THE LONDON GAZETTE, 16ra MARCH 1987 3533 lately a COMPANY DIRECTOR and now an Office the style of 'Deal Cooker Centre' at 17 Duke Street, Manager (described in the Receiving Order as T. E. all in Deal, Kent. Court—CANTERBURY. No. of Williamson (male)), of 49 Hova Villas, Hove, East Sus- Matter—7 of 1986. Trustee's Name. Address and sex. Court—BRIGHTON. No. of Matter—81 of 1985. Description—Official Receiver, Lombard House, 12-17 Trustee's Name, Address and Description—Official Re- Upper Bridge Street, Canterbury CT1 2NQ. Date of ceiver, Windsor House (East Entrance), 30-35 Edward Release—llth December 1986. Street, Brighton, East Sussex BN2 2JZ. Date of Release—10th December 1986. HOLLANDS, Christopher Alan, PLUMBER and HEAT- ING INSTALLER, residing and carrying on business HANCOCK, Peter Robert, unemployed, residing at 71 at 223 College Road, Margate, Kent and previously Effingham Road, St. Andrews, Bristol BS6 SAY and residing and carrying on business at 16 Beverley Close, lately residing at 76 Bishop Manor Road, Westbury-on- Rainham, Kent, under the style 'C.A. Hollands Plumb- Trym. Bristol both in the county of Avon. Court— ing and Heating' (described in the Receiving Order as BRISTOL. No. of Matter—193 of 1984. Trustee's Name, C.A. Hollands (male)). Court—CANTERBURY. No. Address and Description—Official Receiver, 4 Colston of Matter—85 of 1985. Trustee's Name, Address and Avenue, Bristol BS1 4BN. Date of Release—28th Janu- Description—Official Receiver, Lombard House, 12-17 ary 1987. Upper Bridge Street, Canterbury, Kent, CT1 2NQ. Date of Release—llth December 1986. JAMES, Penny also known as Penny Bricklebank (feme sole) residing at and carrying on business in partnership HOLMAN, Michael George, Bricklayer, of 26 Royal with another from the Montpelier Hotel, 34 St Andrews Road, Ramsgate, Kent, formerly residing and carrying Road. Montpelier, Bristol in the county of Avon as on business at 91 King Street, Ramsgate, Kent under PUBLICANS. Court—BRISTOL (by transfer from High the style "The Fruit Basket" as a GREENGROCER. Court of Justice). No. of Matter—90 of 1986. Trustee's Court—CANTERBURY. No. of Matter—54 of 1985. Name, Address and Description—Official Receiver, 4 Trustee's Name, Address and Description—Official Colston Avenue, Bristol BS1 4BN. Date of Release— Receiver, Lombard House, 12-17 Upper Bridge Street, 28th January 1987. Canterbury, Kent CT1 2NQ. Date of Release—llth December 1986. MATTHEWS, Paul Frederick (described in the Receiving Order as Paul Matthews) of 3 The Barton, Compton HOULT, Ralph Christopher and HOULT, Jean Mary Martin, lately carrying on business under the style of (his wife) both of 6 Staffordshire Street, Ramsgate, Kent Matthews Joinery from Unit 5, Cloud Hill Enterprises, carrying on business in partnership as PHOTOGRA- Temple Cloud, in the county of Avon as a JOINER. PHERS at 32 King Street, Ramsgate, Kent and formerly Court—BRISTOL. No. of Matter—46 of 1986. Trustee's residing and carrying on business at 42 Grange Road, Name, Address and Description—Official Receiver, 4 Ramsgate, Kent as ' Ralph Hoult (Photographer)'. Colston Avenue, Bristol BS1 4BN. Date of Release— Court—CANTERBURY. No. of Matter—10 of 1986. 28th January 1987. Trustee's Name, Address and Description—Official Re- ceiver, Lombard House. 17-17 Upper Bridge Street, PARDESI, Karnel Singh (described in the Receiving Order Canterbury. Kent CT1 2NQ. Date of Release—llth as Karnel Singh) unemployed, former COMPANY December 1986. DIRECTOR of 10 Normanton Road, Clifton, Bristol lately residing at 152 Fishponds Road, Fishponds, Bris- MAY, Keith Leslie, unemployed MOTOR MECHANIC tol, formerly residing at 402 Stapleton Road, Eastville. of 1 Roman Road. Faversham. Kent, lately residing at Bristol, lately carrying on business under the style of Dorma View. Upper Harbledown. Canterbury, Kent. " Lockleaze Hardware and Clothing" from 14B Gains- Court—CANTERBURY. No. of Matter—28 of 1986. borough Square, Lockleaze, Bristol and under the style Trustee's Name. Address and Description—Official Re- of "Just Jenny" from 43 Filwood Broadway, Knowle ceiver, Lombard House, 12-17 Upper Bridge Street. Can- West, Bristol all in the county of Avon, as a CLOTH- terbury, Kent. Date of Release—llth December 1986. ING RETAILER. Court—BRISTOL (By transfer from High Court of Justice). No. of Matter—104 of 1986. NOCKELS. Terence Ernest, Barman, of 1 Byron Avenue, Trustee's Name, Address and Description—Official Re- Margate, Kent, previously carrying on business from 82A ceiver, 4 Colston Avenue. Bristol BSI 4BN. Date of High Street, 26 and 13 Arlington Square, all in Margate, Release—4th December 1986. Kent and from " Indoor Market", William Street, Herne Bay, Kent and from 20 St. Peter's Street, Canterbury. WEDLAKE, Geoffrey Gordon, unemployed of The Bunga- Kent under the style "The Badce Shoo", as a FANCY low, Yew Tree Country Club. Station Road, Langford in GOODS RETAILER. Court—CANTERBURY. No. of the county of Avon former CLUB PROPRIETOR. Court—BRISTOL. No. of Matter—19 of 1984. Trus- Matter—23 of 1985. Trustee's Name, Address and De- tee's Name, Address and Description—Official Receiver, scription—Official Receiver. Lombard House. 12-17 4 Colston Avenue, Bristol BSI 4BN. Date of Release Upoer Bridge Street, Canterburv. Kent CT1 2NQ. Date —29th January 1987. of Release—llth December 1986. W1GNALL. Daniel Jeremiah, unemployed (described in PETERS. Kevin Rov of 112 Spring Lane. Canterbury, Kent the receiving order as Daniel J. Wignall) residing at 151 ROOFING TILER (described in the Receiving Order as Robertson Road. Eastville, Bristol lately residing* at Mr. K. PetersV Court—CANTERBURY. No. of Matter and carrying on business from The Queen's Head, 171 —4 of 1985. Trustee's Name. Address and Description— Easton Road. Easton. Bristol both in the county of Official Receiver. Lombard Hou«e. 12-17 Upper Bridge Avon as a PUBLICAN. Court—BRISTOL. No. of Street. Canterburv. Kent CTI 2NQ. Date of Release— Matter—145 of 1985. Trustee's Name, Address and llth December 1986. Description—Official Receiver, 4 Colston Avenue, Bris- tol BSI 4BN. Date of Release—28th January 1987. WESTWICK, John Clive, unemploved. residing and carry- ing on business as a Painter and Decorator at 44 Row- GOOCH, Kenneth George, also known as Mitcham, land Drive. Greenhill. Herne Bay. Kent (described Kenneth George, residing at Appletree Cottage, Bur- in the Receiving Order .as J. Westwick (mnle)). Court— rough Green, Newmarket, Cambridgeshire lately re- CANTERBURY. No. of Matter—9 of 1986. Trustee's siding at Raylands. Rayes Lane, Newmarket. Suffolk Name. Address and Description—Official Receiver, Lom- and previously residing at and trading as a BUILDING bard House. 12-17 Upper Bridge Street. Canterbury, Kent. CONTRACTOR in the style of Mitcham and Wilson Date of Release—llth December 1986. from 229 Chevely Road, Newmarket, Suffolk—BUILD- ING MAINTENANCE WORKER. Court—CAM- WILLIAMS. Ronald Anthony a Sports SrmD Manager of BRIDGE. No. of Matter—6 of 1985. Trustee's Name. 243 Woolaston Avenue, latelv of 28 Pnd:»rn Close, both Address and Description—The Official Receiver, 49 in Lakeside, lately tradinc at Weiehbrid«»e Service Station, Bateman Street, Cambridge CB2 1LT. Date of Re- 149 North Road, as a PETROL STATION OPERATOR, lease—1st December 1986. all in Cardiff, South Glamorgan. Court—CARDIFF (by transfer from High Court of Justice). No. of Matter— HALE, Craig of 67 Birdwood Avenue, Domestic Appli- 32A of 1985. Trustee's Name. Address and Description— ance Engineer, formerly of 16 Marine Road, and lately Official Receiver. 3rd Floor, Hayes House, The Hayes, carrying on business as a COOKER REPAIRER under Cardiff CF1 2UG. Date of Release—12th December 1986..
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