ACTA ICHTHYOLOGICA ET PISCATORIA (2013) 43 (1): 1–5 DOI: 10.3750/AIP2013.43.1.01 EDITORIAL NOTE ON REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY OF FISHES Athanassios C. TSIKLIRAS 1* , Konstantinos I. STERGIOU 1, and Rainer FROESE 2 1 Laboratory of Ichthyology, Department of Zoology, School of Biology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece 2 Helmholtz Institute for Ocean Research, GEOMAR, Kiel, Germany Tsikliras A.C., Stergiou K.I., Froese R. 2013. Editorial note on reproductive biology of fishes. Acta Ichthyol. Piscat. 43 (1): 1–5. Abstract. Fish reproductive biology (onset and duration of spawning, sex ratio, maturity stages, length and age at maturity, and fecundity) is important in fisheries research, stock assessment, and management. In this editori - al note, we provide some criteria and recommendations on issues of fish reproductive biology, which may be use - ful in research planning, data analysis and presentation, as well as in manuscript preparation . The population characteristics of fishes, and in partic - rity, sex ratio, and fecundity should all be included in ular those concerning their reproduction, are very impor - a single manuscript, since all these aspects constitute the tant inputs in the assessment and management of fish reproductive biology of a species. The compilation of stocks (e.g., Froese 2004). For reliable stock assessments, such information, based on new data but including one needs to ensure that the underlying parameters had a review of relevant studies, will justify a stand-alone been estimated accurately and precisely on unbiased sam - publication for a single species. Exceptional behavioural ple collections and robust estimation techniques (Jennings patterns or tactics (e.g., bourgeois and parasitic sperm et al. 1998). Various management measures rely com - competing males: Taborsky 1998, Gonçalves et al. 2005) pletely upon the reproductive characteristics of stocks and diversions from the norm (e.g., unexpected reproduc - (Morgan 2008), including minimum landing size (MLS), tive strategy: Freon et al. 1997) may need more research closed fishing seasons, closed areas, and the compulsory and discussion and justify also a research article. release of egg-bearing females of some species of deca - Ichthyoplankton surveys also provide important informa - pod crustaceans (e.g., European Regulation 1967/2006; tion on the spawning of fishes, such as defining the extent Moroccan Royal Decree 1-73-255 of 1973). of the spawning period (e.g., Tsikliras et al. 2010), but are The number of articles published in the primary liter - not considered here as they belong to a scientific field of ature that deal with the reproductive biology of fishes has their own. increased progressively with time (for the Mediterranean The publications we are considering here would be Sea; see Tsikliras et al. 2010, Tsikliras and Stergiou typically entitled “The reproductive biology of [common unpublished ** ). Globally, since 2002, such articles have name], [scientific name]”. In the introduction, semelpari - averaged >1100 items per year (Fig. 1). However, this ty (most fish die after reproduction) and iteroparity (fish information comes in a wide variety of formats and thus with multiple spawning events) should be clearly identi - is difficult to compile and analyze. fied. The gender system (i.e., gonochoristic: male and In this editorial note, as we did with the one on female reproductive organs are in different individuals; weight–length relations of fishes (Froese et al. 2011), we hermaphroditic: an individual possesses both male and provide recommendations on various aspects of the repro - female reproductive organs; gynogenetic and hybridoge - ductive biology of fishes (e.g., sampling, reporting, and netic: unisexual reproduction) and any particular repro - statistics) that may be useful in research planning, data ductive traits or tactics, such as spawning site preparation analysis, presentation, and manuscript preparation. (nesters) and guarding (guarders) or other form of Definitions and general suggestions parental care, should be described briefly. There are still Ideally, the onset and duration of spawning, matura - some well-studied, commercial fishes for which the gen - tion stages (identified macroscopically, microscopically, der system is questioned or has not yet been confirmed or histologically), length- ( Lm) and age ( tm) at first matu - (Sadovy de Mitcheson and Liu 2008). Thus, the type of * Correspondence: Athanassios C. Tsikliras: [email protected] ; Konstantinos I. Stergiou: [email protected] ; Rainer Froese: [email protected] . ** Tsikliras A.C., Stergiou K.I. Size at maturity of Mediterranean marine fishes. (submitted to: Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries). 2 Tsikliras et al. hermaphroditism should be included in detail, i.e., (determinate fecundity: recruitment of oocytes from pri - whether the species studied is a simultaneous hermaphro - mary to secondary growth occurs prior to an individual’s dite (active male and active female reproductive organs spawning period; indeterminate fecundity: recruitment of are present at the same time) or a sequential hermaphro - oocytes from primary to secondary growth stage continues dite (protandrous: individuals develop into males first and throughout an individual’s spawning period) and type of then transform to females; protogynous: individuals spawning (batch spawning: females, with either determi - develop into females first and then transform to males). nate or indeterminate fecundity, are capable of ovulating Although parental care after egg laying is generally and spawning multiple batches of oocytes during the indi - not studied as part of the fish reproductive biology, this vidual spawning period; total spawning: females ovulate behaviour is very important because it is often traded off and spawn all developing oocytes in a single event; frac - with reproductive characteristics, such as oocyte number tional spawning: females ovulate and spawn all developing (Gross 2005). Non-behavioural forms of parental care oocytes over a very short time period as part of a single characterized by the retention of fertilized eggs within the episode) are prerequisites when fecundity is studied and the female reproductive tract (Clutton-Brock 1991), such as appropriate terminology should be used consistently ovoviparity (eggs retained in the body and embryos are (West 1990, Murua and Saborido-Rey 2003, Murua et al. 2003, nourished from yolk) and viviparity (eggs develop in the Brown-Peterson et al. 2011, Lowerre-Barbieri et al. 2011a). oviduct or uterus and embryos are nourished directly from the mother) of elasmobranchs (and some actinoptery - Please find below our recommendations regarding gians), should also be mentioned. sampling, reporting, and statistics: Ovarian development organization (synchronous: all General oocytes develop and ovulate at the same time; group syn - 1. The sampling frequency and duration and the chronous: at least two populations of oocytes can be recog - fishing/sampling gear or collection method (i.e., gear nized at any time; asynchronous: oocytes of all stages are type, mesh/hook size), used for the collection of sam - present without dominant populations), type of fecundity ples should be described. 1500 y = 65.07e0.083x r2 = 0.96 1250 s 1000 n o i t a c i l b u p 750 f o r e b m u N 500 250 0 1974 1978 1982 1986 1990 1994 1998 2002 2006 2010 Year Fig. 1. The number of scientific articles on fish reproductive biology published during 1974–2012, based on data from Scopus (Anonymous 2012); The columns represent articles that included the words “spawning” or “maturity” or “fecundity” or “reproduction” or “reproductive biology” and “fish” in the field “Article Title, Abstract and Keywords” (n = 20 300 for 1974–2012); The majority of the relevant articles were published in: Journal of Fish Biology , Aquaculture , Environmental Biology of Fishes , General and Comparative Endocrinology , Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences , Fisheries Research , Transactions of the American Fisheries Society , ICES Journal of Marine Science , Marine Ecology Progress Series , and Hydrobiologia Editorial note on reproductive biology of fishes 3 2. The minimum and maximum recorded total lengths tributed among length classes, is important for an (TL) should be provided for both sexes, but also for unbiased estimation of Lm and tm, in order to avoid unsexed individuals (if any). their over- or underestimation. Thus, samples taken 3. The number of specimens collected per sampling event with selective gear types (e.g., a single mesh size of per gender should be given. gillnets or a single hook size in longlines) are not gen - Such recommendations might seem trivial but, in ~7%–18% erally appropriate because of the narrow length of the papers reviewed in two reviews on the spawning ranges sampled. and maturity of Mediterranean marine fishes (Tsikliras 13. Although the classification of gonads to maturity et al. 2010, Tsikliras and Stergiou unpublished *), infor - stages based on histology is considered more accu - mation on (1), (2), and (3) was not provided. rate, the preparation of histological slides is not Onset and duration of spawning always feasible (e.g., onboard the commercial fleets) 4. When aiming to determine the onset and duration of and is rather costly (in terms of labour, equipment, spawning the sampling frequency should be at least and consumables). Therefore, the macroscopic classi - monthly. However, a more frequent sampling
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