AUSTRALIA $1.50 · CANADA $1.50 · FRANCE 1.00 EURO · NEW ZEALAND $1.50 · UK £.50 · U.S. $1.00 INSIDE The stewardship of land and labor falls to the working class — PAGE 5 A SOCIALIST NEWSWEEKLY PUBLISHED IN THE INTERESTS OF WORKING PEOPLE Vol. 85/no. 33 SeptEMber 6, 2021 SWP campaign US rulers’ war Back the Warrior Met draws lessons in Afghanistan miners, Nabisco strikes! from past class was disaster for struggle battles working people BY ROY LAndErsEN BY ROY LAndErsEN “This is a book about the dictator- Since Joseph Biden ordered U.S. ship of capital and the road to the dic- troops out of Afghanistan, an admission tatorship of the proletariat,” Jacquie the U.S. rulers’ 20-year war there was a Henderson read to retired health care failure, Taliban forces swept across the worker Rose Skarski from a copy of country taking Kabul, the capital, Aug. Malcolm X, Black Liberation, and the 15. Some 5,800 U.S. troops, alongside Road to Workers Power at her door in 1,000 British soldiers and other allied La Grange, northeast of Louisville, forces, have occupied Kabul’s inter- Kentucky, Aug. 20. Henderson and national airport, organizing a massive fellow Socialist Workers Party cam- airlift to evacuate their own citizens and paigner Samir Hazboun were intro- approved Afghan collaborators, with an ducing the SWP and the Militant to Aug. 31 deadline to depart. working people in the area. Thousands of Afghans have sur- Henderson explained that the book rounded the airfield desperately trying by SWP National Secretary Jack to board flights. Over 20 people have Willamette Week/Mick Hangland-Skill Barnes shows “what we can learn died in the crush. U.S. troops have used Workers picket Portland, Oregon, Nabisco plant, to block bosses’ steep concession demands. from struggles during the Civil War tear gas to deter crowds trying to reach and Radical Reconstruction to today, the airport. Taliban spokesman Zabi- Warrior Met strike is a ‘union Nabisco strikers fight to helping us gain confidence to build hullah Mujahid has now announced no issue for the whole nation’ keep ‘what we already won’ the leadership needed to organize more Afghan nationals would be al- millions to take power into our own lowed to leave the country. BY SUSAN LAMONT BY REBECCA WILLIAMSON hands.” Reconstruction regimes were The U.S. rulers ended their war in Af- MCCALLA, Ala. — “We decided PORTLAND, Ore. — “We were set up in Mississippi, South Carolina ghanistan after inflicting two decades of to take up the cause of the striking the first to go out, on Aug. 10,” Cam- and elsewhere as part of the fight to devastation on working people, costing miners because this is a union issue eron Taylor, business agent for Bak- Continued on page 3 Continued on page 9 for the whole nation,” Mark Bass, ery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers president of International Longshore- and Grain Millers International Union men’s Association Local 1410 in Mo- Local 364, which represents about bile, Alabama, told the Militant in an 200 workers on strike at the Nabisco Imperialist scorn, Cuban solidarity Aug. 20 phone interview. Bass helped bakery here, told the Militant Aug. 21. organize ILA members to join in the Their strike began a cascade of oth- on display after earthquake in Haiti Aug. 4 rally in Brookwood, Alabama, er walkouts at Nabisco: its distribu- to back the strike by 1,100 United tion plant in Aurora, Colorado, Aug. Mine Workers of America members 12; at its bakery in Richmond, Virgin- against Warrior Met Coal there. ia, Aug. 16; at the company’s flagship “If we allow Warrior Met to get U.S. bakery in Chicago Aug. 19; and away with their union-busting tac- in Norcross, Georgia, Aug. 23. Continued on page 4 Continued on page 6 All working people have a stake in outcome of today’s labor struggles BY TErrY EVAns fellow workers and help build solidarity The frontlines of the fight to defend and working-class consciousness.” jobs, wages and working conditions to- Dennison, a former coal miner, was day are union picket lines of miners at written up in his national union news- Warrior Met Coal in Alabama, Nabisco paper for organizing union solidarity bakery workers on strike in five states, with the striking miners at Warrior Met. nurses at St. Vincent Hospital in Mas- “Workers in many industries face at- sachusetts and locked-out Texas oil re- Continued on page 9 finery workers at ExxonMobil. Brigada Médica Cubana en Haití These workers are fighting to win Volunteer Cuban health workers treat earthquake victims, other patients outside hospital in back gains they were pressured to give Corail, Haiti, Aug. 24. Cuban internationalists have worked continuously in Haiti for 22 years. up in the past and stand up to new at- Inside BY SETH GAlinSKY don’t count for much in the eyes of the tacks from the bosses. They’re setting SWP: Join Labor Day actions, With more than 2,100 dead, over capitalist rulers in Washington and oth- an example for millions of fellow work- build labor solidarity 9 12,000 injured and an estimated 136,000 er imperialist powers. Despite the death ers of how we can unite, strengthen our families left homeless after an Aug. unions and defend ourselves. Texas execution set, sentiment 14 earthquake that ravaged southwest PROTEST US ECONOMIC WAR “All workers have a stake in the out- against death penalty grows 2 Haiti, the trickle of international aid is AGAINST CUBA! — page 7 come of these labor battles,” Henry Den- nowhere near what is needed. nison, a railroad switchman, member of Canada: Communist League Just like in previous disasters there — toll from previous disasters, Wash- SMART-Transportation Division Local files for ballot in Montreal 3 including the 2010 earthquake that left ington and the succession of Haitian 324 and Socialist Workers Party candi- about 300,000 dead and Hurricane Mat- governments it has dominated haven’t date for Seattle mayor, told the Militant. Los Angeles rally protests thew in 2016 — the grossly inadequate improved the utterly inadequate health “We need to help get the word out about Myanmar dictatorship 4 aid shows that working people in Haiti Continued on page 6 these fights. They’ll strike a chord with Texas execution set, sentiment against death penalty grows BY Janet posT people on death row. “In seg[regation] John Henry Ramirez is scheduled you have no human contact, can’t at- to be executed by lethal injection tend classes/church/work,” he wrote in at the Texas State Penitentiary in 2015. “My routine consists of waking Huntsville Sept. 8, the third execu- up, washing up, going to rec, then com- tion there this year. ing back to the cell, going to the shower Ramirez filed a federal suit Aug. 10 and then coming back to the cell, then after prison officials denied his request just killing time till the next day when to have his pastor, Dana Moore of the I’d do it all over again.” Second Baptist Church, pray with him Ramirez’s execution has been post- in the death chamber and lay hands on poned twice — in 2017 when he asked him as he dies. Ramirez’s attorney filed for a new lawyer after his attorney failed for his execution to be postponed while to file an appeal for clemency and in the issue is litigated. 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic. The U.S. Supreme Court halted the Six more executions are scheduled in KUT/Julia Reihs Protest in Texas against death penalty and execution of Rodney Reed in 2019. Reed, who has execution of Willie B. Smith III in Ala- Texas this year. There are some 2,550 been on death row more than 23 years, and John Ramirez, who is scheduled to be executed bama in February after prison officials death-row inmates in federal, state and Sept. 8, are two of the 198 prisoners on Texas death row, and of some 2,550 across the country. denied his right to have his pastor with military prisons today. him. In 2019 the court stayed the execu- ing alternatives, including poison gas, phia district attorney, told the Militant. tion of Patrick Murphy in Texas when Prisons want to try nitrogen electric chairs and firing squads. The “The U.S. rulers incarcerate a higher the state decided to bar his Buddhist Because more and more drug compa- Justice Department has changed its percentage of the population than spiritual adviser from the room. nies refuse to provide death rows with protocols to allow the federal death row any other country in the world, over- In 2008 Ramirez was convicted of murderous chemicals, three state prison in Terre Haute, Indiana, to use all these whelmingly working class and dispro- stabbing store clerk Pablo Castro to systems — in Alabama, Mississippi and execution methods. portionately Black. death seeking money to buy drugs Oklahoma — are making plans to put Arizona prison officials earlier this “The Socialist Workers Party fights when he was 20. He took $1.25 from the inmates to death by pumping nitrogen year announced they were planning to for total abolition of the death penalty.” dying clerk’s pocket. into their gas chambers, progressively use hydrogen cyanide for executions, During his trial, he opposed letting depriving inmates of oxygen. the same gas employed by the Nazis in family members testify before the jury The Alabama Department of Cor- Auschwitz during the Holocaust. Jew- Malcolm X, Black about how his mother had been stabbed rections “declined to describe even in ish organizations spoke up in outrage.
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