Education and debate Pitfalls of editorial miscommunication Karen Shashok When Human Immunology retracted an article from a special issue, it blamed the guest editor, who was also one of the authors. But journals should not hand responsibility to someone unfamiliar with that journal’s editorial procedures without written guidance or oversight Editorial by Smith In October 2001, the publishers of Human Immunology retracted an immunogenetics paper that some readers Summary points felt contained inappropriate political content. They also deleted it from the online edition of the journal Compositor Ruiz A paper in Human Immunology was retracted and Aznar 12, 2-A, and asked librarians to physically remove the pages the 18008 Granada, removed from the online journal because of article was printed on. The first author of the Spain alleged political bias Karen Shashok controversial article was also guest editor of the special translator and issue the paper appeared in. The case triggered much editorial consultant The first author of the paper was the guest editor debate in editorial organisations and internet discus- of the special issue in which it appeared kashashok@ sion groups, and the guest editor, editor in chief, spon- wanadoo.es soring society, and publisher were all criticised for their The ethics of withdrawal of an article that is BMJ 2003;326:1262–4 roles in the affair. This article examines the claims and considered offensive or politically biased remain counterclaims. unclear Encounter between science and politics The actions of the guest editor, journal editor, publisher, and the society sponsoring the journal Human Immunology, a journal published by Elsevier have all been criticised Science and sponsored by the American Society of Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, produced a Journals need to have clear written polices for special issue on anthropology and genetic markers in guest editors of special issues, including details of September 2001. The guest editor was Dr Antonio responsibility for peer review and language editing Arnaiz-Villena, head of the immunology department at a large public hospital in Madrid and professor of immunology and cell biology at Madrid’s Com- plutense University. Dr Arnaiz-Villena was recruited by edition of the journal. Paul W Taylor, a senior publish- the journal’s editor in chief, Dr Nicole Suciu-Foca, ing editor at Elsevier Science, asked all subscribers to because of his expertise in the new, interdisciplinary “ignore the article in question” or “preferably, to physi- research front that he called historic genomics.1 He was cally remove the pages.”3 In an editorial published in expected to contribute a keynote paper written specifi- the October issue of the journal, Dr Suciu-Foca and Dr cally for the special issue.2 Robert Lewis (of the American Society of Histocom- The paper attracted attention not only for its scien- patibility and Immunogenetics publications com- tific content but also for parts of the text some readers mittee) expressed regret over publication of the article felt reflected political bias. The authors reported that and apologised to readers.4 They apologised that the their analysis of human leucocyte antigen gene authors had “confounded the elegant analysis of the variability and haplotypes showed that “Jews and historic basis of the people of the Mediterranean Basin Palestinians came from ancient Canaanites, who with a political viewpoint representing only one side of extensively mixed with Egyptians, Mesopotamian, and a complex political and historical issue . The Editors Anatolian peoples in ancient times.” The abstract con- deplore the inappropriate use of a scientific journal for cluded that “Palestinian-Jewish rivalry is based on cul- a political agenda.” The same issue contained a tural and religious, but not genetic, differences.”2 statement signed by the society’s then president, Dr Dolly B Tyan, that condemned “the use of a scientific 5 Hasty retraction forum to advance any bias.” Dr Arnaiz-Villena was dis- missed from the editorial board. Immediate attacks by some readers and members of The retraction triggered a second wave of the journal’s editorial board led Dr Suciu-Foca and the attention. Although the editor in chief tried to blame society to contact Elsevier Science and ask it to retract the guest editor for the negative reactions to the article, the article from Medline and delete it from the online she, the society, and the publisher also received some 1262 BMJ VOLUME 326 7 JUNE 2003 bmj.com Education and debate harsh criticism. Suppression of the article was widely reported in the press and called unprecedented,6 and the Observer described retraction of the paper as a “drastic act of self-censorship.”7 Sheldon Krimsky, writ- ing in Nature Genetics, noted that “the decision by the journal’s editorial board and publisher to expunge the record of an existing published paper raises issues for the ethics of journal publication.”8 In reply, Dr Suciu-Foca stated that withdrawal was justified because the paper “was an inflammatory political manifesto poorly disguised as a scientific work” and further charged that the guest editor had failed to “uphold the journal’s integrity, quality, and impartiality.”9 In the electronic edition of the BMJ, Sam Richmond challenged the journal’s sponsoring soci- ety, Dr Suciu-Foca, and Mr Taylor to “justify their unprecedented censorship of the article” and observed that an explanation for their action was needed “regardless of whether or not it is related in any way to the origin of the charges against Dr Arnaiz-Villena.”10 Another correspondent, J K Anand, noted that if the paper did not contain fake data, it was hard to seemed to blame Israel alone for the outbreak of war in understand why the journal chose to “wipe it off the 1948 may have been the result of a frequent (but none 11 records.” the less unpardonable) translation error that confuses the active and passive voice. The phrase “and started a Ethics of retraction war,” which occurred immediately after a mention of Israel, probably should have been translated as “and a Scott Plutchak, editor of the Journal of the Medical war started.” Library Association, criticised the decision to withdraw Because of the multidisciplinary nature of the the paper as an attempt to tamper with the published study, some parts of the introduction might have record. He pointed out that “there was no claim of sci- seemed out of place or irrelevant in a medical journal. entific inaccuracy” and questioned the copyright hold- This, and a few unfortunate choices of word, may have er’s right to change the electronic record simply led some readers to misinterpret the cultural and 12 because it is technically possible to erase a document. historical material as evidence of political bias. Kerans Erasure meant that many people who wished to study has published a detailed analysis of how the text may the article were no longer able to obtain it except have prejudiced readers by not fulfilling their expecta- through the grapevine. tions of content and language.14 The article was published at a time when readers’ Although some readers were understandably emotions were heightened by the terrorist attacks in upset, it is illogical to assume that Dr Arnaiz-Villena New York and Washington, DC. It may be that Dr would risk harm to his own and his coauthors’ reputa- Suciu-Foca’s decision was partly informed by these tion by intentionally offending them. Experts familiar events. She was apparently under strong pressure to with journal publishing and the difficulties of research- take expedient measures, stating that immediate action ers whose first language is not English agreed that the was needed to prevent “mass resignations from the problematic words and phrases were probably the 6 editorial board and destruction of the journal.” result of inadequate translation, ineffective language revision, and inadequate (or non-existent) copyedit- 14 15 What went wrong? ing. Those who complained about the perceived bias in the text—including the journal’s editor in Translation and editing lapses chief—may have overlooked the fact that the data were Dr Arnaiz-Villena told me he was not given specific collected, and the paper was written, many months guidance or instructions on language editing or before publication. copyediting. This is regrettable, as English was not the first language of most of the authors in the issue. Responsibility for peer review of special issues Because the editor in chief never mentioned this point Peer review was a major point of disagreement.6716Dr in her correspondence with Dr Arnaiz-Villena, he Arnaiz-Villena told me that when he agreed to be assumed that he was not responsible for language edit- guest editor of the special issue, he was not given spe- ing. It is usual for accepted manuscripts to be cific instructions about how to select manuscripts or copyedited by the journal’s in-house or freelance prepare them for publication. Although Dr Suciu-Foca editors.13 Dr Suciu-Foca has not replied to inquiries has described the article as “non-peer-reviewed,” Dr about what guidance the journal gave its guest editor. Arnaiz-Villena has stated that all papers for the special Certain words and phrases in the introduction sec- issue, including his controversial article, were reviewed tion of the retracted paper were politically insensitive by two experts. 616However, as he was given no explicit and potentially offensive to some readers. As instructions or guidelines about the journal’s usual Arnaiz-Villena readily admitted, the literal translation procedures for peer review, there was potential for of cólonos as “colonists” rather than the less politically misunderstanding between the guest editor and the loaded word “settlers” was an error. A statement that journal’s regular staff. BMJ VOLUME 326 7 JUNE 2003 bmj.com 1263 Education and debate The society has said that review policies at Human Immunology were changed immediately after the retrac- Chronology of Human Immunology retraction tion to prevent the mishap from recurring.
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