4850 THE LONDON GAZETTE, 27 JUNE, 1922. fromBovingdon main road atBovingdon Cot- Little Hay Farm through Westbrook Hay tage in a south westerly direction; lane to Bourne End; footpath from Moor End from Few Onions Farm adjoining lane Farm (London Road) to the boundary of leading from Merchants Farm to Venus the parish of Boivingdon near London Hill; Alexandra Road {Chipperfield); Queen and Noxth Western Railway; footpath Street, Ohipperfield'; lane from junction of from BOK Lane to Felden Lane; foot- road leading from Church Lane to Hempated pa,th from. Lodge near Old Chalk Pit Road to the lane from Duckhall Farm (New- past Felden. Lodge; footpath from foot- house Road) to Little Hay Farm; road across path from Lodge near Old Chalk Pit pass- Sheethanger Common to Felden Lodge Gate; ing Rainhill Spring, Homefield Spring to- footpath from London Road to Kings Budge Road, Church .Street; footpath Langley Lodge; footpath from Kings Lang- from Old Chalk Pit to Lane Farm; ley to Berry Bushes Wood; footpath from footpath from footpath from Old 'Chalk Pit Kings Langley Lodge to Callipers Hall; foot- to Lane Farm, to school in Bovingdon. path from Kings Langley Lodge to Kings 'Ghipperfield Road; footpath from school in Langley; footpath f rojrn KingsLangleyLodge B'ovingdon Ghipperfield Road to " Royal to road from Kings Langley to Chipperfield; Oak "; footpath from School in Chipperfield footpath from London Road' to Manor Road, Boivingdon, to " Royal Oak"; House, Ghipperfield; footpath from Kings footpath from the last named footpath, Langley Hill to footpath from London Road ta Flaunden Lane; footpath from (Street to Manor House; footpath from Kings Farm toi Water 'Lane; footpath from Langley (Chipperfield Road) to London High Street (Kings Langley) to Water- Road; footpath from Shoulder's Spring to side; footpath from Church Lane to Stoney Lane; footpath from Stoney Lane to The Nap; footpath from Hempsted Lane, Dunny Lane; footpath from Dunny Lane to pa&t High Croft, Rainhill .Spring, and the Ghipperfield Common; footpath from Bui- west corner of Bury Wood! to Box Lane; strode Farm to Tenements Farm; footpath footpath from London Road along the from Bulstrode Lane toi Chapel Croft; foot- boundary of King's Langley Parish, past path from Pesthouse Lane to Tenements1 Berry Bushes Wood, in direction of Callipers- Farm; footpath from, Barnes Lane to Hall ; the towing .path alongside the Grand Rudders Lane; footpath from Barnes Lane Junction Canal; the roads, footpaths and' to Hill Farm; footpath from Love Lane to approaches over or to the following bridges- Barnes Lane; footpath from Barnes Lane to (namely): —'Bridges over River Gade and London Road'; footpath from, Barnes Farm Grand Junction Canal and Mill Tail at to London Road; footpath from Rudders Home Park Mills; swing bridge over River Lane past Shendish House and thence1 in a Gade and Grand Junction Canal at Corn northerly direction; footpath from London Mill. King's Langley; bridge over River Road to .Shendish; footpath from Barnes Gade and Grand Junction Canal at Water Farm to Round Wood; footpath and road Lane, King's Langley; bridge over Mill Tail from French's Farm to Barnes Lane; foot- Stream youth-west of Water Lane Canal path from, London Road to towing path Bridge; bridge over Mill Tail by Corn Mill, near Home P'ark House; footpath and road King's Langley; footbridge over River Gade from Barnes Lane to footpath from Barnes and Grand Junction Canal between Apsley Lane to Rucklers Lane; footpath through Mills and Dodittle; bridges over River Gade Balls Fond Farm, from Kings Langley, and Grand Junction Canal and Mill Tail, Chipperfield Road; footpath through by Nash Mills South Lock; bridge over Bad'gerdell Wood (Tenements Farm foot- Raver Biulbourne at Bourne End; and path) ; footpath from Cock's Head Wood, to railway bridge over River Bulbourne and Shendish; footpath from Shendish to Grand Junction Canal, opposite Moor End Rucklers Lane through Dark Wood; foot- Farm, on the Berkhamsted Road; and the path from Bulstrode Farm to road from roadway (London Road) under the railway Flaunden Lane to Chipperfield; footpath bridge at the " Red Ldon " public house. from Kings Lane to Chipperfield Road; foot- Printed copies of the draft Special Order as path from Bulstrode to Cottingham Farm, applied for, and of the Order when made, may passing Shoulder's Spring; footpath from be obtained at the offices of the undersigned, Flaunden Lane passing Cottingham, Farm and at the offices of the Town Clerk of Hemel to a point near Holly Hedges; footpath Hempsted, and1 of Messrs. Lovel, Smeathman from terminus of footpath from Flaunden and Son, at Hemel Hempsted, on payment of Lane passing Cottingham Farm to junction two shillings for eadh copy. of Venus Hill and Flaunden Lane; footpath Every local or other public1 authority, com- from Venus Hill to a point near Hogspit pany or person desirous of bringing before the Bottom; footpath and lane from "Royal Electricity Commissioners any objection re- Oak" (Water Lane) to Venus Hill; foot- specting the application may do so -by regis- path from Water Lane to* footpath and lane tered letter, addressed to the Secretary of the from "Royal Oak" to Venus Hill; foot- Electricity Commission, Gwydyr House, path from Pudds Gross (Chesham Road) to Whitehall, S.W. 1, and despatched on or Bovingdon Green; footpath from Little. before the 25th July, 1922, and a copy of such Colliers Farm (Whelpley Hill) to corner of objection must also be forwarded to the under- lane from Green Lane to Newhouse Farm signed Clerk or Parliamentary Agents. crossing Chesham, Road; footpath from Newhouse Farm to the boundary of the Dated this 23rd day of June, 19-22. parish; footpath from, Newhouse Road to W. HUDSON, Clerk to the Watford lane leading from Duckhall Farm to Little Urban District Council, Council Hay Farm; footpath from Little Hay Farm Offices, 14, High Street, Watford. through Westbrook Hay to Bourne End'; SHARPE, PRITCHARD AND Co., Palace footpath from Little Hay Farm through Chambers, Bridge Street, West- Westbrook Hay to Green Croft; footpath .. minster, S.W. 1, Parliamentary from Green Croft to the said footpath from I29 Agents..
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