dq BTernffi rvran qnse $# National Council for Teacher Educatior E{6R 6lrF ffir6 r'srq) (A Surutor)'Bodf'of the Government of India) JJ,,.,* Regional Committee Etu* ffiq Hft.ft ,X:T;" " Southern TO BE PTIBLISHED IN THE GAZETTE OF INDIA-PART III, SECTTON w r1 //r"'. LL. .''1, RPAD ^li F.KUPP/07/SRONCTE2OOG2OOI/ Z S'1 Y Date: Jllttlc t ORDER ln exerqse 0f the pCIilers vesled under Sedron 14(3Xa) of the Nstional Cannsl For Teachs Eduetion (NCTE)Act, 19S, the Souhem Regional Committe€ grants recognition to A-B.Pre- prlmary Teacher Tralnhg Inctltute, Chandanathope, Kollan 691014, Kerala, for Pre-ptnary coutse of one year duration from the acadernic session ?OOL-?NZ with an annual intake d 50, subled to fullilllng the fdlowing condilions: 1. The recognttlon accorded ls subjec't to the condition that the certlllcata gfuen by the Stata of Kerala will be valld loremployrmnt within Kerala only and that thc duration and admission criteria are those thai exist in the State of Kerala prior to the pronulgation of the NCTE Act. The lnstltutlon ls permltted to conduc{ the course ol one year duratlon upto 2005 only. Thereafterthe course has to he switchd over to two years as p6r NCTE normS. 2. All such teachers akea{ appointed wtro do not futfil the NCTE norms shall acquire the qualifications as per the norms before co{rrrrcnoement dthe aca6ric session ?3Ftz-?fffi., 3. The inslitution shall ensure library, laboratories and oiher insffudional infastrudure as per the NCTE norns. 4. The adrxsslon t0 the approved course shall be glyen only t0 thosB carxldates nfio are ellglble as per the regulations govaning the course and in the rnanner laid dorvtl by the dliliating Univer$ty / State fuvernrnent as lhe case nny be. Tuition fee and olher fees iryill b€ drarged lrsn fte students as per the rucnns of lhe afiiliating Unlersty / State Governrpnt as the GNe may be till such tirne NCTE regulatbns in respect of fee struc,ture come into force. {; Cuniculum hansaction, induding pactical urcrk / adivilies, should be organised as per the norrs and stardards fq lhe murse ard lhe requiranents of the affiliating Univa$ty / examining body as the case rnay be. 7 Teaching &ys induding gactice teafiing should mt be les than the nunbs fred in the NCTE ncrrm forthe courso. lst Floor. CSD Building, HNIT Complex, HN{T Post. Bangalore - 560 031 Telefax : 080 345 1167: Ph : 0tl0 3{5 l't68 D r/-,1--r -.--r :- - lL/^L-:+^ . L+i.-. //.-^-*-, --^+^ :- ^- -^:l --r 8. The inditution, if unaided, shall nnintain en&\'un€nt andrmerye fund as por NgfE nofirs. 9. The lnstltutlon ehall contlnue to futfllthe norme lald down under the regutstlonr ol ths NCTE and rubrnit to the Regional Committm the Annual Report and the Parlormance Appniral Report el the end of ach academic par. The performarce apprahel report should lnter alla give the odenl of compliame of tho conditlonr indicatsd abovc. lf A.8.He-1nhay Teacher Tratntng lutltute, Chindradlope, Kollam - 691014, Kcrata, oonfavens the povisions d the IICTE Ad or the rules, regulations and sffis tTxl(lg tr issued theramffi or fals to fulfill the abole conrllions, the Regional Comnfttee may u'ithdaw fiis recognition under the prolsions of Sedion 1(1) of the NCTEAd. By qder W:%Aq (M.Vasudar) RegronalDireda The lVlanager, Govsnment of lnda, Departnnnt of Pr$lications, (@ette Seciion) Civil Lines, Delhi- 110 64. To The Prlncipd A.S.Pre-prlmery Tacher Tnlnlnd hstftute, Chandanathopc, Kollan -691014 Kerala C.C. to: 1. The Education Seoretary (Sdr@l Education), Gotsnment of Koala, Thirwananthryuram, Kenala. 2. The Diredor of Sctrod Educalion, Gorrernrnent d Kerala, Thiruvarnnthapuram, Kerala. 3. The Dryrtrnent of Public lnstructions (E€ms), @ernrpnt of Kerala, Thirwananthapuram, Kerala, 4. The Diredor, SCERT, Kerala. 5. The Conespon&nt (tvlanaganent), A.S.Prepnnwy Teacfier Training lnslitule, Chan&ndhqe, Kdlam - 691014, Kerala 6. The illember Secretary, NCTE, Nlar Delhi. 7. ffiice Order lile..
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