Oil & Gas Company Executives Register Today for only £1,995! Special Industry Delegation Discounts Also Available! 70 renowed speakers including: Angus McCoss OIL COUNCIL Exploration Director, WORLD ASSEMBLY Tullow Oil The World’s Premier Meeting Ashley Heppenstall President and CEO, Point for Energy, Finance Lundin Petroleum and Investment Charles ‘Chuck’ Davidson Chairman and CEO, Noble Energy John Knight EVP, Global Strategy and Business Development, Statoil Dr Mike Watts Deputy CEO, 26 – 27 November 2012 Cairn Energy Old Billingsgate, London, UK Ian Henderson Senior Advisor, J.P Morgan Asset Management • Europe’s largest O&G business meeting with 1,200 senior executives • Global participation from international O&G companies, investors and financiers • Delegations attending from NOCs, IOCs, small-cap, mid-cap and large cap independents • Direct access to energy focussed debt providers, equity capital, private equity Ian Taylor and strategic investors President and CEO, • Focuses on E&P funding, corporate development strategies, joint ventures, Vitol Group deepwater, the future of the North Sea and NCS, the new MENA landscape and the new regulatory environment Julian Metherell Lead Partners: CFO, Genel Energy Ronald Pantin CEO, Pacific Rubiales Partners: PR OG RE SS IV E Toronto Stock TSX Venture Toronto Stock TSX Venture Toronto Stock TSX Venture Exchange Exchange Exchange Exchange Exchange Exchange Bourse de Bourse de Bourse de Bourse de Bourse de Bourse de www.oilcouncil.com/event/wecaToronto Croissance TSX Toronto Croissance TSX Toronto Croissance TSX [email protected] SpeakersSEMINAR Speakers Include: Amjad Bseisu Andy Brough Charles Hendry MP Cynthia Dubin David Cook David Isenegger CEO, EnQuest Executive Director, Minister of State, DECC, CFO, JKX Oil & Gas Executive Officer and General Counsel, Schroders UK Government Head, Upstream, TAQA Centrica Dr Marcus Richards Dr Mohammed Al Frank Pluta Francis Gugen Gavin Graham Geoff Turbott CEO, Dana Petroleum Barwani Global Co-Head, Chairman, PGS, IGas Executive Vice President, CFO, Lundin Petroleum Founder, Owner and Corporate Finance, Energy and Chrysaor IES, Petrofac Chairman, MB Group Standard Chartered Bank Graham Stewart Ifty Nasir Ihab Toma Jaap Huijskes Jean-Claude Perdigues John Hamilton CEO, Faroe Petroleum CEO, E&P, Essar Energy EVP, Operations, Executive Board Managing Director (UK), Managing Director, Transocean Member, E&P, OMV GDF SUEZ E&P Levine Capital Management Advisors Keith Hill Martin Bachmann Paul Welch Richard Hulf Rob Arnott Russell Alton President and CEO, Executive Director, E&P CEO, Chariot Oil & Gas Portfolio Manager, Chairman, Petroceltic Group Director, M&A, Africa Oil Corp and Board Director, Artemis Funds International Centrica Wintershall Sandy Shaw Simon Eyers Stephen Rees Greg Guidry Tim Chapman Tony Durrant Cofounder and Director, Managing Director, General Counsel, Executive Vice President, Managing Director and Finance Director, Legal and Commercial, Energy Investments, Upstream International, Europe, Shell Head, International Premier Oil Valiant Petroleum Warburg Pincus Shell International Energy, RBC Capital Markets Wade Cherwayko Yash Kaman Darra Comyn Andrew Moorfield Ebbie Haan Carl Hughes Chairman and CEO, Co-Head, Natural Group Finance Director, Managing Director and Managing Director, Sasol Global Head, Energy & Mart Resources Resources (Asia), Afren Head, Energy EMEA, International Resources, Deloitte Deutsche Bank Scotia Bank www.oilcouncil.com/event/weca +33 (0) 6 75 73 07 48 +44 (0) 207 384 8060 +27 (0) 21 700 3551 Agenda Monday, 26 November 2012 Morning plenary MEETING THE NEEDS oF ToMoRRoW’S GloBAl ENERGY DEMAND: NEW BuSINESS MoDElS FoR NoC-IoC-GovERNMENT-SERvICES PARTNERSHIPS Keynote Address: John Knight, EVP, Global Strategy and Business Development, Statoil Keynote Address: Martin Bachmann, Executive Director, E&P and Board Director, Wintershall Keynote Panel: New Business Models for NOC-IOC-Government-Services Partnerships • John Knight, EVP, Global Strategy and Business Development, Statoil • Martin Bachmann, Executive Director, E&P and Board Director, Wintershall • David Cook, Executive Officer and Head, Upstream, TAQA • Member of the Board and Executive Management Team, RWE Dea • Gavin Graham, Executive Vice President, IES, Petrofac (moderator) SuCCESSFul GRoWING (AND ExITING) AN INDEPENDENT o&G CoMPANY: TRIED, TESTED AND PRovEN WAYS IN REAlISING vAluE CREATIoN AND SHAREHolDER RETuRN Keynote Address and Q&A: Charles ‘Chuck’ Davidson, Chairman and CEO, Noble Energy Keynote Address & Q&A: Ronald Pantin, CEO, Pacific Rubiales Keynote Panel: Tried, Tested and Proven Ways in Realising Value Creation and Shareholder Return • Amjad Bseisu, CEO, EnQuest • Ashley Heppenstall, President and CEO, lundin Petroleum • Steve Jenkins, CEO, Nautical Petroleum • Galib Virani, Associate Director, Afren • Iain Manson, Partner and Head, Energy (EMEA), Korn Ferry International (moderator) STREAM A – GLOBAL E&P INSIGHTS STREAM B – O&G CAPITAL FRoM ARAB uNREST To A NEW ARAB DAWN: WHERE AND To WHoM HAvE DElIvERING INNovATIoN, vAluE & GRoWTH: ExECuTING INFluENTIAl RECENT EvENTS uNEARTHED NEW INvESTMENT oPPoRTuNITIES ACRoSS THE FINANCIAl STRATEGIES & lEADERSHIP IN CoMPlEx WoRlD MENA REGIoN (A FoCuS oN KuRDISTAN, lIBYA AND IRAQ) Keynote Remarks: Carl Hughes, Global Head, Energy & Resources, Deloitte Keynote Remarks: Lindsey Hilsum, Author of “Sandstorm; Libya in the Time of Revolution” and International New Editor, Channel 4 Keynote Address: Tony Durrant, Finance Director, Premier oil Keynote Address: Julian Metherell, CFO, Genel Energy Keynote Panel: Delivering Innovation, Value & Growth: Executing Influential Financial Strategies & Leadership in Complex World Keynote Panel: Where and to Whom Have Recent Events Unearthed New • Tony Durrant, Finance Director, Premier oil Investment Opportunities across the MENA Region (a Focus on Kurdistan, • Geoff Turbott, CFO, lundin Petroleum Libya and Iraq) • Cynthia Dubin, CFO, JKx oil & Gas • Dr Mohammed Al Barwani, Founder, Owner and Chairman, MB Group • Carl Hughes, Global Head, Energy & Resources, Deloitte (moderator) • Lindsey Hilsum, Author of “Sandstorm; Libya in the Time of Revolution” and International New Editor, Channel 4 THE RE-EMERGENCE oF THE RETuRN? INvESTMENT INSIGHTS, APPETITES, • Rob Arnott, Chairman, Petroceltic International STRATEGIES, SToCK PICKS AND RoI NEEDS • Terry Newendorp, Chairman and CEO, Taylor-DeJongh • David Lloyd, Partner, Preng & Associates (moderator) Keynote Remarks: Ian Henderson, Senior Advisor, Natural Resources, J.P Morgan Asset Management HoW FAR DoES THE RENAISSANCE FoR THE NoRTH SEA AND NCS HAvE To RuN? Investment Insight: Bruce Dingwall CBE, Chairman and Joel “Monty” Pemberton, CEO, Trinity Exploration and Production Keynote Remarks and Q&A: Charles Hendry MP, Minister of State, DECC, uK Government Keynote Panel: Investment Insights, Appetites, Strategies, Stock Picks and ROI Needs Keynote Address: Greg Guidry, Executive Vice President, Europe, Shell • Andy Brough, Executive Director, Schroders • Richard Hulf, Portfolio Manager, Artemis Funds Keynote Remarks: Jean-Claude Perdigues, Managing Director (UK), GDF • John Hamilton, Managing Director, levine Capital Management SuEZ E&P Advisors • Daniel Lacalle, Senior Portfolio Manager, Ecofin (No. 1 rated buy-side Keynote Panel: How Far Does the Renaissance of the North Sea and NCS analyst) Have to Run? • Angelos Damaskos, CEO, Sector Investment Managers • Dr Marcus Richards, CEO, Dana Petroleum • Malcolm Graham-Wood, Senior Advisor, vSA Capital (moderator) • Graham Stewart, CEO, Faroe Petroleum • Francis Gugen, Chairman, PGS, IGas Energy and Chrysaor • Jean-Claude Perdigues, Managing Director (UK), GDF SuEZ E&P • Derek Leith, Senior Partner, Ernst & Young (moderator) Cocktail and Drinks Reception www.oilcouncil.com/event/weca +33 (0) 6 75 73 07 48 +44 (0) 207 384 8060 +27 (0) 21 700 3551 Agenda Agenda Tuesday, 27 November 2012 STREAM A – GLOBAL E&P INSIGHTS STREAM B – O&G CAPITAL RollING IN THE DEEP: ExPloRING THE FuTuRE oF DEEPWATER E&P IN lARGE, HuNTING GloBAl CAPITAl PoolS: TRACKING THE HIDDEN TREASuRE TRovES MID AND SMAll-CAP o&G oF EQuITY CAPITAl Keynote Address: Angus McCoss, Exploration Director, Tullow oil Guest Address: Tim Chapman, Managing Director and Head, International Energy, RBC Capital Markets Keynote Address: Ihab Toma, EVP, Operations, Transocean Keynote Remarks: Simon Eyers, Managing Director, Energy Investments, Keynote Panel: Rolling in the Deep: Exploring the Future of Deepwater E&P Warburg Pincus in Large, Mid and Small-Cap O&G • Angus McCoss, Exploration Director, Tullow oil Guest Address: Accessing the Canadian Capital Markets • Ihab Toma, EVP, Operations, Transocean Janan Paskaran, Partner, Torys • Dr Mike Watts, Deputy CEO, Cairn Energy Cindy Gray, Head, Business Development, TSx/TSx-v • Paul Welch, CEO, Chariot oil & Gas Keynote Panel: Tracking the Hidden Treasure Troves of Equity Capital • Tim Chapman, Managing Director and Head, International Energy, RBC Capital Markets • Yash Kaman, Co-Head, Natural Resources (Asia), Deutsche Bank • John Proust, CEO, New Zealand Energy Corp • Brian Kinane, Managing Director, Yorkville Advisors • Janan Paskaran, Partner, Torys • Cindy Gray, Head, Business Development, TSx/TSx-v SHooTING PHEASANTS oR HuNTING ElEPHANTS: CoMPARING THE E&P To BE lEvERAGED oR NoT To BE? FINANCING o&G GRoWTH AND STRATEGIES oF HIGH-PoTENTIAl o&G CoS DEvEloPMENT BY ACCESSING DEBT CAPITAl Investment Insight: Keith Hill, President and CEO, Africa oil Corp Keynote
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