UNlVERSllY U BRARIJES w UNIVERSITY of WASHI NGTON Spe ial Colle tions 3463 Coalition For Safe Energy records Inventory Accession No: 3096-001 Special Collections Division University of Washington Libraries Box 352900 Seattle, Washington, 98195-2900 USA (206) 543-1929 This document forms part of the Preliminary Guide to the Coalition For Safe Energy Records. To find out more about the history, context, arrangement, availability and restrictions on this collection, click on the following link: http://digital.lib.washington.edu/findingaids/permalink/CoalitionforSafeEnergyWash3096/ Special Collections home page: http://www.lib.washington.edu/specialcollections/ Search Collection Guides: http://digital.lib.washington.edu/findingaids/search ,_ ,;. COALITION FOR SAFE ENERGY II 3096 Container List Box 1 Administrative Files Correspondence Advertising C.A.S.E. speeches; education Environmental resource people Information sources Photos SUBJECT SERIES 2 General (4 lg. folders) Alternative airiculture Anti-initiative campaigns Architecture and buildings Atomic Energy Commission Breeder Budget Boeing Bonneville Power Administration Bomb Testing and explosives Book reviews Costs of nuclear power Carter Creative Initiative Foundation Clallam Nuclear Project Decentralized systems Emergency core cooling systems Enrichment Enrichment plant, Richland Energy 1990 Environmental protection agency Evacuation E.R.D.A. Energy info Energy alternatives - wind Fires Federal aid Forecasting Geothermal conference Senator Gravel Group meetings, etc. Group positions Coalition for Safe Energy //3096 Box 3 Hanford Hydro projects Hubbard Industrial conservation Industry Initiative coverage Insulation Insurance - nuclear International nuclear scene Interests involved in nuclear power - "The Web" Jobs Labor Legislation Legislature Light water reactors Load management Media opinions Moratorium bill Nader Nuclear Regulatory Commission Northwest Energy Policy Project Pacific Power and Light Pebble Springs Plutonium Puget Power Rasmussen Radiation Radiation and medicine Radioactive effects 4 Ray, Dixie Lee Reprocessing Rates Regulation Reliability of nuclear power Residential utility consumer action group Roosevelt site Satsop site Scientists and Public officials - Anti-nuke Scientists and Public Officials - Pro-nuke Scientists and Public Officials - Neutral Seattle City Light and City Council Sierra Club Siting Silkwood Skagit plant Solar heating and cooling Solid wastes Thermal Power Plant Site Evaluation Council Tacoma City Light Technology assessment Transportation of Wastes .Thefts and sabotage < • w !>age 3 Coalition for Safe Energy f/30% 'Box Trident Trojan Washington. State Energy Office W.P.P.S. W.P.P.S. options Washington. Ecology Dept. Wastes Weapons Wildlife Workers 5 NEWSLETTERS Critical mass Nucleonics week Project Survival News Atomic Industrial Forum Wash. Environmental Council Science Rain Power Line Weekly Energy Report People and Energy Electrical.World Miscellaneous 5,6 Published reports; summaries, articles of local interest 7,8 CLIPPINGS 9,10.11 Unsorted material - newsletters, articles, reports r.-- ·4 COALITION FOR SAFE ENERGY /13096 OFFERED TO ENGINEERING AND DUMPED PERIODICALS 1. Nuclear Safety, Vol. 14, No. 6, Vol. 15, Vol. 16, Nos. 2 + 4, Nov/Dec 1973 - Jly/Aug 1975. Published by U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 2. FPC NEWS, 1975 (weekly) Federal Power Commission. 3. u.s.A.E.C., Regulatory Guide Series, ca. 1973-76. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENTS Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactor ·Program, Vols. 1-3, Dec. 1975 U.S. BPA, BPA Participation in Regional Interutility Cooperation, 1975 OTHER PUBLICATIONS: 1. RANN (Research Applied to Nat'l Needs) Document Center, Energy Research and Technology, Interim Bibliography, June 1974 2. BPA, A 10 Yr. Hydro-Thermal Power Program for the Pacific Northwest, 1/69 3. A Hydro-Thermal Power Program, Status Report, Dec. 1971 4. Considerations Affecting Steam Power Plant Site Selection, U.S. Office of Science and Technology, 12/68. 5. NSF, Energy Research and Tech, Abstracts of NSF Research Results, 7/74, Vol. 1, No. 1 6. Electric Power Research Institute, Fracture Toughness of Ferritic Materials in Light Water Nuclear Reactor Vessels, 12/75 7. Electric Power Research Institute, Failure Analysis and Failure Prevention in Electric Power 8. U.S.E.P.A., Development Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines and New Source Performance Standards for the Steam Electric Power Generating Point Source Category, 10/74. 9. U.S. AEC, Lasers, by Hal Hellman, 1968. 10. Natural Resources Research Institute, Overall Efficiencies of Nuclear Power, Dec. 71. 11. Conference on Magnitude and Deployment Schedule of Energy Resources, 7/21-23/75, Portland, Oregon. Proceedings. 12. U.S. ERDA, A Nat'l. Plan for Energy Research, Development and Demonstration, 10/75. 13. Council on Environmental Quality, 5th annual rept., 12/74. • Page 2. Coalition for Safe Energy Offered to Engineering and dumped 14. New York, Dept. of Environmental Control, Energy Usage on Long Island, 10/31/75 15. Conservation Foundation, Hidden Waste: Potentials for Energy Conservation, 5/73 16. U.S. ERDA, Investment Planning in the Energy Sector, 3/1/76 17. U.S. ERDA, Synthetic Fuels Commercialization Program Overview Report 11/75; Draft,EIS, 12/75; Recommendations Vol. 2+3, 11/75 18. US AEC, Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactor Program, Vol. 1, 12/74 19. U.S. ERDA, Waste Management Operations, Vol. 1-2, 12/75 20. U.S. FEA. Direct and Indirect Economic, Social, and Environmental Impacts of the Passage of the California Nuclear Power Plants Initiative, April 76, vols. 1-4 21. U.S. FEA, Project Independence, A Summary, 11/74. 22. U. s. Comptroller. Opportunity for AEC to Improve its Procedures for Making Sure That Containers Used for Transporting Radioactive Materials are Safe, 7/31/73 24. U. S. Comptroller. Progress and Problems in Programs for Managing High-Level Radioactive Wastes, 1/29/71. 25. Cornell Workshops on the Major Issues of a National Energy Research and Development Program, 9/14 - 10/17/1973. 26. U.S. Comptroller Opportunities for Improving AEC's Administration of Agreements with States Regulating Users of Radioactive Materials, 6/11/73. 27. U.S. ERDA. Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactor Program, vols. 1-3, 12/75 28. Seattle. City Light. Energy 1990. Initial Report. Vol. 1, 2/76 29. U. of Illinois, Center for Advanced Computation, Options for Energy Conservation, 6/18/73. 30. Atlantic Council of the U.S., Nuclear Fuels Policy Paper, 1976 (?) 31. U.S. ERDA. 2nd Public Meeting on a National Plan for Energy Research, Development and Demonstration, 12/75 32. US. ERDA, Building Energy Authority and Regulations Survey: State Activity, 5/76 33. U.S. ERDA, Natl. Program for Solar Heating and Cooling - Residential and Commercial Applications, 10/75. 34. Council of Environmental Quality, Rept. on 1975 Public Hearings, 1/76 35. U.S. ERDA, A Natl. Plan for Energy Research, Development and Demonstration: Creating Energy Choices for the Future, Vol. 1, 1976. 36. US. ERDA, The Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactor: Promises and Uncertainties, 1/31/75. 37. Univ. of Illinoid. Center for Advanced Computation, Regional Patterns of Energy Consumption in the U.S., 1967 38. U. of Illinois, Center for Advanced Computation, Energy Conservation Through Taxation, 1974. 39. U. of Illinois, C.A.C., Energy & the Regional Planner, 1974. 40. U.S. Natl. Technical Info Service, LDC Nuclear Power Prospects, 1975-1990. 41. W.P.P.S.S., EIS, Nuclear Project No. 4., 1974 42. U.S.E.R.D.A., Nuclear Fuel Cycle, 1975 43. U.S. Natl. Bureau of Standards, Energy Conservation Program Guide for Industry and Commerce, NBS Handbook 15, 9/74. Offered to Fish-Oceanography: Publications 1. Electric Power Plants in the Coastal Zone: Environmental Issues, by John Clark and Willard Brownell, Highlands, New Jersey, American Littoral Society, October 1973. COALITION FOR SAFE ENERGY /13096 DUMPED: Hearings Before the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy. 1. Brown's Ferry Nuclear Plant Fire, Pt. 1 9/16/75. 2. Proposed Nucl. Power Plant Siting and Licensing Legislation, 6/25 and 11/11/75. 3. ERDA Authorizing Legislation, Fiscal Yr. 1977, Pt. 1: Vol. I & II, 1/21/76, and Pt. 3, 2-3/1976. 4. S.2035 and R.R. 8401: Nuclear Fuel Assurance Act of 1975, 2/6, 3/23, 4/6-7/76. 5. R.R. 8631: To Amend and Extend the Price-Anderson Act, 9/23-24/75 6. Environmental Effects of Producing Electric Power, Pt. I, 10/11/69 7. s. 1439: Export Reorganization Act of 1976, 6/22/76 Before The Senate Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs 8. Energy Info Act, on S.2782, part 3 - Appendix, 1974 9. Problems of Electrical Power Production in the Southwest, Salt Lake City, Utah, 5/26/71, Part 3 Before Committee art Goverrtmertt Operations 10. Low Level Radioactive Waste Disposal, 2-4/76. Committee Prints Joint Committee on Atomic Energy 1. 2nd Annual Report to the U.S. Congress, 6/30/76 2. Atomic Energy Legislation Through 94th Congress, 1st Session, 3/76 3. Selected Materials on the Calvert Cliffs Decision, Its Origin and Aftermath, 2/72 4. U.S. Jt. Economic Committee, The Economy, Energy and The Environment, 9/1/70. .
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