The American Renaissance has begun ... At the Schiller Institute! by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. Just as in the 15th century, In this work, publication is at the center of this Lyndon LaRouche, Renaissance. Here are some of economist, statesman, and political prisoner, our recent offerings. presents the means py which humanity may emerge into a new· Golden Renaissance Read them from the presently onrushing dark age of economic, moral and Toin the and cultural collapse. Includes In Defense of Renaissance! Common Sense, Project A, and The Science of Christian Economy. $15 retail. Three volumes of new translations by Schiller Institute members by Amelia Platts Boynton Robinson Selections include: "An inspiring, eloquent William Tell memoir of her more than Don Carlos, Infante of five decades on the front Spain lines ... I wholeheartedly The Virgin of Orleans recommend it to On Naive and everyone who cares Sentimental Poetry about human rights in On Grace and Dignity America." The "Aesthetical Letters -Coretta Scott King The Ghost Seer For her courage and Ballads and Poetry leadership over 50 years Vol. 1: $9.95 retail. in the civil rights move­ Vol. 2: $15.00 retail. ment, Amelia Robinson Vol. 3: $15.00 retail. was awarded the Martin Luther King, Jr. Foundation Freedom Medal in 1990. This is the story of her life. To Order $10 retail. Ben Franklin Shipping: Pre-Publication Notice ---------------, Booksellers - mail' A Manual on the Rudiments of $1.75 first book 107 S. King St. Thning and Registration Leesburg, V,'A 22075 .75 ea add'l book -UPS Vol. 1: Introduction and The Human Singing Voice ph.: (703) 777-3661 $3.00 first book fax: (703) 771-9492 1.00 ea add'l book This book is designed to create a new generation of Beethovens-watch this magazine for news of its arrival! Visa and Mastercard accepted Founder and Contributing Editor: Lyndon H. LaRouche. Jr. Editor: Nora Hamerman Managing Editors: John Sigerson. Susan Welsh From the Editor Assistant Managing Editor: Ronald Kokinda Editorial Board: Warren Hamerman. Melvin Klenetsky. Antony Papert. Gerald Rose. Allen Salisbury. Edward Spannaus. Nancy Spannaus. Our Feature presents a news story you will not �ead or hear about Webster Tarpley. Carol White. Christopher White (yet) in the major media. The candidacy of Lyndon LaRouche for Science and Technology: Carol White the Democratic Party nomination is a real factor· on the American Special Services: Richard Freeman political scene in 1992, as well as internationally. LaRouche has run Book Editor: Katherine Notley Advertising Director: Marsha Freeman before, but Americans are paying more attention $OW, even though Circulation Manager: Stanley Ezrol he is running for office from federal prison. INTELLIGENCE DIRECTORS: In National, you can read about a major new response to Agriculture: Marcia Merry Asia: Linda de Hoyos LaRouche's unjust incarceration. For the first time, the U.S. govern­ Counterintelligence: Jeffrey Steinberg. ment has been asked, by the relevant official of the United Nations, Paul Goldstein Economics: Christopher White to reply to charges that the trials and imprisonment of LaRouche and European Economics: William Engdahl Ibero-America: Robyn Quijano. Dennis Small his associates on assorted "conspiracy" charges have been unfair, Medicine: John Grauerholz. M.D. and motivated by bias against his political and philosophic beliefs. Russia and Eastern Europe: Rachel Douglas. Konstantin George This falls under a human rights declaration of the U.N. which the Special Projects: Mark Burdman United States has signed. At the Human Rights Copunission plenary United States: Kathleen Klenetsky on Feb. to, Vice President Quayle arrogantly demanded that nations INTERNATIONAL BUREAUS: Bangkok: Pakdee Tanapura. Sophie Tanapura which violate human rights be removed from the Oommission. If the Bogota: Jose Restrepo U.S. keeps refusing to answer the charges it wr�nged LaRouche, Bonn: George Gregory. Rainer Apel Copenhagen: Poul Rasmussen will it remove itself? Quayle and Bush should be asked about that Houston: Harley Schlanger on the primary campaign trail. Lima: Sara Madueno Mexico City: Hugo Lopez Ochoa The biggest news as we go to press has to do with the imminent Milan: Leonardo Servadio danger of war. Our coverage is divided between several sections of New Delhi: Susan Maitra Paris: Christine Bie"e the issue, which I advise you to read as a single package. We begin Rio de Janeiro: Silvia Palacios with a first-hand report in International on the Munich Wehrkunde, Stockholm: Michael Ericson Washington, D.C.: William Jones where Quayle made ugly threats of trade war on Europe-and the Wiesbaden: Garan Haglund pressure is on to participate in a U.S. military adventure, which could come at any time. EIR (ISSN 088�7) is published weekly (50 issues) except for the first week ofApril. and the last week of Lyndon LaRouche's authority in military strategy contrasts to December by EIR News Service Inc., 333'h Pennsylvania Ave., S.E .• 2nd Floor, Washington, DC this dismal behavior. In International, German strategic analyst Mi­ 20003. (202) 544-7010. European HeadqlUllfen: Executive Intelligence Review chael Liebig shows how documents from the East German commu­ Nachrichtenagentur GmbH, Postfach 2308, Dotzheimerstrasse 166, D-6200 Wiesbaden, Federal nist regime, now made public, coincide precisely with the analysis Republic of Germany Tel: (0611) 8840. ExecutiveDirectors: Anno Hellenbroich, that EIR and LaRouche put out since the early 1980s, about Warsaw Michael Liebig Pact preparations for a nuclear blitzkrieg in Europe-even as the In D.nmarlc: EIR, Post Box 2613, 2100 Copenhagen 0E, Tel. 35-43 60 40 Soviet press denounced LaRouche and his associates as "troglo­ In Mexico: EIR. Francisco Diaz Covarrubias 54 A-3 Colonia San Rafael. Mexico DF. Tel: 705-1295. dytes" for daring to suggest such a thing. In Natif.mal, we mark the Japan subscription .aks: O.T.O. Research Corporation. tenth anniversary of LaRouche's February 1982 speech in Washing­ Takeuchi Bldg .• \ -34- \ 2 Takatanobaba, Shinjuku-Ku, Tokyo 160. Tel: (03) 208-7821. ton, where he made his concept for a new war-avoidance doctrine­ Copyright C> 1992 EIR News Service. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission strictly later known as SOl-public to an audience ofU .S. and world policy­ prohibited. Second-class postage paid at Washington D.C., and at an additional mailing offices. makers. Domestic subseriptions: 3 months-$125, 6 months-$225, I year-$396, Single issue---$IO Postmaster: Send all addresschanges to E1R, P.O. Box 17390. Washington. D.C. 20041-0390. TIillContents Book Reviews Departments Economics 51 Defend the Renaissance 55 Report from Rio 4 Bush's 1993 budget is not against the foes of A military "Americas initiative." based on reality Christopher Columbus The President is so far out in Columbus, by Felipe Fernandez­ 72 Editorial cuckoo-land that even his budget Armesto, and Columbus: His The SDI then and now . director had to admit that "the Enterprise, by Hans Koning. outlook for debt and deficits remains unattractive." And that's nothing, compared to what the electorate is saying. Correction: The interview with Croatian leader Alexander Shiroka 6 States get Bush's nod to hit published in our Jan. 31 issue the poor harder mistakenly reported that Mr. Shiroka's U.S. tour was being 7 LaRouche outlines path to organized by the Schiller Institute. economic recovery to The tour was actually sponsored by Congress "LaRouche in '92-Democrats for Testimony presented to the House Economic Recovery. " Ways and Means Committee. 9 Cholera strikes South America 11 Ask Lee Iacocca: Who caused the deindustrialization of U.S. auto? 12 Currency Rates 13 Banking The off-balance-sheet blowout. 14 Agriculture u.S. food relief at all time high. 15 Domestic Credit Plug is pulled on junk bond victims. 16 Business Briefs Volume 19, Number 8, February21, 1992 Feature International National 30 Quayle menaces Europe 58 U.N. official challenges with a trade war U.S. on LaRouche human A report by Rainer Apel from the rights famous annual Wehrkunde The U. N. 's Special Rapporteur conference on military strategy, in mandated to investigate compliance Munich, Germany. with human rights statutes has asked the U.S. for an explanation; 32 Habash affair targets so far, none has been forthcoming. French institutions Documentation: The statement of One of two election posters for the LaRouche in '92 Dirty operations are also the Special Rapporteur; testimony campaign, turns his imprisonment into a challenge to threatening Yasser Arafat's life. by Warren Hamerman for the voters' morality, International Progress 34 Venezuela's insurrection Organization; from the speech by 18 LaRouche campaign against IMF sparks Vice President Dan Quayle. endorsements approach continent-wide revolt 1,000 Documentation: Voices of the 61 Ten years ago, LaRouche An international movement on rebellion; continent sees itself in briefed Washington on behalf of the LaRouche presidential Venezuela's mirror. 'beam weapons' candidacy has given some people in America the courage to support a 39 62 man held in prison illegally by the East German documents An end to Mutually Bush administration, LaRouche has vindicate LaRouche Assured Destruction now qualified for the primary ballot analysis on Soviet strategy From LaRouche's speech of in 15 states, and is shooting for a The Bonn Defense Ministry , February 1982, which led to what dozen more, analyzing documents inherited from became known as the SDI. the East German Army, has Documentation: Endorsements confirmed what LaRouche has been from the United States, Ibero­ 63 Edward Teller wary of saying for more than a decade: that America, Europe, Asia and Africa, 'one-world' approach the only "defense" the Warsaw Pact Australia, and New Zealand, ever had was an offensive plan for 65 Judge Irving Kaufman and total war against the West. 'Edwards v. Audubon': a reminiscence 42 British-sponsored crisis By Thomas H.
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