•V: - W ....... , VV'.V-.V'-tf. ’'V.',, '.V .4 [ t h e IVBATHBE' Forecut ^ U. 8. Wcnttar • NET PRESS EUN * ' A . ftortfCrd. AVERAOlj 0A1LV CHICUIATION for the Month of Dooombcr, 1929- . Cohn; st»t« Snow late tonlfht and Satarday* 5,516 with dow ly rlainF tempentorei. Members of tbc Audit Bureuu of ClrouIotlonB. ,_____- ‘ EIGHTEEN PAGES PRICE THREE SOUTH MANCHESTER, ,GONN., FRIDAY, JANUARY 17, 1930. r VOL. XtfIV., NO. 92. (Classified Advertising on Page 16) I V i ■»- PARIS’ FAIREST RACKET BOSS COP^ SLAYERS HOOVER’S a i d e : DRYSWILUNG AMERICA’S ENVOYS 1 WATERBDRY TO TEST VOTE QUESniMNOT TO NAVAL PARLEY YETSETTLED NEAROTTURE ON BOOZE LAW I * ARRIVE IN LONDON Confident That Motion to Dispnt^ increases as Senate All AvaSable Men Searching Within Few Minutes b1 Repeal 18th Amendment and House Dehate the ALCORN ASKS for Men Who Exclfenged Reaching English Capital, Will Be Defeated in Both Matter— Borah and Bing­ Shots With Them on Out­ WARRANTSIN Secretary Stimson Was Senate and House. ham Enter Controversy. skirts of the City. BOO^ PROBE On Way to Conference Washington, Jan. 17.— (A P .)— WasMhgton, Jan. 17.— (A P )^ T h e Waterbury, Conn.. Jan. 17.— Supremely confident. Congression­ tumult already stirred up over the With Premier MacDonald; (A.P.)—Half a hundred police this al Drys today snapped up the chM- question of raising the sugsu: tariff afternoon are searching woods on lenge of Senator BlMne, Republi- j rates gfave promise today of increas­ Thirteen Issued by Judge the outskirts of the north end hop­ can, Wisconsin, for repeal of thei ing, rather than diminishing. Statement Concerning the Accused of complicity in the hold­ ing to track down tWo men, alleged Eighteenth Amendment and pass­ In the Senate, ChMrman Smoot Brown But Names Are murderers, with whom they ex­ A natipnM beauty jcpnte^ in Prance of the flaiaace,committee, which con- up at a dinner given for Magistrate AboliGon of Battleships changed a fusilade of shots on His gridiron prowess gained him ed the word, they were ready for a| has brpught a Tflobd • of . offers, sidsr^ the tariff measure, announc­ Albert H. VitMe in New York, North Main street this forenoon. the appellation of “ the greatest yote. movie, theatricM and matrimonlM, ed he would seek a rate of 2 :cents Clro Terranova, above, racketeer Kept Secret: Grand Jury Police detectives routed the two footbMl star the service ever pro­ Senator Borah, of Idaho, one of to Mile. Yvette Labroua8e, .tbe bni- pSr poimd on Cuban sugar instead “artichoke king,” has given him­ Found a Mistake. duced.’’ Now Capt. F. B. Geottge self ,up to arrest. He denied en­ men from a bam on Hill street, the Dry champions, said he wel­ nef,te preferred by Parts judges, of retention of the 1.76 cent rate near the end of North Main street, has tackled a new line— of work She’isfpictured smiling here because approved yesterday by the Senate. tering into a contract to pay a.Qhi- Indicts Aliano for Murder and then engaged in a gun fight in and is pictured here as he assumed comed the direct issue on the Eigh­ they called fhqr the .nation’s -most A t the same time, from the House cago gimman $20,000 for tiie mur­ London, Jan. 17.— (A P )—The ders of two racketeers, Frankie which almost a score of shots were his duties in Washington as a teenth Amendment and “I am beautiful girl and she thus will side of the Capitol, came a predic­ American delegation to the forth­ fired. The men, alleged slayers of White House attache and aide-de- have a chance to represent , Rer Yale and Frank Marlow. It was Hartford, Jaa. 17.—(AP)—Thir­ ready to vote.’’ tion from Representative Gamer of coming navM conference reached Patrolman James McNamee of camp to General Wendell C. Neville, country in an intemhtionM parade Texas, the House Democratic leader, to retrieve this contract, police M- teen bench warrants, the identity of Bristol, who was shot last night, commandant of the Marine Corps. "I think it might be well to have of pulchritude.' leged, that Terranova promoted London today and after a cordlM Congress go on record and make it that the House, if given an oppor­ those named, kept secret were Is­ escaped into the woods and are at the rpbbery of the dinner party. clear that this amendment is there tunity to vote, would back up the sued at the request of State’s Attor­ welcome plunged rapidly into tha large.* to stay,’’ he asserted. Senate ^position in favor of the pres­ ney Hugh M. Alcorn in Superior preparatory work of the coming Patrolman William Thompson of ent sugar duties.' meeting. Bristol, who came here today to aid SMITH IS ARRESTED Senator Blaine’s resolution is be­ Dean Declares CriminM Court this morning, as fore the judiciary committee apd Federal Bounty Within less than an hour of his ar- local police in a search for Mc­ JAPANESE PRINCE Judge Allyn L. Brown ordered the rivM in the British capitM wh|or> Namee’s slayers, narrowly escaped Chairman Norris of that committee In addition, the Senate 'continued Paddling Good liquor probe grand jury to proceed next Tuesday will see the delegates death when a bullet from one of the said he was ready to give it con­ its .discussion of a proposM by Sena­ bandits’ guns grazed his leather IN SPRINGFIELD, 0 . sideration at the next meeting Mon­ tor Howell, Republican, Nebraska, in a “thorough and full” investiga­ of the five chief navM powers en­ coat on a level with his heart. day. He said he expected an ad­ Up to a Point to provide a FederM bounty of 44 BECOMES ENGAGED tion into reported corruption sur­ gaged in a momentous dlscussio.n The Gun Fight verse report but thought it would hun^edths of a cent a pound on rounding the bootleg traffic in Hart­ Secretary of State Stimson was The gun fight took place as one do no harm. sughr produced in ContinentM Unit­ ford county. closeted with Prime Minister Mac- squad of police searched Ike Hartford Broker Who Em- The Courageous Way Evanston, Hl.^ Jan. 17.— (A P )— ed States. Sena^tors Bingham of The warrants will not be served DonMd. Block’s barn for the men and an­ The point whereat paddling ceases Connecticut, and Borah of Idaho, Follows Ancient Custom in for severM days, and nothing con­ Great BritMn first welcomed the 8 Ai\A 1 I Thatxuau iOis the courageous wayvraj towv Republicams, engaged in a discussion cerning them will be reveMed until other squad of police ■ reached the to be a good thing, and becomes American delegates at Plymouth hezzled SIOO OvO Is |>e-iKO about tws question,” said Sena- over this, with Borah attacking; then, Mr. Alcorn stated immedi­ end of North Main street in their UC^^ICU flU V y V V V MO Republican, Washington, where a picturesque ceremoniM ac­ cruelty, renlains undetermined, de­ Bingham’s arguments against the ately after Judge Brown had or­ car.The men are believed to have another Dry leader. Announcing Event — To companied the greeting which the fled out a rear door o f the bam as spite efforts of Dean James W. bounty. dered them issued, mayor extended to the Americans ing Held for Conn. Police “ After all, that is the only issue. Armstrong .of Northwestern Uni­ When Smoot, who had opposed the Aliano Indicted. the detectives entered a front door. I have no objection meeting it, and who' debarked from the George versity. Senate’s approvM of existing sugar Marry in Febrrary. Sebastian Naedo Aliano, large- Then as they wsdked along Hill I have not the slightest doubt of Washington at the break of day. street and turned at the comer on Dean Armstrong has issued an rates, said he agMn proposed to try scale speakeasy operator, was in­ The second welcome was at Pad the outcome.” order against “ excessive brutality” for an increase. Senator Harrison, dicted on a charge of first degree to North Main street, they con­ Springfield, Ohio, Jan. 17.— (AP) The Blaine repealer did not get dington station, London, where in a at fraternity initiations. Democrat, Mississippi, asked why murder, as a result of the slaying of fronted the second squad of detec­ before the Senate for discussion but ..Tokyo, Jan. 17.— (A P.)—The for- gray haze of a mild winter afte'r- —A man registered as James A. he did not ask for an Immediate Alfonso Minniti, one of his employes, tives just getting out of their car. the Drys were speaking freely off “Does that mean we. can’t paddle mM bethrothal of Prince Takamat­ noon, Foreign Secretary Henderson The bandits immediately pulled Smith of. Hartford, Conn., whom po­ the candidates at M l?” an upper vote. •* the tragedy which precipitated the out revolvers and opened fire. After the floor. su, brother of Emperor Hirohito, to grand jury probe into the locM li­ A. V. Alexander, the First Lord of lice said confessed to them that he Senator Sheppard, Democrat, classman inquired anxiously, fearful To Ask For Vote six shots apiece had been emptied Princess, Kikuko Tokugawa, a the AdmlrMty, and other high gov­ had embezzled $100,000 from a Texas, co-author of the Eighteenth that one of the joys of a higher edu- “I shMl do so at the proper time,” quor business. out of their guns, the bandits turn­ granddaughter of the last shogun, His case has Mready been con­ ernment officlMs have the capital's Amendment, predicted the repeMer c^tion was being usurped.
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