1130 CONGRESSIONAL R.1DCORD-. SENATE. JUNE 16,: · By ~Ir. ROGERS : P.etition of certain residents of Lowell, The Secretary proceeded to read the Journal of the proceedings Mass., protesting against the tax on sodas, soft drinks, and icc of '!'hur day last, when, on request of Mr. SMoOT and by unani­ cream; to the Committee on Ways and Means. mous con. ent, the further reading was dispensed with and the . lly Mr. SANDERS of New York: Petition of 1\Iiss l\I. Anna Journal was approved. ' Crandall, of Kendall, N. Y., and 16 other residents of that 1\Ir. SMOOT. Mr. President, I sugge.·t the absence of a village, urging the passage of a law defining intoxicating quorum. liquors as liquors containing one-half of 1 per cent of alcohol The VICE PRESIDENT. The Secretary will call the roll. and urging the passage of adequate enforcement legislation ·of The Secretary called the roll, and the following Senators an­ the eighteenth amenilinent; to the Committee on the Judiciary. swered to their names : · Also, petition of the congregation of Spencer Ripley Methodist Beckham Harding Nel on ' mith, . C. Episcopal Church, of Rochester, N. Y., unanimously protesting Borah Harris New Smoot Calder Harrison Newberry Sterling against any bill to weaken the provisions of the war-prohibition Capper Henderson Norris ' utherland law effective July 1, 1919; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Chamberlain Hitchcock Nugent Swa nson Also, petition .of 110 reside~ts of Batavia, N. Y., urging the Culberson Jones, N. 1\Iex. Overman Thoma Cummins Jones, Wash. Page 'l'rammell repeal of the tax on sodas, soft drinks, and ice cream ; to the Curtis Kenyon Phelan Underwood Coinmittee on Ways and Means. Dillingham Keyes Phipps Wadsworth By 1\Ir. SANFORD: Petition of 338 residents of Albany, N. Y., Edge King Pittman Walsh, 1\las!'l. Elkins La ll'ollette 1 Poindexter Wal h, 1\lont. asking for repeal of tax on sodas, soft drinks, and ice cream ; Fall Lenroot Pomerene WarrE>n also, petition of sundry citizens of New York, favoring the Ferna1cl McKellar Robinson Watson France McLean Sheppard Wolcott repeal of the tax on sodas, soft drinks, and ice cream ;- to the Frelinghuysen McNary Sherman Committee on Ways and Means. Gronna Moses Smith, Ariz. Also, petition of residents of Troy and \Vatervliet, N. Y., Hale Myers ~mith, Md. protesting against enforcement of eighteenth amendment ; to the l\lr. OVERMAN. I wish to announce that tlle , enator from Committee on the Judiciary. · Georg'ia [1\Ir." SMITH] is rieces ·arily detained from the Senate. By Mr. SNELL: Petition of sundry citizens of Conifer, N.Y., Mt·. KING. The Senator from Arizona [1\Ir. AsHURsT], the urging the enforcement of war-time and constitutional prohi­ Senator from Kentucky [Mr. STANLEY], and the Senator from bition; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Arkansas [Mr. KrnnY] are detained on official bu iness. Also, petition of sundry citizens of Heuvelton, N. Y., m·ging :Mr. :McKELLAR. My colleague, the enior Senator.from •r en- the repeal of the daylight-saving law; to the Committee on nessee [1\Ir. SH'ri:Lns], is detained ·on important busines. , , Agriculture. The VICE PRESIDENT. Sixty- even Senators haye an. \Tel' d Also, petition of sundry citizens of Platt burg, N. Y., urging to the roll call. There is a quorum pre ent. the repeal of tax on sodas, soft drinks, and ice cream ·; to the WOMAN SUFFRAGE. Committee on \Vays and Means. Also, petition of members of Methodist Episcopal Church in The VICE PRESIDE~"T. The Chair lays before the Senat u Burke and Coveytown, N.Y., m·ging the enforcement of the war-: joint re olution passed by the Legi lature of the State of Wi - time and constitutional prohibition legislation ; to the Commit­ consin ratifying the proposed amendment to the Constitution of tee on the Judiciary. the United States of America extending the right -of uffraO'e to By Mr. STEELE: Petition of residents of Nazareth, Pa., re­ women, which will be placed on file. questing the repeal of the tax on sodas, oft drink , and ice The Ohair also lays before the Senate a joint res_olution pa sed cream; to the Committee on Ways and Means. by the Legislature of the State of Illinois ratifying the propo ed By Mr. TAYLOR of Tennes ee: Petition of Jellico Grocery amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America Co., of Jellico, Tenn., for legislation to limit the great meat­ extending the right of suffrage. to women, which will be placed pach-ing concerns transportation basis; to the Committee on on file. Interstate and Foreign Commerce. MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE. By Mr. TINKHAM: Petition of United Association of Plumb­ A message from the House of Representatives, by D. K. Hemp­ ers and Steam Fitters, Boston Branch; a:Qd noston Branch of stead, its enrolling clerk, announced that the House had passed the International Union of Steam and Operating Engineers, on the following bill and joint resolution, in which it reque ted the the continuance of the United States Employment Service; to concurrence of the Senate: . the Committee on Labor. H. R. 5227. An act making appropriations for the support of By Mr. WARD: Petition signed by citiz·ens of Central Bridge, the Army. for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1920; and Schoharie, Ashokan, Glenford, 'Vest Hurley, and Wallkill, all H. J. Res. 73. Joint resolution authorizing the President to in the State of New York, urging enactment of legislation to extend invitations to other nations to send representatives to the define intoxicating liquors as liquors containing more than one­ World Cotton Conference to be held at New Orleans, La., Oct~ half of 1 per cent alcohol; to the Committee on the Judiciary. · ber 13 to 16, 1919, inclusive. Also, petition signed by citizens of Highland, Livingston. ENROLLED BILLS SIGNED. Gardiner, Jewett, and Hunter, N. Y., m·ging repeal of daylight­ The message also announced that the Speaker of the House saving law; to the Committee on Agriculture. had signed the following enrolled bills, and they were thereupon Also, petition for repeal of tax on sodas, ~ft drinks, and ice signed by the Vice President: cream, signed by residents of Chatham, Ghent, Hudson, Phil­ H. R. 2480. An act making appropriations for the current and . mont. Coxsackie, Liberty, Monticello, and Kingston, all in the contingent expenses of the Bureau of Indian Aftairs, for fulfilling State of New York; to the Committee on Ways and Means. treaty stipulations with various Indian tribes, and for othel' Also, petition signed by H. Lutsker and other citizens of purposes, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1920; and Hudson, N. Y., urging passage of resolution by Congress con­ H. R. 5312. An act to supply a deficiency iii the appropriation demning atrocities committed against the J"ews of Poland and for carrying out the act entitled "An act to provide for the other Slavic countries; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. operation of transportation systems while under Federal control, Bv l\Ir. WASON: Memorial of Lovell Grange, No. 5, \Vashing­ for the just compensation of their oWners, and for other pur;­ ton:N. H., urging the repeal of the daylight-sa\ing law; to the poses," approved. 1\Iarch .21, 1918. Committee on Agriculture. PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. The VICE PRESIDENT presented a telegram in the nature SENATE. of a petition from the acting president of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen in convention at Denver, MoNDAY, June 16,1919. Colo., praying for the ratification of the proposed league of na- · tions treaty, which was referred to the Committee on Foreign The Chaplain, Re\. Forrest J. Prettyman, D. D., offered the Relations. following prayer : He also presented a resolution adopted by the General Assem­ Almighty Gocl, thou hast given to us our part to play in the bly of the Presbyterian Church of the United States of America, great spiritual democracy that has come to us from the hands of requesting that the American peace conferees give the same con­ our fathers, blest with precious memories, setting forth the sideration to mster as a part of Ireland that they give to Ire­ ideals of Thy Word, founded upon eternal truth. \Ve pray that land in the matter of independence on the ground of racial self­ we may perform nobly and 'vell our part as patrons in the arts determination, which was referred to the Committee ·on Foreign and ciences of peace, as heralds of gooa will aniong men, as . Relations. tlle champions of justice and right and freedom foi· all mankind. Mr. GRONNA. I send to the Secretary's desk the following . GiYc us Thy spirit and incline our hearts to keep Thy hiws. petition, numerously signed by citizens of ·my State. I ask tha.­ For Chri. t. sake. Amen. it may be read fo1; the information of the Senate. 1919. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 1131 There being no objection; the petition was read and referred tax imposed upon containers and packages containing nonalco­ to the Committee on Foreign Relations, as follows: holic beverages, which w~s referred to the Committee on Finance. CooPERs;rowN, N. DAK., June 1, 1919. Mr. JONES of Washington. I have a telegram from the act­ Hon. AsL.rn J. Gno~ ~A , ing governor of the State of Washington, signed by the acting Unit ed States enate, Waslli ugton, D. 0.: governor and also by the commissioner of public lands and other We, the u ndersigned, citizens of the United States and residents of ·!:he State of Nor th Dakota, being opposed to the treaty of peace and State officials, urging the passage of a law for the effective en­ the league of nations in its present form, respectfully petition your forcement of war-time prohibition and the prohibition amend­ honor to use your influence and your vote against the ratification of ment.
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