Student Weekly Publication The Rice Institute VOLUME XXVII Z738 HOUSTON, TEXAS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1911 Number 3 ALL-SCHOOL PICNIC SET FOR TOMORROW Slimes Open Program Neely Lectures, Full Program of Games, On Rice Field at 8:15 \ Baker Wa rms UP PepRally, Band Concert Against Lamar Squad At 12:30 Today Scheduled for Saturday RAII-HAS-sssS-BOOM! The walls of the Physics Amphitheatre will Wallace's Starting Line Averages 192; quake today at 12:30 p.m. when the first big pep meeting of the year Each Girl Present To Have Two Escorts; Eikenberg, Odom, Lundy, and Cain will be held by Rally Club. New- Faculty Members and Wives Invited In Owlet Backfield comers at Rice will be introduced to Coach "Silent Jess" Neely and to To Attend Picnic cheer leaders Norvil Baker, Jerry By Easy Kegg Dobelman, and Walter Bolton. The all-school picnic, planned by Student President Karl Making their debut as Owl competitors, the Slime team j The rally is planned as a '"warm- Wylie for almost six months, begins tomorrow at 5 p. m. on the coached by Bill Wallace and Moose Hartman tackles the Cardi- up" pep meeting to acquaint the lawns behind the founder's statue. nals from Lamar Junior College at 8:15 tonight at Rice Sta- freshmen with the Rice yells and The student council, meeting Thursday at noon in a special dium. i songs. Special emphasis will be The squad of 41 men, including given to the new Rice Fight Song session, completed plans for the with words by the Rally Club and affair and announced a full pro- six all-state men and ten members Bill Wallace music by Harry Girard. Earl Wylie gram that includes games, a oi' the ?411-Star teams which played Of special interest to football en- pep rally, band concert, and the here August 9, is one of the largest; thusiasts will be Coach Neely's dis- unique spectacle of an expected .'300 in the history of the school. And re- ! cussion on the offensive and defen- girls eating with two escorts each. I sive techniques of the Sam Houston Six Sandwiches ports from the field house predict Meaikats, and how the Owl squad The council has asked each girl that the outfit which opens against will cnpr with them. Similar talks : attending the picnic to bring Monk Hodgkins' Cardinals, featur- u-;i: be given by Coach Neely during sandwiches and a small quantity of i ny a 198-pound average line in ;• ,! rallies throughout the M-a.-m, fiuit for herself and escorts. Other front of capable backs, will be one he said Thursday. Also, as in the food will be provided by the Coin- tpams; of the greater ever I -s»\- fi&d© sflf'. the grounds. •be admitted upon Politica Faculty members and their wives ition of their blanket Elects Officers; have been invited as special guests, Ml Wylie said Thursday. Leedom Is Head Plan for Escorts "" Hearting line-up until just be- Students arriving at the picnic Sat- l|ne game, but a survey of Meeting for the first time this urday will stop by one of three Ice sessions shows that he has year, the Rice Progressive Party tables, two-for boys, and one for It collection of talent on hand. Monday night assembled seventy- girls, and draw a number. Numbers erg and Cain Touted two of its 110 active members and are identical within each box, there the backfield the men to watch elected an executive organization to being three duplicates of each. The "Big Train" Eikenberg, passing be effective throughout the remain- two boy-j, therefore, holding number |j|.from Boling, _and Ed Cain, whose der of this year. Also on the order 101 will picnic with the girl hold- $|ftg is reminiscent of Olie Cor- of business was the nomination of a ing that number. Pete Odom has been showing candidate for the position of assist- Assistants to Wylie Hdvantage at wingback with J. B. ant editor of the Thresher. Jim Sale of Pictures Chief assistants to Wylie in man- lee, scat back from Lamar High First Owl to Be Hargrove, junior academe from aging the affair are Demaris De- /Houston. Shreveport, La., was selected. At Ail-Time High Lange, Carolyn Knapp, Jack Cle- Sari Prosser, speed merchant, and OutWithinWeek Five Officers Chosen mens, and Maisie Jones. Games to jh'Creagor of Corpus Christi Of the twelve members of the The sale of Campanile pictures (Continued on page 8) Id play a lot of football for the The first issue of the Owl, stu- 0 , executive operating committee, five passed last year's mark of 1087 ps, J. B. "Lundy of El Campo dent-alumni magazine, will appear were chosen for the various offices Wednesday, and a sale of 2Q0 more Prank Sbiracky of, Smithville will either Saturday or Monday, it was of the party. John N. Leedom, engi- Religious Council Ay t at blocking back. announced Thursday by Kelly Reed, neer from Dallas, and formerly was expected before the deadline, it Star Tackles editor. The first issue will be dedi- chairman pro-tem, was retained as was announced by Bob Knox, edi- Prepares Program eking a first string line for the cated to the new naval ROTC unit permanent chairman. Jess Bessin- tor. let is more of a problem, but Of New Activity on the campus, and will be in mem- ger of Houston was selected as vice- Anyone who has not yet bought scrimmage reports the out- ory of Captain James A. Baker. c hair m an; 0. J. Cadwallader of The Institute Religious Council continued on page 8) his picture is urged to do so today, The issue will contain 28 pages, Houston, secretary; Billy Paxton, held its second meeting of the year and those who have made part pay- with new features about students Houston, treasurer; and Walter last Tuesday noon ai Autry House" ments are requested to pay the bal- Cadet Uniform and the alumni, Reed added. (Continued on page 8) Committee chairmen present- ance before the Campanile table is ed plans for the year and a general JMeasurement moved to the front of the Mechani- schedule of activities was worked •kit? I Begins Thursday cal Laboratory Building Saturday to i out, including proposed religious Coward's'Ways andMeans' accommodate the engineers. Those programs and entertainments for Mltract for naval cadet uniforms students who have missed their ap- j the student body as a whole. has been awarded to D. Klein pointments with the photographer, The Council's next meeting will be t Brothers, Philadelpia, Pa., by Pro ves Fast and Exciting Henry Stern in the West Building, held Tuesday, October 14, at 12:00 Navy Cloth Department, Cap- are urged to have the pictures made noon in the upstairs room at Autry Dallas D. Dupre said Tuesday, The Dramatic Club opened its sea- cookies were served to almost 200 as soon as possible. Only students House. asurement of cadets will begin son last night with a reception for guests. with their pictures in the book will The council yearly program wiil, |day. | the student body and presentation Speed and Gayety have their names engrave^ on the be of two types: inspirational and naval" commandant also an- I of the three-scene comedy "Ways The comedy opened with a bang cover. Be sure to take the receipt recreational. The inspirational pro- that the organization of a along to the studio, and if it is lost, gran^ will „be presented for the and Means" from Noel Coward's and went through to the end with k and bugle corps, under the typical speed and gayety. Peggy report its loss to the Sallyport table spiritual benefit of-the student body cycle, "Tonight at Eight Thirty." Ion of Chief Yeoman John Bentz and Neal Prince held the spot- or to Lawrence Judd. Persons with and will be under the sponsorship of >. I, would start as soon as The program opened with the ^intro- light during the entire performance, appointments after Oct. 28 are the council. Among the speakers Science students have been duction of the officers of the club never being off the stage but <?ne asked to have their pictures made considered were Charles Wells, not* 1 sir. manual of arms and which was followed" by the play . time when they were still quite aud- this week, since the deadline has ed journalist, and Mr. and Mrs. ,, platoon drills. Then Russian punch, cake, and ' (Continued on page 8) been moved' up. (Continued on page 8) c t§. ' ~' o.,.. '''v t.-. tv'.w i'-V mm m&m OS 1 N'-NNNp, •! PAGE TWO THE THRESHER FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3. 1941 " ' '"'V "" Fugate Student Commandant Scene from a Near-Riot Neale T. Fugate, sophomore chemical engineering student from Houston, was named first lieutenant and student com- mander of the naval ROTC unit Monday as Captain Dallas D. Dupre announced the officer personnel for three platoons of cadets. Jack Simms Second in Command Second in command and ranked as Postponement cadet lieutenant, junior grade, is Jack Simms II. 1 •V •; ' • :N C. " \N All appointments, made public For Thresher Monday in unit order 1-41, are for an indefinite period. Company communication officer Election Voted is Paul P. Gamble, cadet ensign. George A. Seaman, Jr. serves as j Student council, meeting Thurs- company chief petty officer, day in a special session, voted seven Clonts Heads First Platoon ! to two to waive a constitutional Eugene L. Clonts is in command clause providing that all vacant of- of the first platoon.
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