ROBINSONROBINSON MCFADDENMCFADDEN & &MOORE.MOORE P PC C ROBINSONR G 8 I H S G N UX/ICllVI CFADFA l3DDEENlN (COLUMBIA I GREENVILLE COLUMBIA i CrREEIIUILLE ATTORNEYSATTORNEYS ANDAND COUNSELORSCOUNSELORS ATAT LAWLAW BonnieBonnie D,E).ShealyS)1eeiy 19011901MAINMAIN STREET,STREET,SUITESUITE 12oo1200 MarchMarch 29,29„20062006 POSTPOST OFFICEOFFICE BOXBOX944944 COLUMBIA,COLUMBIA, SOUTHSOUTH CAROLINACAROLINA 2920229202 VIAVIA EMAILEMAIL &8 HANDHAND DELIVEREDDELIVERED 1)11 PI I (803) 779-8900 I (803) 227-1102 _/irl!c:l (903) 779-S900 I (503) 227-1102 rlirrrl FAX Irs X Mr.Mr. CharlesCharles TerreniTerreni 7_=/,'° (803) 252-0724 I (903) 744-1551 {lir{!_:! II2(( tF('p:, lri"+ (903) 252-0724 I (903) 744-1551 rlirarl ChiefChief ClerkClerk ofof thethe CommissionCommission [email protected] p b s h e a I y(I ra b I n s o n I a w . 0o rn PublicPublic ServiceService CommissionCommission ofof SouthSouth CarolinaCarolina _AAR 3 {) ?_006 SynergySynergy BusinessBusiness Park,Park, SaludaSaluda BuildingBuilding 101101 ExecutiveExecutive CenterCenter DriveDrive PSCPSCSCSC Columbia, SC 29210 Columbia, SC 29210 DOCKE]INGOQCKEt ING DEPT,DEPT. Re:Re: PUPSPUPS -- 811 _', DocketDocket No.No. 2005-390-C2005-390-C ((7 OurOur FileFile No.No. 16094-000816094-0008 9/Q D/0 -6iC( Dear Mr. Terreni:Terreni: Enclosed forfor filingfiling pleaseplease find thethe Exhibits toto thethe TestimonyTestimony ofof James Glyn SmithSmith which were inadvertently omitted from the Testimony filedfiled earlier todaytoday on behalf of Palmetto Utility Protection Services, Inc.inc. We apologize for our oversight. By copy of thisthis letter we are serving the same on all parties of record. Please stamp the extra copy provided as proof of filing and return it with our courier. Very truly yours, RoBINsoN,ROBINSON, MCFADDENMcFADDEN & MooRE,MOORE, P.P.C.C. r Bonnie D.D. ShealyShealy /bds/bds Enclosure cc/enc:cc/enc: Ms.Ms. RhondaRhonda Dotman,Dotman, PUPSPUPS (via(via emailemail 8& U.U.S.S. Mail)Mail) NanetteNanette S.S. Edward,Edward, ORSORS StaffStaff AttorneyAttorney (via(via emailemail 8& U.U.S.S. Mail)Mail) FlorenceFlorence P.P. Belser,Belser, ORSORS GeneralGeneral CounselCounsel (via(via emailemail 8& U.U.S.S. Mail)Mail) PatrickPatrick W.W. Turner,Turner, BellSouthBellSouth GeneralGeneral CounselCounsel (via(via emailemail && U.U.S.S. Mail)Mail) ScottScott Elliott,Elliott, EsquireEsquire (via(via emailemail 8& U.U.S.S. Mail)Mail) M.M. JohnJohn Bowen,Bowen, Jr.Jr.,, EsquireEsquire (via(via emailemail 8& U.U.S.S. Mail)Mail) MargaretMargaret M.M. Fox,Fox, EsquireEsquire (via(via emailemail && U.U.S.S. Mail)Mail) JohnJohn M.M.S.S. Hoefer„EsquireHoefer, Esquire (via(via emailemail 8& U.U.S.S. Mail)Mail) StevenSteven W.W. Hamm,Hamm, EsquireEsquire (via(via emailemail 8& U.U.S.S. Mail)Mail) C.C. JoJo AnneAnne WessingerWessinger Hill,Hill, EsquireEsquire (via(via emailemail 8& U.U.S.S. MaIl)Mail) Ms.Ms. DaphneDaphne DukesDukes (via(via email)email) _//J ....... _" _., r_ _,'_'_',.._.;-._:[ ~ Dr),'YP', . , . 5-"r-.:giQE _T MERITAS LAW FIRMS WORLDWIDE Irl MERITAS LAW (II(Mr, WOR(DWIDE BEFORE THE PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF SOUTH CAROLINA DOCKET NO. 2005-390-C ,4 i•¸•!i¸ IN RE: APPLICATION OF PALMETTO UTILITY PROTECTION SERVICES, INC. FOR ASSIGNMENT OF THE 811 i¸ ABBREVIATED DIALING CODE IN SOUTH CAROLINA EXHIBITS TO TESTIMONY OF JAMES GLYN SMITH ON BEHALF OF PALMETTO UTILITY PROTECTION SERVICES, INC.INC. ExhibitExhibit 11 PUPSPUPS MEMBERSMEMBERS Member List EXHIBIT 1 Adell_hiaAdelphia Business Solutions Member List Adelphia Cable IAikenAiken Electric Co-op Air Liquide Alltel AImegaAlmega Cable Ameresco Palmetto LLC Anderson County Engineering Services AT & T AT & TT-- Charleston-Military Bases Batesburg Leesville Dept of Public Works Beaufort County Traffic Management Center Beaufort Jasper Water and Sewer Bellsouth Berea Public Service District Berkeley County Water and Sanitation Authority Berkeley Electric Big Creek &8 Hammond Blue Ridge Rural Water Bluffton Telephone CompanyCompany- - Hargray Breezy Hill Water Broad Creek PSD Browns Ferry Water Carolina Power and Light (Progress(Progress Energy) Charleston CPW Charter Communication Cherokee County Cogeneration Chester County Natural Gas Chester Metropolitan District Chester Telephone City of Bennettsville City of Camden City of Columbia City of Folly Beach City of Georgetown City of Goose Creek City of GreenvilleGreenviile City of Johnsonville City of Lancaster Public Work City of Myrtle Beach City of Newberry City of Rock Hill Cit.__yCity of Seneca Light and WaterVVater City of Union City of West Columbia Clinton Newberry Natural Gas Authority Clinton Newberry Natural Gas Authority Coastal Electric Co-op Colonial Pipeline Comcast Cablevision Comcast Communications Davids0nDavidson Cable Dixie Pipeline Douglas Pipeline Duke Energy Duke Energy Telecommunications Division MemberList EXHIBIT1 EasleyCombinedUtility EdgefieldCountyWaterandSewer ElectricCityUtilities FairfieldCommunications FairfieldElectricCo-op FarmersTelephone Ferrellgas Fort:ortHillNatural Gas FortJackson IFortMillTelephone(Comporium)(Comporium) Fountain lnnInn Natural Gas IG Force _Cable -- -- -- Gaffney Board of Public Works :GeorgetownGeorgetown County Water and Sewer !Gilbert-SummitGilbert-Summit Rural Water District Greenwood CPW Greer CPW Hargray Inc. Hargray Telephone Company Hilton-tilton Head PSD #101 Home Telecom formerly Daniel Island Media Home Telephone HornyHorry Telephone IsleIsle of Palms Water and Sewer ITCITC Deltacom James Island PSD Kiawah Island Community Association, Inc Kiawah Island Utility KMC Technologies, LLC - asset purchase agreement with TelCove, Inc. Knology of thethe Low Country Lancaster County Natural Gas Lancaster County Water and Sewer District -LancasterLancaster Telephone (Comporium)(Cornporiurn) Laurens CPW Laurens Electric Co-op Level 3 Communications Lexington County Water and Sewer Lynches River Electric Co-op ManagementManagement Engineering Associates, Inc.Inc McCormickMcCormick Commission of Public Works MCIvICI Mid-Carolina Electric Mount Pleasant Water and Sewer Commission NCR Corporation Ninety Six Commission of Public Works Northland Cable Television-Greenwood Ocean Lake Family Campground Orangeburg DPU Palmetto_almetto Bluff-May River LLC Palmetto Electric Cooperative Palmetto Net Palmetto=almetto Rural Telephone PBT=BT Telecom Inc Pee=ee Dee Electric !PiedmontPiedmont Natural Gas Memberbllember List EXHIBIT1 PinePine TreeCable-Columbia PineTreeCablevision-Summerville PlantationPlantation Pipeline Powdersville_owdersvilleWaterDistrict QwestQwest Communications iP,ResortsesortsCableTVCo,Co. iRichlandCountyUtilities RichlandRichland SchoolDistrictTwo Rock Hill Telephone (Comporium) Rural Community District of Georgetown Cty Saluda County and Sewer Santee Cooper Savannah River Site Savannah Valley Cablevision SC Pipeline SC State Government SCANA Communications SCEG Electric SCEG Gas Seabrook IslandIsland POA Seabrook IsleIsle Water and Sewer Commission SJWD Water District South Carolina DOT South IslandIsland PSD Southern Coastal Cable Southern Natural Gas Company Spartanburg County Environmental Service Spartanburg Water System Sprint Communications Sprint United Telephone St Johns Water Company TDS Telcom formerlyformerly Norway Telephone TDS Telcom formerlyformerly Williston Telephone TDS"DS Telecom Time Warner Cable-Columbia Time Warner Cable-Florence Time-ime Warner Cable-Gastonia Time Warner Cable-Horry Time Warner Cable-Lake City Time Warner Cable-Matthews Time Warner Cable-Orangeburg Time Warner Cable-SummervilleCable-Surnmerville Time Warner Cable-Sumter Time Warner Cable-WilliamsburgCable-Williarnsburg Time Warner Telecom Time Warner-Horry Town of Bamberg Town of Blacksburg Town of Calhoun Falls Town of Clover Town of Edisto Beach Town of Lexington Town of Mount Pleasant Town of Pelion WaterMfater Department Town of Pelzer .--7- Town of West Pelzer Member List EXHIBIT 1 Town of Winnsboro Trans Montaigne IncoInc. Trans Montaigne Inc.-SpartanburgInc.-Spartanburg Tri-County Electric Co-op University of South Carolina -— Columbia US Cable Coastal (Comcast)(Comrast) Verizon Wesley Commons West Anderson Water Company West Carolina Rural Telephone Williams Transco Gas Pipeline Wiltel One Call Communications Woodruff-Roebuck Water District Xspedius Management Co,LLCCo, LLC Charleston Xspedius Management Co,LLCCo, LLC Columbia Xspedius Management Co,LLCCo, LLC Greenville Xspedius Management Co,LLCCo, LLC Spartanburg York County Natural Gas York County Water andand Sewer York Electric Co-op EXHIBIT 2 VERIZON CORRESPONDENCE ~cqEM5 IP)y~ O V6'tl~OH ~irelc~s Verl_l'l_4relc_s December 21,200521, 2005 To Whom It May Concern: One Call Systems, International,International, on behalf of the sixty-two One Call Centers in the United States, and Verizon Wireless, the nation's leadingleading wireless provider, have agreed toto deploy 811 abbreviated dialing throughout the country where Verizon Wireless provides wireless service. 811 will connect callers toto state One Call notification systems for the purpose of providing advanced notice of excavation activities toto underground facility operators inin compliance with thethe Pipeline Safety Improvement Act of 2002 and the Federal Communications Commission's Order inin CC Docket No. 92-105; FCC No 05-59 and appropriate state and local laws.laws. OCSI and VZW have agreed to a coordinated, national effort. This will avoid patchwork deployments and delays and will result inin 811 being implementedimplemented quickly and efficiently throughout the Country, allowing 811 calls
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