Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from LYRASIS IVIembers and Sloan Foundation http://www.archive.org/details/tigersroar196365sava AUGER'S ROAR SAVANNAH STATE COLLEGE SAVANNAH, GEORGIA April - May. 1964 THE TIGER'S ROAR Volume-i8, Number 6 Johnson; Williams Receive Honor at AKM Convention By Hazel Johnson Five members of Savannah State College attended the Na- tional Convention of Alpha Kappa Mu National Honor So- ciety which was held at Hamp- Dr. Howard Jordan awards Leandcr Mcrrltt tiic Man of the Year plaque. ton Institute. Hampton, Virginia. March 2-28, These members in- Savannah Stale cluded three faculty members CoUe^e Ilohls and two student members: Dr. 17th Annnal Men's Festival E. K. Williams, Director of Gen- eral Education here at SSC and Merrill ISamed Man of the Year Director of Region V; Dr. Forrest The 17th annual Men's Festival date for National Oran Wiggins, Chairman of the The Research began Sunday, April 5, and con- Society. Department of English; Miss tinued through Saturday, April Lawrence Marcelle Rhodrlquez, professor Wilson was the 1st 11. at Savannah State College. runner-up for "Man of the of Business; Miss D e 1 o r e s The festival began with a Re- Year"; he had a voting average Bowens, a senior majoring in ligious Emphasis Day with Sun- of 341,35. mathematics; and Miss Hazel day School and Vesper, Sunday Wilson Is affiliated with the Johnson, a Junior majoring in at 6:00 p.m. The Reverend Ervln following organizations: YMCA; English. Jennings, Jr. and the Religious NAACP; Newtonian Society; AK Activities Committee Hazel Johnson was awarded were In Mu Tutorial Society. Beta Kappa charge of the Sunday School. the highest honor for a competi- Chi; Alpha Phi Alpha Frater- Reverend Father Harry Von tive essay entitled "Creative nity; and chairman. Publicity Nevels, Priest - In - charge, St. Dimensions for the Scholar" Committee of the Men's Festival. John's Church, Albany, Georgia, John C. Reed was 2nd runner- Alpha Kappa Mu representative, Hazel Johnson, displays the which was entered In February, was the speaker at Vesper. Music first place essay trophy. up with a voting average of and Dr. E. K. Williams was was furnished by the Sophronla 340.55. awarded for the Chapter with Tompkins High School Male Reed Is a the highest distinction for the Glee Club. member of the Year Killens Opens Library Book Staff, Men's Glee Club. Week year 1963-64, and he was also Studfents were highly enter- Omega Psl Fraternity and Col- re-elected Regional Director V tained at the Men's Festival Of the many special weeks on Johnson, Charles Smalls. James lege Playhouse. which is composed of eight Talent Panorama, April 6, in the American calendar of events. P. Sapp and Lawrence Wilson, Saturday, April 11. brought the Meldrim Auditorium. For art ap- chapters from Georgia and festival National Library Week is to a close with a social National Library Week preciation day, April 7, art was South Carolina. Region V re- competence and sports day. Be- especially important to librarians Convocation placed on display In the college ceived the two highest awards ginning at 9:00 a.m., competitive and libraries throughout the center. On Friday, April 17, the libriry given at the convention, both athletic activities were engaged country. It is important to sponsored its annual National awards came to SSC. A big attraction of the festival on the college athletic field. librarians, for they have a Library was a performance by the Week Convocation which The keynote speaker at the To promote finer manhood, to golden opportunity to focus at- Mitchel-Ruff Jazz Trio, celebrat- took place at the all-college convention was Dr. David L. prepare our men for the com- tention on the importance of ing Fine Arts Day, Wednesday, assembly at 10:20 a.m. At that Rosenban. Educational Testing plex and great responsibilities libraries to the April 8, Meldrim Auditorium. and readmg na- time. Milton S. Byam, Chief of Service, Princeton, New Jersey, which a democratic society Im- tional welfare. The dates April Public Services, Brooklyn Pubhc who spoke on "Comprehensive Two movies were shown on poses, and to qualify them for Day, Vadls," leadership roles In 12-18 were set aside for the oc- Library, delivered the address. Examinations." The other Im- Audio-Visual "Quo Civic, Social starring Robert Taylor and and Spiritual areas, were the casion this year. Mr, Byam addressed himself portant speakers were Dr. J. R. Picott, Executive Secretary, Vir- Deborah Karr, and "The Darl- alms of the 17th Annual Men's Opening the Savannah State to the topic "Public Libraries ginia State Teacher's Associa- ington 500." Festival Week. College Library's celebration was and Public Services." Mr. Byam tion, and Dr. Lyman Brooks. Mr. Leroy R. Bolden, manager, the noted American author. John was the first recipient of the Norfolk Division of Virginia Yamacraw Village Housing Oliver Killens, who gave a lec- Savannah State College Library 18 Full, 7 Partial State College, Norfolk, Virginia. Project, Savannah, Georgia, ture in the library on Sunday Award, He is very active in the spoke at the all-college assembly, The convention activities also Scholarships afternoon. April 12, at 5 o'clock, American Library Association, April 10, which was celebrated Given included a guided tour of This was one of the lectures in the New York Library Associa- as Education Day. The Men's Eighteen persons are the re- Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia, the Library Lecture Series. Mr. tion, the Brooklyn Public Library Glee Club presented some fine cipients of full time scholarships where such sites were toured as Killens is a prolific writer. Hjs Staff A,ssociation and has served selections and the Man of the and seven persons are recipients the House of Burgesses where two well known novels are as Co-Chairman of the Brooklyn Year award was made to for partial scholarships for the Patrick Henry gave his "Give me YOUNGBLOOD, published by Citizens Committee for National Leander Merrltt. The first and journalism Workshop to be held liberty or give me death" speech, Dial Press and AND THEN WE Uibrary Week. He also teaches second runner-ups were John C. at Savannah State College, July the Governor's Palace and other HEARD THE THUNDER, pub- part-time at the Pratt Institute Reed and Lawrence Wilson. 20, to July 31, 1964, under the historical sites. lished by Knopf in 1963. His School of Library Science and Leander Merrltt was named direction of Wilton C. Scott, other writings Include two tele- St. Johns University Graduate "Man of the Year" with a vot- Director of Public Relations at vision plays — "Alas, My Son," School of Library Science. Week and the cast Included stu- ing average of 355.18. Savannah State College. The full produced by CBS-TV, and "New Library Career Workshop dents of Savannah State College. Merrltt is affiliated with the time scholarships will Include: York. 19." produced by CBS-TV, Mrs. Milledge was a recent following organizations: Who's matriculation fee, health fee, On Friday afternoon at 1:30. starring Harry Belafonte and recipient of a Freedoms Founda- Who In American Colleges and student activity fee, and room in the Audio Visual Center of Gloria Lynn; three screen plays tion Award for her play "Let Universities; President of the and board, while the partial the College Library, the library —"Odds Against Tomorrow," Freedom Ring," a radio produc- Student Council; NAACP; can- scholarships will include: ma- sponsored a Library Career produced by Harbel Produc- tion written for the 1963 Na- didate for IOTA Mu Pi; Omega triculation free, health fee, and Workshop, Three outstanding tions, released by United Artists, tional Library celebration. Psl Phi Fraternity; and candl- student activity fee. librarians representing three and starring Harry Belafonte, (Conlinutd on I'nge 41 different fields of librarianship Shelley Winters and Robert appeared on a panel and dis- Ryan, "Montgomery Story," cussed the urgent netd for BlilEFS Productions in NEWS written for Altina I librarians in their respective I Hollywood and "The Slaves," to Verdell Lambert, 1962, cum fields. Miss Geraldine LeMay, be produced by an independent laude graduate, and former edi- Director of the Savannah Public film company. At the present tor. Savannah State College, has Library, represented the public time, Mr. Killens is working on received a Wall Street Journal library, Miss Barbara J. Williams, two books — THE MINISTER Fellowship to Syracuse Univer- Librarian of South Carolina PRIMARILY, a novel, and sity, for this summer. Miss Lam- State College, represented aca- BLACK MAN'S BURDEN, a book bert, a teacher at Beach High demic libraries and Mrs. Annetta of essays. School, was recommended for J. Gilford, Librarian of Walter this fellowship by Mr. Wilton C. A few of the universities that Scott Junior High School, repre- Scott, who has been a recipient Mr. Killens has lectured at in- sented school libraries. Mrs. of the Wall Street Journal Fel- clude Cornell, Columbia, West Dorothy B. Jamerson. Curricu- lowship on three different occa- Virginia State, Rutgers, South- lum Materials and Serials Li- sions. ern University, the New School brarian, Savannah State College, of Social Research and Brandeis moderated the discussion. The plaque for the "man of University, Television Production the year" was donated by Royal Radio Program On Saturday morning, April Crown Bottling Co.. Savannah. On Wednesday morning, April 18, at 9 o'clock, the library spon- Georgia, which also cooperated 15, at 11:00, the Library spon- sored a television play entitled in several other activities of the sored a panel discussion over "The River and the Rose." This week long Men's Festival.
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