269 Subject Index Abnormalities embryo occurring naturally in crustacean chelae: cleavage patterns and gastrulation: SHELTON, TRUBY & SHELTON 63, 285 KOBAYAKAWA & KUBOTA 62, 83 Acetylcholinesterase somite myogenesis: YOUN & MALACINSKI activity in ascidian embryos: SATOH & 66, 1 IKEGAMI 61, 1 spreading behaviour of embryonic cells: activity in chick iris: NARAYANAN & LEBLANC & BRICK 64, 149 NARAYANAN 62, 117 Antibodies in ascidian embryos: SATOH & IKEGAMI 64, monoclonal 61 reactivity during mouse development: Adhesion KEMLER, BRULET, SCHNEBELEN, GAIL- of amphibian blastula and gastrula cells: LARD & JACOB 64, 45 LEBLANC& BRICK 61, 145 to study Drosophila gonads: BROWER, Affinity SMITH & WILCOX 63, 233 labels in study of Xenopus compound eye: Antigen expression STRAZNICKY, GAZE & KEATING 62, 13 Aging Forssman antigen in mouse: STINNAKRE, in the Dictyostelium slug: SMITH & EVANS, WILLISON& STERN 61, 117 WILLIAMS 61, 61 on mouse embryonic tissue: KIRKWOOD & Allophenic animals BILLINGTON 61, 207 from cloned chimaeras of Lineus: SIVAR- Anuran ADJAM& BIERNE 65, 173 limb buds and principles of vertebrate limb Alphafoetoprotein development: MADEN 63, 243 in liver cells of prenatal mouse: SHIOJIRI ap gene 62, 139 in Xenopus laevis: MACMILLAN 64, 333 Ambystoma (SEE ALSO Axolotl) Aphidicholin Ambystoma -sensitive cell-cyclic events in ascidian pronephric duct morphogenesis: POOLE & embryos: SATOH & IKEGAMI 61, 1 STEINBERG 63, 1 Apical ectodermal ridge (AER) supernumerary production in regenerating in chick limb bud: KOSHER, SAVAGE & limbs: TURNER 65, 119 WALKER 63, 85 Amoebae in developing chick limb bud: SUMMERBELL of Dictyostelium, differentiation into 65 supp, 129 spores: KAY & TREVAN 62, 369 removal from chick embryo limbs: ROWE& Amphibia (SEE ALSO Ambystoma, Axolotl, Pleurodeles, Rana, Xenopus) FALLON 65 supp, 309 formation of somites and myogenesis: Apolysis KIELBOWNA 64, 295 during metamorphosis of Drosophila: BAINBRIDGE & BOWNES 66, 57 induction of cement-gland cell from Area pellucida ectoderm: YOSHIZAKI 61, 249 SEM study in chick embryo: FABIAN & morphallaxis during limb regeneration: EYAL-GILADI 64, 11 MADEN 65 supp, 151 pattern formation in regenerating limbs: Area vasculosa HOLDER 65 supp, 19 mesodern expansion in the chick: spreading behaviour of embryonic cells: AUGUSTINE 65, 89 LEBLANC & BRICK 61, 145 Ascidian embryo Amphibian acetylcholinesterase development in muscle eggs Cells: SATOH & IKEGAMI 61, 1 cleavage duration: AIMAR, DELARUE & II. The 'clock' and DNA replication: VILAIN 64, 259 SATOH & IKEGAMI 64, 61 270 Subject Index Autonomous development Blastokinesis of cultured mouse embryo parts: SNOW in embryos of the bug Pyrrhocoris: ENSLEE 65 supp, 269 & RIDDIFORD 61, 35 Autoradiographic study Blastomere development of fish neutral crest migration: LAMERS, from 4- and 8-cell sheep embryos: ROMBOUT & TIMMERMANS 62, 309 WILLADSEN 65, 165 of mouse embryonic ectoderm: BEDDING- Blastula TON 64, 87 spreading behaviour and calcium in of serotonin in mouse palate: ZIMMERMAN, amphibia: LEBLANCA BRICK 64, 149 WEE, PHILLIPS & ROBERTS 64, 233 Blood defect Autoradiography in the foetal br/br rabbit: EHRENSPERGER, optic nerve regeneration in Xenopus PETTER& KEUKY 62, 109 eye-specific fibre-fibre interactions: Bombina variegata STRAZNICKY& TAY 66, 159 somitogenesis and myogenesis: KIELBOWNA tectal positional markers: STRAZNICKY & 64,295 TAY 61, 259 Bone marrow Avian embryo early erythropoiesis site in rat: NAGEL, hepatic induction: FUKUDA-TAIRA 63, 111 NAGEL & JACQUOT 64, 275 Axis inversion Bovine serum albumin during vertebrate limb development: in study of rat embryos cultured: FREEMAN, MADEN 63, 243 BECK & LLOYD 66, 223 Axolotl (SEE ALSO Ambystomd) br/br mutation regeneration of subnormally innervated in the rabbit: EHRENSPERGER, PETTER & arms: WALLACE, WATSON & EGAR 62, KEUKY 62, 109 1 Brachydactyly cellular contacts between hindbrain and in the rabbit: EHRENSPERGER, PETTER & ear: MODEL, JARRETT & BONAZZOLI 66, KEUKY 62, 109 27 Branching pattern pronephric duct morphogenesis: POOLE & of peripheral sensory axons of insect STEINBERG 63, 1 embryo: SHANKLAND 64, 187 regeneration of double anterior limbs: Bruchdreifachbildungen STOCUM 65 supp, 1 abnormalities in crustacean chelae: Axon SHELTON, TRUBY & SHELTON 63, 285 growth down optic nerve of Xenopus: Bursa of Fabricius FAWCETT 65, 219 of chick embryo: GASC & STUMPF 63, 225 growth in cockroach compound eye development : NOWEL 62, 241 Calcium resorption in chorioallantois of chick: NARBAITZ, Barbus conchonius KACEW & SITWELL 65, 127 study of neural crest migration: LAMERS, Calcium ROMBOUT & TIMMERMANS 62, 309 and spreading behaviour of amphibian Bithorax complex Cells: LEBLANC& BRICK 64, 149 analysis of effects in Drosophila: BOWNES & Carbonic anhydrase ROBERTS 65 supp, 49 in chick embryo chorioallantois: NARBAITZ, Bithoraxoid KACEW & SITWELL 65, 127 a homoeotic mutation in Drosophila: Cardiac jelly KERRIDGE & SANG 61, 69 and shape of chick embryonic heart: Blastema! rotation NAKAMURA & MANASEK 65, 235 in regenerating limbs of axolotl: TURNER Cardiac mesoderm 65, 119 in quail embryos: FUKUDA-TAIRA 64, 73 Blastocyst Cartilage biochemical studies in the Tammar differentiation in chick limb bud: KOSHER, Wallaby: THORNBER, RENFREE & WAL- SAVAGE & WALKER 63, 85 LACE 62,325 ' in mouse with disproportionate micromelia development of mouse in vitro: wu, WAN& mutant: BROWN, CRAWLEY, GREENE, DAMJANOV 65, 105 KLEINMAN& PENNYPACKER 62, 165 Subject Index 271 Catch-up growth Cell marker in rats: WILLIAMS 65 supp, 89 for clonal analysis of Drosophila develop- CB-induced triploidy ment: LAWRENCE 64, 321 in mouse: NIEMIERKO 66, 81 Cell morphology Cell adhesion in amphibian blastulae and gastrulae: following release from cleavage arrest: LEBLANC & BRICK 61, 145 KIMBER & SURANI 61, 331 Cell potency Cell association of mouse embryonic ectoderm: BEDDING- in 2- and 4-cell mouse embryos: KIMBER & TON 64, 87 SURANI 61, 331 Cell proliferation Cell autonomous property during quail submaxillary gland morpho- in slugs of Dictyostelium: SMITH & WILLIAMS genesis: NOGAWA 62, 229 61,61 Cell rearrangement Cell competition during amphibian pronephric duct for- and growth in Drosophila: SIMPSON 65 supp, mation : POOLE & STEINBERG 63, 1 89 patterns during amphibian somitogenesis: Cell contact YOUN & MALACINSKI 66, 1 in Dictyostelium amoebae: KAY & TREVAN Cell shedding 62, 369 during formation of chick area pellucida: Cell contacts FABIAN & EYAL-GILADI 64, 11 between axolotl hindbrain and prospective Cell surface ear: MODEL JARRETT & BONAZZOLI 66, 27 role in coordination during metazoan adhesion and spreading in amphibian embryos: LEBLANC& BRICK 61, 145 embryogenesis: TUCKER 65, 1 Cell coupling study at compaction stage in mouse effect of gonadotrophins in mammalian embryos: REEVE 62, 339 oocytes: MOOR, OSBORN, CRAN& WALTERS Cellular rearrangements 61, 347 during somitogenesis in Xenopus: YOUN& Cell cycle MALACINSKI 64, 23 relation to growth and pattern formation: Cement gland cell SMITH 65 supp, 187 induction from presumptive ectoderm: Cell death YOSHIZAKI 61, 249 in chick iris muscle development: NARA- Central nervous system YANAN& NARAYANAN 62, 117 peripheral pioneer axon growth in insects: in Drosophila mutant vestigial™: BOWNES SHANKLAND 64, 169 & ROBERTS 65 supp, 49 peripheral sensory axon growth in insects: role during abnormal limb-bud growth in SHANKLAND 64, 187 mice: KNUDSEN& KOCHHAR 65 supp, 289 Cercus Cell differentiation innervation in grasshopper embryo: SHANK- study with monoclonal antibodies in LAND 64, 187 mouse: KEMLER, BROLET, SCHNEBELEN, Chemotaxis GAILLARD & JACOB 64, 45 in control of neurite extension in chick Cell division embryos: EBENDAL 61, 289 during differentiation of spores in Dictyo- Chick stelium: KAY& TREVAN 62, 369 embryo Cell interactions behaviour of tissues in culture: BELLAIRS, and endoderm differentiation in mouse: IRELAND, SANDERS & STERN 61, 15 HOGAN & TILLY 62, 379 bursa of Fabricius and sex-steroid target Cell lineage cells: GASC & STUMPF 63, 225 of internal organs of Drosophila: LAWRENCE carbonic anhydrase activity in chorio- 64,321 allantois: NARBAITZ, KACEW& SITWELL study in postimplantation mouse embryo: 65, 127 JOHNSON & ROSS ANT 61, 103 control of neurite extension by heart Cell locomotion explants: EBENDAL 61, 289 of neural crest cells in a hydrated collagen conversion of neural retina to pigment lattice: DAVIS& TRINKAUS 63, 29 epithelium: PRITCHARD 62, 47 272 Subject Index differentiation of scleral ossicles and regulation of growth, size and pattern: papillae: HALL 66, 175 SUMMERBELL 65 SUpp, 129 digestive tract mesenchyme influence on transfilter evidence for role of ZPA: differentiation: MASUI 62, 277 KAPRIO 65, 185 distribution of collagens during dermal limbs condensation: KITAMURA 65, 41 spatiotemporal patterns of fibronectin: ectoderm-mesoderm interactions and MELNICK, JASKOLL, BROWNELL, MAC- transfilter cultures: GUMPEL-PINOT 65, DOUGALL, BESSEM& SLAVKIN 63, 193 73 wing bud effects of concanavalin A on retinal effect of AER on pattern formation: development: MELLER 65, 27 ROWE & FALLON 65 SUpp, 309 effects of glucagon on development: pattern formation and X-irradiation: ANDERSON & GIBSON 62, 95 SMITH & WOLPERT 63, 127 epiblastic origin of primordial germ pattern specification and growth control: Cells: EYAL-GILADI, GINSBURG & FAR- COOKE & SUMMERBELL 65 SUpp, 169 BAROV65, 139 positional signalling and effects of hypoblast-rotation experiments: AZARA grafts: WOLPERTA HORNBRUCH 63,145 EYAL-GILADI 61, 133 wing inhibitors and positional signalling in muscle nerve
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