OFFICIAL JOURNAL SENATE OF THE STATE OF LOUISIANA SENATE May 2, 2008 OF THE The Honorable Joel T. Chaisson II President of the Senate STATE OF LOUISIANA Post Office Box 94183 _______ Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70804 TWENTY-FIRST _______DAY'S PROCEEDINGS Dear Senator Chaisson, Thirty-Fourth Regular Session of the Legislature Please be advised that I will be absent from the session on Under the Adoption of the Monday, May 5, 2008, and Tuesday, May 6, 2008. I will be in Constitution of 1974 Houston with my daughter Lexie for her annual check up. _______ Senate Chamber Please give me an excuse for these two (2) days and put this State Capitol letter in the official Journal of the Senate. Baton Rouge, Louisiana Monday, May 5, 2008 Thanks for your consideration. The Senate was called to order at 2:20 o'clock P.M., by Hon. Sincerely, Joel T. Chaisson II, President of the Senate. JODY AMEDEE, Senate District 18 Morning Hour SENATE CONVENING ROLL CALL STATE OF LOUISIANA May 5, 2008 The roll being called, the following members answered to their names: The Honorable Joel T. Chaisson II President of the Senate PRESENT Post Office Box 94183 Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70804 Mr. President Erdey Quinn Alario Jackson Scalise Dear Senator Chaisson, Broome LaFleur Shaw Cheek McPherson Shepherd Pursuant to and in accordance with R.S. 18:652 and R.S. 24:32, Cravins Michot Smith I hereby submit my resignation as the duly-elected member of the Donahue Murray Thompson Louisiana Senate representing Senate District No. 9, effective May Duplessis Nevers Walsworth 6, 2008, at 2:00 P.M. Total - 21 ABSENT Sincerely, STEPHEN J. SCALISE, Adley Gautreaux B Long Senate District No. 9 Amedee Gautreaux N Marionneaux Cassidy Gray Martiny PARISH OF EAST BATON ROUGE Crowe Hebert Morrish STATE OF LOUISIANA Dorsey Heitmeier Mount Dupre Kostelka Riser Before me, the undersigned Notary Public, personally appeared Total - 18 STEPHEN J. SCALISE, who upon duly sworn, declared and acknowledged that he has resigned as an elected member of the The President of the Senate announced there were 21 Senators Louisiana Senate representing Senate District No. 9 effective May 6, present and a quorum. 2008, at 2:00 p.m. Prayer STEPHEN J. SCALISE THUS DONE AND SIGNED, in my presence in Baton Rouge, The prayer was offered by Pastor Kenny Kepper, following Louisiana, on this 5th day of May, 2008. which the Senate joined in pledging allegiance to the flag of the United States of America. JERRY J. GUILLOT Notary Public Reading of the Journal Bar No. 06582 On motion of Senator McPherson, the reading of the Journal was Messages from the House dispensed with and the Journal of May 1, 2008, was adopted. The following Messages from the House were received and read Petitions, Memorials and as follows: Communications Message from the House The following petitions, memorials and communications were received and read: CONCURRING IN SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS May 1, 2008 To the Honorable President and Members of the Senate: 495 Page 2 SENATE 21st DAY'S PROCEEDINGS May 5, 2008 I am directed to inform your honorable body that the House of NAYS Representatives has finally concurred in the following Senate Concurrent Resolutions: Total - 0 ABSENT SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 21— BY SENATOR SCALISE Adley Dorsey Hebert A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION Amedee Duplessis Heitmeier To direct the Louisiana Recovery Authority to develop a plan for the Cassidy Gautreaux B Kostelka review and approval of the Joint Legislative Committee on the Crowe Gray Budget relative to the recoupment of Road Home monies from Total - 11 any source. The Chair declared the Senate had adopted the Senate Reported without amendments. Concurrent Resolution and ordered it sent to the House. SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 36— SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 54— BY SENATOR MORRISH BY SENATOR DUPRE A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION To memorialize the Congress of the United States to oppose the To express the sincere condolences of the Legislature of Louisiana authorization of offshore aquaculture in the Gulf of Mexico. upon the death of Judy Lirette. Reported without amendments. The resolution was read by title. Senator Dupre moved to adopt the Senate Concurrent Resolution. Respectfully submitted, ALFRED W. SPEER Clerk of the House of Representatives ROLL CALL The roll was called with the following result: Introduction of Resolutions, Senate and Concurrent YEAS Senator Cheek asked for and obtained a suspension of the rules Mr. President Gautreaux B Mount for the purpose of introducing and reading the following Resolutions, Adley Gautreaux N Murray Senate and Concurrent, a first and second time and acting upon them Alario Hebert Nevers as follows: Broome Jackson Quinn Cheek LaFleur Riser SENATE RESOLUTION NO. 52— Cravins Long Scalise BY SENATOR CHEEK Donahue Marionneaux Shaw A RESOLUTION Dorsey Martiny Shepherd To commend and congratulate United States Air Force Technical Duplessis McPherson Smith Sergeant Charles Strozier upon his retirement and for his brave th Dupre Michot Thompson service to his country while a member of the legendary 75 Erdey Morrish Walsworth Army Ranger Battalion. Total - 33 NAYS On motion of Senator Cheek, the resolution was read by title and adopted. Total - 0 ABSENT SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 53— BY SENATOR NEVERS A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION Amedee Crowe Heitmeier To commend United States Marine Corps Major Kevin R. Scott for Cassidy Gray Kostelka being awarded the Bronze Star Medal for his brave and Total - 6 outstanding service in the Global War on Terrorism. The Chair declared the Senate had adopted the Senate The resolution was read by title. Senator Nevers moved to adopt Concurrent Resolution and ordered it sent to the House. the Senate Concurrent Resolution. Messages from the House ROLL CALL The following Messages from the House were received and read as follows: The roll was called with the following result: YEAS Message from the House Mr. President LaFleur Quinn ASKING CONCURRENCE IN Alario Long Riser HOUSE BILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS Broome Marionneaux Scalise Cheek Martiny Shaw May 1, 2008 Cravins McPherson Shepherd Donahue Michot Smith To the Honorable President and Members of the Senate: Dupre Morrish Thompson Erdey Mount Walsworth I am directed to inform your honorable body that the House of Gautreaux N Murray Representatives has finally passed and asks your concurrence in the Jackson Nevers following House Bills and Joint Resolutions: Total - 28 496 21st DAY'S PROCEEDINGS Page 3 SENATE May 5, 2008 HOUSE BILL NO. 98— online identifiers on the State Sex Offender and Child Predator BY REPRESENTATIVES LOPINTO, BILLIOT, CONNICK, HENRY, GIROD Registry; to require entities operating social networking web JACKSON, LABRUZZO, LIGI, TALBOT, AND WOOTON AND SENATOR MARTINY sites to provide information to the bureau; to provide for the AN ACT screening of its registered users; to provide for a defense to To amend and reenact R.S. 42:1441.3(E) and (G), relative to public claims of liability; to provide for definitions; and to provide for liability; to provide for civil liability for political subdivisions; related matters. to provide for the determination of master for liability purposes; to provide for political subdivisions acting as third-party payors; HOUSE BILL NO. 557— BY REPRESENTATIVE DOVE and to provide for related matters. AN ACT HOUSE BILL NO. 220— To amend and reenact R.S. 30:215(A), to enact R.S. 30:123.1, and BY REPRESENTATIVE ARNOLD to repeal R.S. 30:125(B), relative to mineral lease applications; AN ACT to provide for information required to be submitted to the State To amend and reenact R.S. 37:2156(A), 2168, and 2188(A), relative Mineral Board; to provide for liquidated damages; to provide for to licensing by the Louisiana State Licensing Board for the determination of the fee for seismic, geophysical, or Contractors; to provide for single or multiple year licensing of geological surveying; and to provide for related matters. contractors; to provide for new expiration dates on a contractor's license; to provide for certain options for new licenses; and to HOUSE BILL NO. 642— BY REPRESENTATIVES SCHRODER AND NORTON provide for related matters. AN ACT HOUSE BILL NO. 641— To amend and reenact R.S. 14:43.1(C)(2), 43.2(C)(2), 43.3(C)(2), BY REPRESENTATIVE GIROD JACKSON 78.1(D)(2), 81.1(E)(2), and 81.2(E)(1), relative to criminal AN ACT penalties for certain sex offenses; to amend the criminal To amend and reenact R.S. 40:1734(B), relative to accessibility to penalties for certain sex offenses when the victim is under the public or governmental facilities; to provide for changes to age of thirteen years; and to provide for related matters. accessibility standards for new public facilities or governmental entities; and to provide for related matters. HOUSE BILL NO. 1026— BY REPRESENTATIVE DOVE HOUSE BILL NO. 196— AN ACT BY REPRESENTATIVE KATZ To amend and reenact R.S. 30:153, relative to mineral leases; to AN ACT provide for administration of certain leases by the State Mineral To enact R.S. 49:191(4) and to repeal R.S. 49:191(2)(c), relative to Board; and to provide for related matters. the Department of Health and Hospitals, including provisions to provide for the re-creation of the Department of Health and HOUSE BILL NO. 1114— BY REPRESENTATIVE GALLOT Hospitals and the statutory entities made a part of the AN ACT department by law; to provide for the effective termination date To amend and reenact R.S. 36:475.1(B) and to enact R.S. for all statutory authority for the existence of such statutory 36:8(E)(2)(d) and 474(A)(12), relative to organization of the entities; and to provide for related matters.
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