San Jose State University SJSU ScholarWorks Special Libraries, 1931 Special Libraries, 1930s 11-1-1931 Special Libraries, November 1931 Special Libraries Association Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1931 Part of the Cataloging and Metadata Commons, Collection Development and Management Commons, Information Literacy Commons, and the Scholarly Communication Commons Recommended Citation Special Libraries Association, "Special Libraries, November 1931" (1931). Special Libraries, 1931. 9. https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1931/9 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Libraries, 1930s at SJSU ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Special Libraries, 1931 by an authorized administrator of SJSU ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. SPECIAL LIBRARIES "Putting Knowledge to Work" .. ,.>. .,. FINANCIAL CROUP EXHIBIT at A. B. A. Convention, Atlantic City October 5-8 1931 Volume 22 NOVEMBER, 1931 Number 9 SPECIAL LIBRARIES Publ~shedMonthly September to Aprll. bi-monthly May to August by THE SPECIAL LIBRARIES ASSOCIATION . Publication Office: 10 Feny Street. Concord. N. H. Subscript~ons $5 00 a year] fore~gn165.50 Smgle coples 50 cents All payments should be made to Special Libror~esAssoc~at~on 345 Hudson Street. New York. N . Y. CONTENTS Some Problen~sin Bibliography -- Katharine Maynard ... ..... 397 The Library of a Theological Senunary -- Julia Pattee ... .... , . 402 GROUP ACTIVITIES Civic-Social ........................ ..........401 Co~nmercial.TcchnicaI ........................................408 Financial ..... ............................ 408 Insurance . ...................... 409 Newspaper ............... .... .......410 Museum ..................... ... .... 411 S . L . A . PURLICATIONS Historical Review. 1910.1931 . ..................................115 List ................ ......................... 416 New Publication Policy .......... ... ......... 419 What Shall S .L . A . Publish? .............. ..... 419 Summary . ............. 421 NOTES AND DEPARTMENTS Annual Index-Digest of T~PU . S . Editorials ................ President's Page . ....... Who's Who ... Elizabeth 0 . Cullen Rebecca B . Rankin Uigcst of Business Book Rewews . Classification and Indexing ....... Personal Notes .... Events and Publicat~ons. Local Associations ........ New Members ............ Wmtccl - More Subscriptions . NEXT MONTH In our December issue the interests ant1 activities of the Newspaper Group will be PIC- sented under the special editorship of Joseph Kwapil . Also our regular leatu~csinrlutli~lg some additions to "Who's Who." SPECIAL LIBRARIES November, 1931 Institutional Members California Jackson & Morelar~d,Boston California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Library, California State Library, Sacramento Cambridge Pacific Gas & Electric. Co., San Francisco Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co., Standard Oil Company of California, San Sprtngfield Francisco Massachusetts State Library, Boston Technical Book Company, San Francisco Metcalf & Eddy, Boston Social Lnw Library, Boston Un~tedFruit Company, Boston Connecticut HI Public Library, Business Branch, Michigan Hartford Detroit News, Detroit Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance Company, Detroit Public Library, Detmit Hartford General Motors Research Corporation, Detroit Yale University Library, New Haven University of Detroit, Detroit Delaware Missouri du Pont de Nemours, E. I., Wilmington Kansas C~tyPower & Light Company, Kansas City Illinois Byllesby & Co., H. M., Chicago New Jersey Chicago Tribune, Chicago Bakelite Corporation, Bloomfield Commonwealth Edison Company, Chicago Conibustion Utilities Corporation, Linden Elizabeth McCormick Memorial Fund, Chicago Montclair . Public Library, Busincss Brancll, Illinois Chamber of Commerce, Chicago Montclair Illino~sState Library, Springfield New Jersey Bell Telephone Company, Newark Insurance Library of Chicago Newark Publ~c Library, Busmess Brancll, Middle West Utilities Company, Chicago Newark museum of Science and Industry, Chicago Public Service Corporation of New Jersey, Peoples Gas Light and Coke Company, Chicago Newark R C A Ratliotron Co., Inc., Harrison Standard Oil Development Co., Elizabeth Indiana United States Rubber Company, Passaic Lincoln National Life Insurance Co., Fort Wayne New York Maryland Alexander I-Iamilton Institute, New York Consolidated Gas, Electric Light & Power Co., American Bankers' Association, New York Baltimore American Electric Railway Association, Ncw Maryland Casualty Co., Baltimore York American Geographical Society, New YI"" American Institute of Accountants, Ne\, k Massachusens American Museum of Natural Historb, . JW Baker Library - Harvard School of Business York Administration, Boston American Telephone & Telegraph Co., CTI. ral Bostor~Elevated Railway, Boston Library, New York Boston Globe, Boston American Telepllone B Telegraph Co., aw Christian Science Monitor, Boston Library, New York Edison Electric Illumi~iatingCo., Dorchester Association of Life Insurance Prcsidn. ,s, New Federal Reserve Bank of Boston York First National Bank, Boston Raker &Taylor Co., New York Insurance Library Association of Boston Bankers Trust Co., New York November, 1931 . SPECIAL LIBRARIES Institutional Members White & ICemble, New York New York Wilson Co., H. W., New York Batten, Barton, Durstine & Osborn, New York Bell Telephone Laboratories, New York British Library of Information, New York Ohio Brooklyn Edison Company, Brooklyn Ohio Oil Co., Findlay Brookmire Economic Service, New York Procter & Gamble, Cincinnati Child Study Association, New York Cleanliness Institute Library, New York Oklahoma Consolidated Gas Co. of New York U. S. Bureau of Mines. Bartlcsville Doherty, Henry L. & Co., New York Electric Bond & Share Co., New York Engineering Index Service, New York Federal Reserve Bank of New York Armstrong Cork Co., Lancastcr Ford, Bacon & Davis, New York Franklin Inst~tute,Philadelphia General Electric Co., Main Library, Schenectady Houghton, E. F. & Co., Philadelphia Goldman Sachs Trading Corp., New York Jones & Laughlin Steel Company, Pittsburgh Grant Co., W. T., New York Mellon Institute, Pittsburgh Grosvenor Library, Buffalo New Jersey Zinc Co., Palmerton Guaranty Company of New York ' Pennsylvania Museum of Art, Philadelphia Ilaskins & Sells, New York Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science, Industrial Book Company, New York Philadelphia Industrial Relations Counselors, New York Philadelphia Company, Pittsburgh International Telephone & Telegraph Co., New Philadelphia Electric Company, Philadelphia York Philadelphia Rapid Transit Company, Phila- John Price Jones Corporation, New York ,-l-'-hk, Lehman Corp., The, New York I r -,.cltua~ Life Insurance Co., Phila- McGraw-H111 Publishing Company, New York delphia Merchants Association of New York School of Fine Arb, University of Pennsyivania, Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, New Philadelphia York Westinghouse Electric Research Library, E. Municipal Reference Library, New York Pittsburgh National Aniline & Chemical Co., New York Wyomissing Trade School, Wyomissing National Automobile Chamber of Commerce, New York Rhods Island National City Fmancial Library, New York . National Investors Corporation, New York Rhode Island State Library, Providence New Jersey Zinc Company, New York New York Telephone Company, New York Wiuonrin New York Times, The, New York First Wisconsin National Bank, Milwaukee North American Company, New York Hardware Mutual Casualty Co., Stevens Point Port of New York Authority, The, New York Kimberly-Clark Corp., Kinlberly Price Waterhouse & Co., New York Marshall & Ilsley Rank, Milwaukee Putnam's Sons, G. P., New York Municipal Reference Library, Milwaukee Railway & Utilities Investing Corp., New York Sentinel-News Con~pany,Milwaukee Remington Rand, Business Library Division, New York Canada Russell Sage Foundation, New York Selected Industries, Inc., New York Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario, Sinclair Refining Co., New York Toronto Standard Brands, Inc., New York Imperial Life Assurance Co. of Canada, Toronto Standard Statistics Company, New York Insurance Institute of Montreal, Montreal Time, Inc., New York Royal Bank of Canada, Montreal Western Union Telepph Company, New York Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada, Montreal SPECIAL LIBRARIES NOVEMBER, 1931 Volume 22 +++ Number 9 Some Problems in Bibliography* BY KATHARINE MAYNARD Vail Librarian, Massachusetts Institute of Technology the library profession seem to be meeting with a considerable out- burst of criticism of late. Dr. Williamson opens the new Library Quar- terly by scolding us roundly for our lack of scientific spirit; he tells us we don't know the meaning of research; and he compares us very unfavorably with the teaching profession in this and other respects. The A. L. A. Committee on Activities, which asked for frank comment on the work of the association, must, I think, have been rendered rather breathless by the variety and vehemence of the replies to its far-flung questi~nnaire.~And a writer in the Library Journal, speaking derisively of the quality of our publications, adds a final scornful query as to whether we shall be content to be merely "handmaidens of the learned ~orld."~ While all this may be a little startling, I think it is perhaps a very healthy sign. Scoldings are not usually administered unless there is some hope of reform and it is at least a left-handed compliment to receive the implication
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