .liuinn Imld by many, partlcahtrly tho HOMCEOPATHI body of tbuir tcucher bewilderud am military and civic diupbiy, dupusitcd EDITOR *!ti> 1'ttOBlETOlL Purifies the Blood, Reno- but managed to keep his. scat ia the sad- young ami Htroug und vigorous, that horror struck, urjt knowing their awi dle nntil he had readied the opposite tbe burying ground at Oosheu. A. mc-i •inter, espcd'ully n sharp, ti-QRtj cue, Office on Morris Sfcreot near Blackwell. PUVSlCIAiS&SmtOEOBT INDIAN SLAYER vates and Invigorates fate, whether death or captivity. Will itod tbonglj long delayed token of respoi Cor. 'Bltckwell &' Warren Sts. AND THE bank, and joined tocli of his friends an with plenty of BUOW—is tlie most heal- Tennis 09 SUBSCRIPTION the Whole System. gray, they wcreutauding in this pitiful oocdi bad crossed before him. It ii said that for tlie ashes cf the dead, whose coutiii Ihy season of tbe year. Very few per- ' InTJtHI AllIiT IH ADVANCE. (OpiKisttfl DoTer Iianlt,) 'Tiameut ifflioynia>% PI03OIEES OF MINISINK AND tiau, a blmng muRcuInr Indian cami he died not long afterwards, bad made it manifest tbat they were hoi SODB seem to rcalizv the fact that cold is Doynn, s. 3., Wbcu binu bird? nut, MOHSOIUS vc bVing: bravo and patriotic ! A suitable moiiu WAWAESINK. along, nnil with n brush daubed same Tbo belligerents soon engaged in tho condition of dtutU, and that, iubotU Oiio Teat,-- -'-!-••'- - -! 82. DUUBCI of Women end Children, and of tl I'll »fKti rt) abo«sr roent has been erected over the gruvi! i K>o»n(l'2Br specialties, ITS 1IECIU4L ntOltUTIEf ARE \Vltere bluomctl a young Flower, black paint across tbeir opronB, bidding deadly conflict; when, above the vhoop, warm and cold climattis, it is our uucon- Six Months, -1 - .- l.i A TALE OP BAIU.Y EA1H OH THE HEAD which the honored relics wero bum i;ni,nrH:7l,,» A.M.1lto8and7to8P. WI10 wai »wnMcr tliau tlilno, O, HjirliiRl tliem lo "huld up (ho mark wliea they us elTurt to maintain onr bodily Tureo inoutbs,- •--. •?. -.. - 7, - • SSOd ALTKHIVT1VE, TONIC, UOLVKNT. AND ing and yelling of tbe aurngtB, the ind the mimes of tbosowhofell iiiRcril) WATKltS OF THE UEUAW4HK. saw an Indian coming, and it would aavi heiit nt a temporaturo of 98° thut wears I'JI tltJoi of a si-oro, hurrahs of tho whites, nnd the reports upon ft in the ninnuc>r following: HIUUETIC. them ;" and with the jell of ! roan u. MlltH. -, ji. o. MBQII, n Wbu I n y CHAi'fiuxxn. the fire arms, Brent was beard, in a voice out. Tu (Ms tuuiiicmtiire, called Whin DID o b]H plunged iuto the wooda nnd did Dr. P. A. HARRIS, l hii sfltg. DATTLEOiylnNIHIHK. which was never forgotten by those wbo NORTH BIDE. "hlood buttt," every cubic inch of oxy- SMITH &. MEGIE, This wiis IIrant, aud the little daughters thut ecrves to vitalize our blood I'JITSICIAN aiiil ' SDHOEOJV Vcgctin Reliable EviJenoB. t Thoro vieib a number of trauEHOtions were present, commanding all wbo were Beuj. Tualeii, Col. Gabriel Winner, Emj ATTORNEYS AT LAW. VVu raade ft don U of the settlors wero anfe. Tbe tuuet bo raised by our own bodily heat, ning In in tbo vicinity of tlio Delaware in which on the opposite side of tUe river with Ttezaliel Tjlur, CapL BUrphou Me»d, OfFICBOV Wcro imddiiiK 01 as they passed along and ran from place, the plunder, to return. Tbey at once Epliraim lliutou, Ens. Beuj. Vail, Ca\i life ceases. Sine" in cold weather crriCB Al BKEIOEMOK OK OaWito'tWlUT. tlonba|n),v,<KQ stood Tom had no direct agency; but which BLACKWELL STREET," oboorrullyKildtn; lo»ti in on- to pluce, saw tho black mark, aud left " " nial FiUsh, Adj. John Wood, Lieu tho mutnteuuncu of a auflieiectjy elevat- 2 Vegetini to tbcgruil number tou' ' There, tlouo In tbunoiid, are important to our narrative, becaimo dashed into the Delaware, and soon fell 'T DOVEin, 3NT. tbe children undisturbed- The ban] ed bodily tcnipcruture becomoB very of- •'"litily received ir *-- IViioo I iiliccd on bur E.ng«r t ring I tlioy sorvod to render uioro v i edict.ve upon tlie rear ot tho Americans, who John Duncan, Cnjit. Nntuon'tTorwUligft thought, liko it flush of lightning, en ten u difSoulty too groat for our strength, And then, as wo *lrolled, Turn's undying hatred for the red man. were tbns completely surrounded and lei Jonea, CapL Joshaa Locltwood, the minds of f!,eBO tittle Bisters, and sug- Little, Cajit. Epbralni FergUBon, ad rest of a severe winter is renlly jgh'ean* b»"wl ... _ I ti.ldanJro.told Every iulmtnaD net ot* tbo Indians, by ( hemmed in, excapt about one-third of Vegctlne •nlw. for 1 wai iroublcil Tlio duar oldou atory, tbat BpriuR. mt they' could Use tho nark to Ens. more to bo dreaded than the visitation OoUli'sellor y Ot JUPLIO BOIIQQL8 '"tbirty ycara witb thai which Tgm's friepds and acquaintances theii DDmber, whom Brant in the early cave their, brothers. The scattered boy IVEST SIDK. of a pestilooce. OP M011IIB COOSTI. •onclfal JlBojflo, Qaiarrh, Blio Ibndloii tliat day, • aufforcd, ufforJod liim tin ntiditloiml rcu- part of the engagement bod managed to id Ha mcb bail coiielif A fraKmut lionqucl, iro.-o quickly saseflabled, and tha girl Itobert Towneend, Joseph Korris, over OECX blCHARDa »; 6o/s STOBfi, vllsibsl it voulil sacrn IOU for Iits conduct, nud it also ma Jo lut off from tlie*maiu body. Tue enemy Tbo suyiug, "Heat is Ufa—cold iu Vegettn And IOTOI.T new ilovron did cling throw thotr aprons over Urn clothes o Samuel Enopp, Ofibcrt B. Vaii, ttiouub I novcr.ioiild bj-o».... tbo pioneers of tbat region more firm Iu woo •etDral times greater in number than iatb,"hos a tit-iking illustration and N.,ir.',-; V more, Biul Veuotlne bi» Tober dark,l>onuy hair— thfi'boya. and Btatnped tbe'blask improa- James Knapp, Joel Dueker, rci> mo ; mid I it • ' • But 11uY0rmt.ru tboro their deter mi nation to ubioid him fiotu the militia, who were ultimately driven IlenjatniD Bennett. Gou&rnmlion in ibe report now reguljir- Swrfftl ollioa «onra^n!8atanJaTi /runi'VA', ank Ocil sllthnd BIOQ Ubon^iheLT outer garmenti. They Abraiu Slioplicni, tlio ofllcent of justice of'liia ovru govern in and confined to about no acre ol ly Bubmittod by Dr. IIUSIJGU to the Glas- pro if) Ba gowl ft iMuU.t..,v H»y I ac-o tltuao flowers of flprlnR. WillkiD Barker, Sbepliord, VcReOn,!, snfl IIIJU ibiuk in tnraiidld up thn Palladium of safnty ground. gow Sanitary Cotnuiittee. Tho deaffi ljutig seam altiao have rolled, oicnt, nud, so for us Ibey had ojiportn Tacob Dunuiug, Knthnu Viadt,, Carpenter; ani. Bniliter, DDO llf 11,0 best TUPdll'ltlCri AS tljfl Indians iiasted and rapasscd, aud lint tl.oclrtk-tor i;oia Hy, from tbo wild and Inulmrom ronatl.au Picrca, Biiaoa Wait, jt»D9 and falls witb tbo regularity •coiiKliii,Bii()Boa!t,(iiDkltin thetie children wero thus saved from Being short of ammunition, Hatlioru's . iHiiKsat tlio Btomacii,niiil IK prized with oxeh time, previous tt Dvcngd ot the savages. lames Little, Tidmngc. of tbo tborinoujetor. So many degrees Jobbing promptly attended to. injury ami death to tlio unexpected joy ordure, in imitation of tbofle of Putnam Yegetinc ailvbo even IwW to tabu tbn T Bnint'e invasion ut Mi'iiluiiik, mid the BOUTIf HIDE. legs Iwut, HO many more dentha, and 8liopH on BLACKWEUi tit., next to Gago <, Tor I can tnurc of ibeir parents, '•• ut Bunker Hill, wero itrict, tbnt no tnmi ' BOVEK, N. J. .„ Ii tlin of tli ' Wlictt tlioj-gavo UitUuclny bnttlo nljich turned in wlmt ia now tin fobn Carjiontcr, Gamaliel Hulley, >ice revm. Iu n receutly forlnigbtly re- ..., Ualaoy'i lumber i» 111. lljbuautlful, firntFluwortf bprloR. 'should fire until very suro that bin pow- David liaruey, r A. Wlsliton's itavo ami tin store, raodiciuce tUdt over vn of Lumljeiliiiiil, togolhur with thi Col.Stono, ia bU lifo of Braut, Biiyi MoBGfl Thuiniut, iurt. Dr. RUSBBU ujya : "TIIB death rato Cuntracis takoni and mntirfc! rurninlicil. 1WJ. Ulnckwcl! street.. , der would not ho lout, Tbo buttle com- •Tonatban Haslfell, Vegoiine In mj mrmory Rrctia id en la nlrcody tlcacribed, Turin soinu ttmt, no uooner bad the fugitives fron Klcozor OweiiK, i» the Jfrat week of tlie fortnight was : ISliall lio Uiv lost <]UE(in, taeuced about 11 o'clock in the morning a WilliuiuB, "m r/uvHiuNIIOUBU. ;~ of thcac ewmfa. : Jirrirod at'Ooshou with tho Adam Eniblar, wenty-oue, iu the socoud week tvrouty- W. S. & E. F. DeCAMP, Of WUOHU heart nml lufo I *nn King I and mu maintained uatil the going dona s Mother, Samuel LMlo, iutelligence, titan Dr. Tauten, the col Tt:o mean toaipcrattire of tlio for- Gotner of Elautwoll and Batwt tfEQOTIATQRF, k PllOSPKCTOJ^ Ju Ilioir Busnuiiu nit; b!oMtu <, Count ruJafll" bad tjcoti statioacd in of tbo suu j both parties figbtiug after Ward, Ilenjiimiii Dunalug.
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