14196 THE LONDON GAZETTE, lOra OCTOBER 1980 5 Ellenborough Buildings, Clifton, Bristol 8. Court— BINGHAM, Richard John, Seventh Earl of Lucan, whose HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. No. of Matter—2698 of present residence is unknown and lately residing at 1976. Date Fixed for Hearing—21st November 1980. 5 Eaton Row, London S.W.I, of no occupation. Court 11 a.m. Place—Court 46 (Queen's Building), Royal Courts —HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. No. of Matter—199 of Justice, Strand, London W.C.2. of 1975. Date Fixed for Hearing—25th November 1980. 2 p.m. Place—Court 46 (1st Floor) (Queen's Building), WILSON, Thomas Maxwell, of Flat 1, 130 Belgrave Road, Royal Courts of Justice. Strand, London W.C.2. London S.W.I, lately residing at 9 Moreton Place, Lon- don S.W.I, formerly residing at 73 Gloucester Street, London S.W.I, previously residing at "Kitlands", Cold- BOWDEN, George Arthur Thomas, of and lately carrying harbour, near Dorking, Surrey, and Hattingley House, on business at 27 Cowan Street, Camberwell, London Hattingley, Medstead, near Alton, Hampshire, PRO- S.E.5, of no present occupation, lately a HAULAGE PERTY and BUILDING NEGOTIATOR. Court— CONTRACTOR. Court—HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. No. of Matter—420 of No. of Matter—1543 of 1975. Date Fixed for Hearing— 1979. Date Fixed for Hearing—14th November 1980. 18th November 1980. 2 p.m. Place—Court 46 (1st 11 a.m. Place—Court 46 (Queen's Building), Royal Courts Floor) (Queen's Building), Royal Courts of Justice, of Justice, Strand, London W.C.2. Strand, London W.C.2. HUTCHINGS, Gordon Sidney Ernest, and HUTCHINGS, CHAPMAN, John William, of 14 Canfield Road, Rainham, Brenda Frances, residing at and lately carrying on busi- Essex, of no occupation, lately of 52 Ramsey Gardens, ness under the style of the Guanock Hotel, Southeates, Romford, Essex, lately trading at 299-301 Roman Road, King's Lynn in the county of Norfolk, HOTELIERS. London E.3, as a RETAILER of SUEDE and (Separate estate of Gordon Sidney Hutch ings.) Court— LEATHER CLOTHES. Court—HIGH COURT OF KING'S LYNN. No. of Matter—49 of 1976. Date JUSTICE. No. of Matter—702 of 1975. Date Fixed for Fixed for Hearing—10th November 1980. 11.15 a.m. Hearing—18th November 1980. 2 p.m. Place—Court Place—The Court House, London Road, King's Lynn, 46 (1st Floor) (Queen's Building), Royal Courts of Norfolk. Justice, Strand, London W.C.2. COOPER, Ronald John, of 26A Winchester Road, Andover, Hants, trading as "Cooper Plants" as a CIVIL EN- COLLINGS, Barbara Jean (femme sole), lately Barbara GINEERING CONTRACTOR. Court—SALISBURY. Jean Freeland (married woman), of 10 Little Chester No. of Matter—60 of 1975. Date Fixed for Hearing— Street, London S.W.1, of no occupation, described in the 7th November 1980. 11.30 a.m. Place—The Guildhall, Receiving Order as B. J. Freeland (married woman), Salisbury, Wiltshire. occupation unknown. Court—HIGH COURT OF JUS- TICE. No. of Matter—1105 of 1975. Date Fixed for Hearing—25th November 1980. 2 p.m. Place—Court 46 APPLICATIONS BY OFFICIAL RECEIVER TO (1st Floor) (Queen's Building), Royal Courts of Justice, CONSIDER DISCHARGE OF BANKRUPT Strand, London W.C.2. ADAMS, Grace Rosa Lottie (married woman), also known as Grace Rosa Lottie Walker-Adams, of 68A Seven DANNER, Frederick, of 11 Pembridge Crescent, London Sisters Road, Holloway, London N.7, of no present W.ll, ACTOR. Court—HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. occupation, lately trading as The New Esquire Club at No. of Matter—1742 of 1974. Date Fixed for Hearing 214 Piccadilly, London W.I as a CLUB PROPRIETRESS, —llth November 1980. 2 p.m. PJace—Court 46 (1st described in the Receiving Order as G. R. L. Adams Floor) (Queen's Building), Royal Courts of Justice, (married woman), occupation unknown. Court—HIGH Strand, London W.C.2. COURT OF JUSTICE. No. of Matter—9 of 1975. Date Fixed for Hearing—11th November 1980. 2 p.m. Place DANIELS, Rohalio Henry, known as Henry Daniels, of —Court 46 (1st Floor) (Queen's Building), Royal Courts no fixed address, of no occupation, lately trading at 171 of Justice, Strand, London W.C.2. Church Road, Willesden, London N.W.10, and formerly trading at 99 Church Road, Willesden, London N.W.10, ALVIS, Arthur Lloyd, of 40 Star Street, London W.2, of at both as Henry's Industrial Sewing Machines as a no present occupation, lately a COMPANY DIRECTOR, SEWING MACHINE RETAILER and REPAIRER, lately trading at Triumph House, Suites 508 and 509, described in the Receiving Order as trading as Henry's 189 Regent Street, London W.I, and formerly trading at Sewing Machines, Sewing Machine Dealer. Court— 93 Radnor Street, London W.I, at both as Universal HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. No. of Matter—366 of Travel Services as a TRAVEL AGENT, described in the 1975. Date Fixed for Hearing—llth November 1980. Receiving Order as Arthur L. Alvis. Court—HIGH 2 p.m. Place—Court 46 (1st Floor) (Queen's Building), COURT OF JUSTICE. No. of Matter—532 of 1975. Royal Courts of Justice, Strand, London W.C.2. Date Fixed for Hearing—25th. November 1980. 2 p.m. Place—Court 46 (1st Floor) (Queen's Building), Royal EROTOKRITOU, Alec, of 9 Lytton Close, London N.2, Courts of Justice, Strand, London W.C.2. lately of 143 Etchingham Park Road, London N.2, AMATRUDO, Antonio, of Flat over 213 East Street, trading with another as Alec Models Co., at 61-62 London S.E.17, of no occupation, lately trading as J. M. Charlotte Road, London E.C.2, and lately at 59 Great Turf Accountants, at 211 East Street, London S.E.17, as a Eastern Street, London E.C.2, as a LADIES DRESS BOOKMAKER, described in the Receiving Order as MANUFACTURER, described in the Receiving Orders occupation unknown. Court—HIGH COURT OF JUS- as occupation unknown. Court—HIGH COURT OF TICE. No. of Matter—165 of 1975. Date Fixed for JUSTICE. No. of Matter—82 of 1975. Date Fixed for Hearing—18th November 1980. 2 p.m. Place—Court Hearing—13th November 1980. 2 p.m. Place—Court 46 (1st Floor) (Queen's Building), Royal Courts of Justice, 46 (1st Floor) (Queen's Building), Royal Courts of Strand, London W.C.2. Justice, Strand, London W.C.2. ANI, Friday Nwoye, known as Francis Ani, of 4A Station Avenue, London S.W.9, Property Negotiator, lately carry- ESTHERGOMY, Lajos (male) of 4 Gagmar Gardens, ing on business as South East London Development at 4 London N.W.10, SALES REPRESENTATIVE, described Station Avenue, London S.W.9, as a BUILDER, des- in the Receiving Order as Mr. Lajos Esztergomy. Court cribed in the Receiving Order as a Mini-Cab Agency —HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. No. of Matter—920 Proprietor. Court—HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. No. of 1975. Date Fixed for Hearing—27th November 1980. of Matter—1994 of 1974. Date Fixed for Hearing— 2 p.m. Place—Court 46 (1st Floor) (Queen's Building), llth November 1980. 2 p.m. Place—Court 46 (1st Royal Courts of Justice, Strand, London W.C.2. Floor) (Queen's Building), Royal Courts of Justice, Strand, London W.C.2. FITZGERALD, Maurice Thomas, of 63 Albert Road. Hendon, London, N.W.4, of no occupation, lately of AXELSON, Raymond Leslie, of 27 Merlin Grove, Barking- 7 Buckingham Court, Watford Way, London N.W.4, side, Ilford, Essex, JOURNEYMAN TAILOR, described described in the Receiving Order as Mr. M. T. Fitzgerald, in the Receiving Order as Raymond L. Axelson. Court occupation unknown. Court—HIGH COURT OF JUS- —HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. No. of Matter—394 TICE. No. of Matter—478 of 1975. Date Fixed for of 1975. Date Fixed for Hearing—25th November 1980. Hearing—27th November 1980. 2 p.m. Place—Court 46 2 p.m. Place—Court 46 (1st Floor) (Queen's Building), (1st Floor) (Queen's Building), Royal Courts of Justice, Royal Courts of Justice, Strand, London W.C.2. Strand. London W.C.2..
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