The Chiba University Internatinal Collaborative Research 2015 Contents Faculty of Letters ......................................................................................................................... 1 Faculty of Law, Politics and Economics ...................................................................................... 2 Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences ................................................................ 5 Faculty of Education .................................................................................................................... 8 Graduate School of Science ....................................................................................................... 14 Graduate School of Medicine ..................................................................................................... 63 Center for Forensic Mental Health ........................................................................................... 83 Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences .......................................................................... 88 School of Nursing ....................................................................................................................... 98 Graduate School of Engineering ............................................................................................. 104 Graduate School of Advanced Integration Science ................................................................ 108 Center for Frontier Science ..................................................................................................... 129 Graduate School of Horticulture ............................................................................................. 135 Center for Environmental Remote Sensing ........................................................................... 169 Marine Biosystems Research Center ...................................................................................... 186 Medical Mycology Research Center (MMRC)......................................................................... 187 Institute of Management and Information Technologies ...................................................... 190 Center for Frontier Medical Engineering ............................................................................... 191 Center for Environment, Health and Field Sciences ............................................................. 197 Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Chiba University International Cooperative Research Center (SJTU-CU ICRC) ......................................................................................................... 202 Center for General Education ................................................................................................. 214 University Hospital .................................................................................................................. 215 Safety and Health Organization ............................................................................................. 216 The subject of this survey is specified as “International Collaborative Research”. It refers to an international research carried out jointly on a departmental, laboratory or personal level, and introduces works, which were presented officially, as well as works expected to be presented. Matters of Survey 1. Name of the research project 2. Chiba University representative research worker (place of work / occupation / full name) 3. Partner abroad (country / name of institution / full name) 4. Implementation period 5. Project outline 6. Funds, grants, etc 7. Main result 8. Other important items to be stated (awards received, symposiums attended, etc) Faculty of Letters 1. Study on Russian Literature and Culture of Silver Age 2. Faculty of Letters / Associate Professor / Wakana Kono 3. Russia / Russian State University of Humanities / Professor Dina Makhmudovna Magomedova 4. 2002~ 5. Reading the texts of Silver Age and 20-th Russian literature, and looking into the issues of religion, philosophy and culture. 6. Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Reseach 7. Main result KONO, Wakana. Khdozhestvennoe prostranstvo i personazhi v <Serebryanom golube> А. Belogo i <Pesne Sud'by> А. Bloka // Problemy izucheniya khdozhestvennogo proizvedeniya v shkole i vuze. Vyp.2: Prostranstvo i vremya v khurozhestvennom proizvedenii. pp.135-139. Orenburg,2002., KONO, Wakana. Obraz lesa kak <russkoe prostranstvo> (<Serebryanyj golub’> A. Belogo v kontekste <neonarodnichekoj> literatury nachala 20 v.) Bulletin of the Japanese Association of Russian Scholars No.34Japanese Association of Russian Scholars, 2002.pp.67-73, KONO, Wakana. Zhizn’goroda i zhizn’cheloveka:Obraz Letnego sada v<Peterburge>A.Belogo//Japanese Slavic and East European Studies Vol.25.Japanese Society for Slavic and East European Studies, 2004.pp.53-70. KONO, Wakana. Otnosheniya k miru v iskusstve russko-evrejskikh nonkonformistov // Beyond the Empire: Images of Russia in the Eurasian Cultural Context. 21st Century COE Program Slavic Eurasian Studies Series. No.17. (Ed. by Mochizuki Tetsuo). Hokkaido: Slavic Research Center Hokkaido University, 2008. C. 93-109. KONO, Wakana. Motiv ”glaza” v ”Moskve” Andreya Belogo // Andrej Belyj v izmenyayushemsya mire. K 125-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya .M.: Nauka, 2008. С.489-498. KONO, Wakana. Funktsiya zhivopisi v <Peterburge> Andreya Belogo // Miry Andreya Belogo. Belgrad-Moskva: Izdatel’stvo filologichheskogo fakul’teta v Belgrade, 2011.С.827-836. KONO, Wakana. Khudozhestvennoe prostranstvo v <Moskve> Andreya Belogo // Dialog soglasiya: sbornik nauchnykh statej k 70-letiyu V.I. Tyupy. M.: Ingrada, 2015. S.109-119. etc 8. None 1. Cognitive development in honeybees 2. Faculty of Letters/Associate Professor/Tomokazu Ushitani 3. Australia/ Macquarie University/ Prof Ken Cheng & A/Prof Andrew B. Barron 4. 2012- 5. An exploration of hazardous factors of honeybee colony collapse by the investigation of the effect of their developmental precociousness on color- and spatial-memory. 6. KAKEN (Kiban C) 1 7. Ushitani, T., Perry, C. J., Cheng, K. & Barron, A. B. (2016). Accelerated behavioural development changes fine-scale search behaviour and spatial memory in honey bees (Apis mellifera L.). Journal of Experimental Biology, 219, 412-418. DOI:10.1242/jeb.126920. Peer reviewed. 8. N.A. Faculty of Law, Politics and Economics 1. Multidisciplinary research related to conflicts and the environment Applications of theory and practice (IT Technology) Climate change and risk mitigation strategies Food Security and energy security FTA, Policy and the construction of win-win relationship Business strategies and multidisciplinary approach Sustainable development and management Global policy and international relation 2. Faculty of Law, Politics and Economics/ Assistant Professor/Li Xiang 3. The United States/Cornell University/Harry M. Kaiser Canada/York University/Charles J. McMillan Canada/Theechim Management Group/Lori C Sparrow Canada/Calgary Government/Corporate EHS Auditor/Stephen Leung 4. 2010~ 5. Analyzing global issues from a multidisciplinary perspective and proposing effective solutions are my research characteristics. My research topics range from strategic management to food security, energy security, risk mitigation strategies, climate change, adaption to aging issues, construction of win-win relationship, global supply chain and eco business, global policy, IT technology, and the innovation. 6. Cornell University (the USA), York UniversirtySchulich School of Business (Canada), The University of Tokyo (Japan), Tokyo Institute of Technology (Japan), Hitotsubashi University Graduate School of International Corporate Strategy, Juntendo University, Pi technology Institute, Yamaoka Scholarship Foundation, other foundations, etc. 7. Main result 2011 年 Xiang Li, Taro Takahashi, Nobuhiro Suzuki, Harry M. Kaiser. 2011. The Impacts of climate change maize yields in the United States and China. Agricultural Systems 104, 348-353. (More information can be found online) 1) The published academic article was selected to be a cutting-edge research by Nature Climate Change in 2011. For more details, please refer to 2 Nature Climate Change: http://www.nature.com/nclimate/2011/110215/full/nclimate1046.html) 2) Cornell University Cornell Chronicle: http://news.cornell.edu/stories/2011/02/technology-economics-may-counter-climate-impact 2013 1) Xiang Li, Taro Takahashi, Nobuhiro Suzuki, and Harry M. Kaiser. 2013. Impact of climate change on maize production in Northeast and Southwest China and risk mitigation strategies. ICAAA 2013, 11-20. 2) Xiang Li and Nobuhiro Suzuki. 2013. Implications of Climate Change Impacts on Regional maize Production in the United States: Risk Mitigation Strategies and Food Security. International Journal of Environmental Science and Development 4, pp. 446-451. 2014 1) Xiang Li and Charles McMillan. 2014. Corporate Strategy and the Weather: Towards a Corporate Sustainability Platform. Journal of Problems and Perspectives in Management 12 (Issue 2), pp. 200-214. 2) Xiang Li, Taro Takahashi, Nobuhiro Suzuki, Harry M. Kaiser. 2014. Impact of Climate Change on Maize Production in Northeast and Southwest China and Risk Mitigation Strategies. APCBEE Procedia 8, pp. 11-20. 2015 1) Xiang Li. 2015. Impacts of Business Strategies on Coffee Production and the Environment, International Journal of Environmental Science and Development 6, pp. 405-408. 2) Charles McMillan and Xiang Li. 2015. Impacts of prices incentives,
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