Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-13698-4 — The European Book in the Twelfth Century Edited by Erik Kwakkel , Rodney Thomson Index More Information Index of Manuscripts Aberystwyth, National Libr. of Wales 17110B II 2425 41 (‘Book of Llandaff’) 21, 314 8486–91 266 Peniarth 540 314 Admont, Stiftsbibl. 434 41 Cambrai, Médiathèque mun. 168 274 742 235 Cambridge Angers, Bibl. mun. 304 (295) 323 Corpus Christi Coll. 2 (‘Bury Bible’) 10, 13, 49, Assisi, Bibl. del sacro conv. 573 222–3, 232, 236 Fig. 3.3, 57, 83 Avesnes, Société Archéologique, s. n. 49 3–4 (‘Dover Bible’) 46, 49 Avranches, Bibl. mun. 72 58 Fitzwilliam Museum 24 13 91 41 Maclean 165 232 128 73 Gonville & Caius Coll. 2/224 229 234 3/324 6/624 Bamberg, Staatsbibl. Class. 10 234 7/724 Class. 15 220, 232 10/10 24 Class. 21 248 12/128 24 Patr. 511, 19, 74 14/130 24 Barcelona, Archivo de la Corona de Aragón, 15/131 24 Ripoll 78 310 16/132 24 Basel, Universitätsbibl. N I 2, 83 323 17/133 24 Beirut, Université de St Joseph 223 275 18/134 24 Berlin, Staatsbibl. germ. fol. 282 63 19/135 24 lat. fol. 74 263 123/60 320 lat. fol. 252 245 427/427 36 lat. fol. 272 302 456/394 275 lat. fol. 273 301–2 Jesus Coll. Q. D. 2 (44) 266, 321 lat. qu. 198 283–6 Pembroke Coll. 59 169 Phillipps 1925 322 113 320 Bern, Burgerbibl. 79 322 Peterhouse 229 23 120 63 St John’s Coll. B. 13 (35) 119 196 273 G. 15 (183) 13 332 232 Trinity Coll. B. 5. 4 (150) 201, Fig. 11.3, 337 291 208, 213 702 232 B. 11. 10 (249) Fig.10.2 Bethesda (Maryland), National Libr. of Medicine B. 14. 33 (317) 170 E. 78 288 O. 3. 55 (1227) Fig. 10.1 Bologna, Bibl. Universitaria 2208–9 161, O. 7. 9 (1337) 234 164–5, 171 O. 7. 13 (1341) 13 4228 219, 234 R. 15. 16 (940) 269, Fig. 14.1, 273 Brussels, Bibl. royale II. 139/3 323 R. 17. 1 (987)(‘Eadwine Psalter’) 71, 315, II 181 frag. 3 320 319, 322 394 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-13698-4 — The European Book in the Twelfth Century Edited by Erik Kwakkel , Rodney Thomson Index More Information Index of Manuscripts 395 University Library Add. 4166 frag. 9 321 S. Marco 114 233 Ii. 1. 33 326 S. Marco 124 233 Ii. 3. 33 41 S. Marco 125 232 Ii. 6. 20 244 S. Marco 130 233 Ii. 6. 32 314 S. Marco 166 231 Charleville, Bibl. mun. 187 219, 235 Bibl. Naz. II. I. 7 161, 169 Chartres, Bibl. mun. 92 234 II. III. 214 267 190 234 Bibl. Riccardiana Ricc. 126 235 497–8 219, 231, 245, 267 Frankfurt, Stadt- und Universitätsbibl. Barth. 42 Cologne, Dombibl. 59 46 57, 83 Cologny-Genève, Bibl. Bodmeriana 9 234 Freiburg, Augustinermuseum, G 23/1a 54 11 320 17 320 Geneva, Bibl. de Genève Com. Lat. 183 127 48 319 Copenhagen, Konigl. Bibl., Gamle Kgl. Samling Ghent, Universiteitsbibl. 92 62 1653 291 Gießen, Universitätsbibl. Hs. 89 Fig. 18.4, Universtetsbibl. AM 618 4° 319 338–9 Córdoba, Bibl. de la Catedral 153 233 Göttingen, Universitätsbibl., Apparat. Diplom. Cracow Cath. 208 46 10E. Mappe IV.1 233 Graz, Universitãtsbibl. 1703/137 41 Damascus, Zahiriyya 4871 266 Darmstadt, Landesbibl. 1410 267 The Hague, Koninklijke Bibl. 73 J 6 150, 261 2282 217, Fig. 12.1, 231 73 J 724, 150 Dijon, Bibl. mun. (‘Bible of Stephen Harding’) 76 E 15 41 12–15 83 Hereford Cathedral, Dean & Chapter Archives 114 41 990 22 Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 1229 (23 E 25) 314 Library O. III. 273 Trinity Coll. 494 223 O. III. 15 325 1339 314 O. V. 10 82 Durham Cathedral A. II. 1 (‘Puiset Bible’) 20–1 O. V. 14 82 A. II. 4 (‘Carilef Bible’) 83 O. VI. 10 82 A. II. 11 233 O. VIII. 6 233 A. IV. 34 20, 23 P. I. 12 82 C. IV. 27 320 P. II. 14 82 P. III. 782 El Escorial, Real Bibl. E. IV. 24 239 P. V. 382 Epinal, Bibl. mun. 58 317, 322 P. V. 482 Erfurt, Universitätsbibl. Dep. Erf. Cod. Amplon. Heidelberg, Universitätsbibl. Cod. Pal. germ. 112 8° 5 237 332, Fig. 18.3 Cod. Amplon. 8° 32 320 Hildesheim, Dombibl. St. Godehard 161, 319, 321 Cod. Amplon. 8° 66 233 Dom-Museum DS 37 61 Cod. Amplon. 4° 365 275 Erlangen, Universitätsbibl. 191 231 Istanbul, Ayasofya 4832 266 Eton Coll. 161 266 204 291 Jena, Universitätsbibl. Bos. 9. 663 Jerusalem, Nat. Libr. of Israel Heb. 4°5827 161, Florence, Bibl. Laurenziana, Ashburnham 1459 165, Fig. 9.2, 167 (1382) 234 Plut. 11. 9 234 Klosterneuburg, Stiftsbibl. 671 234 Plut. 45. 2 251 1098 231 Plut. 64. 35 323 Kues, St. Nikolaus-Hospital 190 233 Plut. 71. 21 233 Plut. 73. 16 292 Laon, Bibl. mun. 224 (455) 322 S. Marco 102 233 435 ter 235 S. Marco 113 233 Le Havre, Bibl. mun. 332 118 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-13698-4 — The European Book in the Twelfth Century Edited by Erik Kwakkel , Rodney Thomson Index More Information 396 Index of Manuscripts Leiden, Universiteitsbibl. BPG 49a 168 Harl. 2798–913 BPL 5 155 Harl. 2803–413 BPL 20 41 Harl. 3509 248 BPL 30 149 Harl. 3534 23 BPL 35 155 Harl. 3859 314 BPL 38D 257 Harl. 4070 325–6 BPL 43 155 Harl. 4388 317, 321 BPL 64 143–5 Harl. 4733 320 BPL 91 146, 148 Harl. 5786 264 BPL 92 146, 148 Royal 3 A. xii 82 BPL 92A 141–2, 155 Royal 4 D. vii 23 BPL 144 142–3, Fig. 8.1 Royal 7 D. xxv 223 BPL 189 145–6, Fig. 8.2, 254 Royal 7 F. vi 82 BPL 196 Fig. 2.1, 41 Royal 10 C. iv 23 BPL 1048 155 Royal 12 C. i 42 BPL 1925 232 Royal App. 85 275 BUR Q 1 248-51, Fig. 13.1, 250–1 Sloane 1975 291 d’Ablaing 1 Fig. 16. 2 Sloane 2030 276 SCA Hebr. 8 (Or. 4725) 168 Lambeth Palace 3 (‘Lambeth Bible’) 49, 60, 83 VLF 39 148 73 322 VLF 85 291 339 217, 231 VLQ 12 41 Society of Antiquaries 716 320 VLQ 42 155 National Archives C 146/10018 319 VLQ 51 Fig 2.4, 41 private owner, s. n. 232 VLQ 103 248 Sotheby & Co., Valmadonna Trust Libr. 1 VUL 46 41 (formerly Sassoon Coll. 282) 161, 165, Liège, Bibl. universitaire 77 100 167, 172 Lincoln Cath. 199 320 Wellcome Libr. 4 266 London Los Angeles, J. Paul Getty Museum 64 62 BL Add. 1695 61 Lucca, Bibl. Statale 1405 252 Add. 11639 173 Lunel, Bibl. mun. 6 237-8 Add. 17737–8 (‘Floreffe Bible’) 13, 46, Luxembourg, Bibl. nat. 138 244 Fig. 3.2, 60 770 273 Add. 18342 232 Add. 22719 261, 271 Maidstone, Kent County Archives Fa Z 1 319 Add. 28106–713 Museum P. 549, 83 Add. 46847 (‘Sherborne Cartulary’) 21 Milan, Bibl. Ambrosiana I. 195 235 Add. 49366 317, 319 M. 62 sup. 231 Add. 89000 19 M. 63 sup. 226, 237 Arundel 230 319–20 O. 53 sup. 296 Arundel 268 274 O. 55 sup. 296 Arundel 348 233, 255 Bibl. Capitolare della Basilica Ambrosiana M Arundel Or. 2 161, 165, 168 2 237 Arundel Or. 51 161, 169 Monte Cassino, Archivio della Badia 174 96 Burney 161 41 225 261 Cotton Faustina A. X 101 Montpellier, Bibl. Universitaire, Section de Cotton Nero A. V 321 Médicine H. 82 302 Cotton Nero C. IV 319 Munich, BSB Cotton Titus D. XXIV 322 Cgm 17 340 Cotton Vitellius E. IX 319 Cgm 77 340 Cotton App. 56 320–1 Cgm 191 339 Egerton 3661 41 Cgm 5248/737, 40 Harl. 270 320 Clm 331 233 Harl. 1585 291 Clm 4622 291 Harl. 2713 233 Clm 4660 (‘Carmina Burana’) 99 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-13698-4 — The European Book in the Twelfth Century Edited by Erik Kwakkel , Rodney Thomson Index More Information Index of Manuscripts 397 Clm 13002 Fig. 3.4 Douce 320 317, Fig. 17.1, 319, 322 Clm 14458 223 Douce 381 326 Clm 14503 232 French d. 16 320 Clm 14779 223 Hatton 92 101 Clm 16123 235 Lat. liturg. f. 113 Clm 19475 100 Lat. th. d. 20 41 Clm 19490 100 Laud. lat. 67 223 Clm 22009 Fig. 4.1 Laud. misc. 91 325 Clm 22292 235 Laud. or. 168 161, 163 Clm 29384 235 Opp. 627 161 Clm 29246 232 Opp. 717 161 Clm 29384 232 Or. 6 161 Clm 30055 46 Or. 621 172 Cod. gall. 29 323 Rawl. B. 502 314 Rawl. B. 503 314 Nantes, Musée Dobrée V 317, 322 Rawl. C. 641 320 Naples, Bibl. Naz. Vindob. 47 (Martini 7) 232 Rawl. D. 913 320 New York, Jewish Theological Seminary 8092 161 Rawl. Q. f. 823 Pierpont Morgan Libr. M. 338 322 Savile 15 275 M. 736 49 Selden supra 24 272–3 Corpus Christi Coll. 6 161, 169 Orléans, Bibl. mun. 80 233 57 244 265 217, 231 133 161, 169 266 223–4, 228, 237 165 161 269 233 Jesus Coll. 26 82, 326 283 291 52 82 285 291 53 82 286 291 62 82 301 291 67 82 Oslo, Martin Schøyen Coll.
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