MATH 341: TAKEAWAYS STEVEN J. MILLER ABSTRACT. Below we summarize some items to take away from the class (as well as previous classes!). In particular, what are one time tricks and methods, and what are general techniques to solve a variety of problems, as well as what have we used from various classes. Comments and additions welcome! 1. CALCULUS I AND II (MATH 103 AND 104) We used a variety of results and techniques from 103 and 104: (1) Standard integration theory: For us, the most important technique is integration by parts; one of many places we used this was in computing the moments of the Gaussian. Integration by parts is a very powerful technique, and is frequently used. While most of the time it is clear how to choose the functions u and dv, sometimes we need to beR a bit clever. For exam- ¡1=2 1 2 2 ple, consider the second moment of the standard normal: (2¼) ¡1 x exp(¡x =2)dx. The natural choices are to take u = x2 or u = exp(¡x2=2), but neither of these work as they lead to choices for dv that do not have a closed form integral. What we need to do is split the two ‘natural’ functions up, and let u = x and dv = exp(¡x2=2)xdx. The reason is that while there is no closed form expression for the anti-derivative of the standard normal, once we have xdx instead of dx then we can obtain nice integrals. One final remark on integrating by parts: it is a key ingredient in the ‘Bring it over’ method (which will be discussed below). (2) Definition of the derivative: Recall f(x + h) ¡ f(x) f 0(x) = lim : h!0 h In upper level classes, the definition of the derivative is particularly useful when there is a split in the definition of a function. For example, consider ( exp(¡1=x2) if x 6= 0 f(x) = 0 if x = 0. This function has all derivatives zero at x = 0, but is non-zero for x 6= 0. Thus the Taylor series does not converge in a neighborhood of positive length containing the origin. This function shows how different real analysis is from complex analysis. Explicitly, here we have an infinitely differentiable function which is not equal to its Taylor series in a neigh- borhood of x = 0; if a complex function is differentiable once it is infinitely differentiable and it equals its derivative in a neighborhood of that point. Date: December 20, 2009. 1 2 STEVEN J. MILLER (3) Ratio, root and comparison tests: These are used to determine if a series or integral con- P1 n verges. We frequently used the geometric series formula n=0 x = 1=(1 ¡ x) if jxj < 1. (4) Taylor series: Taylor expansions are very useful, allowing us to replace complicated func- tions (locally) by simpler ones. The moment generating function of a random variable is a Taylor series whose coefficients are the moments of the distribution. Another instance where we used this is in proving the Central Limit Theorem. The moment generating func- tion of a sum of independent random variables is the product of the moment generating functions. To study a product, we summify it (we’ll discuss this technique in much greater n detail below). Thus we need to expand log (MX (t) ) = n log MX (t). As MX (0) = 1, we for small t we just need to understand the expansion of log(1 + u). Taylor’s Theorem: If f is differentiable at least n + 1 times on [a; b], then for all x 2 [a; b], Pn f (k)(a) k (n+1) n+1 f(x) = k=0 k! (x ¡ a) plus an error that is at most maxa·c·x jf (c)j ¢ jx ¡ aj . (5) L’Hopital’s Rule: This is one of the most useful ways to compare growth rates of different functions. It works for ratios of differentiable functions such that either both tend to zero or both tend to §1. We used this in class to see that, as x ! 1, (log x)A ¿ xB · ex for any A; B > 0. (Recall f(x) ¿ g(x) means there is some C such that for all x sufficiently large, jf(x)j · Cg(x).) We also used L’Hopital to take the derivatives of the troublesome function h(x) = exp(¡1=x2) for x 6= 0 and 0 otherwise (this function is the key to why real analysis is so much harder than complex analysis). 2. MULTIVARIABLE CALCULUS (MATH 105/106) (1) Fubini Theorem (or Fubini-Tonelli): Frequently we want to / need to justify interchanging two integrals (or an integral and a sum). Doing such interchanges is one of the most frequent tricks in mathematics; whenever you see a double sum, a double integral, or a sum and an integral you should consider this. While we cannot always interchange orders, we can if the double sum (or double integral) of the absolute value of the summand (or the integrand) is finite. For example, Z 1 ·Z 1 ¸ Z 1 ·Z 1 ¸ e¡xyxdx dy = e¡xyxdy dx y=0 x=0 x=0 y=0 ¯0 Z 1 ¯ ¯ = e¡xy¯ dx x=0 ¯ Z 1 1 ¡ ¢ = 1 ¡ e¡x dx = 2 ¡ e¡x: (2.1) x=0 Note how much easier it is when we integrate with respect to y first – we bypass having to use Integration by Parts. For completeness, we state: MATH 341: TAKEAWAYS 3 Fubini’s Theorem: Assume f is continuous and Z b Z d jf(x; y)jdxdy < 1: (2.2) a c Then Z b ·Z d ¸ Z d ·Z b ¸ f(x; y)dy dx = f(x; y)dx dy: (2.3) a c c a Similar statements hold if we instead have Z XN1 d XN1 XM1 f(xn; y)dy; f(xn; ym): (2.4) c n=N0 n=N0 m=M0 (2) Whenever you have a theorem, you should always explore what happens if you remove a condition. Frequently (though not always) the claim no longer holds; sometimes the claim is still true but the proof is harder. Rarely, but it can happen, removing a condition causes you to look at a problem in a new light, and find a simpler proof. We apply this principle to Fubini’s theorem; specifically, we remove the finiteness condition and construct a counter-example. P P P P For simplicity, we give a sequence amn such that m( n am;n) 6= n( m am;n). For m; n ¸ 0 let 8 <> 1 if n = m a = ¡1 if n = m + 1 (2.5) m;n > : 0 otherwise. We can show that the two different orders of summation yield different answers; if we sum over the columns first we get 0 for each column, and then doing the sum of the column sums gives 0; however, if we do the row sums first, than all the row sums vanish but the first (which is 1), and hence the sum of the row sums is 1, not 0. The reason for this difference is that the sum of the absolute value of the terms diverges. (3) Interchanging derivatives and sums: It is frequently useful to interchange a derivative and an infinite sum. The first place this is met is in proving the derivative of ex is ex; using the series expansion for ex, it is trivial to find the derivative if we can differentiate term by term and then add. Interchanging differentiation and integration: Let f(x; t) and @f(x; t)=@x be continuous on a rectangle [x0; x1] £ [t0; t1] with [a; b] ½ [t0; t1]. Then Z Z d b b @f f(x; t)dt = (x; t)dt: (2.6) dx t=a t=a @x Frequently one wants to interchange differentiation and summation; this leads to the method of differentiating identities, which is extremely useful in computing moments of 4 STEVEN J. MILLER probability distributions. For example, consider the identity µ ¶ Xn n (p + q)n = pkqn¡k: (2.7) k k=0 d Applying the operator p dp to both sides we find µ ¶ Xn n p ¢ n(p + q)n¡1 = k pkqn¡k: (2.8) k k=0 Setting q = 1 ¡ p yields the mean of a binomial random variable: µ ¶ Xn n np = k pk(1 ¡ p)n¡k: (2.9) k k=0 It is very important that initially p and q are distinct, free variables, and only at the end do we set q = 1 ¡ p. (4) Dangers when interchanging: One has to be very careful in interchanging operations. Consider, for example, the family of probability densities fn(x), where fn is a triangular density on [1=n; 3=n] with midpoint (i.e., maximum value) n. While each fn is continuous (as is the limit f(x), which is identically 0), each fn is a probability density (as each inte- grates to 1); however, the limit density is identically 0, and thus not a density! We can easily modify our example so that the limit is not continuous: 8 >njxj if 0 · jxj · 1=n > <1 if 1=n · jxj · 1=2 ¡ ¢ gn(x) = 1 1 (2.10) >n + ¡ jxj if 1=2 · x · 1=2 + 1=n :> 2 n 0 otherwise. Note that gn(0) = 0 for all n, but as we approach 0 from above or below, in the limit we get 1. (5) Change of Variables Theorem: Let V and W be bounded open sets in Rn.
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