THE LONDON GAZETTE, SEPTEMBER 21, 1880. 5013 The Bankruptcy Act, 1869. Chester, on the 12th day of October, 1880, at three o'clock In the County Court of Lancashire, holden at Manchester. in the afternoon precisely. — Dated this i8th day of Sep- la the Matter of Proceedings for Liquidation by Arrange- tember, 1880. ment or Composition with Creditors, instituted by SUTTON and ELLIOTT, 51, Fountain-street, Man- Samuel Thomas and William Lucas Eayrs, of Daisy Bank- Chester, Solicitors for the Debtors. road, Chorlton-on-Medlock, in the county of Lancaster, Builders, trading in copartnership under the style of The Bankruptcy Act, 1869. Thomas and Eayrs, the said Samuel Thomas residing at In the County Court of Lancashire, holden at Burnley. No. 242, New Bank-street, West Gorton, in the said In the Matter of Proceedings for Liquidation by Arrange- county of Lancaster, and the said William Lucas Eayrs ment or Composition with Creditors, instituted by residing at No. V3, Teviot-street, Chorlton-on-Medlock John Brinnand, Richard Graham, and Thomas Edmund- aforesaid. son, of the Clay Bank Mill, Padiham, in the county of OTICE is hereby given, that a First General Meeting Lancaster, Cotton Warpers and Winders, trading under N of the creditors of the above-named persons has been the style or firm of the Clay Bank Beaming Company, summoned tn be held at the Mitre Hotel, Cathedral-gates, the said John Brinnand and Richard Graham reside at in the city of Manchester, on the 7th day of October, 1880, Quarry Garden-terrace, and the said Thomas Edmundson at three o'clock in the afternoon precisely.—Dated this 18th in Saint Leonard's-street, all in Padiham aforesaid. day of September, 1880. OTICE is hereby given, that a First General Meeting H. J. LEACH, 7A, St. Ann's-square, Manchester, N of the creditors of the above-named persons has Solicitor for the said Debtors. been summoned to be held at the offices of Messrs. Addle- shaw and Warburton, Solicitors, No. 15, Norfolk-street, in The Bankruptcy Act, 1869. the city of Manchester, on the 30th day of September, In the County Court of Lancashire, holden at Manchester. 1880, at three o'clock in the afternoon precisely.—Dated In the Matter of Proceedings for Liquidation by Arrange- this 15th day of September, 1880. ment or Composition with Creditors, instituted by . ADDLESHAW and WARBURTON, 15, Norfolk- Samuel Thomas and William Lucas Eayrs, of Daisy street, Manchester, Solicitors for tbe said John Bank-road, Chorlton-on-Medlock, in the county of Lan- Brinnaud, Richard Graham, and Thomas Edmund- caster, Builders, trading in copartnership under the style son of Thomas and Eayrs, the said Samuel Thomas residing at No. 242, New Bank-streer, West Gorton, in the said The Bankruptcy Act, 1869. county of Lancaster, and the said William Lucas Eayrs In the County Court of Lancashire, holden at Oldbam. residing at No. 13, Teviot-street, Chorlton-on-Medlock In the Matter of Proceedings for Liquidation by Arrange- aforesaid. o ment or Composition with Creditors, instituted. by OTICE is hereby given, that a First General Meeting Joshua Cleminson, of 76, Yorkshire-street, Rochdale, in N of the separate creditors of the above-named Samuel the county of Lancaster, and 10, Market-street, Whit- Thomas has been gammoned to be held at the Mitre Hotel, worth, near Rochdale aforesaid, Grocer. •Cathedral-gates, in the city of Manchester, on the 7th day N"OTICE is hereby given, that a First General Meeting of October, 1880, at half-past three o'clock in the afternoon of the creditors of the above-named person has been precisely.— Dated this 18th day of September, 1880. •summoned to be held at the Reed Hotel, Reed Hill, Roch- H.' J. LEACH, 7A, St. Ann's-sq->are, Manchester, dale, in the county of Lancaster, on the 7th day of October, Solicitor for the said Debtor. 1880, at three o'clock in the afternoon precisely. — Dated this 16th day of September, 1880. The Bankruptcy Act, 1869. ROPER and BRIGGS, 25, Drake - street, Rcch- In tbe County Court of Lancashire, holden at Manchester. dale, Solicitors for the said Debtor. In the Matter of Proceedings for Liquidation by Arrange- ment or Composition with Creditors, instituted by The Bankruptcy Act, 1869. John Brown and Robert Busby Avery, both of No. 20, In tbe County Court of Lancashire, holden at Preston. High-street, in the city of Manchester, in the county of In the Matter of Proceedings for Liquidation by Arrange- Lancaster, Commission Agents and Merchants, trading - ment or Composition with Creditors; instituted by in partnership together under the style or firm of Brown Robert Gale, residing at No. 6, Lytham-street. Blackpool, and Avery, the said John Brown residing at No. 2, Her- in tbe county of Lancaster, and carrying on business at bert-terrace, Royle-sueet, Fallowfield, in the township Lytham-street aforesaid,- and Victoria-street, Blackpool of Withington, in the parish of Manchester aforesaid, aforesaid, Boot and Shoe Maker. and the said Robert Busby Avery residing at Great OTICE is hereby given, that a Second General Meet- Cbeetbam-street East, in the township of Broughton, in N ing of the creditors of the above-named person has parish of Manchester aforesaid, and being also a Partner been summoned to be held at the office of Mr, William in the firm of Heaps and Avery, carrying on business at Blaekburst, Solicitor, Lytham-street, Blackpool, on the Gorton Brook, West Gorton, near Manchester aforesaid, 24th day of September, 1880, at three o'clock in the after- Japanners and Stnallware Manufacturers. noon precisely.—Dated this 16th day of September, 18SO. T^TOTICE is hereby given, that a First General Meet-ng WILLIAM BLACKHURST,9, Fox-street, Preston, .Li of the creditors of the above-named persons had been Solicitor tor the said Debtor. summoned to be held at the offices of Bullock and Worth- ington, 40, Kennedy-street, in the city of Manchester The Bankruptcy Act, 1869. aforesaid, on the llth day of October, 1880, at two o'clock In the County Court of Lancashire, bolden at Preston. in the afternoon precisely.—Dated this 16th day of Septem- In the Matter of Proceedings for Liquidation by Arrange- ber," 1880. ment or Composition with Creditors, instituted by BULLOCK and WORTH ING TON, 40, Kennedy- Frances Howartb, Margaret Howartb, Ann Howarth, and street, Manchester, Solicitors for the said Debtors. Emma Howartb, all of 18, Queen's-square, Blackpool, in The Bankruptcy Act. 1869. the county of Lancaster, Lodging-house Keepers. In the County Court of Lancashire, holden at Manchester. OTICE is hereby given, that a First General Meeting In the Matter of Proceedings for Liquidation by Arrange- N of the creditors of the above-named person has been ment or Composition with Creditors, instituted by summoned to be held at the White Lion Hotel, in Halifax, John Shaw, of 62, Hardman - street, Manchester, in the in the county of York, on the 4th day of October, 1880, county of Lancaster, Joiner and Packing Case Maker, at three o'clock in the afternoon precisely.—Dated this trading under the ttyle or firm of Shaw Brothers. 16th day of September, 1880. 1VT OTICE is hereby given, that a First General Meet- W. J. PRATT, 7A, Market-street, Blackpool, Soli- 1.1 ing of the creditors of the above-named person has citor for the said Frances Howarth, Margaret been summoned to be held at the offices of Mr. D. W. Howartb, Ann Howartb, and Emma Howartb. Tremewen, Solicitor, 40, Ward't-buildinge, Dean's-gate, Manchester, on the 4th day of October, 1880, at two o'clock The Bankruptcy Act, 1869. in the afternoon precisely:—Dated this 17th day of Sep- lu the County Court of Lancashire, holden at Liverpool, tember, 1880. [n the Matter of Proceedings for Liquidation by Arrange- D. W. TREMEWEN, 40A, Ward's-buildings, Deans- ment or Composition with Creditors, instituted by gate, Manchester, Solicitor for the said Debtor. Joseph Hargreaves Raisbeck, of No. 5, Woodland-terrace, Smithdown-road, Toxteth Park, near tbe city of Liverpool, The Bankruptcy Acr, 1869. ' in tbe county of Lancaster, carrying on business at No. 7, In.the County Court of Lancashire, holden at Manchester. Tunnel-road, in ttie city of Liverpool aforesaid, as a Coal In the Matter of Proceedings for Liquidation by Arrange- Merchant and Coal Agent. • ment. or Composition with Creditors, instituted by OTICE is hereby given, that a First General Meeting Robert Wilson; and William Henry Wilson, of the Spin- N • of tbe creditors of the above-named person has been ners' Arms, New WakefieldVstreet, Oxford-road, in the summoned, to be held at the offices of T. and T. Martin, city of Manchester, Licensed Victuallers and innkeepers. situate No. 48, Castle-street, in the city of Liverpool afore- jVTOTICE is hereby given, that a First General Meeting said, on the 4th day of October, 1880, at two o'clock in the „ JL1 of' the creditors of the above-named persons has been afternoon precisely.—Dated, this 15th day of September, 1880. summoned to be held at. the offices of Messrs, Sutton and. T. and.T. MARTIN, 48, Castle-street, Liverpool, Elliott, Solicitors, 51, Fountain-street, in the city of Man-* Solicitors for the said Debtor..
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