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'--,,,.,...z½,• Co m p I e t' e .-•..••....,•...•,,t•-::, ::•..:::•:•::..:.•.•:: ;•.•:'.-'-.:-..•.......::......:• ?.:::::.•:....,•:.• Sh o r t Sf or y "•:'":" ß ..:;"0•"-•i:!:ii:..,.:'..%:'"•••'•••••••''''•••'""'••• ..........;:::•;.;'.:;•(.?.:.:.f.:-'..'•' ??:.:.i:•ix•:.:.f.! •"":••••'.!i .................... ....'•••••••••:i"•'''•'''"''"''" •':.•':"""""?•f 'ele¾isio. 'or The Procjr.Week ms MA' 14, 1961 OL. XXXIII, 1No. 20 •35 STRAIGHT ST. (Cor. 20th Ave.) PATERSON, N.J. ,,. MUlberry 4-7880 < - • I ':• Gift Department i .. •.. :. ' ,:.::.I ..ß.'i:'•: ß Living Rooms .... -¾.-" ".,--- Bedrooms- Bedding FreeDecorating DiningP, ooms Service Furniture Accessories We Decorate,Within C•rpeting Your Budget Appliances .;.- ß ß . ,ZITO STU RUSSELLZITO, Photographer SWarthmore6-0104 10-16F•irL•wn Avenue •1-Fair ,._., L•wn, NßJ ß ,l•..."/ MOTHER'S DAY--June Ferguson (standing) and Toni Wallace, the attractive models seen regularly on NBC-TV'S "The Price Is Right" color programs, are remembered by their children on Mother's Day with presents of flowers. June, wearing a corsage, I. PARRILLO is holding her oneyear-old daughter, Julie. Toni admires a bo.u.- quet given her by !• .... n David, 4, and daughter Janie, 8. TheMan from Equitable asks- .. Willyou leae your family a home :. --or a mortgage? THE ODDSthat you will die beforeyou pay o2 your mortgageare 16 timesgreater than the chanceyour hou• will catch fire. Yet, most prudent families wouldn'tthink of beingwithout fire insurance.Why be without mortgageinsurance? Equitable'sremarkable mortgage repayment insur- anceplan protectsyour family againstforced sale..ß lossof savings...cr lossof home. Costsarc low this basicprotection. For full informationcall... I PARRILLO 200 EAST RIDGEWOOD AVENUE RIDGEWOOD, N. J. GI 5-3342 (H 4-9891 AFTERMATH OF MURDER -- James Gregory portrays plain-, clothes Detective Barney Ruditsky (center) who investigates a triple shooting at the Hotsy-Totsy Club in a scene from "Legs Leffhe man from Equilable bring you peace of rn;nd ßDiamond," premiere drama on NBC-TV's "The Lawless Years," ..Friday,. May 12. The returning series is based on the memoirs of the famed New York detective. _. : Page 'l•vo THE CHI•ONIcLE . ?,.,?:-:- Published Weekly by THE •NICLE COMP• 170-172 Butler Street Paterson, N.J. LAmbert 5-2741 VINeCENT S. PA.RRILLO, Pu.blisher VINCENT N. PARRILIa, Managing Editor Entered as Second Class matter August 24, 1926, at the Post Office at Paterson, N.J., under the act of March 3, 1879. MAY 14, 1961 -- VOL. XXXIII, No. 20 Single Copy 10 Cents $4.00 • Year by M•il CONTENTS FEATURES PatersonTennis Wobbling Along ! Home Plans Feature Page JUBILEEIN COLOR--"Five StarJubilee," a musicalvari'ety show on the N BC-TV Network, becomes more colorful than ever on Friday, May 12 --the date it starts being televised in color. Feel On Top Of The World On hand to celebrate the occasion will be the series' five rotating emcees,four of whom are shown here with two members of the Promenaderssquare-dancing group which also will take part. Anniversary Left to right in front of the Landers Theatre in Springfield, Mo., where the show originates, are Nancy Hooper, Jimmy Wakely, Snooky Lanso-- -'•. Tex Ritt•............. A Complete Short Story 14 Famous American Taverns .............. 15 DEPARTMENTS ß Editorials 9 TelevisionPrograms For TheWeek ..... ..... ] 1, 12, 13 ON THE COVER Many happy returns of the day, Mom! This Sundayis your day, when all kindsof tributeswill be paid to you, the.sweet- heart of the family. Let's all remember our mothers this Sun- THERE'SA 'C' AND'G' IN CHICAGO--.Perry Como (left) and day and give them hours of incompara,ble pleasure,for it is guest star GeorgeGobel will sing up a .stormwhen "Perry Corno'sMusic Hall" visits Chicago for. the N BC-TV Network •their. day of the year.The nicestand 'most thoughtful gift in broadcast of Wednesday, May 24. Como's Chicago show -- his the wholeworld •is to rememberyour mother.There's no'body first away from New York this year -- will originateat the new like MOM! McCormickPlace convention and exhibitionhall. T.he program will be in black and white only on this date. THE, CHl•Ol•I• Page Three TH'E"DRIVER'S SEAT iTips 8yon Caro•Touring Lane I HA•4 Women'sTravel Authority The 1971 Car Chances are you're not giving much thought to your 1971 car riglit now. But engineers in De- Did you ever get steamingmad troit are. While they differ in de- when some other driver swerved tails, they predict generally: The choice of cars in 1971 will from his lane without warning i,e much greater than it is now. and cut you off? There'll be everything fr6m tiny When something upsets you in four-cylinder jobs to big "I.and the office or shop, do you worry Ct-uiscrs." At least seven by.sic types of cars will im available, about it while you're driving each designed for a special func- :home? tion. It you have an argument with your wife at' breakfast, do you slam out of the house, jump in- t.o your car and drive off to-work f'- , L tense and angry? In every one of these eases, you multiply your chances of be- ing killed and become dangerous to other drivers on. the road. Al- though you ordinarily may be a careful and cautious driver, emo- tional upset can make you a highway menace. The 1971 car will still have Moods and attitudes do kill reciprocating engine. Trucks and bus:6s may be using the gas tur- thousands of drivers each year, bine. injure many thousands of others The car will have no spare tire. and east millions in property It'll probably still have the en- damage. gine in the front in most cases. The success of present rear-engine You just can't concentrate on cars could! change this, though. driving when you're worried, Another factor that could affect nervous, tense or impatient. In engine positi•,n is the successful development of the œucl cell or such a state, you're bound to lose other power plant. your normal sense of caution. ß•ome of the small cars will have Furthermore, you won't see fr•,nt-wheel drive. The hump in th, floor will be things in their proper perspec- eliminated. tive. Should an accident situation can:[ stop bifin• m9 nails The car will probably have a begin to develop- a pedestrian central hydraulic system. This could control brakes, power steer- dart in front of you, the ear ing, windshield wiper, w•ndows, ahead stop suddenly, an oncom- seats, starter. ing ear swerve into your lane- .• Thisis a nervoushabi•
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