INTEGRATE RATHER THAN SEGREGATE FEATURE AQUAPONICS: THE LOW-DOWN Words by Django Van Tholen Photos by Ben Pohlner Aquaponics combines aquaculture and hydroponics fish, meat and vegetables are also at a premium due to high to produce fish and plants in one integrated system, food miles, making local aquaponic produce a more sustain- creating a symbiotic and mostly self-sustaining rela- able option. Aquaponics can also provide access and food tionship. sovereignty to people in locations where soil fertility may be low or where risk of soil contamination exists. Combining fish and plants isn’t a new concept, with its origins The full life cycle analysis debate is well underway, the an- dating back several millennia. Asia’s rice paddy farming sys- swers to which are situational and not easily arrived at given tems is an example. Aquaponics today borrows and combines the complexity of the global food system. methods primarily developed by the hydroponics aquaculture Plant growth in aquaponics is very quick, with high produc- industries, along with new ideas from the innovative DIY on- tivity from a small area. This is the same for fish growth, with line community. people easily growing 10 kgs of fish for each cubic metre of water in a simple backyard system. HOW IT WORKS For the backyard enthusiast or school environment, aqua- The basic principle of synergy involved in aquaponics is the ponics as an educational tool can cover the most basic con- requirement of clean water to promote the healthy and fast cepts of biology and ecological systems to the more complex growth of fish, and the need and ability of plants to use nutri- interactions of water and microbial biochemistry. These sys- ents from the water to grow. One of the most critical aspects tems can also be designed to mimic local aquatic ecosystems in this relationship between plants and fish is the diverse mi- and make for fantastic observation. On a practical level you crobial community which transforms fish wastes into forms can explore construction, plumbing and the tricky balance of of nutrients more easily used by plants for growth. growing fish and vegetables simultaneously. It is very much a In the simplest arrangement, you will need a tank for fish multi-skilled project! and a trough for plants. Given that plants require physical support for their roots to extend into, some kind of growing MAINTENANCE substrate is required in the trough. Often quarried gravel, sco- Like all gardening, there is always regular maintenance, and ria or manufactured clay pebbles are used. More advanced aquaponics is no exception. However there is a certain labour growers tend to use a raft system. A raft usually floats on the of love that goes along with aquaponic growing, especially for water, allowing the plant roots to hang into the water. the beginner. The substrate is often the most important design feature as The day-to-day maintenance requires fish to be fed once it is vital in supporting and promoting the microbial health of or twice a day, keeping an eye on fish behavior and health to the system. Microbes coat the gravel, so as the water is recir- avert disease. The system’s water level and pump need to be culated between the fish tank and the planted trough, the fish checked, making sure the aerator is running and supplying wastes are filtered which produces clean water for the fish. oxygen to the fish. Every few days it’s time to check your water quality and adjust where needed; a crucial task. This WHY AQUAPONICS? involves a range of reasonably simple tests you can buy from Aquaponics systems use about 90 per cent less water than an aquarium shop. 30 31 soil based food production, which is why aquaponics systems Once you get the hang of it, tasks will speed up, requiring are often established in deserts and islands (where freshwa- less effort. Aquaponics for the most part requires far more ter resources are precious). In many of these locations, fresh attention to detail and time while you’re learning. USE + VALUE RENEWABLE RESOURCES + SERVICES FEATURE BUILD YOUR OWN NATURAL SWIMMING POOL Words and photos by Shona Macpherson A natural swimming pool is a beautiful and healthy al- you wish to use, and the extent of construction work you’re ternative to a conventional pool. By building a natural willing to undertake yourself. swimming pool, you are creating a self-cleaning wa- There is no set way to build a natural swimming pool. The ter system that benefits both people and local wildlife, basic principles can be adapted to many different designs and with no risk of releasing chemicals or pollution into budgets. There are three main methods of construction to the atmosphere, local waterways or environment. choose from: a rubber liner, concrete or clay base. The mate- rials, plants and filtration system can be different depending Natural swimming pools use no chemicals or pesticides to on your desired outcome and budget. When considering the maintain the water quality, a welcome relief for those who design and construction, there are so many options. Having suffer skin allergies or sensitivities. Through the use of plants a final plan and estimated budget (along with knowing the and a small aerator, the water ecology is regulated and fil- building process stages) makes it much easier to stick to the tered to keep it clean and healthy. plan. There are hundreds of ways to build a natural swimming pool and the techniques and systems you use will vary de- PLANTS pending on your circumstances. Generally, a natural swim- When deciding on water plant species, consider not only ming pool is divided into the swimming zone and plant zones. which varieties you like but which are best suited to your Usually the centre is for swimming, and the shallows for area and climate. It is important to remember that many water plants and animals to filter the water. plants can spread, take over and enter natural waterways, so The plant zone is usually an equal area to the swimming researching varieties that work for your situation is vital to a zone. Plant zones have varied depths so different water plant low-maintenance system. We chose mainly native water plant species and varieties can be used, including fully submerged species with some exotics. These included assorted water varieties. The plants and animals condition the water, keeping lilies such as water iris, Japanese and Louisiana, several va- it clean, while the circulation system gently moves the water rieties of rush including variegated club, and dwarf papyrus, around the pool to allow the plant beds to remove excess ribbon grass and water plantain. nutrients. The circulation system is created during the construction to MAINTENANCE help the natural filtration process. The addition of an aerator Like all pools, a natural swimming pool requires regular also helps oxygenate the water. Plants and animals maintain maintenance. You’ll need to remove dead foliage, leaves and the health of the water, oxygenating and filtering, as well as flower heads from the plant zone, and divide plants as need- removing the nutrients that would otherwise allow algae to ed. The leaf skimmer needs to be emptied regularly and the flourish. filter in your pump system will also need cleaning. There’s more maintenance required in summer as there is more plant growth and warmer water temperatures. Cooler water means 34 BUILDING THE POOL 35 Natural swimming pools can be built cheaper and more ethi- less algae and therefore it is important to have a deep zone in cally than conventional pools, depending of course on the de- your pool for cooler water. sign, site, size, earthworks, cost and availability of materials USE + VALUE RENEWABLE RESOURCES + SERVICES FEATURE FORAGING EDIBLE SEAWEED Words by Dr Alecia Bellgrove and Robyn Rosenfeldt Illustrations by Kathleen McCann Growing in our oceans and lining our beaches, sea- are yet to finalise the results, so when harvesting seaweed, weed is familiar to us all. But what many of us don’t it’s important to think very carefully about where you’re get- realise is the nutritional benefit that seaweed offers. ting it from. Your safest bet is to buy dried seaweed from reputable The edible seaweed industry in Australia is in its infancy. It’s companies that harvest it sustainably and test it for toxins. only recently that scientific research is being conducted into However, if you’re mindful, collecting your own can be a re- the nutritional benefits of seaweed and how we can start in- warding experience that allows you to become more in touch corporating it into our diets. with the ocean and where your food comes from. Southern Australia has more species of seaweed than any other region, with 62% of species not growing anywhere else WHERE TO COLLECT in the world. This means that we’re starting from scratch Before going out foraging for seaweed, you need to be aware when it comes to understanding the health benefits and nutri- of the laws that surround its collection in your area. Go to tional values that it holds. your local Department of Fisheries website to find out your It also means that we have a huge potential for discovering state’s regulations. Some states allow only beach cast sea- more species of commercial value. On a global scale, Aus- weed to be collected, whereas others allow a small amount tralia is perceived as having clean and pure waters, making above the low tide mark — but never in marine parks. Australian seaweed products highly desirable to the rest of Also until we have data to suggest otherwise, it’s best to the world.
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