March 2, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E259 The Order of DeMolay is a character-build- PORT SECURITY AND THE SALE complex business arrangements and of the ing and leadership development organization OF FIRMS OPERATING TERMI- threats they pose to our transportation secu- for young men between the ages of 12 and NALS AT U.S. PORTS rity, what other gaps exist and what incidents 21. The organization aims to better sons more threatening than a proposed sale will re- which will in turn mean better men to be better HON. ELIJAH E. CUMMINGS veal them? citizens and leaders in the future. OF MARYLAND Finally, Mr. Speaker, while we have been IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES conducting a national dialogue over recent The New Castle Builders Chapter of the Thursday, March 2, 2006 weeks about the extent of foreign involvement Order of DeMolay hold its annual meeting on that should be allowed in the operation of our Wednesday February 22, 2006, and celebrate Mr. CUMMINGS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today ports, ports are just one of the many pieces of its 87th anniversary. to speak about port security and the sale of sensitive infrastructure in this nation which firms operating terminals at U.S. ports. The I ask my colleagues in the United States have not been adequately secured. proposed sale of the P&O firm—which man- As we continue to examine our national se- House of Representatives to join me in con- ages terminal operations at major East Coast gratulating the New Castle Builders Chapter of curity policies, we must examine whether our ports, including the Port of Baltimore—to a current laws on foreign ownership and oper- the Order of DeMolay for its 87th anniversary. company controlled by the government of It is an honor to represent the Fourth Con- ating arrangements pertaining to our nation’s Dubai has made many aware for the first time infrastructure are in the best interests of our gressional District of Pennsylvania and a that major seaports in the U.S. are operated national security. The American people well pleasure to salute an organization such as the by firms controlled by foreign interests, includ- understand that the protection of our nation Order of DeMolay. ing foreign governments. should not be subject to the seemingly relent- We have long known that we have not less advancement of trade at all costs.Z! EXT f closed gaps in physical security at our ports. .022 EXTENSION OF REMARKS A02MR8 Only approximately 5 percent of the nearly 9 PERSONAL COMPUTERJ049060-A02MR8- RECOGNIZING MR. DAVID L. million containers coming into our nation are MAGIDSON 022-*****-*****-Payroll No.: 17840 -Name: -Fo- physically inspected. lios: 1RRF -Date: 03/02/2006 -Subformat: These gaps exist in part because we have f simply not prioritized port security. Since 9/11, HON. DEBBIE WASSERMAN SCHULTZ more than $20 billion in federal funding has TRIBUTE TO FREDDIE BRYANT OF FLORIDA been directed to aviation security while just over $630 million has been directed to port se- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. MARION BERRY curity. OF ARKANSAS Thursday, March 2, 2006 However, the proposed sale of P&O now IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES makes us aware that not only have we over- Thursday, March 2, 2006 Ms. WASSERMAN SCHULTZ. Mr. Speaker, looked physical security, we have failed to de- on August 19, 2005, David L. Magidson was velop the systems necessary to manage the Mr. BERRY. Mr. Speaker, it is with great elected to a 1-year term as National Com- unique security issues that the increasingly honor that I rise here today to commemorate mander of Jewish War Veterans of the United global nature of port management raises. a remarkable man, Mr. Freddie Bryant, on ninety years of endurance, patience, and States of America, during the organization’s Most U.S. ports are owned by public or strength of character. His selfless acts have 101st Annual National Convention in San quasi-public authorities. These authorities fre- touched so many, especially his twelve chil- Diego, California. quently lease their terminal spaces to oper- ating companies. P&O is one such operating dren, who thrived under his guidance and Mr. Magidson’s military service began when company—and a quick review of U.S. port fa- cherish the wonderful memories of growing up he joined the U.S. Army in 1968. He grad- cilities reveals that like P&O, many terminal in Freddie’s home. uated as a 2nd lieutenant from Infantry Officer operating companies active in the United Freddie has been a hard worker his entire Candidate School at Fort Benning, Georgia. States are either foreign-owned or are subsidi- life. He took on family responsibilities at the He also served as the Operations Officer for aries of foreign entities. age of seven when his father moved to the Miami Field Office of the 111th Military In- In some case, these firms not only manage Hughes, Arkansas, and continues to plant a telligence Group. His active duty service ports around the world, they also run the ship- garden and raise livestock to this day. Al- ended in 1971. ping lines that travel between these ports. though he only has a seventh grade edu- cation, he has an equivalent of a Ph.D. degree Mr. Magidson has held numerous positions These kinds of relationships may be very good for business, but our government is not in agriculture, teaching, leadership, business, in Post 243, including Post Commander. Addi- counseling, and theology. tionally, he has served as Judge Advocate for comprehensively assessing what threats these relationships could pose to our national secu- According to Freddie’s family—he does it the JWV Department of Florida, and as the or- rity. all. He continues to sow and reap his land ganization’s National Judge Advocate since The Coast Guard analyzed the P&O deal where he built the house, barn, and pasture 2001. because this deal was subjected to the scru- from trees he cut down himself. Freddie al- Mr. Magidson also serves his Jewish herit- tiny of the Committee on Foreign Investments ways has a way to make a situation work. He age, and is currently a member of the Com- in the United States. would walk for miles with his old horse Pearl mission on Social Action of the Union for Re- Under normal circumstances, no federal en- and a cotton sack on his back to feed his form Judaism. In 2000, he completed a 2-year tity comprehensively assesses terminal oper- twelve children. When his eldest child wanted term as president of Temple Judea in Coral ating agreements for their security implica- to attend college, he took a job at the granary Gables, Florida. tions. in Helena, Arkansas, until he could send every Each U.S. port is responsible for developing one of his kids to college. To this day, when- Although a native of New York City, a facility security plan, which the Coast Guard ever he meets a stranger, he always says ‘‘let Magidson was raised in the Washington, DC, approves. Amazingly, the Coast Guard does me tell you about my children.’’ area, the son of a Department of Defense ci- not regularly review terminal operating agree- His children remember his ambition and vilian who headed the Claims Division for the ments as part of its assessment of a port’s se- sacrifice with such admiration. They remember U.S. Marine Corps. He earned his under- curity plan. the smells of childhood that bring them back graduate degree in Spanish at Franklin and I believe that Congress should, at the very so fondly to the shack in Lexa, Arkansas. Marshall College, and went on to earn a Mas- least, examine whether the Coast Guard Many events happened in this home that ter’s degree in Latin American History from the should be required to review terminal oper- helped them grow into notable members of so- University of Florida. ating arrangements as part of their review of ciety. Throughout it all, it was in the arms of port facility security plans. a loving father that guided them in the right di- Upon his release from military service, he In the absence of such assessments, we do rection. attended the University of Miami Law School not really know whether firms managing our Freddie Bryant has been married to the on the G.I. Bill, and received a law degree. He ports have ownership or business relations former Josephine Dunlap of Lexa, Arkansas, also studied international law at the Escuela that could create a security threat. for 67 years. Josephine is a valiant woman, Libre de Derecho in Mexico City. A family Our transportation networks are truly global whose determination to raise her family goes man, Mr. Magidson has been happily married and all aspects of transportation businesses unmatched. to his wife, Carol, for 35 years, and they have have significant foreign involvement. If our On March 11, 2006 the community will meet two adult children, Ben and Rebecca. government has yet to take stock of these to honor and celebrate the 90th birthday of VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:39 Mar 03, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A02MR8.019 E02MRPT1 jcorcoran on PROD1PC62 with REMARKS E260 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 2, 2006 this simple yet great man who only refers to Con. Res. 51. I also hope you will join me in of corruption in many ways: a prescription himself as ‘‘Fanny’s Boy.’’ I ask my colleagues urging the President to designate the month of drug bill that puts the greed of pharmaceutical in the U.S.
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