2 FOR THE ELECTION O F NOVEMBER 4, 2008 VOTE ! 2008 VOTER GUIDE PENINSULA DAILY NEWS J E F F E R S O N C O U N T Y Introduction: Election ends Nov. 4, 8 p.m. THIS SPECIAL SECTION of held Feb. 19. Jefferson County Courthouse, tify the general election returns. the Peninsula Daily News, also Compilation of information, 1820 Jefferson St., Port Townsend. ■ Nov. 26: Last day for county available at no charge at the including the question-and-an- to mail abstract of general elec- county courthouse, libraries and swer segments, was coordinated Election calendar tion returns to state. other public places across Jeffer- by PDN Commentary Page Edi- ■ Dec. 4: Final day for secre- Here are some significant son County, provides voters with tor Paul Gottlieb. tary of state to certify general dates relating to the general elec- information about the Nov. 4 gen- Candidates’ answers to ques- election returns from across the tion: eral election. tionnaires were limited to 75 state. ■ Oct. 20: Voter registration It profiles the candidates for words per question and were deadline for people not currently Got questions? countywide and local races in edited for length, grammar and registered to vote in Washington. which there are more than two spelling. Registration must be done in Questions about Jefferson candidates, and also discusses Races in which there is only person at the Auditor’s Office in County elections can be posted to local measures on the ballot. one candidate are not profiled in the county courthouse, 1820 Jef- the County Auditor’s Office elec- For the first time, the Voter this section. Neither are write-in ferson St., Port Townsend. tions division at 360-385-9117 Guide includes profiles and ques- candidates. ■ Nov. 3: Last day to apply for Mondays through Fridays. tions and answers from the cam- In Jefferson County, all voting an absentee ballot for the Nov. 4 Voter registration information paigns for the two major presi- is done by mail. There is no Elec- general election at the County is available by phoning 360-385- dential candidates and the two tion Day precinct polling. Auditor’s Office in the court- 9119. gubernatorial candidates Mail-in ballots were sent to house. Statewide elections informa- The primary election for all registered voters in the appropri- ■ Nov. 3: Last day for write-in tion — including a link to the offices other than president was ate jurisdictions by Oct. 15. candidates to file a Declaration of state’s online voters guide — is held Aug. 19. They must be postmarked no Candidacy for the Nov. 4 election. available from the Secretary of The presidential primary elec- later than Nov. 4 or dropped off by ■ Nov. 25: Deadline for State’s Office in Olympia on the tion for Washington state was no later than 8 p.m. Nov. 4 at the County Canvassing Board to cer- Web site, www.vote.wa.gov. FOR OPENERS: Presidential election like none before BY LIZ SIDOTI Sammy Davis Jr.” the background of the gen- Lewis said, “There is no need THE ASSOCIATE D PRESS Analysis All that, and in the third eral election. Obama’s cam- for this hostility in our politi- week of October alone. paign bristles at any sugges- cal discourse.” He noted that Race, an inescapable but Polls show Obama, the son Wallace also ran for president Among GOP allies: a Cali- tion of exploiting Obama’s explosive issue on which both of a white mother who went and “created the climate and presidential candidates have fornia group, which distrib- skin color; McCain’s advisers to high school on Mercer deeply fear being called rac- the conditions that encour- tread carefully if not tried to uted anti-Obama literature Island near Seattle and a aged vicious attacks against ists. ignore, is increasingly pop- with stereotypical black black father from Kenya, innocent Americans who were ping up as it’s becoming more America images of a water- leading nationally and in key The issue boiled up over simply trying to exercise likely the country will elect melon, ribs and a bucket of battlegrounds little more the summer. their constitutional rights.” its first black president. fried chicken. Another group than two weeks before the Obama said Republicans Later, Lewis said it was Supporters of John put Obama’s incendiary black Nov. 4 election. He’s already would try to scare voters by not his “intention or desire” McCain and Barack Obama, former pastor, the Rev. Jere- made history as the first saying “he doesn’t look like to directly compare McCain though not the candidates miah Wright, in a TV ad. A black nominee of a major all those other presidents on or Palin to Wallace. themselves, are amplifying Virginia GOP official said political party, and his candi- the dollar bills.” McCain’s Obama’s campaign said the issue in the homestretch. Obama would hire rapper dacy has energized minority campaign, quick to counter the Illinois senator didn’t Among Democratic back- Ludacris to paint the White voters in ways never before any notion of racism, accused agree with the comparison. ers: Rep. John Lewis, the House black. seen. Obama of playing the race But McCain challenged black Georgia Democrat and Among voters who haven’t Among the unknowns: card. Obama personally at the yet settled on a candidate: debate to repudiate the prominent civil rights leader Should Obama win the White A recent AP-Yahoo News “Joe the Plumber.” remarks that he called “very who accused the GOP ticket The Ohioan whose last House, will racism become a poll found that 40 percent of unfair and totally inappropri- of “sowing the seeds of hatred name is Wurzelbacher and subtext throughout his ten- all white Americans hold at ate.” and division” and recalled the was repeatedly mentioned ure? least a partly negative view Obama said Lewis’ com- atmosphere segregationist during the final presidential Or does his presidency toward blacks. The survey ments were not prompted by Alabama Gov. George Wallace debate told one interviewer work to soothe emotions still indicated that racial misgiv- his campaign and that “he fostered in the 1960s; and that he didn’t get direct raw four decades after the ings could cost Obama the inappropriately drew a com- Democratic Rep. John answers to his questions civil rights movement and White House if the election is parison between what was Murtha of Pennsylvania, who when he met Obama. nearly 150 years since the close. happening there and what referred to the western part He said all he got was “a end of slavery? In chastising McCain and had happened during the of his state as “a racist area.” tap dance. Almost as good as Race has always been in running mate Sarah Palin, civil rights movement.” PENINSULA DAILY NEWS VOTE ! 2008 VOTER GUIDE FOR THE ELECTION O F NOVEMBER 4, 2008 3 J E F F E R S O N C O U N T Y County commissioner, District 1 What factors led you to If you know of my work on approval of a sewer plan for decide to run for county various county committees the Tri-Area urban growth commissioner? and commissions, you know area and we approved a com- you can count on me to listen prehensive plan amendment Johnson: Five years ago, to people and treat them for a potential master- when the county commission- fairly and impartially. planned resort in Brinnon. ers wrung their hands over I listen to advice from oth- Whether population their anticipated fiscal train ers and consider it carefully growth will be significant wreck, I began to think that before making decisions. enough to attract big-box good management could get stores is anybody’s guess. the county back on track, and How responsibly and I decided to run. effectively have the county Schultz: The county is As a business owner and commissioners managed protected from large-scale developer, I was familiar with the county’s finances? housing tracts by current budget and land use issues, Explain. zoning laws and the lack of and both are of prime con- demand. We will have small, cern to this county. Johnson: The recent steady population growth. As it turns out, my skills achievement of an “A” bond I have participated in the and experience are well rating is testament to the decision-making process that suited for solving the county’s changes we made in manag- large chains use to decide problems. ing the county’s finances. where to locate big-box stores We found million-dollar and know we do not have Phil Johnson Dennis A. Schultz Schultz: If you have mistakes, proactively sought enough people here to sup- watched the current commis- and were awarded significant port big-box stores. sioners as closely as I have, We do need small retail Residence: Port Residence: Port grants, reallocated resources Townsend Townsend you would know they have and priorities and have saved stores where we can buy the made many bad financial and basic necessities such as and set aside $1.5 million in Phone: 360-385-2696 Phone: 360-379-0338 legal decisions. a reserve account for “a rainy clothes and appliances. These three Democratic day.” commissioners have lost How should the county E-mail address: E-mail address: touch with the citizens of the Now it’s raining, but Jef- approach the need for a [email protected] [email protected] county. ferson County will survive Tri-Area sewer system, and And you would know that the economy’s downturn bet- is one feasible for more Age (as of Nov.
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