See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/301620370 Nummulite biostratigraphy of the Eocene succession in the Bahariya Depression, Egypt: Implications for timing of iron... Article in Journal of African Earth Sciences · April 2016 DOI: 10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2016.04.016 CITATIONS READS 0 44 1 author: Adel Mady Complutense University of Madrid 10 PUBLICATIONS 13 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Mineralogy, Petrology and Genesis of Different Types of Ferromanganese Deposits View project All content following this page was uploaded by Adel Mady on 25 April 2016. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. All in-text references underlined in blue are added to the original document and are linked to publications on ResearchGate, letting you access and read them immediately. Accepted Manuscript Nummulite biostratigraphy of the Eocene succession in the Bahariya Depression, Egypt: Implications for timing of iron mineralization A.M. Afify, J. Serra-Kiel, M.E. Sanz-Montero, J.P. Calvo, E.S. Sallam PII: S1464-343X(16)30132-7 DOI: 10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2016.04.016 Reference: AES 2552 To appear in: Journal of African Earth Sciences Received Date: 2 February 2016 Revised Date: 14 April 2016 Accepted Date: 19 April 2016 Please cite this article as: Afify, A.M., Serra-Kiel, J., Sanz-Montero, M.E., Calvo, J.P., Sallam, E.S., Nummulite biostratigraphy of the Eocene succession in the Bahariya Depression, Egypt: Implications for timing of iron mineralization, Journal of African Earth Sciences (2016), doi: 10.1016/ j.jafrearsci.2016.04.016. This is a PDF file of an unedited manuscript that has been accepted for publication. As a service to our customers we are providing this early version of the manuscript. The manuscript will undergo copyediting, typesetting, and review of the resulting proof before it is published in its final form. Please note that during the production process errors may be discovered which could affect the content, and all legal disclaimers that apply to the journal pertain. ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT 1 Nummulite biostratigraphy of the Eocene succession in the Bahariya Depression, 2 Egypt: Implications for timing of iron mineralization 3 Afify, A.M. a,b,* , Serra-Kiel, J. c, Sanz-Montero, M.E. a, Calvo, J.P. a, Sallam, E.S. b 4 a) Petrology and Geochemistry Department, Faculty of Geological Sciences, Complutense 5 University, Madrid, C/ José Antonio Nováis, 2, 28040 Madrid, Spain 6 b) Geology Department, Faculty of Science, Benha University, 13518 Benha, Egypt 7 C) Stratigraphy, Paleontology and Marine Geosciences Department, University of Barcelona, C/ 8 Martí i Franquès, s/n, 08028 Barcelona, Spain 9 10 * Corresponding author ([email protected]) 11 12 ABSTRACT 13 In the northern part of the Bahariya DepressionMANUSCRIPT (Western Desert, Egypt) the 14 Eocene carbonate succession, unconformably overlying the Cretaceous deposits, 15 consists of three main stratigraphic units; the Naqb, Qazzun and El Hamra formations. 16 The Eocene carbonates are relevant as they locally host a large economic iron 17 mineralization. This work revises the stratigraphic attribution of the Eocene formations 18 on the basis of larger benthic foraminifers from both carbonate and ironstone beds. 19 Eight Nummulites species spanning the late Ypresian – early Bartonian (SBZ12 to 20 SBZ17) were identified, thus refining the chronostratigraphic framework of the Eocene 21 in that regionACCEPTED of Central Egypt. Moreover, additional sedimentological insight of the 22 Eocene carbonate rocks is presented. The carbonate deposits mainly represent shallow 23 marine facies characteristic of inner to mid ramp settings; though deposits interpreted as 24 intertidal to supratidal are locally recognized. ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT 25 Dating of Nummulites assemblages from the youngest ironstone beds in the 26 mines as early Bartonian provides crucial information on the timing of the hydrothermal 27 and meteoric water processes resulting in the formation of the iron ore mineralization. 28 The new data strongly support a post-depositional, structurally-controlled formation 29 model for the ironstone mineralization of the Bahariya Depression. 30 31 Keywords: Nummulites, Eocene carbonates, ironstone, chronostratigraphy, Western 32 Desert, Central Egypt. 33 34 1. Introduction 35 The Bahariya Depression is located near the central part of the Western Desert 36 of Egypt (Fig. 1) where it shows elliptical geometry surrounded by a carbonate plateau 37 mainly formed of Eocene rock units in its northernMANUSCRIPT part. The Eocene stratigraphy, 38 especially of the Middle to Upper Eocene formations in the Bahariya region has been a 39 matter of dispute (Issawi et al., 2009). This was probably due to the lithostratigraphic 40 variations and facies changes of the Eocene formations with respect to their equivalents 41 outside the region as well as lack of agreement about the stratigraphic discontinuities 42 between the exposed rock units in the area. Three Eocene rock units, the Naqb, Qazzun 43 and El Hamra formations, were described exclusively for the Bahariya Depression by 44 Said and Issawi (1964). These deposits have economic significance since they represent 45 the host rockACCEPTED of the only ironstone mineralization currently exploited for steel industry 46 in Egypt. Moreover, these ore deposits are unique along the Caenozoic palaeo-Tethyan 47 shorelines in North Africa and South Europe (Salama et al., 2014) and can be 48 interpreted as an analog for banded iron formations (BIFs) (Afify et al., 2015a, b). The 49 origin of these deposits has also been a matter of scientific discussion for long time ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT 50 (e.g., El Shazly, 1962; El Akkad and Issawi, 1963; Said and Issawi, 1964; Basta and 51 Amer, 1969; Dabous, 2002; Salama et al., 2013, 2014; Baioumy, 2014; Afify et al., 52 2014, 2015a, b). Despite this fact no much work was focused on the facies architecture 53 and evolutionary pattern of the Eocene host rocks and their relation with the iron 54 mineralization. Likewise, there is lack of detailed chronostratigraphic framework of the 55 Eocene formations. In the classical papers on the geology of the region, e.g., Said and 56 Issawi (1964), the age of the Naqb Formation was loosely attributed to the early Middle 57 Eocene whereas the same rock unit was dated as upper Ypresian (middle Ilerdian- 58 Cuisian) by Boukhary et al. (2011) on the basis of larger benthic foraminifera. The 59 Qazzun Formation was attributed to the upper Middle Eocene without detailed 60 biostratigraphic basis (Said and Issawi, 1964). This was also the case for El Hamra 61 Formation, which was dated as Upper Eocene (Said and Issawi, 1964). In contrast, the 62 stratigraphic review by Issawi et al. (2009) considered that the Lutetian is missing in the 63 Bahariya Depression, which clearly points outMANUSCRIPT a controversy on the chronostratigraphy 64 of the Eocene rocks of the area. 65 This paper provides a scheme of the depositional and diagenetic features present 66 in the Eocene carbonate formations cropping out in the northern part of the Bahariya 67 Depression and aims to precise their chronostratigraphic framework. This is supported 68 by new biostratigraphic evidence from larger benthic foraminifers collected from the 69 carbonate and associated ironstone rocks. As a result, timing of the iron ore 70 mineralizationACCEPTED can be assessed more precisely. 71 72 2. Geologic setting 73 The sedimentary succession exposed at the northern part of the Bahariya area 74 comprises the Cenomanian Bahariya Formation that is unconformably overlain by a ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT 75 carbonate plateau formed of Eocene sediments (Fig. 1). The Eocene succession 76 represented by the Naqb, Qazzun and El Hamra formations is truncated by Oligocene 77 fluvial sandstone of the Radwan Formation (El Akkad and Issawi, 1963, Said and 78 Issawi, 1964). The Bahariya Eocene rock units are equivalent to the Minia Fm. (= Naqb 79 and Qazzun formations), Mokattam Fm. (= Rayan Fm.; = lower unit of the El Hamra 80 Formation) and Maadi Fm. (= Qasr El Sagha Fm.; = upper unit of the El Hamra Fm.), 81 which extend mostly to the north and north east of Egypt in the Nile Valley and Faiyum 82 areas (Issawi et al., 1999). The Eocene carbonates in northern Bahariya are associated 83 with ironstone mineralization, which affects these carbonate units at three main areas, 84 i.e. El Gedida, Ghorabi and El Harra mines (Fig. 1) along two major fault systems 85 (Afify et al., 2015b). 86 The Bahariya Depression was deformed by a NE-trending right-lateral wrench 87 fault system associated with several doubly plunging folds and extensional faults (Fig. 88 1; Sehim, 1993; Moustafa et al., 2003). The MANUSCRIPTstrain regime in the Bahariya area was 89 transpressional, starting by the end of the Campanian and being rejuvenated after the 90 Eocene (Said and Issawi, 1964; Sehim, 1993; Moustafa et al., 2003). The post– 91 Campanian NE-SW doubly plunging anticline folds and ENE strike-slip faults were 92 continued throughout the Paleocene and early Eocene. Moreover, syndepositional 93 tectonic activity and seismic pulses took place during deposition of the Eocene 94 sediments (Said and Issawi, 1964). The depositional pattern of the Eocene rocks in the 95 study area wasACCEPTED controlled by a paleorelief sculpted in Late Cretaceous – Early 96 Paleogene times, ultimately related to the rejuvenation of the Syrian Arc System (Said 97 and Issawi, 1964). As a consequence, the carbonate succession was fractured and folded 98 along NE to ENE oriented right-stepped en-échelon folds (Fig. 1). The faulting pattern ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT 99 shows major NE-SW dextral strike-slip faults, WNW left-stepped, en-échelon normal 100 faults, E-W normal faults and local thrusts (Fig. 1). 101 102 3. Materials and methods 103 Detailed fieldwork on the Eocene carbonate succession and the associated 104 ironstone deposits was supported by analysis of satellite imagery (Figs.
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