L I T ERARY CROSSWO RD PUZZ LE Othello 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Across Down 2. Across Iago: “With as little a ____ as this will I ensnare as 1.Down Othello is an ambassador of the ____. 2.great Iago: a ____ “With as asCassio.” little a(n)(2 words) ____ as this will I 3. 1. CassioOthello teases is an whom ambassador with promises of the of ____. marriage? 4. Whatensnare is “the as green-eyed great a(n) monster, ____ as which Cassio.” doth mock (2 / 5. 3. IagoCassio plants teases Desdemona’s whom with ____ promises as false evidence of of her Thewords) meat it feeds on”? infidelity.marriage? 6. 4.The What governor is “the of green-eyedCyprus monster, which doth 7. 5. WhoIago killsplants Desdemona? Desdemona’s ____ as false mock / The meat it feeds on”? evidence of her infidelity. 8. 6.Iago The speaks governor in many of Cyprusmetaphors about ____. 10.7. BrabantioWho kills accuses Desdemona? Othello of “enchant[ing]” his 9. 8.Roderigo Iago speaks is in love in manywith ____. metaphors about ____. 10. ____.”Brabantio accuses Othello of “enchant[ing]” his 13. 9.Act Roderigo II introduces is in this love new with setting. ____. 11. Desdemona’s____.” “napkin” is spotted with ____. 18.13. Lodovico Act II introduces comes to give this Othello new setting. this item. 12.11. OthelloDesdemona’s draws his “napkin” sword on is ____.spotted with ____. 18. Lodovico comes to give Othello this item. 12. Othello draws his sword on ____. 19.19. Who Who says, says, “I am “I notam whatnot what I am”? I am”? 14.14. WhoWho attempts attempts to to murder murder Cassio? Cassio? 22.22. Emilia: Emilia: “ ’Tis “ ’Tis neither neither ____ ____ nor ____.”nor ____.” (2 words) (2 words) 15.15. IagoIago hates hates Othello Othello because because Othello Othello did notdid appointnot 23.23. Cassio Cassio is appointed is appointed ____ ____ at the at end the of end the play.of the play. himappoint ____. him ____. 24. Who stabs Montano at the celebration? 16.16. BothBoth Othello Othello and and Iago Iago kill kill their their ____. ____. 24.26. Who The stabs Venetian Montano Senate at the praised celebration? Othello because 17. Othello begins in what city? 26. Theof Venetian his skills Senate as a(n) praised ____. Othello because of his 17.20. OthelloWho guards begins inOthello what city?after Emilia dies? 27.skills In Actas a(n) V, Desdemona ____. sings a song about a(n) 20.21. WhoAt the guards very Othelloend of theafter play, Emilia Othello dies? stabs ____. 27. In ____.Act V, Desdemona sings a song about a(n) ____. 21.22. AtIago the isvery often end called of the ____.play, Othello stabs ____. 28. Desdemona is killed while she is ____. 25. Cassio’s ____ saves him from death. 28.29. Desdemona As punishment, is killed Iagowhile will she be is ____.____. 22. Iago is often called ____. 29. As punishment, Iago will be ____. 25. Cassio’s ____ saves him from death. www.prestwickhouse.com LI TERARY CROSSWORD PUZZLE Answer Key Across Othello 2. Iago: “With as little a ____ as 22. Emilia: “ ’Tis neither ____ this will I ensnare as great a nor ____.” (2 words) ____ as Cassio.” [HERE, THERE] 1M (2 words) [WEB, FLY] 23. Cassio is appointed ____ at 2W E 3B F L Y 4J E A L O U S Y 4. What is “the green-eyed the end of the play. I O 5H 6M O N T A N 7O monster, which doth mock / [GOVERNOR] 8 The meat it feeds on”? P L A N T S R A T 24. Who stabs Montano at the 9 10 11 12 [JEALOUSY] celebration? [CASSIO] N D E S D E M O N A S E H 13 14 6. The governor of Cyprus 26. The Venetian Senate praised C Y P R U S A D T M E [MONTANO] Othello because of his skills A O 15L U K R I L 8. Iago speaks in many meta- as a(n) ____. [GENERAL] 16 D I G W E A L L phors about ____. [PLANTS] 27. In Act V, Desdemona sings 17 18 19 20 9. Roderigo is in love with a song about a(n) ____. V L E T T E R H I R W I A G O ____. [DESDEMONA] [WILLOW] E 21H R U T V C B A R 13. Act II introduces this new 28. Desdemona is killed while N I I T 22H E R E T H E R E A setting. [CYPRUS] she is ____. [SLEEPING] I M 23G O V E R N O R S I R T 18. Lodovico comes to give 29. As punishment, Iago will be 24C A S S I O N N 25S 26G E N E R A L I Othello this item. [LETTER] ____. [TORTURED] E E A E H F I A 19. Who says, “I am not what I 27 28 am”? [IAGO] W I L L O W N S I S L E E P I N G F 29T O R T U R E D S O T Down 1. Othello is an ambassador of 10. Brabantio accuses Othello Across15. Iago hates Othello because Oth- 22. IagoDown is often called ____. the ____. [MOORS] of “enchant[ing]” his ____.” 2. Iago:ello “With did asnot little appoint a(n) ____ him as ____. this will I [HONEST]1. Othello is an ambassador of the ____. [DAUGHTER] ensnare[LIEUTENANT] as great a(n) ____ as Cassio.” (2 [MOORS] 3. Cassio teases whom with words) [WEBFLY] 25. Cassio’s3. Cassio ____ teasessaves himwhom from with promises of promises of marriage? 11. Desdemona’s “napkin” is 16.4. What Both is “theOthello green-eyed and Iago monster, kill their which doth death. marriage?[SHIRT] [BIANCA] [BIANCA] spotted with ____. mock____. / The [WIVES] meat it feeds on”? [JEALOUSY] 5. Iago plants Desdemona’s ____ as false [STRAWBERRIES] 6. The governor of Cyprus [MONTANO] evidence of her infidelity. [HANDKERCHIEF] 5. Iago plants Desdemona’s 17.8. Iago Othello speaks begins in many in metaphorswhat city? about ____. 7. Who kills Desdemona? [OTHELLO] ____ as false evidence of her 12. Othello draws his sword on [PLANTS][VENICE] 10. Brabantio accuses Othello of “enchant[ing]” his 9. Roderigo is in love with ____. [DESDEMONA] ____.” [DAUGHTER] infidelity. ____. [EMILIA] 13.20. Act Who II introduces guards thisOthello new setting.after Emilia [CYPRUS] 11. Desdemona’s “napkin” is spotted with ____. [HANDKERCHIEF] 14. Who attempts to murder 18. Lodovico comes to give Othello this item. [STRAWBERRIES] [LETTER]dies? [GRATIANO] 12. Othello draws his sword on ____. [EMILIA] 7. Who kills Desdemona? Cassio? [RODERIGO] 19.21. Who At says,the very “I am end not ofwhat the I am”?play, [IAGO] 14. Who attempts to murder Cassio? [RODERIGO] 22. Emilia: “ ’Tis neither ____ nor ____.” (2 words) 15. Iago hates Othello because Othello did not [OTHELLO] [HERETHERE]Othello stabs ____. [HIMSELF] appoint him ____. [LIEUTENANT] 23. Cassio is appointed ____ at the end of the play. 16. Both Othello and Iago kill their ____. [WIVES] [GOVERNOR] 17. Othello begins in what city? [VENICE] 24. Who stabs Montano at the celebration? 20. Who guards Othello after Emilia dies? [CASSIO] [GRATIANO] 26. The Venetian Senate praised Othello because 21. At the very end of the play, Othello stabs ____. of his skills as a(n) ____. [GENERAL] [HIMSELF] 27. In Act V, Desdemona sings a song about a(n) 22. Iago is often called ____. [HONEST] ____. [WILLOW] 25. Cassio’s ____ saves him from death. [SHIRT] 28. Desdemona is killed while she is ____. Get Free Classroom Resources [SLEEPING] THE ENGLISH TEACHER’S FREE LIBRARY When we ask teachers what they want, they always say, “free stuff for my classroom.” Look no further—the new English Teacher’s Free Library is loaded with free eBooks, lesson plans, posters, and puzzles that are ready for your classroom. Visit: www.prestwickhouse.com/free-library www.prestwickhouse.com.
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