Congratulations; Graduates MIT's The Weather Oldest and Largest Today: Showers, cool, 59°F (15°C) Tonight: Breaking clouds, 52°F (11°C) Newspaper . _~ •• Tomorrow: Sunny, warm, nOF (22°C) Details, Page 2 Volume 122, Number 27 Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 Friday, June 7, 2002 SodexhoJ Bon Appetit WinDining Contr~ By Jennifer Krishnan that your findings are in direct link NEWS EDITOR and support of your goals," said MIT has awarded Sodexho the Director of Campus Dining Richard contract for community dining, D. Berlin III. which includes Lobdell, Morss Hall Combined with the contracting in Walker Mem.orial, and the satel- of The Alpine Bagel Co. and lite locations on campus. Bon Arrow Street Crepes, as well as the Appetit won the contract for resi- addition of La Verde's Market to dential dining, which includes the the MIT Card, students next year dining halls in Baker House, Next will see increased competition as House, and Simmons Hall, as well well as a better balance between MacGregor C.onvenience. cooking, buying food on campus, - MIT will continue to contract and eating off-campus, both of Aramark f.or catering and the Facul- which were major goals established ty Club. by the Campus Dining Board, "We're going to have three dif- Berlin said. ferent vendors on campus next fall," For the- three major contracts, in addition to the independent ven- vendor proposals were reviewed by d.ors in the Student Center, said a vendor selection committee, DANIEL BERSAK-THE TECH Dean for Student Life Larry G. whose membership included several The doctoral hooding ceremony was held yesterday afternoon in Johnson Athletics Center • Benedict. members of the Campus Dining These three firms are "consid- Board, Walsh said. ered to be the heavyweights of the The pr.ocess included on-campus Over 2,200 to Graduate Today [food] industry," said Campus interviews and visits to 'other sites. Activities Complex Director Phillip The selection. committee then By Helana Kadyszewskl cises have posed particular planning resp.onse that w.ould reasonably J. Walsh. shared its proposal with the Dining SPORTS.£D/TOR challenges for the Commen~ement ensure the safety of the 11,000 plus Board and passed it on to Benedict When all is said and done today staff. Director of Enteiprise Services participants and guests at our C.om- Competition introduced at the 136th Commencement exer- Stephen D. Immerman, who haS been mencement?" "It's ,always w.on~erful- to find Dining, Page 18 cises in Killian Court, some 2,250 involved in planning Commencement Immerman~and Gayle M. Gal- MIT students will be awarded an and oversees the Institute's safety and lagher, the executive officer of estimated 2,500 degrees. security measures, cites the events of Commencement, have reviewed and CLC Makes PBEGo Dry This year's crop of graduates Sept. 11 and the controversy sur- redefined the security protocols for will gather in Killian C.ourt, rain or- rounding guest speaker James D. this year's exercises. Security s~e, for the most anticipated" event Wolfensohn, president .of the W.orld guidelines f.or both graduates and For Month of September in an MIT student's career.- Com- Bank Group, as the primary c.on- their guests have been posted mencement 2002 is expected to cerns. online. In additi.on t.o the MIT By Jennifer Krishnan Any violation .of this "dry" peri- draw an crowd of more than 11,000 "This is our first Commencement Police, medical persoI1,!lel, facilities NEWSED/TOR od or any other license-related vio- pe.ople including participants and in a w.orld that is quite different, and staff, and an additional 200 student MIT's chapter of the Phi Beta lation will result in an automatic their guests. with threats and risks that are large- and staff volunteers will be on duty. Epsilon fraternity will be alc.oh.ol- suspension .of the fraternity's l.odg- ly unknown," he said. "We had t.o Because .of.the size .of campus free from Aug. 30 to Sept. 30, as ing license for the same tiine peri.od, Sec_~ri~ pu~ped up ~k ourselves: what is a reasonable .ordered by the Cambridge License said CLC Executive Officer Richard ~ 1}lls year's C.ommencement exer- and prudent safety and security _ Commencement, Page 10 C.ommission. V. Scali. Scali said the CLC would be m.onit.oring the house "with spot Pre-Commencement Events Focus on World Bank Policy inspections ... t.o make sure that that there is n.o alc.ohol on the premises" By Sandra M. Chung been c.oncerned that not enough during the one-month dry period. ARTS EDITOR MIT staff were available to oversee PBE President Jae K. Ro '02 ,An audience that included Boston a, large event because of the next said the decision was "pretty fair ... , area residents and MIT students day's C.ommencement services. It sent the right message," he said. filled 54-1 QO last night for a viewing S.ome considered 54-100 to be "I th.ought .[the decision] was of Life and Debt, a documentary film t.o.o small for the event. However, fair," said David N. Rogers, assis- that c~ndemns U.S. and International the lecture hall, decorated with a tant dean and director of fraternities, Monetary Fund treatment of the Jamaican flag and filled with the sororities, and independent living Jamaican economy, and a subsequent s.ounds .of reggae music, c.omf.ort- groups. ,performance by reggae artist Yami ably acc.omm.odated all of the- Ro said he was not w.orried' Bol.o, who is featured in the film. approximately 300 people wh.o about staying dry during September The events were staged in gathered peacefully to .view the film, .because "alcohol is not a big part of advance .of James D. W.olfenohn's talk to Black, and hear Bolo. our rush" and "we've been dry for address at Commencement t.oday. "We reserved 54-100 before we " the past two m.onths, so it w.on't be Wo.1fensohn)s president of the told them this was happening," said anything we're not used to." World Bank. Stephanie Black, Jesse M. Barnes '02. "When they direct.or .of Life and Debt, was pre- f.ound out-they didn't want to let us CLC criticizes policy on guests s"ent at the sh.owing to answer ques- do it. But then ... they realized it was PBE" appeared at a hearing tions from the audience. a film showing, which is something before the CLC last'm.onth after that happens .on college campuses all MIT P.olice found an intoxicated 17- . Gathering goes off without hitch the time, so they let us do it." year-old near the house. Despite some initial difficulty" The event was c.oordinated by Ro said that Bobby Lee, 17, and c.onvincing MIT administrators to the Students f.or Democratic Com- his companion, 18-year-old William all.ow the event to take place on the mencement in c.onjuncti.on with Jim, had apparently "[g.otten] a hold MIT campus the night bef.ore com- Bankbusters, a B.ost.on-based .orga- DANIEL BERSAK-THE TECH .of the unattended alcohol" that sev- . mencement, the SDC program went nization opp.osed to the actions .of Yaml Bolo performs during a reggae concert In 54-100 last night as era} members .of the fraternity had smoothly in the absence of police " part of the events leading up to today!s commencement address by supervision. The administration had World Bank, Page 20 World Bank President James D. Wolfensohn. PBE, Page 10 A closer look Comics OPINION at activism at Five Backward Glances: reflec.- World & Nation 2 MIT. tions on the MIT experience. Opinion 4 Arts 8 Center Events Calendar ~.14 Spread . Page 14 Page 6 Page 2 THE TECH June 7, 2002 WORLD & NATION Russia Hails New 'Market-Economy' Lawmakers Back Bush Plan LOS ANGEI.ES T!.IIES MOSCOW Russia welcomed the news Thursday that the United States has designated it a "market economy," a move that should help Russian For Homeland Security Dept. exports and ease the country's entrance to the World Trade Organiza- tion. By Juliet Eilperin "It just makes sense," said Rep. er demands from many lawmakers "This is of principal importance for moving Russian goods into mE WASHlNGTON POST Sherwood Boehlert, R-N.Y., a for coordination of domestic securi- WASHINGTON American markets,'" said German O. Gref, Russia's minister of eco- member of the House Intelligence ty responsibilities by a Cabinet-level nomic development and President Vladimir V. Putin's economic guru. Lawmakers hailed President Committee. "It demonstrates in a official. But he made it clear 'that "We will be getting the s'ame possibilities to protect our rights in Bush's plan to create a new Cabinet very tangible fashion the president's Congress intends to play an active the United States as any other U.S. trade partner," he said on Russian department for homeland security determination to give this the very role in determining the new struc- television. Thursday, though several cautioned highest priority." ture and that he still ~tends to push Putin learned of the decision from President Bush, who phoned they expect to help shape its mission Most lawmakers interviewed for an independent cominission "to him Thursday afternoon. and structure in the coming months. Thursday said they had little choice understand fully what went wrong According to Gref, the lack of free-market status had allowed U.S.
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