E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 108 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 149 WASHINGTON, SATURDAY, APRIL 12, 2003 No. 60 Senate The Senate was not in session today. Its next meeting will be held on Monday, April 28, 2003, at 12 noon. House of Representatives SATURDAY, APRIL 12, 2003 The House met at 10 a.m. Mr. ISAKSON led the Pledge of Alle- S. 763. An act to designate the Federal The Reverend Stephen J. Rossetti, giance as follows: building and United States courthouse lo- President, Saint Luke Institute, Silver I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the cated at 46 East Ohio Street in Indianapolis, Spring, Maryland, offered the following United States of America, and to the Repub- Indiana, as the ‘‘Birch Bayh Federal Build- ing and United States Courthouse’’. prayer: lic for which it stands, one nation under God, Good and gracious God, during this indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. The message also announced that the season of the year, springtime follows f Senate has passed joint resolution ti- tles in which the concurrence of the winter, and we witness the emergence MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE of new life. We see how You bring life House is requested. A message from the Senate by Mr. out of death, light out of darkness, and S.J. Res. 8. Joint resolution expressing the Lundregan, one of its clerks, an- hope supplants fear. sense of Congress with respect to raising nounced that the Senate has passed awareness and encouraging prevention of Fill us with Your goodness, so that without amendment bills of the House sexual assault in the United States and sup- we might be instruments of Your of the following titles: porting the goals and ideals of National Sex- hands. May we, filled with this divine ual Assault Awareness and Prevention H.R. 145. An act to designate the Federal grace, be agents of a new springtime in Month. building located at 290 Broadway in New our country and in our world. York, New York, as the ‘‘Ted Weiss Federal The message also announced that the Help us to bring Your freedom where Building’’. Senate has passed concurrent resolu- there has been tyranny and Your heal- H.R. 258. An act to ensure continuity for tions of the following titles in which ing where there has been much pain. the design of the 5-cent coin, establish the the concurrence of the House is re- You are our hope. As we stretch out Citizens Coinage Advisory Committee, and quested: for other purposes. our hands into this country and into S. Con. Res. 36. Concurrent resolution ex- this world, may they be Your hands, of- H.R. 1770. An act to provide benefits and other compensation for certain individuals pressing the sense of the Congress regarding fering a springtime of freedom and a with injuries resulting from administration the Blue Star Service Banner and the Gold message of new life. of smallpox countermeasures, and for other Star. S. Con. Res. 37. Concurrent resolution ex- As always, we raise our eyes to You, purposes. and give thanks. pressing support for the celebration of Patri- The message also announced that the ot’s Day on April 19th and honoring the Na- f Senate has passed without amendment tion’s first patriots. THE JOURNAL a concurrent resolution of the House of S. Con. Res. 38. Concurrent resolution pro- the following title: viding for a conditional adjournment or re- The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- H. Con. Res. 109. Concurrent resolution ex- cess of the Senate and a conditional adjourn- ined the Journal of the last day’s pro- pressing the sense of the Congress regarding ment of the House of Representatives. ceedings and announces to the House the Blue Star Flag and the Gold Star. f his approval thereof. The message also announced that the CONFERENCE REPORT ON H.R. 1559, Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- Senate has passed bills of the following nal stands approved. EMERGENCY WARTIME SUPPLE- titles in which the concurrence of the MENTAL APPROPRIATIONS ACT, f House is requested. 2003 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE S. 703. An act to designate the regional Mr. YOUNG of Florida submitted the headquarters building for the National Park The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman Service under construction in Omaha, Ne- following conference report and state- from Georgia (Mr. ISAKSON) come for- braska, as the ‘‘Carl T. Curtis National Park ment on the bill (H.R. 1559) making ward and lead the House in the Pledge Service Midwest Regional Headquarters emergency wartime supplemental ap- of Allegiance. Building’’. propriations for the fiscal year ending b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H3357 . VerDate Jan 31 2003 01:31 Apr 13, 2003 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A12AP7.000 H12PT1 H3358 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 12, 2003 September 30, 2003, and for other pur- LEGAL ACTIVITIES RELATED AGENCY poses: SALARIES AND EXPENSES, UNITED STATES BROADCASTING BOARD OF GOVERNORS MARSHALS SERVICE INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING OPERATIONS CONFERENCE REPORT (H. REPT. 108–76) For an additional amount for ‘‘Salaries and For an additional amount for ‘‘International The committee of conference on the dis- Expenses, United States Marshals Service’’ for Broadcasting Operations’’ for activities related agreeing votes of the two Houses on the necessary expenses, $8,000,000, to remain avail- to the Middle East Television Network broad- amendment of the Senate to the bill (H.R. able until September 30, 2004. casting to the Middle East and radio broad- 1559), ‘‘making emergency wartime supple- FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION casting to Iraq, $30,500,000, to remain available mental appropriations for the fiscal year until September 30, 2004. 2003, and for other purposes’’, having met, SALARIES AND EXPENSES after full and free conference, have agreed to For an additional amount for ‘‘Federal Bu- GENERAL PROVISION, THIS CHAPTER recommend and do recommend to their re- reau of Investigations, Salaries and Expenses’’, SEC. 1201. Funds appropriated under this spective Houses as follows: $367,192,000, to remain available until September Chapter for the Broadcasting Board of Gov- That the House recede from its disagree- 30, 2004: Provided, That the funds provided ernors and the Department of State may be obli- ment to the amendment of the Senate and under this heading shall not be available for ob- gated and expended notwithstanding section 313 agree to the same with an amendment as fol- ligation or expenditure except in compliance of the Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fis- lows: with the procedures set forth in section 605 of cal Years 1994 and 1995, and section 15 of the In lieu of the matter proposed to be in- the Departments of Commerce, Justice, and State Department Basic Authorities Act of 1956, serted by the Senate amendment, insert the State, the Judiciary, and Related Agencies Ap- as amended. following: That the following sums are appro- propriations Act, 2003. CHAPTER 3 priated, out of any money in the Treasury not OFFICE OF JUSTICE PROGRAMS DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE—MILITARY otherwise appropriated, for the fiscal year end- COMMUNITY ORIENTED POLICING SERVICES MILITARY PERSONNEL ing September 30, 2003, and for other purposes, For an additional amount for ‘‘Community MILITARY PERSONNEL, ARMY namely: Oriented Policing Services’’, $54,750,000, to re- For an additional amount for ‘‘Military Per- main available until December 31, 2003, shall be TITLE I—WAR-RELATED APPROPRIATIONS sonnel, Army’’, $7,700,000,000. CHAPTER 1 for the Community Oriented Policing Services, Interoperable Communications Technology Pro- MILITARY PERSONNEL, NAVY DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE gram, for grants to States and localities to im- For an additional amount for ‘‘Military Per- AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE prove communications within and among law sonnel, Navy’’, $1,600,000,000. BUILDINGS AND FACILITIES enforcement agencies: Provided, That the funds MILITARY PERSONNEL, MARINE CORPS For an additional amount for ‘‘Buildings and provided under this heading shall not be avail- For an additional amount for ‘‘Military Per- Facilities’’, $110,000,000, to remain available able for obligation or expenditure except in com- sonnel, Marine Corps’’, $1,200,000,000. pliance with the procedures set forth in section until expended. MILITARY PERSONNEL, AIR FORCE 605 of the Departments of Commerce, Justice, PUBLIC LAW 480 TITLE II GRANTS and State, the Judiciary, and Related Agencies For an additional amount for ‘‘Military Per- (INCLUDING TRANSFER OF FUNDS) Appropriations Act, 2003. sonnel, Air Force’’, $2,800,000,000. For additional expenses during the current THE JUDICIARY RESERVE PERSONNEL, ARMY fiscal year, not otherwise recoverable, and unre- For an additional amount for ‘‘Reserve Per- SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES covered prior years’ costs, including interest sonnel, Army’’, $3,000,000. SALARIES AND EXPENSES thereon, under the Agricultural Trade Develop- NATIONAL GUARD PERSONNEL, ARMY ment and Assistance Act of 1954, $369,000,000, to For an additional amount for ‘‘Supreme Court of the United States, Salaries and Expenses’’ for For an additional amount for ‘‘National remain available until expended, for commod- Guard Personnel, Army’’, $100,000,000. ities supplied in connection with dispositions police enhancements, $1,535,000, to remain avail- abroad under title II of said Act: Provided, That able until September 30, 2004. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE from this amount, to the maximum extent pos- UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY sible, funding shall be restored to the previously FEDERAL CIRCUIT For an additional amount for ‘‘Operation and approved fiscal year 2003 programs under sec- SALARIES AND EXPENSES Maintenance, Army’’, $16,000,000,000.
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