PRE RE SE F N O T A E T S I V U E S Congressional Record O H th PLENARY PROCEEDINGS OF THE 17 CONGRESS, FIRST REGULAR SESSION 1 P 907 H S ILIPPINE House of Representatives Vol. 4 Monday, May 8, 2017 No. 86 CALL TO ORDER As Your children, we never cease to be faced with social, political, economic and environmental At 4:00 p.m., Deputy Speaker Frederick “Erick” challenges. We acknowledge that these challenges make F. Abueg called the session to order. us stronger and firmer in love and faith. But we need You always to be with us in order that we will not falter, THE DEPUTY SPEAKER (Rep. Abueg). The that we will not get lost, that we will not be afraid, and session is now called to order. that we will make only decisions that will follow Your will and Your wishes. NATIONAL ANTHEM We are a people who depend on You for guidance and wisdom. We pray that You will lead us always to THE DEPUTY SPEAKER (Rep. Abueg). Everybody the way of the righteous for the well-being of all. We is requested to rise for the singing of the National ask these in the name of the Almighty God. Amen. Anthem. THE DEPUTY SPEAKER (Rep. Abueg). The Dep. Everybody rose to sing the Philippine National Majority Leader is recognized. Anthem. REP. MERCADO. Mr. Speaker, I move that we THE DEPUTY SPEAKER (Rep. Abueg). Please defer the calling of the roll. remain standing for a minute of silent prayer and meditation—I stand corrected, we will have the THE DEPUTY SPEAKER (Rep. Abueg). Is there Invocation to be led by the Hon. Arlene B. Arcillas. any objection? (Silence) The Chair hears none; the motion is approved. Everybody remained standing for the Invocation. REP. MERCADO. Mr. Speaker, I move that we defer INVOCATION the approval of the Journal of the previous sessions. REP. ARCILLAS. Let us submit ourselves in the THE DEPUTY SPEAKER (Rep. Abueg). Is there presence of our God Almighty. any objection? (Silence) The Chair hears none; the Dear Lord, we are gathered here today to honor motion is approved. You and praise Your glory. Please accept our deepest gratitude for all the blessings You continue to bestow REP. MERCADO. Mr. Speaker, I move that we upon us in Your mighty goodness and unconditional proceed to the Reference of Business. love. Even when oftentimes we are not worthy of Your I so move, Mr. Speaker. absolute love, You always keep us under Your care and affection, and never fail to manifest Your presence THE DEPUTY SPEAKER (Rep. Abueg). Is there especially when we need You most. any objection? (Silence) The Chair hears none; the We are here today, gathered as Your faithful people, motion is approved. asking for Your mercy and benedictions, begging for The Secretary General will please read the Your kindness and understanding, and praying for Your Reference of Business. clemency and love. Teach us to always be kind to each other and know REFERENCE OF BUSINESS that although our emotions and actions differ at times, we have similar intentions and that is to promote The Secretary General read the following House goodness and justice to all. Bills and Resolutions on First Reading, Messages from 2 Congressional Record • 17th Congress 1RS v.4 MONDAY, MAY 8, 2017 the Senate and Committee Reports, and the Deputy VEGETABLE OF THE PHILIPPINES’ ” Speaker made the corresponding references: By Representative De Venecia TO THE COMMITTEE ON REVISION OF BILLS ON FIRST READING LAWS House Bill No. 5514, entitled: House Bill No. 5520, entitled: “AN ACT DECLARING THE BOARD OF “AN ACT PROHIBITING THE IMPOSITION TRUSTEES OF THE VETERANS OF OF THE CAPITAL GAINS TAX ON THE WORLD WAR II AS A PUBLIC OFFICE TRANSFER OF TAX DECLARATION, AND THE FUNDS ENTRUSTED TO IT AS AMENDING FOR THE PURPOSE SECTION PUBLIC FUNDS, AMENDING FOR THE 24 (D) AND 27 (D) OF REPUBLIC ACT PURPOSE REPUBLIC ACT NO. 3518” NO. 8424, AS AMENDED, OTHERWISE By Representative Acop KNOWN AS THE NATIONAL INTERNAL TO THE COMMITTEE ON VETERANS AFFAIRS REVENUE CODE OF 1997” AND WELFARE By Representative Alvarez (P.) TO THE COMMITTEE ON WAYS AND House Bill No. 5515, entitled: MEANS “AN ACT INSTITUTIONALIZING THE ESSENTIAL HEALTH CARE PROGRAM House Bill No. 5521, entitled: FOR PUBLIC SCHOOL CHILDREN AND “AN ACT AMENDING REPUBLIC ACT NO. APPROPRIATING FUNDS THEREFOR” 9184, OTHERWISE KNOWN AS ‘AN ACT By Representative Suansing (E.) PROVIDING FOR THE MODERNIZATION, TO THE COMMITTEE ON HEALTH STANDARDIZATION AND REGULATION OF THE PROCUREMENT ACTIVITIES OF House Bill No. 5516, entitled: THE GOVERNMENT’ AND FOR OTHER “AN ACT GRANTING THE NORTH PURPOSES” COTABATO MULTI-MEDIA By Representative Alvarez (P.) ADVERTISING CORPORATION A TO THE COMMITTEE ON APPROPRIATIONS FRANCHISE TO CONSTRUCT, INSTALL, ESTABLISH, OPERATE AND MAINTAIN House Bill No. 5522, entitled: RADIO BROADCASTING STATIONS “AN ACT ADJUSTING THE AMOUNTS OR THROUGHOUT THE PHILIPPINES” THE VALUE OF PROPERTY ON WHICH By Representative Catamco A PENALTY IS BASED, AND THE FINES TO THE COMMITTEE ON LEGISLATIVE IMPOSED UNDER THE REVISED PENAL FRANCHISES CODE, AMENDING FOR THE PURPOSE ACT NO. 3815, OTHERWISE KNOWN House Bill No. 5517, entitled: AS ‘THE REVISED PENAL CODE’, AS “AN ACT DECLARING THE MONTH OF AMENDED” NOVEMBER OF EVERY YEAR AS THE By Representative Chipeco NATIONAL MALUNGGAY MONTH” TO THE COMMITTEE ON JUSTICE By Representative De Venecia TO THE COMMITTEE ON HEALTH RESOLUTIONS House Bill No. 5518, entitled: House Resolution No. 940, entitled: “AN ACT ESTABLISHING THE EDADES “RESOLUTION STRONGLY URGING THE AND BERNAL MUSEUM IN THE CONCERNED TRANSPORTATION CITY OF DAGUPAN, PROVINCE OF AGENCIES TO IMPLEMENT THE PLANS, PANGASINAN, AND APPROPRIATING PROGRAMS AND PROJECTS THAT FUNDS THEREFOR” WILL IMPROVE THE CONNECTIVITY By Representative De Venecia AND EFFICIENCY OF THE COUNTRY’S TO THE COMMITTEE ON BASIC EDUCATION NAUTICAL HIGHWAYS” AND CULTURE By Representative Sarmiento (C.) TO THE COMMITTEE ON TRANSPORTATION House Bill No. 5519, entitled: “AN ACT DECLARING MALUNGGAY House Resolution No. 941, entitled: (MORINGA) AS ‘THE NATIONAL “RESOLUTION DIRECTING THE MONDAY, MAY 8, 2017 17th Congress 1RS v.4 • Congressional Record 3 APPROPRIATE COMMITTEES TO House Resolution No. 947, entitled: CONDUCT AN INQUIRY ON THE “A RESOLUTION URGING THE HOUSE UNDERWATER-THEMED PARK PROJECT COMMITTEE ON HOUSING AND OF CORAL WORLD PARK UNDERSEA URBAN DEVELOPMENT, AND OTHER RESORTS AND NICKELODEON IN CORON, APPROPRIATE HOUSE COMMITTEES, TO PALAWAN” DIRECT THE COMMISSION ON AUDIT By Representative Biazon (COA) TO CONDUCT A COMPREHENSIVE TO THE COMMITTEE ON RULES AUDIT OF THE AFP/PNP HOUSING PROGRAM BASED ON ADMINISTRATIVE House Resolution No. 942, entitled: ORDER NO. 9 DATED 11 APRIL 2011 IN “A RESOLUTION EXPRESSING PROFOUND ORDER TO AID CONGRESS IN COMING CONDOLENCES OF THE HOUSE OF UP WITH SOUND HOUSING POLICIES REPRESENTATIVES ON THE DEMISE THAT WOULD BENEFIT THE UNIFORMED OF HIS EXCELLENCY ALFONSO T. PERSONNEL OF THE COUNTRY AS YUCHENGCO ALSO KNOWN AS ‘AY’, WELL AS TO HOLD ACCOUNTABLE, IF PHILIPPINE AMBASSADOR” PROVEN TRUE, CONCERNED HOUSING By Representative Olivarez OFFICIALS, PRIVATE DEVELOPERS, AND TO THE COMMITTEE ON RULES LOCAL GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS WHO CONNIVED TO PROFIT FROM SUCH House Resolution No. 943, entitled: HOUSING PROGRAMS” “A RESOLUTION CONFERRING THE By Representative Alejano CONGRESSIONAL MEDAL OF TO THE COMMITTEE ON RULES ACHIEVEMENT TO HIS EXCELLENCY ALFONSO T. YUCHENGCO ALSO KNOWN House Resolution No. 948, entitled: AS ‘AY’, PHILIPPINE AMBASSADOR” “RESOLUTION CALLING ON THE HOUSE OF By Representative Olivarez REPRESENTATIVES, TO INVESTIGATE, TO THE COMMITTEE ON RULES IN AID OF LEGISLATION, THE ALLEGED SECRET DETENTION FACILITY OF THE House Resolution No. 944, entitled: MANILA POLICE DISTRICT STATION “A RESOLUTION EXPRESSING PROFOUND 11. WHERE 12 DRUG SUSPECTS WITH CONDOLENCES OF THE HOUSE OF HORRIFIC TALES OF TORTURE, ILL- REPRESENTATIVES ON THE DEMISE TREATMENT AND EXTORTION, WERE OF MR. MARIANO QUE, FOUNDER OF DISCOVERED IN A RECENT RAID MERCURY DRUG CORPORATION” CONDUCTED BY THE COMMISSION ON By Representative Olivarez HUMAN RIGHTS” TO THE COMMITTEE ON RULES By Representative Roque (H.) TO THE COMMITTEE ON RULES House Resolution No. 945, entitled: “A RESOLUTION EXPRESSING PROFOUND House Resolution No. 949, entitled: CONDOLENCES OF THE HOUSE OF “RESOLUTION STRONGLY URGING THE REPRESENTATIVES ON THE DEMISE CONCERNED TRANSPORTATION OF MR. ROBERTO EDUARDO ‘BOBBY’ AGENCIES TO ADDRESS THE SAFETY ABOITIZ, PRESIDENT OF THE RAMON RISKS AND OTHER ISSUES BROUGHT ABOITIZ FOUNDATION INCORPORATED ABOUT BY ADVERTISEMENTS ALONG (RAFI)” THE MRT 3 LINE” By Representative Olivarez By Representative Sarmiento (C.) TO THE COMMITTEE ON RULES TO THE COMMITTEE ON TRANSPORTATION House Resolution No. 946, entitled: House Resolution No. 950, entitled: “A RESOLUTION URGING THE COMMITTEE “A RESOLUTION URGING THE OVERSIGHT ON METRO MANILA DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE PROVIDED UNDER R.A. TO INQUIRE INTO THE OPERATIONS OF 9745, OR THE ANTI-TORTURE ACT ONLINE GAMING FIRMS INSIDE PEZA- OF 2009, TO CONVENE IN ORDER TO ACCREDITED BUILDINGS” INVESTIGATE ALLEGED VIOLATIONS By Representative Batocabe OF THE ANTI-TORTURE LAW BY SOME TO THE COMMITTEE ON RULES MEMBERS OF THE PHILIPPINE NATIONAL 4 Congressional Record • 17th Congress 1RS v.4 MONDAY, MAY 8, 2017 POLICE AND TO DETERMINE WHETHER PURPOSE OF LAND DISTRIBUTION TO SUCH PRACTICES ARE OF WIDESPREAD QUALIFIED FARMER-BENEFICIARIES” USE IN OUR LAW ENFORCEMENT By Representatives Casilao, Zarate, De Jesus, Tinio, AGENCIES” Brosas, Castro (F.L.) and Elago By Representative Rocamora TO THE COMMITTEE ON RULES TO THE COMMITTEE ON HUMAN RIGHTS House Resolution
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