A Pictorial Guide to the Fifty-First Washington State Legislature • 1989-90 • REPRESENTATIVES ELECTED OFFICIALS YOUNGSMAN, JIM Republican. Representative, 40th District. north­ west Skagit County. southwest Whatcom County and San Juan County. Serving first term. Native of Skagit County; owns/operates Skagit Gardens, a wholesale greenhouse business. Graduate of Skagit Valley Cmnty Coil. and Wash. State Univ. Has Master's in Ornamental Horticulture from Penn . State Univ. Served as board member/officer of Wash. State Floriculture Assn and Puget Sound Flower Growers Assn. Active in community com­ mittees. Rotary Club and Emanuel Baptist Church. He and wife Ruth have four children and live in Mount Vernon. ZEWNSKY, SR., PAUL Democrat. Representative from legislative District BOOTH GARDNER 23 comprised of most of Kitsap County, is serving his fourth term. Attended UW; Graduate of Seattle Governor University with a degree in Business . 80rn in Seattle and a resident of Kitsap County since 1959. Booth Gardner is the 19th Governor of the state of Retired owner of an automobile dealership in Washington and was elected in 1988 to serve a second Bremerton. Member: Bremerton and Silverdale Chamber of Commerce. Board member: Harrison term. Born in Tacoma on August 21, 1936, Governor Hospital Memorial Foundation. Past member: Gardner has lived in the Pierce County area all his life. County Planning Commission. He has two children and lives with wife, Joanne. in Bremerton. Governor Gardner graduated from the University of Washington with a B.A. in Business in 1958, and went on to receive a Master's Degree in Business from Harvard University in 1963. From 1967-72, Governor Gardner was Director of THOMPSON, ALAN the School of Business and Economics at the University Serving his second term as Chief Clerk. A Demo­ of Puget Sound and, during this time, was elected as a cratic member of the House of Representatives Washington State Senator representing the 26th district. from 1965-/982 and of the Senate from 1983­ 1986 from the 18th legislative District. During his tenure as Senator, he was Chair of the Educa­ tion, Manufacturing and Development, and Commerce and Regulatory Agencies Committees. In 1972, Governor Gardner left Olympia to take over his family business as President of Laird Norton Co., a national building materials and supply firm. In 1980, Pierce County adopted the County Council form of government and in 1981 elected Governor Gard­ ner as the first County Executive. He was credited with KARRAS, DENNIS Deputy Chief Clerk of the House of Representa­ turning a 54.7 million county deficit into a 54 million sur­ tives. Began working for the legislature in 1980 as plus by the end of his term. Research Analyst for the State Government Com­ In addition to his elected and private sector posi­ mittee. Served as Director of the Office of Program Research from 1982 through 1988. tions, Governor Gardner co-founded the Central Area Youth Association of Seattle, which still provides athletic, social adjustment and educational activities for minority and economically disadvantaged youths. He has also been a trustee or board member with the Central City Learning Center of Tacoma; the Washington Commission YOUNG, ROSS for the Humanities; the Seattle Mental Health Institute; Democrat. Sergeant at Arms of the House of Rep­ the Private Industries Council and the University of Puget resentatives serving his seventh term. Has been Sound Board of Trustees. employed by legislature since 197 I . 80rn in Cle Elum. Attended Central Washington State College. Governor Gardner is also involved in youth sports' Served 20 years in the United States Air Force. re­ activities and coached his girls' soccer team-the tiring as a Senior Master Sergeant in 1969. He and his wife Mary live in Tumwater. Cozars-to the national championship game three times in a row. Governor Gardner and his wife, Jean, have two chil­ dren, Doug and Gail. ~ 3 ELECTED OFFICIALS REPRESENTATIVES JOEL PRITCHARD. Ueutenant Govemor WINEBERRY. JESSE Republican. Serving first term as President of Sen­ Democrat. Third-term Representative from ate and Chair of Senate Rules Committee. Born and Seattle's 43rd District. Graduate of UW, B.A. in raised in Washington; served 8 years in State Bus. Admin.; J.D ., UPS School of Law. Seattle na­ House and 4 in State Senate /1958 to 1970/. tive, former ABC news exec., 1982 Congress. Fel­ Elected to Congress from Washington's 1st Dist. in low with U .S. House of Rep . on Telecom., Consum­ 1972; served in nation's capital until 1984. keeping er Protect. and Finance; recent law clerk with a pledge to serve only 12 years. Has worked as TV Seattle firm, MacDonald, Hoague & Bayless. Past commentator and been Dir. of Gov. ReI. for local brd member: Church Cncl of Greater Seattle, Cen­ law firm and Pres. of an envelope co. Attended tral Area Motivation Prog. /CAMP/, Puget Sound Marietta Coil. /Ohio/; served in Army Inf. in Pacific SANE. Member: Seattle-King Cnty Munic. league, in WWII. Has 4 grown children and I grandchild. loren Miller Bar Assn, NAACP. lifetime He and wife Damaris live in Seattle. member/trustee of Goodwill Missionary Baptist Church. In first term, he established dist. office that serves over 2000 citizens each year. RALPH MUNRO. Secretary of State WINSLEY, SHIRLEY J. Republican. First elected in 1980, serving third Republican. Representing 28th District, comprising term as 13th Secretary of State of Washington. Pierce County communities of Fircrest. UniverSity Also serves as Co-chair of Wash. Centennial Cmsn. Place, lakewood, Steilacoom and Tillicum. Born in lifelong resident of Washington; born and raised Fosston, Minnesota and graduate of Tacoma Com­ on Bainbridge Is . Graduate of Western Wash. munity College and PlU. Shirley was first appointed Univ.; was Special Asst. to Gov. Dan Evans and to the House in 1974, where she is now serving in Washington's first volunteer coordinator. Served as her seventh term. A member of the State Advisory Dir. of Guardianship Prog. for Foundation for the Council for Accreditation of Vocational-Technical Handicapped; founded several organizations for Institutes and the Washington State Council on the disabled. Active in elections' reform, voter out­ Aging. Shirley has also served as a member and reach. historic preservation. environ. protection Chair of the Pierce County Council. She and her and interntl. trade dev. Munro, wife Karen and son husband Gordon have two grown children and five George make their home in Olympia. grandchildren. DANIEL K GRIMM, State Treasurer WOLFE, CHARLES R. Democrat. Serving his first term as State Treasurer. Republican, Representative from 4th District, com­ Served six terms /1977-1988/ as a State Represen­ prising Spokane Valley and eastern Spokane Coun­ tative from Puyallup, including three terms as Chair ty. Received M.D. degree from Univ. of Nebraska of the House Ways & Means Committee. B.A., Med. School /1956/; Master's degree in Public Columbia University. lifelong resident of Puyallup, Health from loma linda Univ. /1987/. Director of where he resides with his wife, Kathy, and their Dept. of Occupational Medicine at Deaconess daughter, Whitney K. Med. Center. Past President of NW Occupational Med. Assn., co-founder of Emergency Med. Group at Valley Hosp Member: Bloomsday Roadrunner Club, American Scotch Highland Breeders Assn and Ntl. Rifle Assn. He is in private practice in occupa­ tional medicine in Spokane. Charlie and wife Patricia have three sons and one grandchild. ROBERT V. GRAHAM, State Auditor WOOD. JEANNETTE Democrat. Is a native Washingtonian and became Republican. Representative from 21 st District, in­ the state's seventh Auditor in 1965 and has been cluding cities of Edmonds, Lynnwood and parts of elected to a seventh term. Prior to his election, he Everett and Mukilteo. Graduate of Cornell Univ., served in every administrative post in the Office of B.A., Home Econ. Immediate-past Mayor of State Auditor. He is a Certified Internal Auditor, a WOOdway; 6-year Woodway City Cncl member; Professional Finance Officer and an active member Puget Sound Cncl of Gov., Woodway rep. Exten­ of many professional organizations. He and his sive cmnty experience: WA State Cncl for Volun­ wife, 1I0ydine, have five grown children. tary Action; United Way; Snohom. Cnty Cmnty Servo Brd; Cncl on Aging; Juvenile Diversion Prog.; MEDIC 7 Brd of Dir.; Steering Cmte, Enhanced 911; /Chair/ Snohom. Cnty Cities & Towns Assn; /Chair/ S. Snohom. City Cultural Arts Conv. Stadium Dis!.; Edmonds Cmnty Coli. Found. Jeannette and husband Ross have 6 children and 3 grandchildren. 2 47 REPRESENTATIVES ELECTED OFFICIALS WALKER, SALLY W. KEN EIKENBERRY, Attorney General Republican Caucus Vice Chair Republican. Serving third term. Member of the Republican. Representative from the 28th District: Corrections Standards Board; Criminal Justice Fircrest, University Place. Lakewood. Steilacoom Training Commission; also an active member of Na­ and Tillicum. Serving her third term. Born in tional Association of Attorneys General, serving as Wilmette, Illinois, and has been a resident of the Chair of the Criminal Law Committee and the Northwest since 1962. She has been involved in a Working Group on Model Patient Abuse Legisla­ wide variety of community organizations and tion. By Presidential appointment, he served on the boards before being elected to the Legislature. She President's Task Forces on Victims of Crime and and her husband. O.B., have five children. Child Safety Partnership, and also serves on the Governor's Task Force on Child Support Enforce­ ment. Former Special Agent of F.B.I., Deputy Pros­ ecutor for King County and three-term state legis­ lator. Born. raised and educated in Washington State. Graduate of WSU and UW. Ken and his wife, Beverly, reside in Olympia. WANG, ART JUDITH A. BIWNGS, J.D.. Democrat. Representative since 1980 from 27th Superlmendem of Public Instruction District: Pierce County (Tacoma, Fife, Milton, Rus­ Non-partisan omce.
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