08 Canadian Dollar 90.7 95.9 Central African Rep

08 Canadian Dollar 90.7 95.9 Central African Rep

Price indices Indices des prix 8 Retail price indices relating to living expenditures of United Nations officials New York City = 100, index date = April 2021 Indices des prix de détail relatif aux dépenses de la vie courante des fonctionnaires de l'ONU New York = 100, date d'indice = avril 2021 National currency per US $ Index - Indice Monnaie nationale du $ E.U. Excluding Country or area - Pays ou zone housing 2 Duty Station Per US $ 1 Currency Non compris Villes-postes Cours du $ E-U 1 Monnaie Total l'habitation 2 Afghanistan Kabul 78.070 Afghani 86.3 93.1 Albania - Albanie Tirana 98.480 Lek 77.6 82.5 Algeria - Algérie Algiers 132.977 Algerian dinar 80.0 85.0 Angola Luanda 643.121 Kwanza 83.6 92.7 Argentina - Argentine Buenos Aires 94.517 Argentine peso 81.4 84.2 Armenia - Arménie Yerevan 518.300 Dram 75.0 80.3 Australia - Australie Sydney 1.291 Australian dollar 82.5 87.9 Austria - Autriche Vienna 0.820 Euro 90.6 99.5 Azerbaijan - Azerbaïdjan Baku 1.695 Azerbaijan manat 80.6 87.4 Bahamas Nassau 1.000 Bahamian dollar 99.5 95.8 Bahrain - Bahreïn Manama 0.377 Bahraini dinar 83.0 85.8 Bangladesh Dhaka 84.735 Taka 81.4 88.9 Barbados - Barbade Bridgetown 2.000 Barbados dollar 89.8 95.2 Belarus - Bélarus Minsk 2.524 New Belarusian ruble 84.9 90.7 Belgium - Belgique Brussels 0.820 Euro 84.0 92.3 Belize Belmopan 2.000 Belize dollar 75.7 80.0 Benin - Bénin Cotonou 537.714 CFA franc 83.4 92.0 Bhutan - Bhoutan Thimpu 72.580 Ngultrum 77.0 83.5 Bolivia (Plurinational State of) - Bolivie (État plurinational de) La Paz 6.848 Boliviano 73.4 80.5 Bosnia and Herzegovina - Bosnie-Herzégovine Sarajevo 1.603 Convertible mark 73.0 78.6 Botswana Gaborone 10.582 Pula 75.2 83.3 Brazil - Brésil Brasilia 5.295 Real 71.4 82.1 British Virgin Islands - Îles Vierges britanniques Road Town 1.000 US dollar 86.6 92.8 Bulgaria - Bulgarie Sofia 1.603 Lev 70.4 84.9 Burkina Faso Ouagadougou 537.714 CFA franc 80.0 87.4 Burundi Bujumbura 1 953.863 Burundi franc 82.4 89.8 Cabo Verde Praia 90.389 CV escudo 79.0 87.2 Cambodia - Cambodge Phnom Penh 4 098.000 Riel 81.8 87.7 Cameroon - Cameroun Yaounde 537.714 CFA franc 83.2 91.0 Canada Montreal 1.208 Canadian dollar 90.7 95.9 Central African Rep. - Rép. centrafricaine Bangui 537.714 CFA franc 96.7 101.4 Chad - Tchad N'Djamena 537.714 CFA franc 90.0 96.5 Chile - Chili Santiago 732.000 Chilean peso 80.1 88.7 China - Chine Beijing 6.383 Yuan renminbi 100.6 96.2 China, Hong Kong SAR - Chine, Hong Kong RAS Hong Kong SAR 7.762 Hong Kong dollar 125.6 96.7 China, Macao SAR - Chine, Macao RAS Macao SAR 7.995 Pataca 93.4 89.2 Colombia - Colombie Bogota 3 728.000 Colombian peso 73.5 81.0 Comoros - Comores Moroni 403.285 Comorian franc 85.3 89.4 Congo Brazzaville 537.714 CFA franc 95.6 100.8 Costa Rica San Jose 614.430 Costa Rican colón 77.6 82.6 Côte d'Ivoire Abidjan 537.714 CFA franc 87.7 96.7 Croatia - Croatie Zagreb 6.161 Kuna 81.4 85.1 Cuba 3 Havana 24.000 Cuban convertible peso 91.0 93.6 Cyprus - Chypre Nicosia 0.820 Euro 73.6 82.1 Czechia - Tchéquie Prague 20.850 Czech koruna 90.3 88.1 Dem. Rep. of the Congo - Rép. dém. du Congo Kinshasa 1 975.163 Congolese franc 91.7 96.6 Denmark - Danemark Copenhagen 6.096 Danish krone 99.3 99.6 Price indices Indices des prix 8 Retail price indices relating to living expenditures of United Nations officials New York City = 100, index date = April 2021 Indices des prix de détail relatif aux dépenses de la vie courante des fonctionnaires de l'ONU New York = 100, date d'indice = avril 2021 National currency per US $ Index - Indice Valeur du $ É. - U. en monnaie nationale Excluding Country or area - Pays ou zone housing 2 1 Duty Station Per US $ Currency Non compris 1 Villes-postes Cours du $ E-U Monnaie Total l'habitation 2 Djibouti Djibouti 177.000 Djibouti franc 88.4 94.6 Dominican Republic - Rép. dominicaine Santo Domingo 56.680 Dominican peso 76.2 83.4 Ecuador - Equateur Quito 1.000 US dollar 77.2 84.6 Egypt - Egypte Cairo 15.629 Egyptian pound 77.8 84.4 El Salvador San Salvador 1.000 US dollar 76.3 84.4 Equatorial Guinea - Guinée équatoriale Malabo 537.714 CFA franc 80.4 86.9 Eritrea - Erythrée Asmara 15.000 Nakfa 87.5 94.6 Estonia - Estonie Tallinn 0.820 Euro 88.3 102.4 Eswatini Mbabane 13.733 Lilangeni 73.0 81.8 Ethiopia - Ethiopie Addis Ababa 43.174 Birr 87.2 91.1 Fiji - Fidji Suva 2.030 Fiji dollar 83.1 88.4 Finland - Finlande Helsinki 0.820 Euro 85.0 92.7 France Paris 0.820Euro 92.5 94.9 Gabon Libreville 537.714 CFA franc 94.8 100.1 Gambia - Gambie Banjul 51.160 Dalasi 78.9 86.2 Georgia - Géorgie Tbilisi 3.306 Lari 70.5 77.1 Germany - Allemagne Bonn 0.820 Euro 80.6 89.6 Ghana Accra 5.766 Cedi 91.9 92.2 Greece - Grèce Athens 0.820 Euro 75.1 81.2 Guatemala Guatemala City 7.718 Quetzal 78.7 82.8 Guinea - Guinée Conakry 9 804.650 Guinean franc 91.3 97.8 Guinea-Bissau - Guinée-Bissau Bissau 537.714 CFA franc 82.8 91.0 Guyana Georgetown 207.200 Guyana dollar 84.0 91.5 Haiti - Haïti Port-au-Prince 88.853 Gourde 92.7 103.7 Honduras Tegucigalpa 23.874 Lempira 80.5 84.7 Hungary - Hongrie Budapest 285.300 Forint 78.2 86.7 India - Inde New Delhi 72.580 Indian rupee 78.0 85.9 Indonesia - Indonésie Jakarta 14 285.000 Rupiah 82.6 85.6 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) - Iran (Rép. islamique d') Teheran 221 918.000 Iranian rial 85.3 84.3 Iraq Baghdad 1 450.000 Iraqi dinar 79.4 88.7 Ireland - Irlande Dublin 0.820 Euro 93.5 84.7 Israel - Israël Jerusalem 3.245 New Israeli sheqel 98.7 99.1 Italy - Italie Rome 0.820 Euro 81.6 91.4 Jamaica - Jamaïque Kingston 148.389 Jamaican dollar 88.4 91.8 Japan - Japon Tokyo 109.460 Yen 107.9 95.0 Jordan - Jordanie Amman 0.708 Jordanian dinar 89.0 96.5 Kazakhstan Almaty 428.530 Tenge 73.9 79.6 Kenya Nairobi 107.410 Kenyan shilling 82.5 88.9 Kiribati Tarawa 1.291 Australian dollar 83.7 86.7 Korea, Dem. People's Rep. - Corée, Rép. pop. dém. 3 Pyongyang 108.000 D.P.R of Korea won 90.4 97.3 Korea, Republic of - Corée, République de Seoul 1 117.600 Rep. of Korea won 97.4 106.3 Kuwait - Koweït Kuwait 0.301 Kuwaiti dinar 82.4 89.0 Kyrgyzstan - Kirghizistan Bishkek 84.600 Som 76.2 81.9 Lao People's Dem. Rep. - Rép. dém. pop. lao Vientiane 9 422.000 Kip 85.3 91.9 Latvia - Lettonie Riga 0.820 Euro 85.1 93.7 Lebanon - Liban Beirut 1 507.500 Lebanese pound 95.0 101.3 Lesotho Maseru 13.733 Loti 77.2 84.5 Liberia - Libéria Monrovia 170.873 Liberian dollar 89.1 95.8 Libya - Libye Tripoli 4.448 Libyan dinar 60.0 66.0 Lithuania - Lituanie Vilnius 0.820 Euro 81.2 90.0 Price indices Indices des prix 8 Retail price indices relating to living expenditures of United Nations officials New York City = 100, index date = April 2021 Indices des prix de détail relatif aux dépenses de la vie courante des fonctionnaires de l'ONU New York = 100, date d'indice = avril 2021 National currency per US $ Index - Indice Valeur du $ É. - U. en monnaie nationale Excluding Country or area - Pays ou zone housing 2 1 Duty Station Per US $ Currency Non compris 1 Villes-postes Cours du $ E-U Monnaie Total l'habitation 2 Madagascar Antananarivo 3 744.490 Malagasy ariary 76.9 84.3 Malawi Lilongwe 798.000 Malawi kwacha 81.9 88.8 Malaysia - Malaisie Kuala Lumpur 4.139 Ringgit 84.6 90.8 Maldives Male 15.000 Rufiyaa 87.2 89.9 Mali Bamako 537.714 CFA franc 85.0 92.6 Malta - Malte Valletta 0.820 Euro 79.7 85.6 Mauritania - Mauritanie Nouakchott 35.850 Ouguiya 4 76.8 83.7 Mauritius - Maurice Port Louis 39.955 Mauritius rupee 77.5 82.2 Mexico - Mexique Mexico City 19.910 Mexican peso 87.7 94.1 Mongolia - Mongolie Ulan Bator 2 845.000 Tugrik 79.5 83.8 Montenegro - Monténégro Podgorica 0.820 Euro 74.7 79.5 Morocco - Maroc Rabat 8.837 Moroccan dirham 77.9 83.2 Mozambique Maputo 59.150 Metical 81.7 87.2 Myanmar Yangon 1 651.000 Kyat 81.3 81.2 Namibia - Namibie Windhoek 13.733 Namibia dollar 75.5 84.6 Nepal - Népal Kathmandu 116.140 Nepalese rupee 80.3 85.5 Netherlands - Pays-Bas The Hague 0.820 Euro 86.7 94.0 New Caledonia - Nouvelle-Calédonie Nouméa 97.821 CFP franc 92.7 99.8 New Zealand - Nouvelle-Zélande Auckland 1.370 New Zealand dollar 97.1 110.9 Nicaragua Managua 34.684 Cordoba oro 78.9 85.2 Niger Niamey 537.714 CFA franc 86.3 93.3 Nigeria - Nigéria Abuja 411.000 Naira 83.3 89.6 North Macedonia - Macédoine du Nord Skopje 50.278 Denar 74.9 80.7 Norway - Norvège Oslo 8.352 Norwegian krone 89.6 96.1 Oman Muscat 0.385 Rial omani 80.0 83.3 Pakistan Islamabad 154.316 Pakistan rupee 77.2 87.8 Panama Panama City 1.000 Balboa 81.7 87.4 Papua New Guinea - Papouasie-Nvl-Guinée Port Moresby 3.509 Kina 99.1 90.8 Paraguay Asuncion 6 752.000 Guarani 75.1 78.6 Peru - Pérou Lima 3.847 Sol 76.6 83.4 Philippines Manila 48.000 Philippine peso 88.6 93.1 Poland - Pologne Warsaw 3.677 Zloty 72.7 79.7 Portugal Lisbon 0.820 Euro 80.9 83.7 Qatar Doha 3.683 Qatari rial 91.2 93.5 Republic of Moldova - République de Moldova Kishinev 17.535 Moldovan leu 75.8 82.2 Romania - Roumanie Bucharest 4.028 Romanian leu 69.5 81.7 Russian Federation - Fédération de Russie Moscow 73.465 Russian ruble 84.1 88.5 Rwanda Kigali 993.380 Rwanda franc 77.6 85.0 Saint Lucia - Sainte-Lucie Castries 2.700 E.C.

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