THE WATERVLIET RECORD VOLUME 75 WATERVLIET, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCT. 16, 1958 5 cents a copy NUMBER 49 G. Lewis Completes five-year highway construction NO TICE Layman Sunday at program. A 4.6-mile section of the De- Mission At Chief of Police Victor Bianchi k' other All-Steel troit-to-Chicago expressway in has announced that he has re- Methodist Church Eastern Star Holds Calhoun county has been opened ceived notice from the Michigan to traffic, State Highway Com- State Police Department, that House Layman's Sunday will be ob- missioner John C. Mackie an- anyone caught double parking on served at First Methodist Church nounces. Main Street (M-140) will be tick- On another page of The Record This latest section of the new is the announcement by Gordon Sunday, October 19, at the 11:00 St. Joseph Church eted. This is a Trunkline high- o'clock services. US-12 to be opened extends from way and is is against the law to Lewis of an Open House which 40th St. in Kalamazoo county east he is holding at his newest home, William Rogers, Church Lay double park in such a zone. Leader, will be in chage of ar- Election Of Officers to the Grand Trunk Western rail- Saturday and Sunday, October rangements. road in Calhoun county. 18th and 19th, from 9:00 a.m. to The section was opened nearly 8:00 p.m. Guest Lay Speaker will be Mr A Two Weeks Parish Mission Fathers Richard and Francis a month ahead of the scheduled Mr. Lewis has erected several Robert Primley, an executive of November 30 completion. will begin at St. Joseph Church, Dalton. Rokuslo-Benes of these all-steel houses in his Theisen-Clemens Company. Everyone is invited to this Watervliet, on Sunday, Oct. 19th. I The Mission exercises will con- subdivision and he extends a cor- Mrs. Mary Stagg With opening of this section, The first week will be for the1 dial invitation to the public to Service of Worship. approximately 75 miles of the sist of a series of meditations giv- Mrs. Clifford Baugh Mrs. Mary E. Stagg. 76. mother superhighway will be in service, ladies, married and single, in- drop in on either of these days en after Masses each morning and Vows Exchanged and take this opportunity to in- of Dr. Adelbert Stagg, Hartford, with another 14 miles under con- cluding the high school girls. The | at services every night at 7:30. spect close at hand, the advan- expired Tuesday evening at 11:45 struction. Other segments already In a quiet home ceremony Sat- at the Bloch Rest Home. second week beginning Oct. 26th The meditations will be a review urday afternoon, Bernice Rukuslo tages of the all-steel homes he Is Mrs. Elizabeth Collins Elected opened include 11.5 miles in Kal- erecting. amazoo county, 15.4 miles in Jack- will be for the men, married and of the teachings of the church, our of Chicago and John Benes of Mrs. Elizabeth Collins, 85. ex- Mrs. Stagg was born in Nash- Watervliet were united in mar- son county, 16 miles In Washte- single and also including the High duties towards God and our neigh- pired Monday evening in Com- ville. Tennessee on January 13. i naw county and 28 miles in School boys. A separate Mission! riage. Members of the immediate munity hospital where she had 1882. the daughter of Mr. and bor and a consideration of the family of the couple witnessed Worthy Matron Wayne county. Final contracts on for the grade school children at- been a patient for the past two Mrs. Adelbert Ritchie. She was this vital east-west expressway most Important truths of death, the nuptials. weeks. a member of the Seventh Day tending St. Joseph School will be Justice of the Peace John Peter- At a regular meeting of Water- are scheduled to be awarded in eternity, judgment and the here- Kay Baiers Mrs. Collins was born in Keel- Adventist Church the fourth quarter of 1959. given at exercises during the day. son of Coloma, performed the vliet Chapter 232, O. E. S., Mrs. after. er on June 30, 1873, the daughter The second major section of the The Mission will be conducted ceremony in the groom's home on of John and Hannah Danneffel. Clifford Baugh was elected Wor- Surviving are four sons. Dr. by two Pedemptorist priests from Everyone is cordially invited to Paw Paw Avenue, Watervliet. At- thy Matron for the coming year. Adelbert Stagg. Hartford; Dr. Detroit-Chicago expressway in tendants were Mrs. Mary Krisan Her husband. Albert Collins, died Ritchie Stagg, Boston; Dr. Lee western Michigan, a five-mile the St. Louis Province, the Rev. the exercises of the Mission. three years ago. She was a mem Other elective officers are: Wor- and Peter Dienhart of Coloma. Weds thy Patron, Alex Bohle; Associate fttagg, Alaska; Alfred Stagg, stretch from M-140 east to Hart- Mr. and Mrs. Benes left on Mon- ber of the Keeler Methodist , ford in Van Buren county, will be Church. Matron, Mrs. Orlando Bobbins; Nashville. Tennessee; two dau- day for Chicago for a short visit, Associate Patron, Wayne Larsen; ghters, Mrs. Jennie Hudson. Ri- • included in the State Highway following which they plan to re- Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Secretary, Mrs. Alex Bohle; verside, California: Mrs. Anna Department's October 22 letting turn to make their home in Wat- Clyde Scherer, Watervliet; a Vandeman, Chicago; one sister, in Lansing. Duane Bomke step-son, Arvon Collins, Water- Treasurer, Mrs. Walter Eichel- ervliet. Mr. Benes is a retired berger; Conductress, Mrs. Geo. Mrs. Virginia Brown, West Palm The section adjoins another flour merchant. vliet; two granddaughters. Miss THE MICHIGAN MIRROR Arrangements of white mums Napier; Associate Conductress. Beach. Florida; and sixteen five-mile US-12 expressway pro- Elaine Scherer, St. Joseph; Mrs. decorated the altar of St. Matt- Mrs. Gust Sigalas. grandchildren. ject awarded in August for con- Robert Kingsley, Midland; and The appointive officers will be 1 struction from M-140 west. hew's Lutheran Church, Benton three great grandchildren. Funeral services will be con- MICHIGAN EDUCATION CAN Oddly enough, there has been no Harbor, for a pretty wedding named by the Worthy Matron. ducted Saturday afternoon from Another 4.6 mile section of the be $40,000,000 richer by June 30, real organized campaign for it, The body rested at the Calvin A public installation of offi- the Calvin Funeral Home, Hart- expressway, from 40th St. in Kal- Miss Susan Roper when Miss Kay Louise Baiers, Funeral Home, Hartford, until 1959 if the state qualifies under and only a few short weeks re- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry cers will be held Monday, No- ford, at 3:00 p.m., the Elder W. amazoo county to the Grand Wednesday, when it was removed Trunk railroad in Calhoun coun- all provisions of the new Federal main before the question will go S. Baiers, Watervliet, became the vember 3rd. at 8:00 p.m. in the W. White of Detroit, officiating. Weds bride of Duane Henry Bomke, son to the Keeler Methodist Church, Masonic Temple. The body will bo shipped to ty, was opened to traffic October Defense Education Act. The law. before the voters on Nov. 4. of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bomke, from which services were con- Lona Linda. California, with in- 3, making a total of 75 miles of was enacted with this session of MONEY CAN BUY MICHI- 1017 McAllister Ave., Benton ducted at two o'clock in the af- terment beside that of her hus- the future 221-mile-long express- Congress. Robert N. Youdell Harbor. ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Owen. band. way now in service, with 14 miles gan's most compelling needs. The Mrs. Clifford Baugh and Mrs. And those who fought to keep The Rev. E. H. Wendland per- The Rev. John Smith conduct- now under construction. problem is where to get the A panel of Alencon lace sweep ed the funeral services and inter- Orlando Bobbins are delegates federal control from local school formed the double ring ceremony Four structures will be included money. ing from a flat bow into a Cath- in the presence of 150 guests at ment was in Keeler cemetry. to the Grand Chapter, being held I in the contract to be let October systems can heave a victorious Leaders in every field of gov- edral train accented the pure silk Casket bearers were John Yer- in Grand Rapids this week. Michigan Highways 22. They are: sigh of relief too. A guarantee a- six o'clock in the afternoon. Jerry ernment repeat before legislative taffeta bridal gown, chosen by Reimann of St. Joseph played the ington, Clyde Scherer, Roscoe A 257-foot-long bridge to carry gainst 'control follows dollar" tra- Miss Susan Anne Roper for her traditional wedding marches and Krieger, Elga Danneffel, George dition was written into law. This committees that more cash will marriage Saturday to Robert N. i County Road 687 over the express- make the difference between in- also accompanied the soloist, Danneffel and Arvon Collins. Lead Nation way a mile south of Hartford. The lack of restriction was referred Youdell. The Princess gown was Richard Van Hoeven. to by a leading educator as the adequate and satisfactory services. bridge will have a 26-foot-wide designed with short pleated The bride, who was given in Michigan now leads the nation roadway with walks. "most significant happening in In an election year, political sleeves, and a lace scoop-neck in advance highway planning and parties are blaming each other.
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