www.francisasburysociety.com T H Winter 2010 E High Calling A PUBLICATION OF THE FRANCIS ASBURY SOCIETY Tuurningrning PPointsoints God’s Word is alive! We can claim His promises. We can survive and even thrive during the turning points in our lives. Inside this issue: ____________________ oral Turning Points ................................................... 3 PPastoralast by Mark Royster s ip Through the Pit and Back Again ........................4 Point LLeadershipeadersh by Lisa Friedeman Ausley Turning Making Disciples – More Than Sitting Around and Talking ............................................7 by Matt Friedeman The Road Not Taken .......................................... 9 RRevivalevival by John Oswalt Living for Stephen ............................................11 - TThehe by Jerry Forbes Titus Discipleship Summit – Holy ................... 12 PPastor’sastor’s Hearts for the Next Generation A Continual “YES” ........................................... 13 RRoleole by Stephanie Hogan Revival in Lauderdale ......................................14 by Roy Gamblin Stuck in a Moment ...........................................18 Recordings of the Cliffview 2009 Retreat by Brian McLaughlin Pastoral Leadership — Revival–The Pastor’s Role 9 Tape or CD Set; 9 Video or DVD Set Special Memories of Annie ..............................20 (individual messages may also be purchased) McDonell Mathews Session 1 ...................................................................Dennis Kinlaw by A. L. “Buddy” Luce Biblical Roots of Revival (DK892/V581) FAS Now on Facebook ....................................22 Session 2 .................................................................Sam Kamaleson by Jim Harriman Pastor: The Man of Vision - Acts 26:19 (KA100/V582) FAS Upcoming Conferences ........................... 24 Session 3 .................................................................Sam Kamaleson Congregation: The People of Vision - 1 Cor. 1:26-31 (KA101/V587) Session 4 .....................................................................Mark Royster Kairos: The Stewardship of Readiness (MR113/V584) THE HIGH CALLING – WINTER 2010 Session 5 ..........................................................................John Hong Prayer in Revival (HO100/V585) The High Calling is published by The Francis Asbury Society, Inc., Wilmore, Kentucky. It serves as a link Session 6 ..........................................................................John Hong between FAS and its constituents and builds loyalty Stories of Revival (HO101/V586) and awareness of the Society so that the doctrine of Session 7 ...........................................................................Paul Blair Scriptural Holiness may be proclaimed throughout the world. The Francis Asbury’s sole purpose is to promote A Fire in the Pastor’s Belly (PB159/V583) the teaching and experience of Christian Holiness as it is Session 8 .................................................................Sam Kamaleson revealed in the inerrant Holy Scriptures. To accomplish Mission: The Servant Leader Within a Bureaucracy (KA102/V588) this purpose, it is committed to sponsoring itinerant ministry, conferences, publishing, and the education of Session 9 ...................................................................Dennis Kinlaw Christian leaders. Your contributions fund the ministries The Mediational Role of the Pastor in Revival (DK893/V589) of the Society including the publishing of this magazine. Cover image istock.com 9 tape set $38.00; 9 CD set $50.00; 9 video (VHS) set $112.50; 9 DVD set $112.50 Individual messages — tapes $6.00 each; CDs $7.00 each; The Francis Asbury Society videos $12.50 each; DVDs $12.50 each P.O. Box 7, Wilmore, KY 40390 Order online at www.francisasburysociety.com under the link Phone: 859-858-4222 Fax: 859-858-4155 Retreats and Conferences, by email at [email protected], E-Mail: [email protected] or by phone at 859-858-4222. www.francisasburysociety.com ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2 The High Calling, a publication of The Francis Asbury Society - Winter 2010 Tuurningrning PointsPoints BY MARK ROYSTER he theme of this issue of the High Calling is need Him the most? For every turning point we celebrate “Turning Points.” We have all had them—decisive there are also places where we wonder, “Lord, why didn’t Tmoments that signifi cantly change the direction of you stop me. Why wasn’t there are turning point at that our lives. juncture of my life?” During my second semester in seminary I went There is mystery here, for sure. But amid the to see Dr. Dennis Kinlaw. Convinced that I did not need unanswered questions there are ample assurances that to wade through two more years of theology in order to God does speak to His children and that He is active in the do some good for God, I told him that I just wanted go events of their lives: orchestrating, altering, redeeming, out and preach the “simple gospel.” He looked at me for a guiding, correcting, testing and building our faith and few seconds, raised his eyebrow, and said: “Mark, what is testimony. The larger question is this: Am I attentive to simple about the gospel?” Those seven words hit the bull’s His voice? Am I open to His leading? Am I ready for a eye of my youthful arrogance and changed the direction course alteration? Am I prepared to trust and honor Him of my life. There was nothing more to say. I left his offi ce when circumstances change, when doors close or open, humbled, yet encouraged. In that moment, in that haunting when the reasons aren’t clear? question, it seemed all other options vanished for me; I’ve The answer to these questions will not be decided been exploring the wonders and mystery of the gospel ever in the moment of crisis or encounter but in the months since. and years that go before, in the habits of mind and heart In the following pages you will read a collection that we have cultivated over time. We hope the stories of stories written by members of the FAS family. Each one collected here will become part of your preparation shows another aspect of what we might call the “grace of for whatever may lie ahead, as they describe God’s interruption.” Some are more dramatic than others, but faithfulness in the turning points of life. May they help us collectively they prove that we are all in this together. all to cultivate that continual yes to His guiding hand and In each one there are common themes illustrating the the deep trust that sings, consistent nature of our Heavenly Father. He is not content All the way my Savior leads me; to watch us head down the wrong road or walk past a great What have I to ask beside? blessing unaware. Can I doubt His tender mercy, The Holy Spirit is always active in these turning- Who through life has been my Guide? point moments. He prepares us in advance to receive them. Heav’nly peace, divinest comfort, Sometimes He allows us to make such messes that we are Here by faith in Him to dwell! fi nally ready to admit our need and accept His solution. For I know, whate’er befall me, Sometimes the process seems random or coincidental. Jesus doeth all things well; Sometimes there is no sign of a guiding or loving Hand. For I know, whate’er befall me, Sometimes all we see is the claw of the enemy. Often only Jesus doeth all things well. in distant retrospect do we see the redemption, and say with Joseph, “You meant it for evil, but God meant it for A doctor’s error left Fanny Crosby blind at the age good.” of six weeks. Later, as an adult she said, “If per fect earth- Some people fi nd the idea of a God who breaks ly sight were of fered me to mor row I would not ac cept into human affairs offensive. What kind of God “tinkers” it. I might not have sung hymns to the praise of God if I with our lives and circumstances or alters our chosen had been dis tract ed by the beau ti ful and in ter est ing things direction? Or perhaps more troubling, what kind of God about me.” In her blindness she left us 8,000 hymns to the doesn’t “tinker” or intervene or interrupt when we seem to glory of the God of turning points. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ www.francisasburysociety.com 3 Through the Pit and Back Again BY LISA FRIEDEMAN AUSLEY Who was it? It was God. He IS here and He DOES care! xtravagant misery is taking your young child to the wardrobe into Narnia, but this Narnia was a total twenty-two doctors and fi nding they are as baffl ed nightmare, with no Aslan present….or so I thought. Eas you are about how to heal or even diagnose him. A few years ago we were stuck with a debilitating I began begging God and praying James 1:5 dozens crisis in the life of our twelve-year-old boy. Over two of times daily: “If any of you lacks wisdom he should years, we watched him deteriorate mentally, physically ask God who gives generously.” But it seemed that His and emotionally. Nothing in life had prepared me for the wisdom eluded me. After months of strain and numerous war zone that became my everyday existence. I feared efforts to prevent my child from taking his own life, my constantly for his life. I feared for our lives, too. own health began to plummet. Psychotropic and antipsychotic medications became my Nightmares consumed my days and now my nights. best friends and worst enemies. No professional could Early one morning, after hours of fi tful restlessness, tell me a thing of value. I spent hours hovering over my I realized I had been weeping in my sleep. My liquid computer exploring on-line support groups in an effort to sorrow woke my husband. When he asked me why I was fi nd any clue that would help us get our son back. I read crying, all I could squeak out was, “You know.” Then it medical fi les and researched alternative methods and seemed that despair grabbed his ankles and jerked him earned my “Ph.D.” from Google. I became an “expert” in under as well. His voice joined mine in a pitiful chorus fi elds I never knew existed! It was like walking through of sobs as we clutched one another for strength.
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