Discus Throw 2019.Xlsx

Discus Throw 2019.Xlsx

Club - 69 m throwers at 16.10.2019 16.05.1971 Jay Silvester 27.08.1937 USA 70.38 1 Lancaster, California 04.05.1975 John Powell 25.06.1947 USA 69.08 1 Long Beach, California 24.04.1976 Mac Wilkins 15.11.1950 USA 69.18 1 MSR Walnut, California 09.08.1978 Wolfgang Schmidt 16.01.1954 GDR 71.16 1 Berlin 12.05.1979 Knut Hjeltnes ¶ 08.12.1951 NOR 69.50 1 CalR Modesto, California 16.06.1979 Kenneth Stadel 19.02.1952 USA 69.26 2 AAU Walnut, California 08.12.1979 Arthur Swarts ¶ 14.02.1945 USA 69.40 1 Scotch Plains, New Jersey 31.05.1980 Alfred Oerter 19.09.1936 USA 69.46 1 TFA Wichita, Kansas 02.05.1982 Yuriy Dumchev 05.08.1958 RUS 69.16 1 Moskva 10. 15.05.1982 Luis Delís ¶ 06.12.1957 CUB 69.58 1 CalR Modesto, California 26.06.1982 Arthur Burns 19.07.1954 USA 69.96 1 Hayward, California 03.07.1982 Georgiy Kolnootchenko 07.05.1959 BLR 69.44 1 v-USA Indianapolis, Indiana 21.05.1983 Juan Martínez ¶ 17.05.1958 CUB 70.00 2 Barr La Habana 22.05.1983 Imrich Bugár 14.04.1955 CZE 70.06 1 Zaragoza 04.06.1983 Ben Plucknett ¶ 13.04.1954 USA 71.32 1 Prefontaine Eugene, Oregon 03.06.1984 Géjza Valent 03.10.1953 CZE 69.36 1 Zaragoza 12.07.1984 Rickard Bruch 02.07.1946 SWE 69.10 1 Malmö 22.09.1985 Jürgen Schult 11.05.1960 GDR 69.74 1 Berlin 08.05.1988 Romas Ubartas ¶ 16.05.1960 LTU 70.06 1 Smalininkai 20. 06.04.1991 Mike Buncic ¶ 25.07.1962 USA 69.36 1 Fresno, California 20.06.1995 Lars Riedel 28.06.1967 GER 69.08 1 Bellinzona 22.05.1996 Anthony Washington 16.01.1966 USA 71.14 1eA Salinas, California 19.05.1998 John Godina 31.05.1972 USA 69.91 1 Salinas, California 12.09.1998 Virgilijus Alekna 13.02.1972 LTU 69.66 1 WP Johannesburg 03.06.2000 Uladzimir Dubrovchik 07.01.1972 BLR 69.28 1 Staiki 15.09.2000 Frantz Kruger 22.05.1975 RSA 69.75 1 Bloemfontein 08.07.2001 Timo Tompuri 09.06.1969 FIN 69.62 1 Helsingborg 04.05.2002 Róbert Fazekas ¶ 18.08.1975 HUN 69.71 1 Budapest 07.05.2002 Dmitriy Shevchenko ¶ 13.05.1968 RUS 70.54 1 Krasnodar 30. 28.04.2005 Gerd Kanter 06.05.1979 EST 70.10 1c2 Chula Vista, California 15.04.2006 Aleksander Tammert 02.02.1973 EST 70.82 1 Denton, Texas 25.05.2006 Zoltán Kővágó ¶ 10.04.1979 HUN 69.95 1c1 Salon-de-Provence 01.06.2008 Ehsan Hadadi 21.01.1985 IRI 69.12 1 ISTAF Berlin 27.07.2008 Mario Pestano 08.04.1978 ESP 69.50 1 NC Santa Cruz de Tenerife 19.08.2009 Piotr Małachowski 07.06.1983 POL 69.15 2 WCh Berlin 19.08.2009 Robert Harting 18.10.1984 GER 69.43 1 WCh Berlin 26.03.2010 Jason Young 27.05.1981 USA 69.90 1 TT Open Lubbock, Texas 29.06.2017 Daniel Ståhl 27.08.1992 SWE 71.29 1 Folksam Sollentuna 05.08.2017 Andrius Gudžius 14.02.1991 LTU 69.21 1 WCh London 40. 10.06.2018 Fedrick Dacres 28.02.1994 JAM 69.67 1 Bauhaus/DL Stockholm compiled by Priit Tänava / A. T. F. S. - 1 - club 69 m / at 16.10.2019 Oldest throwers over 69 m 43-08-12 69.46 Alfred Oerter 19.09.1936 USA 1 TFA 31.05.1980 Wichita, Kansas 40-04-10 70.28 Virgilijus Alekna 13.02.1972 LTU 1 23.06.2012 Klaipėda 38-10-15 69.38 Lars Riedel 28.06.1967 GER 1c1 13.05.2006 Wiesbaden 38-04-13 71.26 Rickard Bruch 02.07.1946 SWE 1 15.11.1984 Malmö 36-11-15 71.26 John Powell 25.06.1947 USA 1 TAC 09.06.1984 San José, California 35-07-24 70.92 Wolfgang Schmidt 16.01.1954 GDR 1 09.09.1989 Norden 35-03-17 69.22 Arthur Swarts ¶ 14.02.1945 USA 2 TFA 31.05.1980 Wichita, Kansas 33-11-24 70.54 Dmitriy Shevchenko ¶ 13.05.1968 RUS 1 07.05.2002 Krasnodar 33-09-14 70.04 Jay Silvester 27.08.1937 USA 1 10.06.1971 Ystad 33-08-06 69.42 Mac Wilkins 15.11.1950 USA 2 Pre 21.07.1984 Eugene, Oregon Oldest throwers first time over 69 m 43-08-12 69.46 Alfred Oerter 19.09.1936 USA 1 TFA 31.05.1980 Wichita, Kansas 38-00-10 69.10 Rickard Bruch 02.07.1946 SWE 1 12.07.1984 Malmö 34-09-24 69.40 Arthur Swarts ¶ 14.02.1945 USA 1 08.12.1979 Scotch Plains, New Jersey 33-11-24 70.54 Dmitriy Shevchenko ¶ 13.05.1968 RUS 1 07.05.2002 Krasnodar 33-08-19 70.38 Jay Silvester 27.08.1937 USA 1 16.05.1971 Lancaster, California 33-02-13 70.82 Aleksander Tammert 02.02.1973 EST 1 15.04.2006 Denton, Texas 32-00-29 69.62 Timo Tompuri 09.06.1969 FIN 1 08.07.2001 Helsingborg 30-08-00 69.36 Géjza Valent 03.10.1953 CZE 1 03.06.1984 Zaragoza 30-04-06 71.14 Anthony Washington 16.01.1966 USA 1eA 22.05.1996 Salinas, California 30-03-19 69.50 Mario Pestano 08.04.1978 ESP 1 NC 27.07.2008 Santa Cruz de Tenerife Youngest throwers over 69 m 23-01-26 69.44 Georgi Kolnootšenko 07.05.1959 BLR 1 v-USA 03.07.1982 Indianapolis, Indiana 23-04-11 69.12 Ehsan Hadadi 21.01.1985 IRI 1 ISTAF 01.06.2008 Berlin 23-08-27 69.16 Yuriy Dumchev 05.08.1958 RUS 1 02.05.1982 Moskva 24-03-13 69.67 Fedrick Dacres 28.02.1994 JAM 1 Bauhaus/DL 10.06.2018 Stockholm 24-05-09 69.58 Luis Delís ¶ 06.12.1957 CUB 1 CalR 15.05.1982 Modesto, California 24-06-24 71.16 Wolfgang Schmidt 16.01.1954 GDR 1 09.08.1978 Berlin 24-10-01 69.43 Robert Harting 18.10.1984 GER 1 WCh 19.08.2009 Berlin 24-10-02 71.29 Daniel Ståhl 27.08.1992 SWE 1 Folksam 29.06.2017 Sollentuna 25-00-04 70.00 Juan Martínez ¶ 17.05.1958 CUB 2 Barr 21.05.1983 La Habana 25-03-24 69.75 Frantz Kruger 22.05.1975 RSA 1 15.09.2000 Bloemfontein Most seasons over 69 m 1 Virgilijus Alekna LTU 11 1998; 2000; 2001; 2003 - 2009; 2012 2 Lars Riedel GER 8 1995 - 1997; 1999 - 2001; 2003; 2006 3 Mac Wilkins USA 7 1976 - 1980; 1983; 1984 4 Gerd Kanter EST 6 2005 - 2010 5 Jürgen Schult GER 5 1985 - 1988; 1992 6 - 11 Arthur Burns USA 4 1982 - 1985 6 - 11 Luis Delís ¶ CUB 4 1982 - 1985 6 - 11 Wolfgang Schmidt GER 4 1978; 1979; 1981; 1989 6 - 11 Frantz Kruger RSA / FIN 4 2000 - 2002; 2007 6 - 11 Robert Harting GER 4 2009; 2010; 2012; 2013 6 - 11 Piotr Małachowski POL 4 2009; 2010; 2013; 2014 Most competitions over 69 m 1 Virgilijus Alekna 56 2 Gerd Kanter 33 3 Lars Riedel 21 4 - 5 Mac Wilkins 20 4 - 5 Luis Delís ¶ 20 6 Róbert Fazekas ¶ 15 7 - 8 Imrich Bugár 13 7 - 8 Daniel Ståhl 13 9 Robert Harting 8 10 - 12 Wolfgang Schmidt 7 10 - 12 Jürgen Schult 7 10 - 12 Rickard Bruch 7 compiled by Priit Tänava / A. T. F. S. - 2 - club 69 m / at 16.10.2019 Most competitions over 69 m in 1 season 1 - 2 Virgilijus Alekna 10 2005 1 - 2 Gerd Kanter 10 2009 3 - 4 Virgilijus Alekna 9 2006 3 - 4 Daniel Ståhl 9 2019 5 - 8 Lars Riedel 8 1996 5 - 8 Virgilijus Alekna 8 2004 5 - 8 Gerd Kanter 8 2008 5 - 8 Virgilijus Alekna 8 2007 9 - 14 Imrich Bugár 7 1984 9 - 14 Rickard Bruch 7 1984 9 - 14 Luis Mariano Delís ¶ 7 1985 9 - 14 Virgilijus Alekna 7 2000 9 - 14 Gerd Kanter 7 2007 9 - 14 Róbert Fazekas ¶ 7 2003 Most continious competitions over 69 m 1 Virgilijus Alekna 6 01.07.2005 07.08.2005 2 - 3 Lars Riedel 5 23.06.1996 14.08.1996 2 - 3 Gerd Kanter 5 13.05.2009 12.05.2009 4 - 5 Luis Mariano Delís ¶ 4 14.03.1985 31.03.1985 4 - 5 Daniel Ståhl 4 16.06.2019 29.06.2019 6 Róbert Fazekas ¶ 3 10.08.2003 26.08.2003 Most throws over 69 m 1 Virgilijus Alekna 84 2 Gerd Kanter 59 3 Mac Wilkins 32 4 Lars Riedel 30 5 Daniel Ståhl 25 6 Luis Delís ¶ 24 7 Róbert Fazekas ¶ 22 8 Imrich Bugár 17 9 - 10 Jürgen Schult 11 9 - 10 Robert Harting 11 Cities most times over 69 m 1 Berlin 13 2 San José, California 10 3 - 5 La Habana 9 3 - 5 Tallinn 9 3 - 5 Helsingborg 9 6 - 7 Zürich 8 6 - 7 Rethymno 8 8 Salinas, California 7 9 - 16 Westwood, California 6 9 - 16 Kaunas 6 9 - 16 Vilnius 6 9 - 16 Chula Vista, California 6 9 - 16 Halle 6 9 - 16 Tartu 6 9 - 16 Malmö 6 9 - 16 Stockholm 6 compiled by Priit Tänava / A. T. F.

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