Bloodmobile Alfred Guild Sale May 9 Friday to Sunday Campus Center IAT LUX Binns-Merrill Courtyard Yol. 50, No*A ALFRED, NEW YORK, TUESDAY, MAY 7, 1963 Phone 587-5402 DeanMcMahonSpeaks p\ . I , I A If Moving-Up Day Includes Dean Gustad to Leave, A,f,red'' Awards, Pushball, Carnival Accepts New Post In Florida Dr. John iF. McMahon, (Dean of presented. In addition trophies the College of Ceramics, will be for the sorority and fraternity the main speaker at the Moving- carnival booth competition, will New College Features Up Day ceremonies this Thurs- be awarded. Dean McMahon will day. then speak, after which the hon- Dean McMahon traditionally ad- orary fraternities and sororities No Credits, No Grades dresses the Moving-Up Day as- will tap new members. Dr. John W. Gustad has resigned his position of dean sembly every four years. This is The Moving-Up Day celebration of the College of Liberal Arts, effective at the close of the done so that laJl students will will begin Wednesday night with lhave heard him speak before they fraternity-sorority exchange des- current school year. graduate. The assembly is one of serts from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. The Dr. Gustad, who came to Alfred of the finest schools in the coun- many events taking place in hon- carnival and dance, with music in the summer of 1960, i3 taking try." or of the social moving up of by the Dave Miller Trio, will be the position of Dean of New Col- Dr. Gustad came to Alfred from students to their next class. held from ® p.m. to midnight. lege, in Sarosota, Florida. New the University of Maryland where The assembly program will be Pushball Contest College plans to open in the fall he had been professor of psychol- held at 11 a.m. Thursday. At that Directly after the carnival, the of 1964. As chief educational of- ogy and director of the counsel- tmie the Student Senate gavel push-ball contest between the ficer of this newly chartered in- ing center. He is responsible for will be presented by outgoing present freshman and sophomore^ stitute, however, Dr. Gustad will significant changes in the College ¡president Fred Silverstein to classes begins. The object of the have to begin immediately to of Liberal Arts since his arrival newly elected Tom Syracuse. contest is to get the most points make plans for New College, at Alfred. Kanakadea Dedication by pushing an inflated ball about Dr. John W. Gustad which he expects to become "one Syracuse will then welcome the ten feet in diiameter across the Contributions to Alfred assembly, after which ¡Linda Kai- opposing team's goal line as many The recruitment of fine faculty ser, editor of the 1963 Kanakadea, times as possible, during the half- members has been his major con- will announce the yearbook dedi- hour game. Parents Converge on AU) tributions to Alfred, according to cation. Also on the same night are Dr. Gustad. He is also responsi- Next year's class officers will open houses at the sorority ble for the division of Alfred into at this time be presented by Sen- houses and Kruson lounge. This Weekend Offers Host upper and lower divisions and the ior Class President, Al Mandel. year the administration is turn- comprehensive examinations, first The presidents are: John MadFad- ing the control of the open resi- administered to the sophomore den, senior class; Robert Volk, dences over solely to the students. Of Planned Activities class this past week. Dr. Gustad Junior class; and David Miller, Thursday morning Dr. Wingate has also been Involved in curric- Events scheduled for ¡Parents' day afternoon at 12:45 p.m. in the ulum revision and he cited the {sophomore class. Mandel will will give a carillon concert and new men's dining hall. At this Weekend, May ,10, 11, and 12, Englsh, psychology, sociology, and then present the senior class cane that afternoon will be a campus time parents will have the oppor- will give parents of University philosophy departments as areas to MacFadden. clean-up. The Bloodmobile will tunity to meet and talk with fac- students an opportunity to meet in which the entire program has After this, awards for the step- be at the Campus Center from ulty members. The program will faculty members and learn Of been redesigned. singing contests which will be 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Thurs- the progress of the University. consist of President M. Ellis ¡held before the assembly, will be day. A nationally known psycholo- "Fashion, or Life in New York," Drake's annual "State of the gist, Dr. Gustad has continued to a gay comedy on' early American University" message, musical se- write articles in his special field, life, will be presented both Fri- lections by the Varsity Seven, Footlight Club Performs Tashion'; day and Saturday nights at -8 who have been selected to tour while at Alfred and last year was p.m. in the Men's Gymnasium. the Mediterranean Theatre for visiting professor of psychology Social Satire by Anna Mowatt Following the Saturday night the USO and the State Depart- at the University of Puerto Rico. performance, there will be a ment, and a panel discussion of Dr. Gustad is listed in 'Ameri- will be $1.50 for adults and 75 by Peter Wwnsh dance in the Campus Center from "Academic Life at Alfred." Pan- can Men of Science," "Who's Who The footlight club will give two cents for high school students. 9 p.m. to 1 a.m., with music by elists are students Nancy Ger- in American Education", and performances of Anna Cora Mo- Alfred University students will Don Jones' Orchestra. kin, Kay Jordan, Charles Matte- "Who's Who in America." He is a son, John Nunes, and Fred Silver- be admitted only with aotivit'ea "State of the University" member of many professional so- wptt's "Fashion; or Life In New stein. Mr. Fred iGertz, registrar cieties and a Fellow of the Amer» books. Luncheon will be held Satur- York" in the Men's Gymnasium, and director of summer sessions, lean Association for the Advance- this Friday and Saturday at 8: IS Spanish Week will serve as moderator. ment of Science. p.m. The ROTC band will present a A native of St. Paul, Minn., Dr. "Fashion or Life In New York" concert on the front lawn of the Gustad earned his bachelor of arts degree at Macalester College in is a social satire written about 'Spanish Literature and Culture' new men's dining hall at 12: IS St. Paul. After graduation, he people who are trying to be fcush- p.m. Saturday. There will also be a ROTC military review, high- served in the Navy during World ionable. This comedy, set main- Topic of Dr. Rodriguez-Diaz's Talk lighted by the presentation of the War II as gunnery, executive and ly in the household of Mrs. Tif- Primary trends in "Spanish of the country, he added. Society of American Military En- commanding officer in the Pacif- fany, is high-lighted by lavish Literature and Culture" was the Many of the literary works are gineering medal and awards for ic. He began graduate study at costumes. The humor 1b accentu- topic of a lecture given iby Dr. anonymous, showing the popular outstanding cadets in each class, the University of Minnesota fol- or democratic spirit of the peo- ated by the movements of the Manolo Rodriguez-Diaz, Monday at 2:30 p.m. on Merrill Field. lowing the war and received hia ple, said the lecturer. Stoicism actors, in addition to their lines. "Sharing of Nuclear Weapons" M.A. and Ph.D. degrees there with April 29, in the Campus Center, is shown in the manner in which majors in psychology. The telling comment of "fashion" The National-International Af- as part of the Spanish Week pro- the protagonists in Spanish iliera- fairs Committee of the Student Experiment in Education is that of the American passion gram. ture accept the joys and tribular Senate will hold a panel discus- Dr. Gustad regards New Col- lor imitating European ways. tlons of life. Their Btoicism is al- Dr. Rodriguez-Diaz, professor of sion on "The Sharing of Nuclear lege as "an exciting new experi- Mrs. Tiffany, who is newly rich, so demonstrated in their fearless romance languages, abated ttaat Weapons," at 11:30 a.m. in the ment in the field of higher edu- is first to appear. She wishes to confrontations with death. The Parents' Lounge of the Campus cation." He explained that New associate herself with the "ee- the geographic location of Spain Spanish lack of concern with the Center. College grew out of a discussion lite* 'and tries to give the im- played an important part in the small pleasures of life, according among representatives of the Ford pression of being fashionable. country's cultural develoment. to Dr. Rodriguez-Diaz, are evi- The Campus Caravan radio pro- Foundation, Carniage Corporation gram, featuring the winners of Bernadette Brunetti, as Mrs. Tif- This isolation made the people dent in the culture and literature and the Congregational Church. the Moving-Up Day Step Singing fany, points out her social am- dislike anything foreign, allowed of Spain. Dr. Gustad considers New College bition. This ambition is to get contest, will broadcast from the the culture to develop without He then discussed the religious a unique experiment in higher ed- her daughter Seraphina (Naomi Parents' Lounge of the Campus ucation because from its inception outside influences, and developed trends in Spain.
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