LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT CITRUS COUNTY CITRUS COUNTY HERNANDO COUNTY HERNANDO COUNTY HERNANDO COUNTY CITRUS COUNTY SAFFO, DECEASED 5'%6+10 1( 6*' (.14+&# AC-16-016528 12th day of June, 2017. #0;#0&#..*'+451(%*#4.+' 241$#6' %1&' 9+.. $' (14'8'4 6/23-6/30/17 2T Don Barbee Jr. %41/'&'%'#5'& BARRED. —————————————————— Clerk of the Circuit Court #0;#0&#..*'+451(,#/'5 0169+6*56#0&+0) 6*' 6+/' 2'- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE *GTPCPFQ%QWPV[(NQTKFC 41/',4&'%'#5'& 4+1&5'6(146*#$18'#0;%.#+/ FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR By: Jay Raghmandar (+.'& 691 ;'#45 14 /14' IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR CITRUS #0&#0;#0&#..*'+45(14 HERNANDO COUNTY, FLORIDA Albertelli Law COUNTY, FLORIDA #(6'4 6*' &'%'&'06ŏ5 &#6' 1( CIVIL ACTION Attorney for Plaintiff 6*''56#6'1(,1*00+'61905 &'#6*+5$#44'& PROBATE DIVISION #-#,1*00+'/#'41/' %#5'01%##:/: 21$QZ 61905 6JGFCVGQHſTUVRWDNKECVKQPQHVJKUPQVKEG Tampa, FL 33623 File No. 2017 CP 000295 is: June 23, 2017. ,2/14)#0%*#5'$#0-0#6+10#. ;17#4'016+(+'&VJCVC2'6+6+10 IN RE: ESTATE OF Personal Representative: ASSOCIATION, HCEUKOKNG (14 #&/+0+564#6+10 JCU DGGP ſNGF eService: [email protected] JERRY DAVIS LEE A/K/A JERRY D. LEE 415'/#4;#005+5-15 Plaintiff, in this court. You are required to serve a vs. /# Deceased. copy of your written defenses, if any, on 2012 Deltona Boulevard 5RTKPI*KNN(. *1..;#5%*0'+&'4GVCN 6/23-6/30/17 2T NOTICE TO CREDITORS the petitioner’s attorney, whose name and —————————————————— address are: Derek B. Alvarez, Esquire, Personal Representative’s Attorneys: &GHGPFCPV U The administration of the estate of )'0&'45 ALVAREZ &+'%+&7' Derek B. Alvarez, Esq. - FBN 114278 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE JERRY DAVIS LEE A/K/A JERRY D. NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT TO 2# 9 %NGXGNCPF 5VTGGV 6CORC &$#")GPFGTU#NXCTG\EQO CHAPTER 45 FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR LEE, deceased, whose date of death was FL 33609, within 30 days of 1st publica- HERNANDO COUNTY, FLORIDA November 3, 2016; File Number 2017 CP Anthony F. Diecidue, Esq. - FBN 146528 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Pursuant VKQPFCVGQH,WPGCPFVQſNGVJG #(&")GPFGTU#NXCTG\EQO CIVIL ACTION 000295, is pending in the Circuit Court for original of the written defenses with the to a Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated Citrus County, Florida, Probate Division, 9JKVPG[%/KTCPFC'US($0 June 8th, 2017, and entered in Case No. %#5'01%##:/: clerk of this court either before service or 9%/")GPFGTU#NXCTG\EQO the address of which is 110 North Apopka immediately thereafter. Failure to serve %##:/:QHVJG%KTEWKV%QWTVQH $#0-1(#/'4+%#0# Avenue, Inverness, FL 34450. The names CPFſNGYTKVVGPFGHGPUGUCUTGSWKTGFOC[ )'0&'45ALVAREZ&+'%+&7'2# VJG (KHVJ ,WFKEKCN %KTEWKV KP CPF HQT *GT- Plaintiff, and addresses of the personal represen- 9GUV%NGXGNCPF5VTGGV PCPFQ %QWPV[ (NQTKFC KP YJKEJ ,2/QT- result in a judgment or order for the relief vs. tative and the personal representative’s demanded, without further notice. Tampa, Florida 33609 gan Chase Bank, National Association, attorney are set forth below. 2JQPG KU VJG 2NCKPVKHH CPF *QNN[ # 5EJPGKFGT BRENDA J. RAINVILLE, et al, Signed on June 2, 2017. All creditors of the decedent and oth- (CZ Regions Bank, successor by merger with &GHGPFCPV U er persons having claims or demands Angela Vick Eservice for all attorneys listed above: #O5QWVJ $CPM #P[ #PF #NN 7PMPQYP Clerk of Court and Comptroller [email protected] 2CTVKGU %NCKOKPI D[ 6JTQWIJ 7PFGT NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT TO against decedent’s estate, on whom a CHAPTER 45 copy of this notice is required to be served As Clerk of the Court 6/23-6/30/17 2T #PF#ICKPUV6JG*GTGKPPCOGF+PFKXKFWCN OWUVſNGVJGKTENCKOUYKVJVJKUEQWTV9+6*- By: Sonia Prylepa —————————————————— &GHGPFCPV U 9JQCTGPQV-PQYP6Q$G NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Pursuant +0 6*' .#6'4 1( /106*5 #(6'4 As Deputy Clerk &GCF 1T #NKXG 9JGVJGT 5CKF 7PMPQYP to a Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 2CTVKGU/C[%NCKO#P+PVGTGUVKP5RQWU- June 8, 2017, and entered in Case No. 6*'6+/'1(6*'(+45627$.+%#6+10 First Publication on June 9, 2017. 1( 6*+5 016+%' 14 &#;5 #(6'4 FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR GU*GKTU&GXKUGGU)TCPVGGU1T1VJGT %##:/:QHVJG%KTEWKV%QWTVQH 6*'&#6'1(5'48+%'1(#%12;1( 6/9-6/30/17 4T HERNANDO COUNTY, FLORIDA %NCKOCPVUCTGFGHGPFCPVUVJG*GTPCPFQ VJG (KHVJ ,WFKEKCN %KTEWKV KP CPF HQT *GT- 6*+5016+%'106*'/ —————————————————— CIVIL ACTION County Clerk of the Circuit Court will sell nando County, Florida in which Bank of %#5'01%##:/: to the highest and best bidder for cash America, N.A., is the Plaintiff and Brenda All other creditors of the decedent and KPQP *GTPCPFQ %QWPV[ %QWTVJQWUG J. Rainville; Keith J. Rainville, are de- other persons having claims or demands (+0#0%'1(#/'4+%#4'8'45' 0 /CKP 5VTGGV 4QQO $TQQMUXKNNG HGPFCPVUVJG*GTPCPFQ%QWPV[%NGTMQH CICKPUV FGEGFGPVŏU GUVCVG OWUV ſNG VJGKT LLC, (NQTKFC*GTPCPFQ%QWPV[(NQTKFC the Circuit Court will sell to the highest ENCKOUYKVJVJKUEQWTV9+6*+0/106*5 HERNANDO COUNTY Plaintiff, CV#/QPVJGVJFC[QH,WN[ CPFDGUVDKFFGTHQTECUJKPQP*GTPCPFQ #(6'46*'&#6'1(6*'(+45627$- the following described property as set %QWPV[ %QWTVJQWUG 0 /CKP 5VTGGV .+%#6+101(6*+5016+%' vs. 6*'70-0190*'+45&'8+5''5 forth in said Final Judgment of Foreclo- Room 245, Brooksville, Florida 34601, #.. %.#+/5 016 (+.'& 9+6*+0 )4#06''5#55+)0''5.+'0145 sure: *GTPCPFQ%QWPV[(NQTKFCCV#/QP 6*' 6+/' 2'4+1&5 5'6 (146* +0 %4'&+614564756''51416*'4 LOT 1, BLOCK B, ROLLING ACRES, the 27th day of July, 2017, the following 5'%6+10 1( 6*' (.14+&# IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR %.#+/#065%.#+/+0)$;6*417)* UNIT 5 SUBDIVISION, ACCORDING described property as set forth in said 241$#6' %1&' 9+.. $' (14'8'4 HERNANDO COUNTY, FLORIDA TO THE PLAT THEREOF, RECORD- Fin al Judg ment of Foreclosure: BARRED. 70&'414#)#+056/+664 PROBATE DIVISION 5'.-'#-#/+6641$'465'.-' ED IN PLAT BOOK 7, PAGE 36, LOT 10, POTTERFIELD’S GARDEN 0169+6*56#0&+0) 6*' 6+/' 2'- (KNG0Q%2#:/: DECEASED, et al, PUBLIC RECORDS OF HERNANDO ACRES SECTION “L”, ACCORDING 4+1&5'6(146*#$18'#0;%.#+/ COUNTY, FLORIDA. TO THE PLAT THEREOF; AS RE- IN RE: ESTATE OF &GHGPFCPV U (+.'& 691 ;'#45 14 /14' A/K/A 6223 FABER DRIVE, CORDED IN PLAT BOOK 5, PAGE #(6'4 6*' &'%'&'06ŏ5 &#6' 1( &1416*;#&'.#+&'5+'0-+'9+%< NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT TO BROOKSVILLE, FL 34602 52, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF &'#6*+5$#44'& #-#&1416*;#5+'0-+'9+%< CHAPTER 45 HERNANDO COUNTY, FLORIDA. Any person claiming an interest in the TOGETHER WITH ALL RIGHT, TI- 6JGFCVGQHſTUVRWDNKECVKQPQHVJKUPQVKEG Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Pursuant surplus from the sale, if any, other than the is: June 23, 2017. to a Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated TLE AND INTEREST IN THE GAS, NOTICE TO CREDITORS property owner as of the date of the Lis OIL, MINERAL AND PETROLEUM Personal Representative: June 8th, 2017, and entered in Case 2GPFGPUOWUVſNGCENCKOYKVJKPFC[U The administration of the estate of RIGHTS NOW VESTED IN THE &'$14#*,'#0.'' 0Q %##:/: QH VJG %KTEWKV after the sale. &1416*; #&'.#+&' 5+'0-+'9+%< Court of the Fifth Judicial Circuit in and GRANTOR. 59VJ%QWTV #-# &1416*; # 5+'0-+'9+%< FG- If you are a person with a disability who A/K/A SEELY LANE, SPRING HILL, Davie, FL 33314 HQT *GTPCPFQ %QWPV[ (NQTKFC KP YJKEJ ceased, whose date of death was June 19, Finance of America Reverse, LLC, is the needs assistance in order to participate in FL 34611 Personal Representative’s Attorneys: (KNG0WODGT%2#:/:KU 2NCKPVKHH CPF 6*' 70-0190 *'+45 a program or service of the State Courts System, you should contact the ADA Co- Any person claiming an interest in the Derek B. Alvarez, Esq. - FBN 114278 RGPFKPIKPVJG%KTEWKV%QWTVHQT*GTPCPFQ &'8+5''5 )4#06''5 #55+)0''5 surplus from the sale, if any, other than the &$#")GPFGTU#NXCTG\EQO County, Florida, Pro bate Division, the ad- .N'0145 %4'&+6145 64756''5 QTFKPCVQT2GII[$T[CPV YKVJKPVYQ YQTMKPIFC[UQHTGEGKRVQH property owner as of the date of the Lis Anthony F. Diecidue, Esq. - FBN 146528 FTGUU QH YJKEJ KU 0QTVJ /CKP 5VTGGV 14 16*'4 %.#+/#065 %.#+/+0) 2GPFGPUOWUVſNGCENCKOYKVJKPFC[U Brooksville, FL 34601. The names and ad- $;6*417)*70&'414#)#+056 this notice; if you are hearing or voice im- #(&")GPFGTU#NXCTG\EQO paired, please call 1-800-955-8771. To after the sale. 9JKVPG[%/KTCPFC'US($0 dresses of the per son al representative and /+66 4 5'.-' #-# /+66 41$'46 the personal rep re sen tative’s attorney are ſNG TGURQPUG RNGCUG EQPVCEV *GTPCPFQ If you are a person with a disability who 9%/")GPFGTU#NXCTG\EQO SELKE, DECEASED; AARON V. SELKE, needs assistance in order to participate in set forth below. #5#0*'+41(6*''56#6'1(/+66 %QWPV[%NGTMQH%QWTV0/CKP5VTGGV )'0&'45ALVAREZ&+'%+&7'2# Room 130, Brooksville, FL 34601-2800, a program or service of the State Courts 9GUV%NGXGNCPF5VTGGV All creditors of the decedent and oth- 45'.-'#-#/+6641$'465'.-' System, you should contact the ADA Co- &'%'#5'&#0)'.###$'.+0)#5 6GN (CZ Tampa, Florida 33609 er persons having claims or demands 4247. QTFKPCVQT2GII[$T[CPV (CZ against decedent’s estate, on whom a #0*'+41(6*''56#6'1(/+664 YKVJKPVYQ YQTMKPIFC[UQHTGEGKRVQH copy of this notice is required to be served 5'.-' #-# /+66 41$'46 5'.-' &CVGFKP*GTPCPFQ%QWPV[(NQTKFCVJKU Eservice for all attorneys listed above: 9th day of June, 2017. this notice; if you are hearing or voice im- )#&GUGTXKEG")GPFGTU#NXCTG\EQO OWUVſNGVJGKTENCKOUYKVJVJKUEQWTV9+6*- DECEASED; CRYSTAL SILK, AS AN paired, please call 1-800-955-8771.
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