ENVIRONMENT & TRANSPORT CABINET COMMITTEE Friday, 24th May, 2019 10.00 am Darent Room - Sessions House AGENDA ENVIRONMENT & TRANSPORT CABINET COMMITTEE Friday, 24 May 2019 at 10.00 am Ask for: Georgina Little Darent Room - Sessions House Telephone: 03000 414043 Tea/Coffee will be available 15 minutes before the start of the meeting Membership (16) Conservative (12): Mr M A C Balfour (Chairman), Mr M D Payne (Vice-Chairman), Mr A Booth, Mr T Bond, Mr D L Brazier, Mr A Cook, Mr N J Collor, Mr S Holden, Mr A R Hills, Mr R C Love, OBE, Mr J M Ozog and Mr H Rayner Liberal Democrat (2): Mr I S Chittenden and Mr A J Hook Labour (1) Mr B H Lewis Independents (1) Mr M E Whybrow Webcasting Notice Please note: this meeting may be filmed for the live or subsequent broadcast via the Council’s internet site or by any member of the public or press present. The Chairman will confirm if all or part of the meeting is to be filmed by the Council. By entering into this room you are consenting to being filmed. If you do not wish to have your image captured please let the Clerk know immediately UNRESTRICTED ITEMS (During these items the meeting is likely to be open to the public) 1 Introduction/Webcast announcement 2 Membership To note that Mr D Brazier has replaced Mr P Messenger as a Member of the Committee. 3 Apologies and Substitutes To receive apologies for absence and notification of any substitutes present 4 Declarations of Interest by Members in items on the Agenda To receive any declarations of interest made by Members in relation to any matter on the agenda. Members are reminded to specify the agenda item number to which it refers and the nature of the interest being declared. 5 Minutes of the meeting held on 19 March 2019 (Pages 7 - 26) To consider and approve the minutes as a correct record. 6 Verbal Update To receive a verbal update from the Cabinet Member for Planning, Highways, Transport and Waste and the Cabinet Member for Community and Regulatory Services. 7 Performance Dashboard (Pages 27 - 36) To receive and note a report that shows progress made against targets for Key Performance Indicators 8 Growth, Environment and Transport Performance KPIs 2019/20 (Pages 37 - 42) To note and comment on the proposed indicators and associated targets. 9 19/00039 - Award of a short-term contract to the Commercial Services Group for the operation of three household waste recycling centres (Pages 43 - 54) To consider and endorse, or make recommendations to the Cabinet Member for Planning, Highways, Transport and Waste to: a) award a short-term variation of the contract for the operation and management of three Household Waste Recycling Centres at Tovil, Maidstone & Swanley, to Commercial Services Group (CSG) from June 2019 until November 2020; and b) note that Officers will prepare a common commissioning plan for the whole County. The detail of the various options within this commissioning plan, will be discussed at a future meeting of the Environment and Transport Cabinet Committee. 10 19/00040 - South West Kent Dry Recyclables Processing Contract - SC18061 (Pages 55 - 66) To consider and endorse or make recommendations to the Cabinet Member for Planning, Highways, Transport and Waste to award contractual arrangements for the disposal and processing of recycled materials collected by these two Waste Collection Authorities (Tonbridge Wells Borough Council (TWBC) and Tonbridge & Malling Borough Council (TMBC)) up to a 4-year contract period. 11 20mph - Policy Review (Pages 67 - 92) The Environment and Transport Cabinet Committee is asked to: 1. Note and comment on the contents of the report. 2. Note the proposed modifications to current approach to reflect current learning and best practice 3. Note that a series of research pilots should be undertaken to determine the effectiveness of alternative (innovative) traffic calming measures at locations where the prevailing road speeds are between 24mph and 28mph. 12 Kent & Medway Energy and Low Emissions Strategy - Draft for Public Consultation (Pages 93 - 146) To consider and make recommendations to the Cabinet Member for Planning, Highways, Transport and Waste as to the: 1. Approach and content of the Final Draft Strategy for consultation and 2. Any further avenues of engagement that should be undertaken during the public consultation phase 13 Kent's Plan Bee - (Kent County Council Pollinator Action Plan) (Pages 147 - 170) To recommend that the Cabinet Member for Planning, Highways, Transport and Waste approve the draft Pollinator Action Plan before it is taken to County Council. 14 Work Programme (Pages 171 - 178) To consider and agree a work programme for 2019/20. EXEMPT ITEMS (At the time of preparing the agenda there were no exempt items. During any such items which may arise the meeting is likely NOT to be open to the public) Benjamin Watts General Counsel 03000 416814 Thursday, 16 May 2019 Please note that any background documents referred to in the accompanying papers maybe inspected by arrangement with the officer responsible for preparing the relevant report. This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 5 KENT COUNTY COUNCIL ENVIRONMENT & TRANSPORT CABINET COMMITTEE MINUTES of a meeting of the Environment & Transport Cabinet Committee held in the Darent Room - Sessions House on Tuesday, 19 March 2019. PRESENT: Mr M A C Balfour (Chairman), Mr M D Payne (Vice-Chairman), Mr T Bond, Mr A Cook, Mr N J Collor, Mr S Holden, Mr A R Hills, Mr R C Love, OBE, Mr P J Messenger, Mr R H Bird (Substitute for Mr I S Chittenden), Mr A J Hook, Mr B H Lewis, Mr M E Whybrow and Mr H Rayner ALSO PRESENT: Mr P M Hill, OBE and Mr M Whiting IN ATTENDANCE: Mrs B Cooper (Corporate Director of Growth, Environment and Transport), Mr S Jones (Director of highways, Transportation and Waste), Miss G Little (Democratic Services Officer) and Ms S Holt (Head of Culture & Sport Group) UNRESTRICTED ITEMS 154. Apologies and Substitutes (Item 2) Apologies were received from Mr A Booth and Mr I Chittenden. Mr R Bird attended as a substitute for Mr Chittenden. 155. Declarations of Interest by Members in items on the Agenda (Item 3) Mr M Balfour made a declaration of interest on Item 13 as the Kent County Council representative on the Joint Advisory Committee of the Area of Outstanding Beauty (AONB); he also declared an interest in Item 14 due to his role as a representative on the Kent Nature Partnership Board. Mr M Payne made a declaration of interest on item 13 as a member of the Facilitation Group of the Area of Outstanding Beauty (AONB). 156. Minutes of the meeting held on 17 January 2019 (Item 4) RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting on 17 January 2019 are a correct record and that they be signed by the Chairman. 157. Verbal Updates (Item 5) 1. Mr M Whiting (Cabinet Member for Planning, Highways, Transport and Waste) gave a verbal update on the following issues: Bus Portal Page 7 The bus portal was launched on Kent County Council’s website on 25th January 2019 which allowed users to record any issues they had experienced with the bus operators or service providers. Since it’s launch there had been 171 recorded issues, a majority of which related to punctuality. Mr Whiting informed the Committee that the bus portal was an essential tool that would assist the Highways team in addressing such issues with the operators concerned and relieve some of the experienced pressures. Heavy Goods Vehicle (HGV) Working Group The HGV Working Group had examined a number of potential ways to resolve the issue of HGVs travelling through rural villages and town centres. Mr Whiting commended the positive work of the group and the effective meetings held with Kent Police’s Transportation Chief and Department for Transport representatives to explore ways in which Kent County Council could work with national government and build a scheme within Kent. Mr Whiting paid tribute to all those on the Members Working Group and said that a preliminary report of the findings was due to be produced in the late autumn. Casualty Reduction Activity Mr Whiting informed Members of the planned casualty reduction events as follows: 4th March 2019 - Inappropriate speed on rural roads. Mr Whiting said that Simon Jones, Director of Environment, Transport and Waste was due to review potential pilot schemes for 40 mph speed limit zones to measure the effect of casualty reductions in rural areas, 15th March 2019 - A new and improved Licence to Kill programme was launched under the campaign title ‘No Turning Back,’ March to April 2019 - A new road user campaign was due to be launched to address the issues on the A254 March to April 2019 – A new campaign was due to be launched to address mobile phone impairment whilst driving Mr Whiting informed the Committee that the campaign ‘Speak Out’ had been nominated for the Local Government Chronical award. Local Growth Fund Mr Whiting informed the Committee that the A226 work had progressed and that the footway and acoustic barrier installations were due to be completed by the end of March 2019. The site compound was yet to be removed, however, the anticipated date of completion was April 2019. Tonbridge Station Improvements The Tunbridge Wells station improvements were complete and construction work commence on the Tunbridge Wells public realm on 28th January 2019. Mr Whiting informed the Committee that Civic Way and Monson Road had also closed for planned refurbishment works. Page 8 Big Conversation Bus Pilot Mr Whiting informed the Committee that a Member Review Group would be established to work in coalition with the Big Conversation project team.
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