San Jose State University SJSU ScholarWorks Special Libraries, 1986 Special Libraries, 1980s Fall 1986 Special Libraries, Fall 1986 Special Libraries Association Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1986 Part of the Cataloging and Metadata Commons, Collection Development and Management Commons, Information Literacy Commons, and the Scholarly Communication Commons Recommended Citation Special Libraries Association, "Special Libraries, Fall 1986" (1986). Special Libraries, 1986. 4. https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1986/4 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Libraries, 1980s at SJSU ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Special Libraries, 1986 by an authorized administrator of SJSU ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. special libraries Fall 1986, vol. 77, no. 4 SPLBAN 75(4) 263-362 (1986) ISSN 0038-6723 Maybe what your business reference section needs is a good reducing plan! 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But with the Zndex ISBC gives you access to single- to Scientific Book Contents, you get authored books and proceedings chapter level access, simplifying which are part of multi-authored se- the search process and saving you ries. And, for your convenience, each valuable time! issue of ISBC contains an alphabeti- cal listing of all series covered. With ZSBC'" , you can retrieve infor- mation through a variety of access The new Zndex to Scientific Book points-author name, editor name, Contents is from the publishers of chapter subject, book subject, gen- Current Contents@and the Science eral book topic, and author affili- Citation Index@. ISBC is published in ation. So it's easy to pinpoint exactly three quarterly issues and an annual those book chapters relevant to a cumulation. A 1985 annual is also specific research area. available. ZSBC indexes nearly 36,300chap- For more information-and a free ters from over 2,200newly published, sample issue-fill out the coupon be- significant scientific books. And ISBC low and mail it today! Or call toll- provides multidisciplinary coverage free (800) 523-1850, extension 1405. of books in all scientific subject IIIIIIIIII areas. There's no need to search !%ease send me a FREE sample issue of the? Index to Scientific Book Contents"'. I individual, discipline-oriented in- understand there is no cost or obligation. I dexes for the information you need. ! You'll find ZSBC important for: 0 current awareness-ZSBC's quar- terly issues offer timely coverage bibliographic verification-ZSBC's complete bibliographic informa- tion on books and chapters en- ables you to verify citations retrospective searching-ZSBC is cumulated annually special libraries -special libraries- Fall 1986 Vol. 77, No. 4 SPLBAN 75(4)263-362 ISSN 0038-6723 Introduction and Overview Hollace A. Rutkowski Graduate Education for Special Librarians: What Special Librarians Are Looking for in Graduates Miriam Tees Developments in Special Library Education: Implications for the Present and Future Edwin M. Cortez Mixed Signals and Painful Choices: The Education of Special Librarians Marion Paris Herbert S. White What Corporate Librarians Will Need to Know in the Future Mary J. Culnan Changes in Library Education: The Deans Reply The Scholarship Program: Still a Good Use of SLA Funds? Muriel Regan Accreditation: A Blueprint Cover design by Carol Crosby Black for Action Vivian J. Arterbery On the Scene - Rosabeth Moss Kanter Speaks at the SLA Boston Conference Editor: ELAINEHILL The Salary Survey in Perspective Mary Frances Malone Publisher: DAVIDR. BENDER 1986 Salary Survey Update Special Libraries is published by Special Libraries Association, 1700 Eighteenth St. NW,Washington, D.C. 20009 (202) 234- Actions of the Board 4700. Quarterly: Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall. Annual index SLA Winter Education in Fall Issue. Conference '87 @ Copyright 1986 by Special Libraries Association. Material Letters protected by this copyright may be photocopied, with credit, for the noncommercial purpose of scholarship or research. Reviews Second class postage paid at Washington, DC, and at additional Instructions for Contributors offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Special Annual lndex Libraries Association, 1700 Eighteenth St. NW, Washington, D.C. 20009. lndex to Advertisers fall 1986 Back Issues & Hard Cover kep*nts (1910-1965): Indexed in: Book Review Index, Computer Contents, Cum- Inquire Kraus Reprint Corp., 16 East 46th St., New ulatioe Index to Nursing and Allied HeuW Literahre, His- York, N.Y. Hardcopy, Microfilm & Microfiche torical Abst?acts, Hospital Literahre Index, International Editions (1910 to date): Inquire University Micro- Biblirphy of Book Reviews, International Bibliography of films, Ann Arbor, Michigan. 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