Ontario: Revised Statutes 1970 c 458 Territorial Division Act Ontario © Queen's Printer for Ontario, 1970 Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.osgoode.yorku.ca/rso Bibliographic Citation Territorial Division Act , RSO 1970, c 458 Repository Citation Ontario (1970) "c 458 Territorial Division Act," Ontario: Revised Statutes: Vol. 1970: Iss. 5, Article 51. Available at: http://digitalcommons.osgoode.yorku.ca/rso/vol1970/iss5/51 This Statutes is brought to you for free and open access by the Statutes at Osgoode Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Ontario: Revised Statutes by an authorized administrator of Osgoode Digital Commons. Sec. 1 1f2 (c) TERHl1'0RIAL DIVISION Chap. 458 795 CHAPTER 458 The Territorial Division Act I. The territorial division of Ontario into counties and dis- Organiza· tricts and metropolitan and regional areas shall continue as ~~::1tinued hereinafter set forth, and, subject to sections 4, 5, 6 and 7, for municipal and judicial purposes such counties, and for judicial purposes such districts and metropolitan and regional areas, are respectively composed as follows: [NOTE: As to municipal and judicial purposes in provincial parks, see Th.e Provincial Parks Act, R.S.0. 1970, c. 371 , s. 3 (5, 6).) 1. -THE COUNTY OF BRANT Brant consists of, (a) the City of Brantford; (b) the T own of Paris; (c) the townships of, Brantford, Onondaga, Burford, South Dumfries, Oakland, Tuscarora, except that the T ownship of Tuscarora continues to be with­ drawn from and does not form part of the County of Brant for municipal purposes. 2.-THE COUNTY OF BRUCE Bruce consists of, (a) the towns of C hesley, Kincardinc, Port Elgin, South­ ampton, Walkerton, Wiarton; (b) the villages of H epworth, Lion's Head, Lucknow, Mild­ may, Paisley, Ripley, Tara, T eeswater, Tiverton; (c) the townships of, Albemarle, Culross, Amabel, Eastnor, Arran, l ~ lderslie, Brant, Greenock, Bruce, Huron, Carrick, J( incardine, 796 Chap. 458 TERRITORIAL DIVISION Sec. I ~2 (c) Kinloss, St. Edmunds, Lindsay, Saugeen. T he Indian Heserve at Cape Croker shall, for judicial purposes, be deemed part of the Township of Al bemarle. The Indian Heserve at Chief's Point and the Saugeen Indian Reserve north of the mouth of the Saugeen River shall, for judicial purposes, be deemed part of the Township of Amabel. Duflerin 3.-TH E COUNTY OF DUFFERIN consists of, (a) the T own of Orangeville; (b) the villages of Grand Valley, Shelburne; (c) the townships of, Amaranth, i\1elancthon, East Garafraxa, Mono, East Luther, Mulmur. Dundas 4.-THECOUNTY OF DUNDAS consists of, (a) the villages of Chesterville, Iroquois, i\1orrisburg, Winchester; (b) the townships of, Matilda, \Villiamsburgh, Mountain, Winchester. Durham 5.-TH ECOUNTY OF DUR HAM consists of, (a) the towns of Ilowmanville, Port Hope; (b) the villages of Millbrook, Newcastle; (c) the townships of, Cartwright, Darlington, Cavan, Hope, Clarke, :\'lanvers. 6.-THE COUNTY OF ELGIN consists of, (a) the City of St. Thomas; Sec. 11[8 (b) TERRITORI AL DI VIS ION Chap. 458 797 (b) the Town of Aylmer; (c) the villages of Belmont, Dutton, Port Burwell, Port Sta nley, Rodney, Springfield, Vienna, West Lorne; (d) the townships of, Aid borough, South Dorchester, Bay ham, Southwold, Dunwich, Yarmouth. Malahide, 7.-THE COUNTY OF ESSEX Essex consists of, (a) the City of Windsor; (b) the towns of Amherstburg, Belle River, Essex, Harrow, Kingsville, Leamington, T ecumseh; (c) the Village of St. Clair Beach; (d) the townships of, Anderdon, Mersea, Colchester North, Pelee, Colchester South, Rochester, Gosfield North, Sandwich Sou th, Gosfield Sou th, Sandwich West. Maidstone, Tilbury North, l\tlalden, Tilbury West, except that the Township of Pelee continues to be separate, for municipal purposes, from the County of Essex. M iddle Sister Island, North Harbour Island, East Sister Certain Island, Hen Island, Big Chicken Island, Little Chicken Island, ~cl~~~ in ai:d Middle I s ~ a nd together with all lands and water in Lake Erie i~1~~hip 01 within one mile of the shore of Pelee Island form part of the Township of Pelee. · &- THE COU NT Y OF FRONTENAC Frontenac consists of, (a) t he City of Kingston; (b) the townships of, Barrie, Kennebec, Bedford, Kingston, Clarendon and Miller, Loughborough, Hinchin brooke, Olden, Howe Isla nd, Oso, 798 Chap. 458 TERRITORIAL DIVISION Sec. 1 ~8 (b) Palmerston and North Wolfe Island (including and South Canonto, Garden Island, Pittsburgh, Simcoe Island, Horse­ Portland, shoe Island and Mud Storrington, Island). (:lcngnrry 9.-THE COUNTY OF GLENGARRY consist.s of, (a) the Town of Alexandria; (b) the villages of Lancaster, Maxville; (c) the townships of, Charlot.ten burgh, Lancaster, Kenyon, Lochiel. <:rcnville 10.-THE COUNTY OF GRENVILLE consists of, (a) the separated Town of Prescott; (b) the Town of Kemptville; (c) the villages of Cardinal, Merrickville; (d) the townships of, Augusta, Sou th Gower, Edwards burgh, Wolford. Oxford (on Rideau), c:rcy 11.-THE COUNTY OF GREY consists of, (a) the City of Owen Sound; (b) the towns of Durham, Hanover, Meaford, Thornbury; (c) the villages of Chatsworth, Dundalk, Flesher ton, Mark- dale, Ncustadt, Shallow Lake; (d) the townships of, Artemcsia, Keppel, Bentinck, Norman by, Collingwood, Osprey, Derby, Proton, Egremont, St. Vincent, Euphrasia, Sarawak, Glcnelg, Sullivan, Holland, Sydcnham. Sec. 1 ~14 TERRITORIAL DIVISION Chap. 458 799 12.-THE COUNTY OF HALDIMAND Haldimund consists of, (a) the towns of Caledonia, Dunn ville; (b) the villages of Cayuga, Hagersville, .Jarvis; (c) the townships of, Can borough, Rain ham, Dunn, Seneca, Moulton, Sherbrooke, North Cayuga, South Cayuga, Oneida, Walpole. 13.-THE COUNTY OF HALTON Halton consists of, (a) the towns of Acton, Burlington, Georgetown, :\lilt.on, Oakville; (b) the townships of, Esquesing, N assaga wey a, 14.-THE COUNTY OF HASTINGS Ha.stings consists of, (a) the City of Belleville; (b) the Town of Deseronto; (c) the separated Town of Trenton; (d) villages of Bancroft, Deloro, Frankford, Madoc, Mar­ mora, Stirling, Tweed; (e) the townships of, Bangor, Wicklow and Madoc, McClure, M armora and Lake, Carlow, Mayo, Dungannon, Monteagle, Elzevir and Grims- Rawdon, thorpe, Sidney, Faraday, Thurlow, Herschel , Tudor and Cashel, Hungerford, Tyendinaga, Huntingdon, Wollaston. Limerick, 800 Chap. 458 TERRITORI AL DIVISION Sec. 1 ~ 15 Huron 15.-THE COUNTY OF H URON consists of, (a) the towns of Clinton, Exeter, Goderich, Seaforth, Wing­ ham; (b) the villages of Bayfield, Blyth, Brussels, Hensall, Zu­ rich; (c) the townships of, Ashfield, McKillop, Col borne, Morris, East Wawanosh, Stanley, Goderich, Stephen, Grey, Tuckersmith, Hay, Turnberry, Howick, Usborne, Hullett, West Wawanosh. Kent 16.-THECOUNTY OF K ENT consists of, (a) the City of Chatham ; (b) the towns of Blenheim, Bothwell, Dresden, Ridgetown, Tilbury, Wallaceburg; (c) the villages of Erieau, Erie Beach, H ighgate, Thames­ ville, Wheatley; (d) the townships of, Camden, Orford, Chatham, Raleigh, Dover, Romney, Harwich, Tilbury East, Howard, Zone. 17.-THE COUNTY OF LAMBTON consists of, (a) the City of Sarnia; (b) the towns of Forest, Petrolia; (c) the villages of Alvinston, Arkona, Courtright, Grand Bend, Oil Springs, Point Edward, Thedford, Watford, Wyoming; (d) the townships of, Bosanquet, Dawn, Brooke, Enniskillen, Sec. I ~20 (b) TERRITORIAL DIVIS ION Chap. 458 801 Euphemia, pole Island, St. Anne's Moore, Island and the other Plympton, islands at the mouth Sarnia, of the St. Clair River), Som bra (including Wal- Warwick. 18.- THE COU NTY OF LANARK Lanark consists of, (a) the towns of Almonte, Carleton Place, Perth; (b) the separated Town of Smiths Fa lls; (c) the Village of Lanark; (d ) the townships of, Bathurst, Lavant, Beckwith, Montague, Dalhousie and North North Burgess, Sherbrooke, North E lmsley, Darling, P akenham, Drummond, Ramsay, Lanark, Sou th Sherbrooke. 19.- THE COUNTY OF LEE DS consists of, (a) the City of Brock ville; (b) the separated town of Gananoque; (c) the villages of Athens, Newboro', Westport; (d) the townships of, Bastard and Sou th North Crosby, Burgess, Rear of Leeds and Lans- Elizabeth town, downe, Front of Escott, Rear of Yonge and Front of Leeds and Escott, Lansdowne, South Crosby, Front of Yonge, South E lmslcy. Kitley, Lcuuux 1.md 20.- THE COUNTY OF LENNOX ANO ADDINGTON Achli11gto11 consists of, (a) the Town of Napancc; (b) the villages of Bath, Newburgh; 802 Chap. 458 T E RRITORIAL l>I VIS ION Sec. 1 ~ 20 (c) (c) the townships of, Adolphustown, Kaladar, Anglesea a nd Amherst Island, Effi ngham, Camden East, North Fredericksburgh, Denbigh, Abinger and Richmond, Ashby, Sheffield, Ernestown, South Frcdericksburgh. ~l i ddlescx 21.- THE COUNTY OF M IDDLESEX consists of, (a) the City of London; (b) the towns of Parkhill, Stratltroy ; (c) the villages of Ailsa Craig, Glencoe, Lucan, Newbury, Wardsville; (d) the townships of, Adelaide, :\lcGillivray, Biddulph, Metcalfe, Caradoc, Mosa, Delaware, North Dorchester, Eas t Williams, Westminster, Ekfrid, West N issouri, Lobo, West Williams. London, Niagara 22.-T HE HEGIONAL ~ IU N I C IP AL I TY OF N IAGA RA consists of the municipalities from time to time included within the Regional Area as defi ned in The Regional Municipality of H.s.o. l!l7o, c. 400 Niagara A ct. :-/orfolk 23.-T H E COUNTY OF NORFOLK consists of, (a) the towns of Delhi, Port Dover, Simcoe, Waterford; (b) the Village of Port Rowan ; (c) the townships of, Charlotteville, Sout h Walsingham, Houghton, Townsend, M i<ldleton, Windham, North Wa lsingham, Woodhouse. Sec. 1 ~27 (b) TERHITORIAL
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