t- A Verne Merrie Christmasse Ye CADETTE Wishes Ye Seasonne. Merrie Keydettes THE CADET T PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY THE CORPS OF CADETS VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE No. 14 VOL. XIX. LEXINGTON, VIRGINIA, MONDAY, DEC. 21, 1925 ECONOMIC ASPECT OF XMAS MEASURED NOT IN MONEY FIRST UNCONDITIONAL FURLOUGH BUT IN PLEASURE TO ALL TO BEGIN TOMORROW AT NOON By Colonel William M. Hunley, Professor of Special Trains Scatter Corps Economics, V. M. I. Christmas Day at V. M. I. Throughout Land. The most striking economic aspect In 19th Century Gives Col- of Christmas is, I think, an uneco- orful Slant Into Life of Ye nomical one. It is the use of wealth, Tomorrow marks an epoch in the whether in big or little amounts, with Merrie Cadet of Yesterday history of V. M. I., for it is then that relative inconsequence and without Cadets will leave on the first uncon- Keydets have always been differ- consideration of commensurate re- ditional furlough since the founding ent from "regular people." We of turn. It is the employment of money of the Institute. This gift front the the twenties think of Christmas as a as a means of giving pleasure to oth- gods will last for nine days, and Oa- time to see home and to fill ourselves ers and without thought—not decis- dfits must report back to tho Institute with rich food until the elastic quali- ive thought, anyway—of the useful- )fy taps of Thursday night, the thir- ties of our abdomens are t^xed to the ness of the gift. Christmas is the ty -first,. occasion of an unusual kind of invest- utmost. They of the fifties hardly This unconditional furlough v/as ment, when returns are not calculat- got outside the limit gates, but eager- granted last year by the Board of ed in percentages of profit, but in the ly anticipated our other Christmas Visitors at their annual January laughter of little children, the grati- joy. meeting'. By this progressive action tude of the under-privileged and the Christmas morning was not usher- the old Merit System of granting glow in the hearts of friends remem- ed into barracks by the melodious furlough was abolished, which system bered. It is the period of the year voices of two hundred and fifty little was first adopted in 1920. Prior .to when one's spending need have no re- saints offering praise to heaven by that year no furloughs were granted lation to any phase whatever of the the singing of carols, but was herald- the Corps during the entire year with utilitarian concept, as exemplified in ed by the long-drawn and dreary the exception of the usual Summer the story of the widow to whom gifts notes of the Life followed by the dis- HUGE BANQUET HONORS Furlough. Christmas Day was de- of food and clothing were quite regu- C. E. Johnson, editor-in-chief turbing clatter of the drums. This- served in a gala manner with a sus- larly made for herself and her chil- FOOTBALL HEROES AND of the BOMB, announces that harsh Yuletide awakening was re- pension of all duties save the "neces- dren. At Christmas time a kindly entries for the beauty section ceived in two ways. Those who were COACHES OF SQUADRON sary guard." disposed person said to her, "And of the annual will be received slow to realize that their dreams of Winee 1920, under the Merjt -Sys- what would you like for Christmas?" General Cocke Praises Fight immediately after the Christ- flower-bedecked boudoirs were fakes tem, all cadets were required to make She replied, "Don't give me anything mas furlough. He suggests that galloped down the steps to their and Spirit Shown By the grade of 1.5, the reqijisi-to useful; just give me something for men secure pictures during the places in ranks almost automatically. Team. proficiency in J>otJi ^cafjcmk: and myself." Yuletide. Those who became adjusted to so dis- Military work and were also .limited A brilliant assemblage met in the The beauty section has al- tasteful a change more readily gave tq 35 demerits, for a period of tii**: mess hall last Saturday night to pay ways_ been one of the features vent to their disgust by that ingen- up to December 15. Under thi*t -rys- One hearts much today of the value homage to those men who so nobly of the BOMB, and it is expect- ious mixture of exclamations which- Uin the air in and around barracks of organization and of the compelling and bravely carried the colors of the ed that this year it will surpass has always distinguished the impetu- was fairly electrical for several force of the men who are leaders in Institute through many hard-fought those of former years. ous outbursts of keydets from those weeks before Xmas, owing to the organized industry. The Christmas gridiron battles this season. Among of other persons. Breakfast proceed- frantic efforts of those with 34 .de- festival should remind us of the force- the notables present were General ed in the usual manner, after which merits to abide by all regulations. fulness of the character of Christ, and Cocke, Colonel Pendleton, Colonel "THE MAN ON THE BOX" "general permit" was granted until No one knew for a fact that of the power that has flowed down Couper, Colonel Ford, Colonel Ander- dinner. Church was not compulsory FINALLY IS CASTED he was eligible for furlough until the through the ages from the unit orga- son, Colonel Poague, Colonel Barton, on that holiday, and so we may be night before it was operative. nization that He founded. We were Colonel Polk, Major Heflin, Major Fifty Candidates Tried For sure that those who found no lure in Under this new system all cadets not taught to think of Christ as a Read, Major Clarkson, Bill Rafferty, Parts In Comedy. being surrounded by the hamlet's fes- virile organizer, but rather as a gen- Captain Lambert, Lieutenant More- tive throngs of worshipers found are entitled to nine days furlough, tle religious teacher. And yet He land, Captain Walker, Doctor Leech, To Be Presented Feb. 22. much more convenient places to sleep, regardless ol" academic standing or started the greatest organization the Captain Letcher, as well as the foot- and dream of old Saint Nick's visita- demerit record. However any cadet After nearly a month of tryouts world has ever known, as Bruce Bar- ball men, varsity, scrubs and rats. tions to their little brothers and sis- who desires to do so may remain in which were attended by nearly fifty ton, in his "The Man Nobody Knows" Among the lesser notables were such ters. barracks by securing- permission candidates the cast for the play "The reminds us. Christ chose twelve men nonentities as football managers, ca- There was no Ikey Weinberg and through the proper channel;;. Man on the Box" has been selected. from lowly ranks of society and det correspondents and cheer leaders. Establishments, Inc., then, strange to Special trains, chartered Pullmans through them established an organi Of the fifteen parts in the cast five and buses will scatter tho Corps over At seven-thirty the epicures took say. The North River made a fine zation that bids fair to conquer the are being filled by men who have the entire country. There is a special their seats and dinner was served. A place to skate and the opportunity world. He was no weakling, as the been in plays of past year. Hines, train <voing Southwest to Alabama, more copious repast has never been was seldom neglected when the money-changers in the temple found who showed up so well as the young Texas, and Arkansas. A chartered lieutenant in last year's play; Rog- (o«i aanj uo panutiuoo) to their sorrow. (Continued on Page Three) Pullman will go to Pennsylvania, ers, who made a hit as the wise old New York, and northern points, an- FIRST CLASS HOP F0RE- counselor in "Helena's Husband" year MR. FAIRFAX HARRISON other will go to Illinois, Michigan, Another aspect of Christmas that before last; Pendleton who was the PRESENTS VALUABLE and Minnesota and the -far w«-r.t. embodies an economic principle is RUNNER OF XMAS SEASON inn-keeper in "The Man of Destiny"; Special arrangements have U:en nuwlc seen in the extension this year, Ludlow who was the charming girl VOLUMES TO LIBRARY "Ramblin' Keydets" Furnish for Georgia and Florida men. Cadets never before, of the co-operative idea. in "Lend Me Five Shillings," and going to Richmond and to Washing- Excellent Scores. Over 300 Books Added To Li- Community Christmas celebrations Frothingham who appeared as Na- ton will be given thei best, possible will mark the holiday in many cities, brary This Fall. The initial event of the Christmas poleon in "The Man of Destinty." service to the two capital cities. Lo towns and villages. A sense of civic Much new material has been unearth- season was the First Class Hop given Mr. Fairfax Harrison, president of cal trains wlil be crowded and many responsibility, on the one hand, and ed and to judge by the appearances in in Alumni Hall last Saturday night. the Southern) Railroad, has present- buses will be overflowing witfh Vir- of human brotherhood, on the other, tryouts will be able to portray the The officers of the Institute, their ed several valuable volumes to the ginia Cadets. It'll be a groat day. will underlie them all. The unbend- various parts assigned to them very wives, the members of the football library.
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