ATATÜRK KÜLTÜR, DİL VE TARİH YÜKSEK KURUMU TÜRK TARİ H KURUMU ISSN 0041-4255 BELLETEN DÖRT AYDA BİR ÇIKAR Cilt: LXXXIII Sa. 298 Aralık 2019 ANKARA - 2019 İÇİNDEKİLER Makaleler, İncelemeler: Sayfa EROL, HAKAN: Old Assyrian Metal Trade, its Volume and Interactions ............................779 ÇEŞMELİ, İBRAHİM: Yerkurgan Merkez Tapınağı Arkeolojik Kazı ve Konservasyon Çalışması (Özbekistan/Kaşkaderya) ..........................................................................807 METİN, TÜLAY: Emîr Necmeddin İlgâzi Dönemi Artuklu-Haçlı Münasebetleri ve Afrin Zaferi (28 Haziran 1119) ...................................................................................817 SUBAŞI, ÖMER: Moğol Neküderîlerin Kökeni ve Faaliyetleri ..............................................853 TURAN, HAYRUNNİSA: Kudüs’teki Memlûk Türk Devleti Armaları (‘Renk’ler) ...............887 YAZICI METİN, NURCAN: XV. Yüzyıl Bânilerinden Çakır Ağa ve Mimari Eserleri .........913 GENÇOĞLU, HALİM: Güney Afrika Milli Arşivlerinin Osmanlı Tarih Yazıcılığı Açısından Önemi ........................................................................................................933 ÇORUH, HAYDAR: Rum Melkitlerin Katolik Propagandasına Maruz Kalması (1724-1856) .................................................................................................................957 ÖZKAN, MURAT: Mücadeleden Teslimiyete: Türkistan Müdafaasında Sadık Töre (1860-1877) ...............................................................................................................1003 SARI, MUHAMMET: I.Dünya Harbi Öncesi İngiltere’de Kurulan Türkofi l Bir Dernek: The Anglo-Ottoman Society ....................................................................................1033 MOKEEV, ANVARBEK - ALTIMIŞOVA, ZUHRA: Sovyet Döneminin İlk Yıllarında Kırgızistan’da Millî Özerk Cumhuriyet Kurma Konusundaki Fikrî Münakaşalar ..1081 BOZKURT, CELİL: Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nin Bir Propaganda ve Tanıtım Hamlesi: 1926 Seyyar Sergi ve Avrupa Seyahati ..............................................................................1097 TEZCAN, SELİM: The Relations Between the Ottomans, Zionists and Palestinian Jews as Refl ected in Israeli History Textbooks ..........................................................1131 Kitap Tanıtma: GÜÇLÜ, YÜCEL: G e o r g e S h i r i n i a n, ed., Genocide in the Ottoman Empire: Armenians, Assyrians, and Greeks 1913-1923......................................................................................1167 KUŞ, AYŞEGÜL: İ b r a h i m T e l l i o ğ l u, Trabzon Rum Devleti ......................................1173 Özetler .................................................................................................................................1179 İngilizce Özetler .....................................................................................................................1189 Belleten Dergisi Yayın İlkeleri ve Başvuru Şartları ................................................................1199 Belleten Journal Editorial Principles and Application Requirements ...................................1202 BELLETEN Sahibi ve Yazı İşleri Müdürü / Proprietor and Redactor in Chief Türk Tarih Kurumu Adına / Turkish Historical Society PROF. DR. REFİK TURAN Yayın Komisyonu / Commission of Publications Prof. Dr. Refi k TURAN Pro f. Dr. Güray KIRPIK Prof. Dr. İlber ORTAYLI Prof. Dr. Ahmet TAŞAĞIL Prof. Dr. Erol ÖZVAR Prof. Dr. İlhami DURMUŞ Prof. Dr. Feridun EMECEN Prof. Dr. Nihat KARAER Prof. Dr. Dursun Ali AKBULUT Prof. Dr. İlyas KEMALOĞLU Prof. Dr. Fahameddin BAŞAR Prof. Dr. Yunus KOÇ Prof. Dr. Mehmet Ali ÇAKMAK Prof. Dr. Süleyman Yücel ŞENYURT Prof. Dr. Halit ÇAL Doç. Dr. Tülay METİN Prof. Dr. Hüseyin ÇINAR Doç. 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Dr. Hasan AKYOL (Celal Bayar Üniversitesi) Doç. Dr. Murat ÇERKEZ (Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli Üniversitesi) Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Kemal HAYKIRAN (Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi) Doç. Dr. Tülay METİN (Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi) Doç. Dr. Bekir Tümen SOMUNCUOĞLU (Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli Üniversitesi) Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Muhammed TANDOĞAN (İstanbul Medeniyet Üniversitesi) Dr. Öğr. Üyesi M. Ahmet TOKDEMİR (Devlet Arşivleri Başkanlığı) Doç. Dr. Özgür YILDIZ (Muğla Sıtkı Koçman Üniversitesi) Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Murat ZENGİN (İnönü Üniversitesi) Dr. Uğur İNAN (Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı) Adres / Address: Türk Tarih Kurumu, Kızılay Sokak No: 1 06100-Sıhhiye / ANKARA Tel: 310 23 68 / 277-217 - 310 25 00 Fax: 310 16 98 http://www.ttk.gov.tr [email protected] ISSN 0041-4255 Aralık 2019 – ANKARA Belleten’i indeksleyen uluslararası indeks ve abstraktlar: Arts & Humanities Citation Index (A&HCI), America, History And Life, Archaeologische Bibliographie, Historical Abstracts, MLA International Bibliography, Turkologischer Anzeiger, SCOPUS, FRANCIS, MIAR. Türk Tarih Kurumu yayınlarını Internet üzerinden alabileceğiniz adresler Internet Adresi: http://e-magaza.ttk.gov.tr - e-posta: [email protected] Baskı: Kuban Matbaacılık Yayıncılık 0312 395 20 70 TÜRK TARİ H KURUMU BELLETEN Cilt: LXXXIII ARALIK 2019 Sayı: 298 OLD ASSYRIAN METAL TRADE, ITS VOLUME AND INTERACTIONS* HAKAN EROL** Introduction The information based on written sources about the period roughly 1972- 1718 BC, known as the Old Assyrian Colony Period in Anatolian history, comes from more than 23,000 Old Assyrian cuneiform texts most of which belong to the Assyrian traders’ personal archives which were discovered at Kültepe, ancient Kaniš. Many aspects, especially economy and the commerce practices of the Old Assyrian society in Anatolia, can be studied through these texts. Among them, the records off er detailed information about the metals in circulation of the trade. On the subject of Old Assyrian metals, especially on some certain metals, several studies have been produced up to now.1 However, the total volume of the Old * A brief version of this paper was presented by the author at the 10th International Congress of Hittitology. ** Assoc. Prof. Dr., Ankara University, Faculty of Languages and History-Geography, Department of Ancient Languages and Cultures,Ankara/TURKEY, [email protected] 1 J. G. Dercksen off ered a detailed study of the copper trade (J. Gerrit Dercksen, The Old Assyri- an Copper Trade in Anatolia, PIHANS 75, Leiden/İstanbul 1996); a summary of metals attested at Kültepe (J. Gerrit Dercksen, “Metals According to Documents from Kültepe-Kanish Dating to the Old Assyrian Colony Period”, (ed.) Ü. Yalçın, Anatolian Metal III, Der Anschnitt, Beiheft 18, Bochum (2005)), and a brief study on tin (J. Gerrit Dercksen “Zinn”, Reallexikon der Assyriologie, (2017)). K. R. Veenhof studied 780 HAKAN EROL Assyrian metal trade and accessing regions of metals has not been evaluated since Veenhof in 1972.2 In this study, I produce a general view especially about the metal trade volume by means of information gathered from the available Kültepe texts.3 Let me begin by listing some of the problems one comes across in calculating the commercial volumes of traded metals in the Kültepe texts. Firstly, it is not always possible to determine the defi nite amount of a given material in a specifi c context. This is especially due to incompletely known situations and vague concepts used in the records. However, within the available corpus, and by the help of some certain texts in particular, an approximate fi gure for the amount of a metal traded, especially between Assur and Anatolia, can be off ered. Secondly, it needs to be stressed that one specifi c transaction of metal from Assur to Anatolia or vice versa was sometimes recorded in more than one text (as is the case in the texts EL 108; TC 3, 67; CCT 3, 27a and KTS 38a) and that it is not always possible to identify such situations. In some rare cases, the same transaction may therefore be counted twice in the study. It also needs to be stressed in advance that although the long distance trading traffi c between Assur and Anatolia seems to be continued nearly 250 silver (Klaas R. Veenhof, “Silver in Old Assyrian Trade. Shapes, Qualities and Purifi cation”, (ed.) Zoltán Csabai, Studies in Economic and Social History of the Ancient Near East in Memory of Péter Vargyas, Department of Ancient History, the University of Pécs L’Harmattan, Budapest, (2014)) and Veenhof 2016 iron (Klaas R Veenhof, “A Diffi cult Old Assyrian Business Venture. Mannum-Kī-Aššur Tries his Luck with Iron”, Bibliotheca Orientalis, Jaargang LLXXIII, no. 1-2, (2016)). A broader discussion of the trade volume (including metal) is off ered in Gojko Barjamovic, A Historical Geography of Anatolia in the Old Assyrian Colony Period, Copenhagen 2011: ch. 1.3, and
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